Li also looked around, and finally found another ladder, but this hanging ladder is really a bit high, and it is impossible to jump on it.

However, Li still thought of a way. With a lunge, he stepped on the wall suddenly, and then borrowed his strength to firmly grasp the ladder hanging from a high place with both hands. The ladder, climbed to the second floor of the opposite building, and then jumped to the building where the surname Sang was just now.

Carter, who was chasing after Li, also came to the entrance of the alley at this time, and saw the scene where Li climbed up the ladder and jumped to another building.

"Lee, wait for me!"

Carter also hurriedly came to the bottom of the ladder, but although he was tall, his jumping ability was really bad. He jumped a few times, but he couldn't reach the ladder.

At this time, Wang Jin finally rushed over without any haste, seeing Carter jumping up and down the ladder, he almost laughed out loud.

Wang Jin came to Carter's side, patted Carter's shoulder, and said to him.

"Look, let's dance like this!"

Speaking of which, Wang Jin took a leap, jumped up high, grabbed the step ladder with one hand, hung the whole person on it, and lifted himself up as soon as his arm was strong, and then climbed to the top with a few neat moves. On the second floor, with a light jump, he passed through the opposite window and got into the opposite building.

Carter was dumbfounded all of a sudden, and could only mutter to himself.

"Forget it, I'll climb the stairs! This kind of difficult thing is not suitable for me!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

Afterwards, he shouted to Wang Jin and Li who were upstairs.

"I am outflanking from the stairs, we must catch him!"

After shouting this sentence, he hurried to find where the stairs of the building were.

Wang Jin, who just got into the window, saw Li and the man surnamed Sang fighting together. The main reason was that Li was dodging flexibly, because the other party was holding a big ax in his hand and wanted to kill Li. Hack to death.

When the surname Sang saw another person came, he was still fighting with Li, but now he became anxious, and quickly threw the ax in his hand towards Wang Jin, and then he didn't even look at Li. , turned around and ran, and as soon as he ran, Li followed behind and chased after him, while Wang Jin dodged the flying ax by turning sideways, and then the ax smashed heavily on the wall, smashing the wall out a pit.

0 ...... 0

Is Wang Jin the kind of person who doesn't fight back?

It's fine if you don't attack Wang Jin, but if you attack Wang Jin, do you still want to run?

Without saying a word, Wang Jin pulled out the ax nailed to the wall, and then spotted the fleeing figure of the other party, and threw the ax away at once.


The huge ax made the sound of tearing the air. In Wang Jin's eyes, it caught up with the escaped Sang, and then chopped down one of the opponent's legs. The powerful force of the ax directly gave the opponent's leg to After unloading it, Sang, who was running away, only felt a sharp pain in his leg, and then fell down.

Then, he felt a burst of severe pain that hit his mind. He subconsciously let out a miserable howl, and then looked at his leg.

"My legs, my legs!"

The one surnamed Sang was holding his mutilated leg that was bleeding profusely, while howling miserably, that kind of screaming made people's scalp tingle and heart tremble.

Li also chased after the other party. Seeing the other party's miserable state, he was a little terrified. Fortunately, he just lost a thigh.

Chapter 490 The sixth raid on the stronghold!

"Tell me! Do you want to die or live! If you want to die, then you continue to scream. After a while you lose too much blood, you should die. If you want to live, then tell me, I think Gotta know!"

When Wang Jin came in front of Sang, he turned a blind eye to Sang's tragic situation and didn't take it to heart at all. He had seen even more tragic scenes than Sang's, but this one was nothing more than pediatrics.

"I want to live, I want to live! What are you asking?"

The surname Sang hugged his broken leg, and said while gnashing his teeth. His forehead was so painful that he was sweating. Beads of sweat rolled down his face. Perhaps it was because of blood loss. It has become pale.

"Li, come and ask!"

Wang Jin motioned for Li to ask the other party, Wang Jin himself knew everything "zero sixty", so asking this again, doesn't it look silly!

Li nodded immediately, without wasting time, and asked directly.

"Where is your stronghold?"

“Chinatown, Fuzhou Restaurant!”

The person surnamed Sang endured the excruciating pain and reported an address.

"Very well, where is the little girl you kidnapped?" Li continued to ask.


"Then who is Nakajima?"

"I don't know, I don't know his name, and he never told me, call an ambulance for me! I can't do it!"

As he talked, the consciousness of the surname Sang began to gradually blur. His eyes were getting darker, and he felt more and more cold, and he couldn't even speak clearly. He was holding his broken thigh to stop the bleeding. But at this time, it also slowly loosened up.


Wang Jin just stood there, listened carefully, and said to Li after he couldn't feel the beating of the opponent's heart and pulse.

"It's fine if you die, anyway, you have already asked what you should ask!"

Li didn't bother with this either. His main purpose was to know the whereabouts of Xiurong. Now that he knew the whereabouts of Xiurong, the one surnamed Sang died as soon as he died!

Anyway, they didn't kill on purpose, they bled to death, it can only be said that the surname Sang was unlucky.

At this moment, Carter, who finally found the stairs, ran over out of breath. When he saw that the surname Sang was dead, he didn't care about it, but asked Li and Wang Jin.

"Do you know the opponent's stronghold?"

Wang Jin and Li nodded their heads when they heard the words, which made Carter heave a sigh of relief, and said bluntly.

"If you know the stronghold, it will be easy! Where is it, let's rush to save people now!"

Carter was a little excited, this was a big case, if he rescued the man, he would have done a great job, even bragging.

"Fuzhou Restaurant in Chinatown!" Li said the address given by Sang just now.

"Oh! I know this, I will take you there now! I am very familiar with that part!"

With the guidance of Carter, the living map, Wang Jin and the three also ignored the dead guy, but got into Carter's car and rushed towards Fuzhou Restaurant.

Not long after, the three arrived at Fuzhou Restaurant.

"Should we just go straight in like this?"

Carter stopped the car, then turned to Wang Jin and Li and asked in the driver's seat.

"Of course, otherwise you would think so!"

Wang Jin knew that the Fuzhou restaurant was surrounded by surveillance cameras, and it was impossible to avoid the other party's sight.

Since this is the case, it is better to open the door directly.

"In that case, will Nakajima run away?"

Li was a little worried that Nakajima would take the opportunity to run away if he rushed in so openly. After all, no one had ever seen Nakajima, and no one knew what Nakajima looked like.

"If he should run, he will run away. We don't know what Nakajima looks like. There is a high chance that Nakajima will run away. However, Nakajima suffered such a heavy loss in Xiangjiang. He will not give up easily, otherwise there is no need to kidnap him." Consul Han's daughter is here to extort ransom! Let him run and see where he can go!"

When Wang Jin said this, Li felt the same. If it was an ordinary guy, he would have run away long ago and hid in a place where others can't find him. How can this guy Nakajima be so arrogant and insist on kidnapping Consul Han's daughter? Come to extort ransom, isn't it because of lack of money!

How far can Nakajima go without money?

"Okay, then let's go in like this! Carter, after you finish at the back, Wang and I will go in first!"

After making a decision, Li didn't hesitate any longer, and he and Wang Jin walked towards the door of the restaurant...

Wang Jin opened the door first, and Li followed behind Wang Jin. When the two entered the restaurant, a middle-aged woman in a red cheongsam with long hair came to Wang Jin and Li and asked. road.

"Gentlemen, what do you guys want to eat?"

Li saw a necklace with the word "Fu" hanging on the neck of the other party at a glance, and immediately confirmed that Xiurong was here, because the necklace on that woman was given to Xiurong by him.

"We don't eat, we find someone!"

Wang Jin kicked the woman out with an unceremonious kick, and fell heavily on a dining table. The bowls and basins on the table suddenly shattered all over the floor, and the gringos who were eating suddenly panicked. In a panic, they ran outside the door. When encountering a fight, these foreigners also panicked.

The waiters in the restaurant wanted to stop them, because these customers haven't paid yet!

It's a pity that there were too many gringos who wanted to slip away, how could a few women stop them, they were quickly rushed away, and all the gringos ran out in panic.

The whole restaurant was empty.

The 4.9 waiter who saw the situation was not good, ran upstairs to inform Nakajima and others.

Seeing this situation, Wang Jin didn't stop it. Li then came to the woman who was kicked away by Wang Jin just now, and took off the necklace he gave to Xiurong from her neck, and put it inside. into the pocket.

Afterwards, Wang Jin walked upstairs slowly, Li followed behind Wang Jin, and Carter took out his gun and took charge of the first floor.

"Everyone squat down for me and raise your hands!"

Carter held a gun and threatened many waiters in the restaurant. Facing the threat of a gun, those waiters were very obedient and did not dare to resist, so they squatted down obediently, leaning against the wall and raising their hands high. Carter is very satisfied with his deterrence.

Chapter 490 Fierce restaurant battle!

The waiters in these restaurants, that is, the people around Nakajima, are not the core layer of Nakajima at all. They also don’t know what Nakajima does, they only know that Nakajima is the big boss. There is no need to resist.

Wang Jin didn't care how Carter flaunted his power downstairs. He stepped on the stairs and went up to the second floor step by step. At this time, two big men came out from the second floor and stood in front of Wang Jin. , to prevent Wang Jin from moving forward.

"Who are you and what do you want to do!"

One of the big men questioned Wang Jin, but would Wang Jin talk to him?There was no nonsense, so Wang Jin raised his foot and kicked a person in the stomach, kicking the guy who looked like [-] Jin into the air, and slammed into the wall fiercely.

However, many of the walls on the second floor may be made of wood, so the big man knocked down several wooden walls while being kicked flying, and then fell unconscious.

The other 24 guy saw Wang Jin say to do it, he did it without even replying, his face changed instantly, and he was about to pull out the pistol at his waist.

It's a pity, how could Wang Jin give the other party this chance? As soon as he stretched out his hand, he pinched the other party's arm, and then put one hand into the other party's waist, pulled out the gun first, and then aimed at the other party's arm. The head said something.



The bullet was shot from the pistol and penetrated the opponent's forehead. The opponent didn't even make a sound, but fell heavily to the ground with a plop.

I don't know if it was Wang Jin, the loud kick just now, or the sound of Wang Jin shooting just now, which alarmed Nakajima and others.

Nakajima, who was in the private room on the second floor, gave instructions to his subordinates after hearing the gunshots.

"Transfer that little girl away!"


Nakajima's subordinates immediately followed Nakajima's instructions, and Nakajima also secretly evacuated through the secret passage in the private room, and he didn't even think about staying. The current situation is very dangerous. Boss, it's better to go first.

However, Nakajima can walk, but Nakajima's subordinates cannot, after all there are so many people!

What's more, they also had to stop the people who rushed in from outside, and let Nakajima slip away to buy time.

Therefore, the door of the private room was completely opened, and many of Nakajima's men rushed out with guns, and shot when they saw Wang Jin.

However, their marksmanship is really bad enough, Wang Jin hardly dodges, and these people can't hit Wang Jin.

They couldn't hit Wang Jin, but it didn't mean Wang Jin couldn't hit them.

boom! boom! boom!

After shooting three guys in a row and killing three guys, these guys finally gave up, instead of rushing out in a swarm, they looked for cover and continued to shoot at Wang Jin.

At this time, Li, who was following Wang Jin, also made a move.

Compared with Wang Jin, Li doesn't like to use guns much. He believes in his own skills more. Although the opponent has a gun, he still relies on his nimble skills to dodge the opponent's bullets with a few rolls and get close to a people.

Li lifted his foot and kicked the gun in the opponent's hand away, and when the gun flew into the air, he pulled the opponent's hand and pulled the opponent staggered, a little unstable, and then Li punched him to the flesh. To the opponent's head, almost beat the opponent into a pig's head.

Unbearable to be humiliated, the opponent raised his fist and wanted to fight back, but Li picked up a vase placed in the aisle and smashed it down, which happened to hit the opponent's head, and the guy was knocked unconscious by Li.

After solving one opponent, Li went to entangle another guy, but the opponent had a lot of people, more than ten or twenty people, and Li was a little bit all-round.

However, at this time, Wang Jin was not watching the show from the sidelines. If anyone dared to stand up and shoot at Li, Wang Jin would shoot him mercilessly, either hitting the opponent's head or piercing the opponent's wrist. Let the opponent have no way to shoot.

With the cover of Wang Jin, the gun god, Li Na was really like a god. One by one, he was completely knocked out by Li, or beaten to death by Wang Jin. The two quickly broke into the private room on the second floor .

Holding a gun, Wang Jin kicked a guy flying. The direction the guy flew was the door of the private room on the second floor, and smashed the wooden door all at once.

Two people, Wang Jin and Li, walked into the private room through the broken door. There were seven or eight guys in the private room. Standing around the private room, Li glanced around and found that these people did not look like them. It was Nakajima, so he asked.

"Where is that little girl!"

When Li said this, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest. The guy in the private room immediately looked at each other, and then shouted loudly.

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