Seeing this, Xiaoheng took two of his men, got into a car, and chased Lian Haolong away.

And the people left by Xiao Heng, holding submachine guns, approached all the way down the mountain, and completely killed the people left by Su Su.

Among them, Ah Fa is the most pitiful. He originally wanted to get in the car with Susu, but Lian Haolong's counterattack came very quickly. He was just about to open the door to get in the car when he was hit by several bullets. Blocking back, she had no choice but to shoot back, and taking advantage of this time, Susu had someone drive her and left Ah Fa behind.

In the hands of Ah Fa and his subordinates, there were only a few pistols, so how could it be Lian Haolong's opponents who were heavily armed with submachine guns? They were all killed within a short while.

Ah Fa was shot by dozens of bullets. As he was dying, Ah Fa wondered if he would not have ended up like this if he hadn't teamed up with Susu to embezzle the company's assets.

It's a pity that the past is like smoke, and it is impossible to look back.

Ah Fa's eyes gradually lost their brilliance and became completely dark.

In another place, between the mountains of Fenghuang Ridge, a fierce chasing battle is taking place.

Su Su's car was speeding ahead, while Lian Haolong followed behind in a classic car.

In Su Su's car, her subordinates saw Lian Haolong chasing after him, and bit him firmly behind. They quickly stretched out their hands out of the window and shot Lian Haolong repeatedly.

Countless sparks sputtered from Lian Haolong's car, and he also hurriedly drove to avoid bullets.

With a few men, Xiao Heng, who was chasing behind Lian Haolong, saw this situation, got out of the skylight without saying a word, took the submachine gun in his hand, and aimed at the little brother's head, after some aiming.

Da da da!Da da da!

A series of bullets completely headshot this little boy. Although the car was moving and the bullets were deflected, it was not a hundred shots, but who let Xiao Heng have so many bullets!

One bullet, if it misses, it will be three, if three misses, it will be nine, and there will always be one bullet that will hit the opponent's head.

Obviously, the person sitting next to Su Su didn't speak very well, and he just shot this guy in the head without many bullets.

In an instant, red blood splashed on the rear window of the car, and Susu's face was also splashed with a puddle of blood, Susu curled up into a ball, screaming frantically.

Afterwards, Xiao Heng aimed at the tire of Su Su's car again. Even though he had tried his best to stabilize the gun in his hand, the bullets fired by the submachine gun still deviated a lot from the opponent's tire.

He failed to hit the opponent's tire several times, Xiao Heng was a little anxious at this time, and hurriedly reprimanded his subordinates.

"Can you drive more steadily!"

・・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・・・・・

"Okay! Ok!"

After being taught a lesson by Xiao Heng, the driving boy tried his best, and finally drove the car steadily and fast, which can be said to have exploded to its full potential.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Heng finally found a perfect timing, a series of bullets finally blew up the tires of Su Su's car.

When Susu's driver saw his car blown out, he immediately turned the steering wheel and steered the car so that the car would not crash.

However, a car with a punctured tire cannot be controlled by humans. In the end, the car crashed into a stone pier and crashed.

At this time, Susu got out of the car in a hurry, seeing the environment in front of her, she knew where she was. This is Lian Haolong's real lair warehouse, and it is also the place where Lian Haolong made his fortune. It is here that she really followed Lian Haolong became Lian Haolong's wife.


Unexpectedly, everything in the end returned to the original point, it seems that fate is so ridiculous.

Lian Haolong was chasing after her, Susu hurriedly found a huge stone pier and hid behind it, while her younger brother was still thinking about struggling to survive.

Seeing Lian Haolong coming, they still kept fighting and fighting back, but there were five or six people on Lian Haolong's side, as well as Xiaoheng and Lian Haolong, while Susu's side had three people left , how could it be Lian Haolong's opponent.

Especially when Lian Haolong took out his classic gun from the trunk of the car. After joining the battlefield, these people are no longer opponents. Almost as long as there is a slight flaw, Lian Haolong will be shot one by one. Solved it!

Although Susu hid behind the pillar, she was trembling with fright, but she had no choice but to escape.

After solving Susu's subordinates, the crisis was resolved.

Xiaoheng and the others also followed behind Lian Haolong. Lian Haolong handed his master gun to one of his subordinates to hold it, while he drew a pistol from his waist and walked slowly to Su In front of Susu, and pointed a pistol at Susu's head and asked.

"Tell me, why did you do that!" Jiu.

Chapter 420 The sixth is truly number one in the world! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"Why did you do that! Why, are you having an affair with Ah Fa! Are you in the end?"

Lian Haolong's questioning, every word of his heart, can be said to have pierced Susu's heart.

Susu smiled forcedly, helplessly, and even had a trace of madness, and in the madness, there was a trace of pain that no one could understand. She took off the sunglasses on her face and said to Lian Haolong.

"Lian Haolong! Who do you think I am? If you cooperate with Ah Fa, you must have sex with him? Can't it be just for money?"

"Money, isn't the money I gave you enough?"

Lian Haolong questioned Susu, he couldn't understand the woman in front of him who used to share the same bed for many years, how could the woman he loved back then become like this now.

"Here, what do I want you to give!"

Su Su brushed away Lian Haolong's smile at her, then smiled ironically, and said to Lian Haolong.

"Nine Eight Three" "Would you give me some money when your Brother Long is in a better mood?"

"I don't want the money you gave me!"

Su Su shook her head fiercely, then poked a finger on Lian Haolong's chest, and asked him.

Inner skirt: ⒉⒉0⑤23①49

"Ask yourself, how much of your money and the company's money has been earned by you over the years!"

"I earned it all, what's wrong?"

Hearing Susu's question, Lian Haolong certainly couldn't admit that he didn't earn all the money by himself, so he spoke in a loud voice, as if he was looking for evidence that all the money was earned by himself. Haolong said.

"We're out-of-the-ordinary people. Those who are out-of-the-way can't beat others. Can you scare people with your head? No one is afraid of you if you're out-of-the-way. You can still make money?"

Lian Haolong's voice became louder and louder, and the more he spoke, the more he felt that what he said made sense, because he felt that the facts were like this, if he hadn't come out these years and dared to fight hard, how could he have a good life now.

Afterwards, Lian Haolong mocked Susu with disdain.

"It's for sale, it's for sale, it only wants money!"

"I know, you have never forgotten what I do, but you already knew when you knew me! I never lied to you! I have had three abortions, can I still have children? Then why do you Want to marry me as your wife?"

Facing Susu's soul-striking questioning, Lian Haolong remained silent. Maybe he really loved Susu at the beginning!


Even knowing that Susu may not be able to have children in the future, he still resolutely married Susu, but time has passed, the love between the two of them has long since disappeared, and even the relationship between husband and wife has disappeared. saved.

"Also, it's okay for you to find a woman outside to help you have a baby. I just pretend I don't know, but you brought her to me and held a full moon banquet for the baby. Have you ever considered my idea?" Feelings, do you know how I feel in my heart? Have you ever thought about those people secretly laughing at me? I just graduated from primary school! To help you, I am learning English and accounting. I am so tired. Is it for what, or is it to help you, I have I love you! I am out to sell, but when I followed you, you were just a helper, a poor poor man with nothing, what did I say? "

At this time, Susu was really hysterical, she was not afraid that Lian Haolong would treat him like this, so she simply expressed all the grievances she had held for so many years.

But at this time, Lian Haolong really had nothing to say, he didn't know that the woman in front of him, whom he knew so well, would hide so many things in his heart, if she had said all these things earlier, maybe they wouldn't Come to this point.

Lian Haolong always thought that what she wanted was a beautiful life, so he worked crazily, his status was getting higher and higher, and his money was getting more and more. At this time, Lian Haolong realized that the other party didn't just want a good life, otherwise Susu wouldn't have followed him when he was poor.

Facing Susu like this, the memories of those years suddenly emerged in Lian Haolong's mind, and all the things Susu did for him flowed through his mind one by one.

Perhaps, there was love once, but with the passage of time, he had forgotten it, but with Susu's hysterical outbreak, the original emotion flooded into his heart again.

This time, Lian Haolong did not speak, but silently put away his gun, and walked towards the door of the warehouse step by step.

He didn't kill susu because he felt unworthy!

These years, he owes Susu too much, he is not qualified to kill Susu.

Seeing the boss walking towards the warehouse, Xiao Heng and others immediately followed behind Lian Haolong and entered the warehouse.


Susu shouted, causing Lian Haolong's body to stop suddenly, but Lian Haolong didn't turn around, but turned his back to Susu, and waved his hands, as if saying goodbye, but also as if he was grieving for them. Time to make a break...  

And at this moment, Wang Jin also got the news that Lian Haolong had a fight with his own people in Fenghuang Ridge, so Wang Jin immediately rushed over with his people, because he still had a plot check-in task that he had not completed.

The target of the check-in is the warehouse of Lian Haolong's lair, and no one except Lian Haolong and his gang knew where it was. Wang Jin could only follow Lian Haolong and others to find it by taking advantage of the development of the plot. This warehouse is also the reason why Wang Jin would let Lian Haolong leave in oji.

Otherwise, Wang Jin had taken Lian Haolong down long ago, so why wait until now!

As Wang Jin arrived with his troops, many police officers surrounded the huge warehouse. Su Su was also arrested and handcuffed.

In the warehouse, Lian Haolong sat on a chair and said to Xiaoheng.

"I can't be caught, you go and surrender!"

At this time, Lian Haolong seemed to have relieved a heavy burden, and his whole body relaxed a lot.

Seeing what Lian Haolong said, Xiaoheng also put down his gun, took a few of his men, and went out of the warehouse to surrender.

"I'll meet Lian Haolong when I go in, don't act rashly without my order!"

After saying this, Wang Jin broke away from the police force and walked towards the warehouse.

"Wang sir, threat!"

"That's right! Wang sir, don't go!"


Wang Jin's subordinates all tried to persuade Wang Jin not to go, but Wang Jin resolutely told everyone.

"This is an order!"

Later, Wang Jin came to the door of the warehouse alone. Although the door was locked, it was almost dispensable to Wang Jin. Wang Jin kicked one foot violently, and the entire warehouse door disappeared. , smashed heavily into the warehouse.

While the dust was flying, Wang Jin stepped into the warehouse. When the smoke cleared, Wang Jin saw Lian Haolong sitting on a chair, holding a submachine gun in his hand, pointing at Wang Jin.

Wang Jin didn't mind at all, but looked at Lian Haolong and said.

"Lian Haolong, I have always heard that you are number one in the world, but I don't believe it! I haven't met an opponent for a long time, and I want to see if you are number one in the world, is it worthy of the name!".

Chapter 420: The real number one in the world! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

Hearing this, Lian Haolong raised his eyebrows, and smiled at Wang Jin, thinking it was very interesting, he thought Wang Jin was here to arrest him, but now it seems that going is not so simple.

This is a strong man's challenge to another strong man!

And Lian Haolong was very happy to accept this kind of challenge. He was like this at the beginning, defeating opponents one after another. In the world, he won the title of No. [-] in the world.

Of course, he never said that he was number one in the world, it was just a respectful title given to him by others.

Lian Haolong stood up, dropped the submachine gun in his hand, then took off his windbreaker, and put it aside solemnly.

Then he casually picked up a long hollow steel pipe beside him, waved it in his hand a few times, and waved it vigorously. After that, Lian Haolong held both ends of the hollow steel pipe tightly with both hands, and made a move gesture, and asked Wang Jin.

"What weapon do you use?"

"Uh, I don't know how to use eighteen kinds of weapons. Since you use hollow steel pipes, I will use hollow steel pipes too!"

Wang Jin spread his hands, he didn't learn kung fu, but learned the fighting of the police force, and in the fighting of the police force, they don't teach eighteen kinds of weapons.

If 24 is empty-handed, Wang Jin can still say that he knows some grappling moves. After all, there are indeed grappling routines in the police force's martial arts, and these are also in common with kung fu.

As he said that, Wang Jin also picked out a steel pipe of suitable length from the many hollow steel pipes, held it in his hand, and waved it. It felt a little smooth, and he could dance a few sticks from front to back, left and right, of course. This kind of basic exercise is nothing, it is very simple for Wang Jin, as long as the hand speed is fast enough.

And this movement was learned by Wang Jin when he got the golden cudgel from Sun Wukong in his previous life. He thought it was very handsome at that time, so he learned it, but unfortunately he never mastered the essence.

But in this life, Wang Jin's physical fitness is too strong. He just thinks about the scene of Monkey King dancing the golden cudgel, and the stick flower dances unconsciously. Jin just took a few seconds.


Wang Jin slammed the hollow steel pipe in his hand on the ground, smoke and dust rose up everywhere, covering Wang Jin's eyes, and at this opportunity, Lian Haolong moved suddenly, the hollow steel pipe in his hand was like a poisonous dragon, It came straight to Wang Jin's body, and there was a sharp screaming sound.

Although Lian Haolong's actions were suspected of a sneak attack, in the real life-and-death struggle, there was never such a thing as a sneak attack. Whoever can survive is the strongest.

Therefore, sneak attacks are not shameful!

Even in the real life-and-death struggle, the advocacy is to solve the battle quickly, one is to save energy, and the other is because this method is more efficient.

Like in martial arts novels, hundreds of tricks are used at every turn, for days and nights, that is a myth.

Normal human beings would be out of breath after fighting for a few minutes, so how could it be possible to fight for days and nights!

Even a monster like Wang Jin, whose physical fitness can be called terrifying, needs to recover a little during the fight to be able to continue fighting.

Even though Lian Haolong was attacking secretly and Wang Jin's eyes were covered, Wang Jin's ears were countless times sharper than ordinary people's, and listening to the sound to distinguish the position was just a trivial matter for Wang Jin.

The moment before Lian Haolong's hollow steel pipe pierced through, Wang Jin had already judged the location of the hollow steel pipe from the sharp whistling sound of the hollow steel pipe, and just turned sideways slightly to avoid the blow.

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