Afterwards, Wang Jin waved the hollow steel pipe in his hand, and smashed it hard on Lian Haolong's hollow steel pipe.

Lian Haolong only felt a huge force coming from the hollow steel pipe, his arms were a little numb due to the shock, and he couldn't even hold the hollow steel pipe in his hand stably. After all the strength was removed, Lian Haolong regained his grip on the hollow steel pipe, but his hands were still slightly numb, and it was difficult for him to exert strength.

"What a lot of strength!"

Lian Haolong took a few steps back, stabilized his figure, and praised Wang Jin.

"Thank you for the compliment, my strength is not small, but my speed is faster!"

Wang Jin smiled slightly, and the hollow steel pipe in his hand was like Sun Wukong's golden cudgel, and he threw it at Lian Haolong, who had experienced Wang Jin's great power before.

Seeing this scene, Lian Haolong's expression changed immediately, he raised the hollow steel pipe in his hand, and blocked it.


Accompanied by a crisp and sharp piercing sound, the hollow steel pipe in Wang Jin's hand and the hollow steel pipe in Lian Haolong's hand collided fiercely.

Lian Haolong's whole body suddenly fell short, and he knelt directly on the ground with one knee. With the support of his knees, he finally blocked Wang Jin's blow.

However, even if he blocked the blow, he still felt uncomfortable, and his hands could only tremble uncontrollably.

Although the effect of force is mutual, as much force as Lian Haolong bears, Wang Jin naturally also bears as much force from the steel pipe, but Wang Jin's physical fitness is terrifying!

This little bit of strength did not cause any damage to Wang Jin at all, and Wang Jin even recovered after a few breaths, and continued to exert tremendous pressure on the hollow steel pipe in his hand.

Lian Haolong held up the hollow steel pipe in his heart with difficulty, the veins in his hands bulged, and his face became even more flushed, as if he had exerted all his energy to feed.

One side of the hollow steel pipe in Lian Haolong's hand was even faintly bent.

Finally, Lian Haolong couldn't bear the huge force, he let go of his hand completely, and his whole body rolled nimbly, leaving the position just now.

The hollow steel pipe in Lian Haolong's hand fell to the ground, while the hollow steel pipe in Wang Jin's hand smashed hard on the ground, leaving a big mark on the concrete floor.

Wang Jin immediately put away the hollow steel pipe, raised his eyebrows at Lian Haolong, hooked his fingers and said.

"Come again?"

Although this round was completely defeated, Lian Haolong did not lose courage, but stood up and took a hollow steel pipe in his hand again.

This time, Lian Haolong finally learned his lesson, he didn't sneak attack, but dealt with it heavily. From the few short looks back just now, he could already see that Wang Jin's strength was even higher than him, he Not Wang Jin's opponent.

If you want to win, you can only defend, consume Wang Jin's physical strength, and wait for the opportunity!

It's just that Wang Jin didn't give Lian Haolong this chance. The hollow steel pipe in his hand was swung 983 quickly. When it was time to retreat, Lian Haolong finally decided to fight back.

The hollow steel pipe in his hand poked straight at Wang Jin's throat, and he didn't make any defense himself, obviously with the purpose of substituting offense for defense, or in other words, the purpose of killing both of them.

It's a pity that Lian Haolong's sharp counterattack was too slow in Wang Jin's opinion, the two were not on the same level at all.

Just now Wang Jin was just warming up with Lian Haolong, but even so, Lian Haolong has nothing to do with Wang Jin, one can imagine what Lian Haolong would be like if Wang Jin was serious.

"I will take this blow seriously. If you can't stop it, you will die!"

Wang Jin's expression was very serious, it didn't look like he was joking at all, and Lian Haolong couldn't figure out whether Wang Jin was telling the truth or a lie, because Wang Jin was already strong enough at this time, If he is not serious, how strong is Wang Jin who is serious?

Just when Lian Haolong was still thinking about the truth of this sentence, Wang Jin made a move, and struck Lian Haolong with a stick, so fast that Lian Haolong couldn't see clearly, he could only barely judge After a rough idea, Lian Haolong gritted his teeth and blocked the hollow steel pipe in his hand.


A heavy object fell to the ground!

Lian Haolong's huge body hit the warehouse wall heavily, the hollow steel pipe in his hand was completely bent, and Lian Haolong spat out blood, looking at Wang Jin, he said when he was dying .

"You are the real number one in the world!".

Chapter 420 The Eighth Art of Compromise! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"No. [-] in the world? What's the use? It's just a false name! When you die, the title of No. [-] in the world will disappear!"

Wang Jin pursed his lips, dismissing the title of No. [-] in the world. People with real strength never take the title of No. [-] in the world in their eyes, such as the current Wang Jin.

The title of number one in the world does not have any real benefits to Wang Jin.

Will the title of number one in the world allow him to be promoted immediately, or will it make him rich overnight and have countless money?

None of this is possible, since that is the case, what is the use of Wang Jin wanting the title of No. [-] in the world!

"Maybe you're right! The title of number one in the world is really useless, it's just a false name!"

Lian Haolong, who was dying, muttered to himself, and then his eyes gradually lost their brilliance, and his consciousness fell into darkness.

Wang Jin looked at the dead Lian Haolong, patted the dust off his body, and walked out of the warehouse.

Seeing that Wang Jin came out unscathed, his subordinates immediately surrounded him and asked Wang Jin.

"Wang sir, are you okay!"

"What nonsense are you talking about! Look at Wang sir walking like the wind, how can something happen!"

"Yes, yes, I am stupid and can't speak!"

"Wang sir, how is the situation inside? Did Lian Haolong be captured without a fight?"


A group of Wang Jin's subordinates asked about Lian Haolong's situation with concern.

After all, Lian Haolong is the boss of Zhongxinyi, the leader, and if Lian Haolong is captured, it means that the entire Zhongxinyi Group will completely fall apart.

"Dead, utterly dead! Lian Haolong didn't want to be captured without a fight, he was beaten to death by me! Go in and dispose of the corpse!"

Of course, Wang Jin would not say that Lian Haolong was beaten to death because of the martial arts competition with Lian Haolong. That is not in line with the rules of the police force, and it is an act of acting privately. If you say it, you will be criticized by the higher-ups , but Wang Jin said so now, but there is no problem.

Lian Haolong violently resisted the law, Wang Jin was naturally responsible and took care of Lian Haolong.

"That's it~"! "

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Originally, everyone wanted to see how arrogant Lian Haolong was as a loyal and loyal elder brother, but now that he was arrested by the police, how desolate he was.

Now, Lian Haolong is dead. Naturally, it is impossible for them to see the scene of Lian Haolong's downfall, so they are a little discouraged.

However, thinking of the huge contribution this time, they were completely excited again.

[-] "Blank"

This time they disintegrated a society of the first-class power in Xiangjiang. Not to mention the credit, it is still possible to upgrade to a higher level.

For many poor guys whose income depends entirely on salary, being able to advance to a higher level will add a lot of salary, and the extra money in their hands will become a little more generous.

What was not said afterwards was that the policemen cleaned the battlefield, captured what should be captured, and sealed away what should be taken away, such as certain guns and ammunition.

Wang Jin, on the other hand, got into the command car and began to check what he had achieved this time. The most important thing was that the plot check-in was successfully completed, and he got a chance to get a plot check-in reward.

On Wang Jin's body, there was another sign-in reward for the plot.

In addition, the battle with Lian Haodong seemed to be crushing, but it also allowed Wang Jin, who hadn't fought for a long time, to fight heartily, and had a general understanding of his current strength.

Wang Jin felt that his strength was slowly increasing, but there was no number for how much it had increased, and there was no qualified test subject. This time, Lian Haolong successfully helped Wang Jin complete the test. this task.

It also let Wang Jin know that even Lian Haolong, who is as fierce as a tiger, is like a well-behaved kitten in Wang Jin's hands at this time, without the slightest ability to resist.

In the future, Wang Jin will not be able to act casually, because if he is not careful, he may beat people to death.


In the next few days, there was nothing to do on Wang Jin's side, but the headquarters was extremely busy, because the proposal to raise Wang Jin to the superior was finally on the agenda.

The police high-level meeting is also open!

In the beginning, even though Brother Yi, the chief of the police force, proposed to promote Wang Jin to the division level, many people still disagreed because Wang Jin was too young to be promoted to the superior position.

But it's a meeting!

What I pay attention to is the art of compromise, so as to achieve the balance in many people's hearts.

If it doesn't work once, then it's twice, if it doesn't work twice, then it's three times, there will always be a balance compromise in the end.

In the final meeting, the appointment of Wang Jin to be promoted to the division level was passed, but Wang Jin could not be promoted to the division level alone. The impact caused by that would be too great. Xiangjiang does not have such a young division level at all.

A secretary in his 20s would probably scare a lot of people to death if he said it, so in order to reduce Wang Jin's sense of existence, there are several inspector generals who will be promoted together with Wang Jin.

Among them, some have reached the age and have to be promoted, and some have reached the age and achievements and can also be promoted. Originally, their promotion should be delayed, but because of the appearance of Wang Jin, these people's promotion has to be advanced , in order to weaken Wang Jin's influence.

And there was also an old acquaintance of Wang Jin's, that was Huang Qifa who would call himself the Chief Inspector of the Serious Crime Squad wherever he went.

Because of Wang Jin, Huang Qifa also received a lot of credit. The superiors saw that he had reached his age, and Huang Qifa's popularity was good, so he was included in the promotion plan.

When Wang Jin actually learned the news, it was already a few days later, and the whole o diary was completely boiled because of this. They had heard the rumors a long time ago, saying (nuoqian is good) that Wang Jin was about to be promoted.

After all, in the police force, this kind of thing is not a secret, and soon there will be people with big mouths, who will spread the word all over the city.

Wang Jin's subordinates all ran to congratulate Wang Jin, clamoring for a treat from Wang Jin, Wang Jin really couldn't stand being booed by them, and after he said that he was promoted and had a banquet for the whole team, he was given a treat by everyone. Let the fox go.

In the office, it was completely quiet.

Wang Jin turned around and looked at the beautiful scenery of the Xiangjiang River outside the window. He felt a lot of emotion in his heart for a while. It is incredible that he has come to this step in a short period of time.

In less than a year, he may have gone through the experience of others in his life.

Thinking about the dull and boring days in the previous world, and thinking about the rich and colorful experiences and achievements now, Wang Jin felt that maybe it was the previous life that saved the Milky Way, so he got this chance to reincarnate.

Chapter 420 A Different Promotion Ceremony! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

Headquarters, the ceremony hall!

Today's ceremony hall is different from usual. It is very lively, full of flowers, and crowded with people. Apart from many bigwigs from the police force, there are also many celebrities from Hong Kong who come here.

The promotion ceremony of Xiangjiang's bosses is not a fixed format like that of supervision, appointment of leaders, giving speeches, receiving titles on stage, and so on.

It's more like a grand reception!

This is the unique tradition of Xiangjiang. As a chief executive of the police force, he has stepped into the threshold of high society, so the celebration ceremony is naturally different.

In the ceremony hall, there are piles of food, fine wine, champagne, etc., which can be taken at will.

Numerous celebrities are gathering in twos and threes, holding champagne or red wine, chatting together, either talking about business, or talking about where to go recently, beautiful scenery and so on.

As for, on the high platform of the ceremony hall, there are five high tables, on which are placed two brand new and shiny epaulettes 983, which can only be worn by the chief executives.


At the next moment, the host of the ceremony came to the high platform, and all the spotlights were directed at him. He held the microphone and spoke to the crowd of people present in the ceremony hall.

"Dear guests, welcome to today's ceremony for the awarding of the five chief officers. These five officers have accompanied the police force for countless days through ups and downs. They have made outstanding achievements and guarded the lives of many citizens in Xiangjiang Safety, they were unknown in the past, just doing their own things in a low-key manner in the police force. They spent countless days and nights eliminating many dangers for Xiangjiang and the citizens of Xiangjiang, so that we have harmony and stability Today, they have finally taken the position of director-level with their outstanding achievements. From now on, they will no longer be unknown, but the stars of the police force that all of us will continue to pay attention to. Tonight they will be the venue , the most shining person, let us invite you, Wang Jin, Huang Qifa, Lin Huaile, Deng Wei, Zhou Tong five officers!"

Following the host, they read out the names of several people one by one, and the spotlight also moved away from them and turned to the side, and the first person to be illuminated was the one who had changed into a handsome white uniform Wang Jin, he was the first to board the ceremony stage, and then, under the instructions of the host, he stood in the center of the entire ceremony stage.

With Wang Jin's appearance, the atmosphere on the scene can be said to have reached its climax. Many people may have heard of Wang Jin's reputation, but they have never seen what Wang Jin looks like. This time they finally got what they wanted.

The tall and handsome Wang Jin suddenly became the focus of attention on the field. Everyone was whispering about Wang Jin, especially the many female relatives, who almost became intoxicated when they saw Wang Jin's eyes.

Wang Jin himself was already very handsome, but after wearing the handsome white uniform, he added a bit of handsome and unrestrained temperament, making him stand out from the crowd.

It's no wonder that those women's relatives looked like this after seeing Wang Jin, and after Wang Jin's appearance, the next few people who came out seemed a little embarrassed, because when they appeared, the atmosphere was not high. This Zhuyu was at the front, but there were very few people responding to their appearance, and the atmosphere was neither high nor low, which was really weird.

However, they are also old fritters. Although a little embarrassed, they still walked up to the ceremony stage with a smile on their faces, and stood next to Wang Jin under the notice of the host.

Soon, five people were all wearing white uniforms and the epaulettes of the governor, and they arrived one by one, but compared with the handsome and handsome Wang Jin, the rest of them were either crooked or half-old The young guy who is not old, standing with Wang Jin, a young man, even more set off Wang Jin's handsomeness.

At this time, the host stood up and spoke to everyone present.

"Okay, now the five officers with outstanding merits have come to the scene, so the next step is the most important step, please ask our senior police officers to replace the shoulder badges for these five officers, and wish them good luck in their new jobs. , smooth sailing, and better to make greater contributions to our Xiangjiang citizens!"

Then, under the spotlight, Brother Yi actually came to the ceremony in person, bringing four high-level leaders of the police force to the ceremony stage, which caused a huge commotion.

How long has it been since the first brother changed the epaulettes for someone himself?

The last time such a grand event happened, I don't know how many years ago it was.

Anyway, none of the celebrities present could remember such a thing happening.


The first brother came in front of Wang Jin, took off the epaulets of the governor's inspection on Wang Jin's shoulders, and helped Wang Jin replace them with the epaulets belonging to the chief executive, and said to Wang Jin with a smile.

"Wang Jin, congratulations! You have finally stepped into the top ranks of the police force. You can work harder in the future. Maybe in the near future, my position will be yours. You are the young man I am optimistic about!"

"Thank you, sir!" Wang Jin nodded to brother one.

"Well, work hard in the future!"

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