Wang Jin threw down the two hundred dollars, and the effect was immediate. The other party immediately stuffed the dollars into his pocket with a smile, and said with a flattering smile all over his face.

"It would have been nice if you had asked this earlier. Recently, a dragon came across the river. It was rather arrogant. No one paid attention to it. It seemed that it was planning to buy a large amount of ammunition and explosives!"

"Do you know the other person's name?"

"I don't know, you have to ask others about this, I know so much information!"

The other party shook his head like a rattle, and he didn't know if it was true or not, but anyway, he couldn't get any useful information from the other party's mouth.

Wang Jin and Carter also let this guy go.

"I don't know much about this kind of small fish. Is there anyone who knows something big?"

Wang Jin looked at the distant figure of the other party, and asked Carter.

"Big news? There really is! Let's go together!"

Carter thought about it for a while, and she really thought of someone, and that was her cousin, Luke.

Although Carter is a police detective, their family has a complicated background. His cousin Luke is not on the right path. He is very powerful around him, and he may know a little bit of news.

Now, without a clue, he can only turn to his cousin for help.

Carter drove the car, took Wang Jin and Li, and the three came to a billiard room. Obviously, Carter often came to this billiard room. When he opened the door and walked into the billiard room, several players who were playing billiards The strong man just glanced at Carter, and then stopped paying attention.

Carter walked all the way to the billiard room, and soon came to an iron door, and knocked on the door.

The person inside the door, seeing that it was Carter, opened the door for Carter.

At this time, Carter, because Wang Jin and Li were following behind her, also pretended to pull out her gun and said to everyone in the room.

"Don't move, tell me, where is that girl!"

Luke, who was wearing a bright red suit, saw Carter coming in holding a gun, and subconsciously wanted to curse, but after seeing the two unfamiliar faces behind Carter, he knew why Carter wanted to do this, so he also Pretending not to know Carter, he said with a confused face.

"What little girl, I don't even have a little girl here!"

"Still stubborn, don't say anything!"

Carter raised the gun, shouted violently, his eyes were as big as copper bells, and then Carter turned to Wang Jin and Li Dao.

"You two, go out and rest first, leave this place to me! I'll take care of it right away!"

Of course Wang Jin knew the relationship between Carter and the other party, so he talked to Carter with a half-smile.

"You really don't need our help?"

"No, I, Carter, has dignity and status anyway. I can solve it, so leave it to me!" Carter patted her chest and said.

"¨~Okay then, I'll leave it to you!"

Wang Jin knew the relationship between Carter and the other party, so he went out without looking back. Since Carter wanted to pretend to be aggressive, let him pretend. Carter, who is so miserable, has a rare chance to act aggressive.

Wang Jin led Li out of the small door and out of the room.

Seeing Wang Jin and Li walk out of the room, Carter breathed a sigh of relief. He said that he would handle it for himself, not just for the sake of pretending, but also to keep his cousin, how strong Wang Jin and Li are, He knew that even the many FBIs were no match for them. Could these crooked melons under his cousin be the opponents of Wang Jin and Li?

After all, he is also his cousin, so he still needs to take care of him.

Soon, the two cousins ​​hugged each other affectionately.

"Hey, cousin! Tell me something! Or I'll catch you (the king's)!"

Luke was very helpless to his rogue cousin, and asked immediately.

"What news do you want to know?"

"Who's buying arms and explosives recently!" Carter asked.

"I heard that a ruthless character came from Xiangjiang recently, and he is buying arms and explosives!" Luke didn't hide anything, and told Carter what he knew.

"What's the other party's name?"

"How do I know, I didn't sell arms to the other party!" Luke said, spreading his hands.

"Hopefully, see you on Thanksgiving! Thanks!"

Carter thanked his cousin. Although he didn't know the name of the other party, but now he knew a lot of these clues. As long as he followed the clues and looked down, he might be able to find out who the mastermind behind it was.

With these news, Carter immediately left with Wang Jin and Li.

Chapter 490 Four Arrogant Warren Russ!

After Carter learned the clues from his cousin, he took Wang Jin and the two of them to Chinatown for a few laps, and asked a lot of people, but no one knew the other party's clues, which made Carter and Li was a little disappointed, and returned to the consulate in a daze.

Wang Jin did know the news and whereabouts of those kidnappers, but what could Wang Jin say?

Does not!

Because Wang Jin really couldn't explain clearly, the source of this news.

Wang Jin simply buried this secret in his stomach completely, as long as he knew it.

When Wang Jin, Carter, and Li returned to the consulate, Consul Han hurried over to ask the three if they had any news.

Both Carter and Li shook their heads in disappointment, which made Consul Han a little disappointed. His whole body seemed to be drained, and he felt a few years older in an instant.

Wang Jin didn't care too much, and sat on the sofa drinking coffee by himself. He knew that Nakajima's group would call later, extort ransom, and it would not be long before Nakajima and others were exposed.

Sure enough, Wang Jin didn't have to wait long before the kidnappers called.

Carter, who was idle and bored, immediately grabbed the phone and answered it.

In an instant, the FBI agents entered the working state at 060, and began to search to determine the location of the phone signal.

"Are you an FBI agent?" the person on the other end of the phone asked.

"Yes, I am an FBI agent!"

Carter shamelessly pretended to be an FBI agent again. Many FBI agents wanted to snatch the phone, but Carter refused to let it go. This made many FBI agents very helpless. How could they encounter such a treasure? , It's a big head.

"Well, it's okay to want that girl, then pay at eleven o'clock tonight, the ransom is 5000 million!"

The kidnappers demanded a ransom.

"Who do you think you kidnapped?"

Carter's implication is that this little girl is not an important person. Is it too much for you to extort so much ransom?

But as soon as he said those words, he was glared at by many FBI agents, and even Consul Han gave him a hard look, this is my daughter, you actually said such a thing.

However, the kidnapper on the other side of the phone, regardless of these, directly put forward his request on the phone.

"I want old banknotes, 2000 million 50-yuan notes, 2000 million 20-yuan notes, 1000 million [-]-yuan notes. I will be in touch half an hour before the payment (ceej)! I will release the hostages only after I get the ransom !"

"Hey, I'll let you get the ransom. Anyway, I'm not from the FBI. I'll get the ransom at that time. We'll each use half of it!"

Carter shamelessly stared back at many FBI agents, with a haughty look on her face, that's what I said, what can you do to me!

And obviously, the FBI people can't do anything to Carter, and they don't even bother to talk to Carter.

I skipped Carter directly, and when the phone hung up, the fbi agent said to their heads.

"Found it, No. 620 South Street!"

"Action, call the bureau for support! Surround all around 620 South Street!"

Warren Russ gave an order, and the entire fbi began to take full action. A car set off from the consulate, and then went to 620 South Street.

Warren Rath led his people to 620 South Street in a hurry. The FBI, who was notified not long after, notified the local police station and dispatched a large number of people to the area around 620 South Street.

"You go to the front, you go to the back, clear and block all the roads, let all pedestrians evacuate, don't leave anyone behind!"

After Warren Rath arrived at the scene, he immediately took over the command of the scene, and gave orders to the fbi and local police officers.

Afterwards, these FBI and local police officers began to join forces to drive out all the pedestrians on the road, leaving no one behind. After all, the helpers are dangerous people. If there are still pedestrians on the street, No one knows what those dangerous people will do.

Of course, Wang Jin couldn't miss such a big event, so he quickly asked Carter to drive, and brought himself and Li to No. 620 South Street.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, Wang Jin saw many FBI personnel and personnel from the local police station urgently evacuating the crowd on the street.

Subsequently, a team of heavily armed FBI special service personnel, under the command of Warren Russ, rushed into the building of No. 620 in the dark.

This building should look like a building that has not yet been put into use. Whether it is the interior or the exterior, it has not been decorated yet, and it is still rough.

A group of FBI special agents walked up the stairs carefully, not letting go of every direction, just because they were afraid that dangerous elements would appear suddenly.

While downstairs, Li saw a group of people from the FBI Secret Service and rushed upstairs.

Immediately, Li came to Warren Russ's side and said to Warren Russ.

"Rushing up like this is easy to cause accidents, let them come down!"

"Why are you here?"

Warren Russ looked at Li with disgust, and was very dissatisfied with Li appearing here and dictating him, and warned Li.

"Here, I am the commander! Please don't hinder my work! Leave now!"

And then Warren Russ shooed Lee away like a chicken.

Li dejectedly returned to Wang Jin and Carter, and Wang Jin smiled at Li Dao.

"It's useless for you to remind them. A self-important person only sees himself. When he suffers, he will know!"

After talking about Wang Jin's gaze, he looked at the building. There might be the brightest fireworks appearing in a while, so he had to watch.

Inside the building, the FBI's special service team had already arrived at the top floor of the building, only to see an empty room with nothing but a phone.

The captain of the FBI Secret Service hurriedly notified the commander downstairs, Warren Russ, through the headset.

"Sir, there is no one upstairs, there is only one phone. It seems that the person has already escaped!"

"Fuck, this made him run away!"

Warren Rath's tone was very unwilling, but there was nothing he could do. The other party ran away. Even if he wanted to catch the other party, he had no choice but to wait for the next opportunity.

Just as Warren Rath was about to evacuate the Secret Service, the phone in the building suddenly rang.

All the FBI agents looked at each other, not knowing whether to answer the call, but their hesitation did not save their lives.


A violent explosion sounded, and intense flames shone through the windows of the entire floor. The glass windows of the surrounding buildings were shattered and fell to the ground with a splash.

The cars on the side of the road, under the huge explosion, all the cars were shaken and almost flew up.

Even the FBI such as Warren Russ downstairs, and the police station personnel maintaining order were shocked by the huge air wave generated by the explosion, and all of them were subconsciously huddled on the ground, not daring to move, maximizing Reduce casualties.

Chapter 490 Five Unlucky!

It wasn't until the explosion was completely over that Warren Rath got up from the ground, looking at the building that was still filled with thick black smoke, he roared anxiously.

"Hurry up! Call an ambulance, save someone!"

Immediately, the surrounding FBI and police officers got up one by one, started making calls, and rushed upstairs to save lives.

At this time, Warren Rath wished he could rush to save others, because his commander, a special service team, was completely buried in the explosion, and it was not known whether anyone would survive. After this incident was over, his The position may not be stable, but the matter is a foregone conclusion, it is too late to say anything now, and one can be saved.

When the explosion happened just now, Wang Jin, Carter, and Li were far away from the explosion, so they were not affected too much. Wang Jin stood and watched the splendid fireworks all the way.

Li was not affected either. At the moment when the explosion happened, his eyes were searching everywhere. He always felt that the explosion was not pre-set, but someone was manipulating it, because the other party could not know, the fbi When do people arrive and when do they leave.

If it wasn't for someone manipulating it, how could it be so accurate? When the members of the FBI special service team just rushed to the top of the building, the bomb exploded directly!

Suddenly, Li's gaze turned to a corner of the street, and he found a figure staring at the building, and Li chased after him without thinking, and when he chased, the other party also found him, without thinking Thinking about it, he started to run away, and as soon as he ran, Li found that the other party was indeed someone he knew well, a guy with golden hair dyed on his head, who was the guy surnamed Sang whom he hadn't caught in Xiangjiang.

"Sang, don't run away!"

Li yelled, and now the surname Sang looked back at Li, and he ran faster. If he didn't run, would he be caught?

The two chased and fled, and ran into the alley between the high-rise buildings. When Carter saw Li chasing someone, he quickly chased after him. Wang Jin smiled faintly and followed without haste. Carter's back.

In the alley, the man surnamed Sang saw that the end of the alley was blocked by a thick wall, and he was a little flustered. He looked around and finally found a movable ladder hanging below. On the trash can, hurriedly climbed up.

At this time, Li also chased into this alley, and saw the figure surnamed Sang climbing up to the second floor.

After the surname Sang climbed to the second floor, he immediately put away the movable ladder. Li, who ran to the bottom, could only express his disappointment, because it was too high and there was no way to climb up.

The person surnamed Sang on the second floor smiled at Li Yi contemptuously, then walked into the building through the window.

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