Afterwards, Deng Liqi seduced Li instead.

"Li, why don't we cooperate? There are casinos everywhere in this country. I can make you prosperous. Don't make the same mistakes as your father. As long as the two of us work together, we will definitely make endless money! Don't you want to live like this?" day?"

"No, I don't want to! I'm a bad guy, and my father is also a bad guy. If it weren't for you, he wouldn't have had an accident! And don't move around, or I'll kill you!"

Facing the temptation, Li remained unmoved, because he was a righteous person in his heart, and these things could not tempt him at all.

"Have you forgotten, I'm already dead, how can you kill me!"

Deng Liqi gave an evil smile, and punched Li, but Li dodged Deng Liqi's fist with a shovel, and aggressively grabbed Deng Liqi's neck. Deng Liqi's face was flushed, but he laughed at Li Said.

"Want to know how your father died? He never compromised or joined forces. I shot him for a while, and he just begged me to let you go! You said what a weak man he is, how pitiful! You What are you going to do? Kill me? Are you going to hide like your father for the rest of your life? You can't! You're a coward!"

Deng Liqi's words stabbed Li's heart sentence by sentence. His emotions had already begun to become unstable, and his thoughts were also a little chaotic. But at this time, Deng Liqi seized the opportunity and escaped from Li's hands.

Deng Liqi turned over and wanted to escape, but Li grabbed the carpet and threw it fiercely. Deng Liqi slid directly to the ground. out the window.

Deng Liqi fell directly from the upstairs, screamed and fell heavily on the roof of a taxi, falling to his death.

And at this moment, Carter, who had just dealt with his opponent, rushed in and saw Li Na's wonderful kick.

"Li, what a wonderful kick!"

"Small meaning, trivial meaning, it's not worth mentioning!" Li honestly smiled and didn't care.

Just when the two were about to chat, Hu Li, who somehow survived, walked towards them with a bomb in her arms. At this moment, Carter was frightened, but Li Ke didn't. He saw the edge of the window There are two wires hanging down all the way until 077 is close to the ground.

Without thinking about it, Li said to Carter.

"Carter, jump! If you don't jump, you will die!"

After saying this, Li took off his suit, twisted it into a rope, and jumped directly from the air. His clothes were directly hung on the wires, and he dropped a lot of lanterns along the way, while Carter Seeing Li Du jumped, and looking at Hu Li who was getting closer and closer, he finally made a decision to die!

Then, he also dragged off his clothes, followed Li and jumped out of the window. Just as he was hanging on the wire, the bomb finally exploded completely.

Countless glasses were completely shattered, but Li and Carter were not only fine, they were also greatly affected by the momentum and slid towards the road.

Afterwards, the two successfully told what is called the protagonist's life. They jumped from such a high place, and then the wires broke. The truck also failed to kill them, and the two managed to escape before falling to the ground.

Wang Jin shook his head when he saw this scene. If it wasn't for the protagonist's luck, he could have eaten the big truck that had just gone away, and it would be a dead end for two people to jump like this.

Chapter 510 Eighth, if you want a routine, you are still young!

Deng Liqi died, he died without a trace of value, he didn't get the printing plate, he got nothing, and then he was kicked out of the window by Li Ge, and fell to his death.

Of course, the police still verified Deng Liqi's identity, but Deng Liqi had already escaped by feigning death, so his file had been deleted long ago, but this did not bother the police.

The police finally verified Deng Liqi's identity, but Deng Liqi's identity was verified. In the end, this matter did not cause any big waves.

Because, Deng Liqi had already died once, and if he died once, it was naturally nothing special, and he didn't do anything extraordinary, so this matter would be over.

The matter of Deng Liqi just passed away without causing any waves. Therefore, Deng Liqi has a heart higher than the sky and a life thinner than paper. He just wanted to make an ambitious career, but he met Li and Ka Intuit, these two chasing guys.

Across many countries and cities, they all chased after him, and it really felt like a ghost lingering.

However, although both Rong Shixun and Deng Liqi were dead, this matter is not completely over, because the whereabouts of the printing plate and money printing machine have not been found.

Only when these two things are found, can the case be completely resolved.

When Wang Jin appeared in the casino again, with Carter, and Li Huihe, the local police and members of the secret service team had already rushed to the scene and surrounded the Chilong Casino.

The local police were cleaning up the traces at the scene, while the members of the secret service team were looking for the existence of the printing plates.

It's just a pity that they will never find the printing plate, because the printing plate is no longer there.

The members of the secret service team did not find the printing plate they wanted in the Chilong Casino, so they asked Mo Yisha to come to Carter and Li once to ask about the printing plate.

Mo Yisha, who was just injured, could only find her with her injuries. The wound on her arm, the bullet had already been taken out, and the wound was treated briefly with gauze, and then she asked about it.

"Did you see the printing plate just now~‖?"


Carter and Li shook their heads quickly. They really didn't see any printing plate, let alone the printing plate, and they didn't even see the hair on the printing plate. How could they have time to look for printing plates without even having time to escape after a human bomb was fired.

After all, the printing plate is important, and that is only relative to members of the secret service team like Mo Yisha. For Carter and Li, their lives are the most important, so it doesn't matter what the printing plate is.

Carter and Li's affirmative answer made Moisa a little disappointed, because Carter and Li didn't seem to be lying.

Afterwards, Mo Yisha turned her expectant eyes to Wang Jin again.

"Wang, haven't you seen the printing plate?"

Because Wang Jin went to find the printing plate first, it is possible for Wang Jin to come into contact with the printing plate.

However, Wang Jin is not a newcomer. Although the printing plate is lying in his storage ring at this time, Wang Jin still has a calm face and said to Mo Yisha.

"I didn't see it either!"

This time, Mo Yisha was completely disappointed. She didn't doubt Wang Jin at all, because strictly speaking, the printing plate was useless to Wang Jin. Even in the future, Wang Jin could distribute the printing plate to the black market. She couldn't believe that Wang Jin would be so unwise if she could find out who's hand it came from.

Of course, more importantly, she has a good impression of Wang Jin, and she also hopes in her heart that Wang Jin did not do this.

"Then please follow me back to the Secret Service to do a detailed investigation!" Mo Yisha said to the three of them.

Perhaps, because she was afraid of her tone, which was a little unreasonable, Mo Yisha quickly explained.

"Don't worry, this is a necessary process, nothing! After the investigation, you can leave!"

With Mo Yisha's explanation, the faces of Carter and Li are so pretty. After all, the two of them bled and sweated for the secret service team, so they don't want to cry again.

Afterwards, the three of them followed Mo Yisha back to the branch of the secret service team to undergo a detailed investigation.

The three were separated. Wang Jin didn't know what was going on with Carter and Li, but the atmosphere on his side was not very good.

Wang Jin was placed in an interrogation room. There was nothing in the interrogation room except for a table, two chairs, and lights on the ceiling.

Just when Wang Jin was bored sitting in the chair, the door of the interrogation room was suddenly opened.

A middle-aged man in his 40s walked in wearing a neat suit and sat opposite Wang Jin.

"¨~Tell me! Where did you hide the printing plate!"

As soon as the other party came in, he gave Wang Jin a note of Ma Wei, and directly asked Wang Jin where the printing plate was hidden, as if he was sure that Wang Jin took the printing plate.

Hearing this, Wang Jin's mind was moved, and he finally knew why the secret service team investigated the three people separately. Obviously, the special secret service team did not fully believe what the three people said. What news can be defrauded from a certain population.

However, these routines were all left over from Wang Jin's play, so Wang Jin didn't care at all, just shook his head calmly and said to the other party.

"I don't know where the plates are. If I knew, I would have told you!"

"You were the first to look for the printing plate. Would you not know where the printing plate is? We got the exact information that the printing plate was in the casino at that time, but when we went, we didn't find anything ( Zhao Zhao) that you didn’t hide the printing plate? Surveillance screens have truthfully captured your behavior, so just admit it!”

The middle-aged man seems to be very proficient in interrogation techniques, knowing how to destroy a person's psychological defense step by step, pressing step by step until the person is completely collapsed, but unfortunately, what he met was Wang Jin, and Wang Jin's will How powerful it is, and so impressed by these little tricks.

"What you are saying now, I can think that you are slandering and framing me. I will contact a lawyer. I will not admit what I have not done! If you have the ability, find evidence and speak!"

Afterwards, Wang Jin kept his mouth shut, and his attitude of being soft and hard made the other party very helpless. He wanted to trick Wang Jin, but he obviously failed. Moreover, Wang Jin's status is not low, so he can't use any means. , he has no breakthrough here, so he can only pin his hopes on his colleagues.

Chapter 510 IX Everything is ready, only one person is owed!

But obviously, this dear friend is obviously going to be disappointed, because the news from his colleagues is not very good. Carter and Li really don't know anything about the situation.

Even, they don't know as much as their secret service team!

This made a group of guys in the secret service feel a little bit annoyed. Is there any need for such two guys to investigate?

What a waste of time!

However, this is also their job, what should be done, still needs to be done.

After completing the investigation, Wang Jin, Carter, and Li were released, and it was Mo Yisha who received them.

"The investigation is over, do you have any plans for the future?" Mo Yisha asked.

"Lee and I should go back to Xiangjiang!" Wang Jin replied.

"Alright then! Come play again if you have the chance!"

Mo Yisha hesitated to speak, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Obviously, Mo Yisha was still reluctant to part with Wang Jin, but she also knew that it was impossible for Wang Jin to stay here. Wang Jin had his own career and status in Xiangjiang.

So 077, she had something she wanted to say, but she didn't mention it after all, because even if she said it, it might not change anything, and it was impossible for her to give up her career.

"Then you have a good trip, if you come to play, call me!" Mo Yisha said.

Wang Jin nodded, and then left with Carter and Li.

Along the way, Carter, who had been holding back her words, finally couldn't help but speak.

"Wang, Mo Yisha is good, why do you..."

"You want to say, why am I not with Moyisha?"

Wang Jin directly interrupted Carter and said this.

Carter nodded immediately, he didn't understand, when he thought about it, why would he miss such a beautiful woman like Mo Yisha!

"It's impossible for Li and I to stay here for a long time. We all have our own identities and careers in Xiangjiang. Do you think Mo Yisha will give up her current career and follow me to Xiangjiang?"

When Wang Jin asked, Carter immediately shook her head, thinking it was impossible. After all, Mo Yisha seemed to be a woman with a career, otherwise she would not have come to do such a dangerous undercover mission.

How could such a career-minded woman give up her career!

As for Wang Jin, not to mention, Wang Jin is already the youngest director in Xiangjiang, and this kind of future is boundless, so how could he give up his career, and put Ka Te in the same position, Ka Te Intuit will not give up.

What's more, Wang Jin didn't say anything, that is, he already had several girlfriends in Xiangjiang, and it was impossible for him to give up those women just for Mo Yisha. This was not Wang Jin's style.

Therefore, the relationship between Wang Jin and Mo Yisha is just passing through each other, there may be a stay, but they will not be together in the end, unless Mo Yisha is willing to give up her current career and go to Xiangjiang to find Wang Jin.

Afterwards, the three of them didn't speak a word, and went all the way to the airport, bought the air tickets, and parted ways.

Carter invited Wang Jin and Li to go to his place to play in the future, and Wang Jin and Li also invited Carter to go to Xiangjiang when they have time. This time they will not bring Carter to handle the case, but to eat, drink and have fun entertain.

Carter immediately expressed excitedly that he would definitely go there when he was free!

Finally, it was time for the plane. Carter got on the plane and returned to his territory, while Wang Jin and Li took the plane and returned to Xiangjiang.

After returning to Xiangjiang, Wang Jin made a phone call as soon as the plane landed.

"Broadway, No. 99! Underground parking lot, license plate jd45, drive away, find a place to keep the contents inside!"

(ceej) "Got it!"

The voice on the phone, didn't ask what was in the car, because he didn't need to know that.

And Wang Jin's call was to the contact person of Cobra. After Wang Jin ordered the task, someone would naturally take care of it.

The address reported by Wang Jin was what Rong Shixun told Wang Jin, and the money printing machine was installed on the car.

The old and cunning Rong Shixun, of course, would not place the money printing machine in one place for a long time, because that would be too dangerous, people come and go, it is easy to go wrong, if the news is leaked, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, every time Rong Shixun printed a batch of banknotes, he moved the banknote printing machine to ensure the safety of the banknote printing machine, and the range of movement was the whole country.

This is also the reason why the secret service team has been unable to track down the whereabouts of the money printing machine. There is such a cautious old guy, even if the secret service team is awesome, they can't find any news.

"By the way, I need to find someone for me. His name is Painter. If you hear about him, please let me know!" Wang Jin continued on the phone.

The name of the painter was also told by Rong Shixun to Wang Jin. The painter is an expert in counterfeiting banknotes. Rong Shixun specially invited him to be his consultant. This made the super banknotes so awesome that even the world's major banks Can't find out.

Although Wang Jin now has a printing plate and a banknote printing machine, but he wants to restart the business of super banknotes, he really does not believe that he does not have a painter as a consultant, because the painter was responsible for all this in the past.

In fact, when Wang Jin heard this name, he felt that the name of the painter was very familiar, and then it reminded him of a movie, but whether this painter is the painter in the movie, after Wang Jin finds him, In specific confirmation.

If Rong Shixun's consultant painter is really the painter Wang Jin knows, then Wang Jin will have another chance to sign in and reward for the plot.

However, although Wang Jin was very anxious about this, it wasn't that he could get news immediately if he wanted it. He had to give people time to investigate. Although Cobra was powerful, it wasn't an omniscient and omnipotent god who knew everything.

On the phone, after confirming that the person Wang Jin was looking for was a painter, the other party hung up the phone and sent someone to investigate.

Wang Jin began to count the rewards of going abroad this time. The harvest this time was really good. Not only did he get a big ocean horse, but he also got a chance to sign in for a plot. It can be said that he returned with a full reward.

Even got the printing plate, and the banknote printing machine, as long as the painter is in place, Wang Jin can restart the super banknote industry and become the richest person in the world.

Chapter 520 Stand up!

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