Wang Jin was waiting for a certain call, and the call came earlier than he expected. In just one day, an unknown number called Wang Jin.

"We have properly arranged the things you want. We also have news about the person you are looking for, but it is not very specific. I heard that this person is elusive, and few people know his whereabouts! There is only a general idea. scope!"

On the phone, the person who called Wang Jin treated Wang Jin very respectfully.

"It doesn't matter, it's enough to have a specific scope!"

The more Wang Jin listened to the other party's description, the more he felt that the painter might be the same person as he remembered. This made Wang Jin very happy. If he found the other party, it meant that he belonged to Wang Jin's super money business, and he was about to start sailing.

This is definitely a milestone.

Afterwards, the man told Wang Jin on the phone, the country where the painter lived, and the general information.

After Wang Jin heard the news, he didn't delay. He and his boss asked for a few days off before leaving Xiangjiang.

I went to a country with the most relaxed environment and the most suitable for retirement in the world.

When the plane landed, Wang Jin took a taxi and went to the address given by Snake Eyes, but there was no one there, and Wang Jin was not disappointed. If it was so easy to find the painter, Wang Jin wouldn’t have to fly over by himself. .

After Wang Jin booked a hotel for himself, he started wandering around the area. This was Wang Jin's first visit to this country, and the artistic atmosphere was very strong.

There are people performing art performances on the street, some playing and singing with guitars, or playing violins, which is not uncommon anyway.

Wang Jinyou walked for a while, and came to a gallery along the street. Wang Jin walked in subconsciously. In fact, Wang Jin didn't know much about painting, but for some reason, when Wang Jin stopped at this gallery, he also For some unknown reason, he walked in by accident.

After entering the gallery, there are a lot of people in the gallery, all pointing at various words, appreciating and appreciating.

People who walked into the gallery had a certain understanding of art, and their appreciation level was not low. Many of the paintings in the gallery were of a high level, and these people quickly bought them.

On the contrary, Wang Jin didn't understand anything, so he couldn't enjoy it, he just watched the fun, and looked at this and that.

Suddenly, a painting attracted Wang Jin. It was a black-and-white painting, which was somewhat incompatible with the colorful paintings around it, but it was also hung here.

Just when Wang Jin was about to take a closer look, a man in a blue suit walked up to the painting and began to comment.

"I'm really touched. In the 50s, all the brushwork of the four famous painters appeared on this canvas at the same time. The painting method is realistic and more accurate than the copy. Is the name of this painter called a copier? !"

The man looked at the joke, turned around, and Wang Jin finally saw the other person's face clearly, and the other person was indeed the person Wang Jin was looking for.

The people in the gallery suddenly laughed, because the comments of the person in front of him were not a compliment to the painter, but a supreme irony. A real painter has his own style.

The formation of style is related to the teacher's enlightenment, the learning of brushwork, as well as one's own personality, experience and so on.

A person with a dark personality will never be able to paint a sunny painting, and a person with a sunny and cheerful personality will not be able to paint a dark and windy painting.

Whether it is a sunny painting or a dark wind painting, they all have a distinctive style, that is, the style of the painter.

Bringing the viewer into the world of the painting thoroughly, and enjoying that situation with the painter, is a real painter and a painter of real standard.

"Art allows us to see the beautiful side of the world, but the painting in front of me allows me to see the world. How should I put it! It's just a table of leftovers. Being a human being is already very depraved. Facing this filth, I feel disgusting and want to vomit!"

The man continued to comment, but before he finished speaking, a young woman poured a glass of champagne on the other's face.

"Get out, I don't welcome you in this gallery!" The woman pointed at the other party, telling the other party to quickly get out of her gallery.

She couldn't help being angry, if the other party commented on her own words, she would humbly ask for advice and ask the other party if there were any shortcomings, but the painting that the man in front of her commented on belonged to her boyfriend, she would never allow it up.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

"Ruan Wen, it's okay! He's right! Don't be impulsive!"

At this time, another man rushed down from the upstairs, hugged him, and prevented him from losing his temper. After all, this is her art exhibition, and there are so many guests here, it will have a very bad influence on Ruan Wen Well, his girlfriend had already humiliated him by hanging his paintings in the art exhibition, because he felt that his dignity had been ridiculed.

A real painter, who doesn't have a bit of arrogance, if you want to hold an art exhibition, you have to use your own paintings to hold an exhibition, that is the right way, so relying on your own girlfriend to stuff your own paintings in the exhibition hall, what is this?

0 ......................

Eat soft rice?

By women?

Anyway, no matter what it is, Li Wen feels that he is very ashamed, because he did not rely on his own ability to achieve this step, although he also knows that his girlfriend Ruan Wen is for his own good, and wants to use her own Fame opened a way for himself, and he could also find people who appreciate his paintings, but this doesn't mean that Li Wen didn't hate him, hated his incompetence.

"Interesting, interesting! I didn't expect to see such an interesting scene when I came to the art exhibition today!"

Wang Jin suddenly applauded, attracting everyone's attention.

"You said just now that his paintings combined the brushwork of the four famous painters. You thought it was a joke, so let me ask you, can you combine the brushwork of the four famous painters on one canvas? And this lady, can you do it? I would like to ask everyone here, you all know how to paint, how many painters do you know who can combine so many brushwork techniques on one canvas? Maybe you will say, Isn’t it just copying? Then I want to ask, don’t you start by copying? Who is a genius painter from birth, can draw everything, and then has his own style? What you are laughing at now , may be the top painter in the future. He is still young and his paintings are still very jerky, but who can say for sure that after ten or twenty years, he will not be able to integrate all the brushwork and become a unique school? At that time, you will still laugh Him?" Van.

Chapter 520 Invitation!

Wang Jin's words were so thought-provoking that everyone present fell silent.


They are laughing at this writer now, but who can say anything about the future? If this painter really becomes popular in the future and becomes a top master, like Da Vinci, they will still laugh at this painting Are you bad at drawing?

Maybe they will say that this is a young master's work, and it is because of these young works that the master formed his own style later.

These young works are even more valuable for collection!

At that time, they may all say the same, why?

Because the master has completely become famous and top-notch, the master's stuff is the best, whoever says the master's stuff is not good, that means he has no level of appreciation, and his own appreciation level is not enough, so let's look at the master's paintings , that is to take the shame of "Zero Seven Seven".

At that time, no matter whether they are appreciative or not, they will unanimously praise the master's paintings as good. As for the good things, they should pretend to understand if they don't understand, and say something to show that they are very good.

And why is there such a situation!

That is naturally because of the change of status. When a person has a higher status, he will naturally be sought after by countless people.

This is already the norm, as long as there are people, it will be like this.

The people in the gallery, because of Wang Jin's words, began to reflect on themselves. Are they really following the trend as Wang Jin said?

Do they really dare to speak their minds?

In the end, they had the answer in their hearts, but they didn't dare. At that time, their choice would definitely follow the trend, and what qualifications do they have to laugh at others like this!

All the people present, one by one, came to Li Wen's painting, bowed deeply, and expressed their apologies to the author of this painting, because they really shouldn't laugh at each other, and they don't have the qualifications .

The reason why they didn't seek an apology from Li Wen was because they didn't even know that Li Wen was the owner of this painting, and Li Wen himself had mentioned it before.

At the scene, the only ones who did not move were the painter, Wang Jin, Li Wen himself, and Ruan Wen.

The painter didn't move because he didn't know what Wang Jin was doing. He criticized Li Wen's paintings so much because he wanted to find out Li Wen, because Li Wen was really a genius in his opinion, a genius in fraud .

As long as there are such talents, making super dollars is nothing at all!

He just lost an opportunity from Rong Shixun, and now he wants to rely on himself to complete the super banknote. After all, relying on others is not as reliable as relying on himself. The only way to beat the author of this painting is to bruise his body, The other party will give up painting, and he will have the opportunity to persuade the other party to join his sect and enter the counterfeiting industry.

But now, after Wang Jin made such a mess, the painter finally didn't dare to be so arrogant, but fell silent, wanting to see what Wang Jin was going to do.

However, compared to the painter's silence, Li Wen's gaze towards Wang Jin was a little fiery, because Wang Jin was the first person to speak up for him in this way.

Those people in the past, when they saw his paintings, quickly rejected him, thinking that he was not capable of painting, and that he had no talent.

However, Li Wen didn't want to just give up because he knew nothing but painting.

It's a pity that the more Li Wen wanted to eat painting, the less his paintings were appreciated, and soon he was destitute. Fortunately, Ruan Wen finally became famous and rich at this time.

Relying on the soft text, Li Wen managed to persevere, and now finally the first person to appreciate him appeared. Although Wang Jin did not appreciate his words, he was still very happy because someone believed in him and felt that he could I have eaten the bowl of rice painting.

This became his motivation to continue to support, Li Wen hurriedly walked to Wang Jin's side, and said to Wang Jin.

"Thank you for speaking for me. My name is Li Wen, and I am the author of that painting!"

Wang Jin shook his head immediately, rejecting Li Wen's thanks.

"I'm not talking to you, but a fact! What happened in the past 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi happened frequently. If you are not successful now, it does not mean that you will not be successful in the future. If you have time, we may talk!"

"I have time!" Li Wen hurriedly said.

He also wants to talk to Wang Jin, why Wang Jin thinks he can succeed, those people in the past didn't think much of him.

"Okay, then let's go to a nearby bar and sit down!" Wang Jin sent out an invitation...

"Then wait for me a moment, I'll be right there!"

Excited, Li Wen greeted Ruan Wen, saying that he had something to do, Ruan Wen nodded immediately, telling Li Wen to be careful.

Afterwards, Li Wen followed Wang Jin to a rather quiet bar, and the painter seemed to be very interested, so he followed him all the way, and sat not far from Wang Jin and the others.

"Li asked, what do you think are your strengths and weaknesses?"

After sitting down, Wang Jin ordered a bottle of high-end red wine. Taking advantage of the time to sober up, Wang Jin asked Li Wen a word.

This made Li Wen froze there, because he really didn't seem to think about his own strengths and weaknesses.

"Your strength is your rigor, and your shortcoming is your lack of imagination! In fact, what the guy just said is good. Although your words are not leftovers, compared with other painters, you have no advantages or even defects. Not too young, I am not belittling you, but the fact, I want to tell you that your talent may be used in the wrong place!"

While Wang Jin was talking to Li Wen, he also waved to the painter not far away. The painter saw Wang Jin waving, looked left and right, and found no one around, so he pointed his finger at himself. nodded.

At this time, the painter smiled slightly, got up and walked over, and came to the table of Wang Jin and Li Wen.

At this time, Li Wen was completely fooled by Wang Jin, and he didn't know what he was thinking in a daze.


"Painter, right? I'm looking for you. I heard about you from Rong Shixun. Don't blame me for robbing you! If you think about it, you have to do it yourself. I wonder if you are interested in joining me? "

Wang Jin looked at the painter who was sitting down, and immediately extended the invitation. Originally, the painter's face changed slightly when he heard that Wang Jin was looking for him, but after hearing the name Rong Shixun, he completely relaxed.

"If you want to invite me, but if you have this ability, I'm not just anyone who agrees to cooperate with you!" said the painter.

"Rong Shixun's printing plates and machines are all in my hands! Is this enough?" Wang Jin smiled lightly, not paying attention to what the artist said. After all, all capable people have their own temper and character. Painters are no exception.

"You have this strength!" The painter acknowledged Wang Jin's strength and had a basis for cooperation.

Chapter 520 The second final word!

What Wang Jin said, Li Wen said that he could understand every word, but after putting them together, Li Wen seemed to be listening to a scripture, saying that he didn't understand, what printing plate, what machine, what are they?

Therefore, he could only stare blankly at the exchange between Wang Jin and the painter, without being able to speak at all.

Holding the red wine glass, the painter poured a little of the sober red wine for himself, and poured a little for Wang Jin and Li Wen's wine glasses, and then took a sip of the red wine, and said with emotion.

"I didn't expect that all of Rong Shixun's things would fall into your hands. I thought they were all lost!"

"Of course it fell into my hands, otherwise I wouldn't have asked you to cooperate!" Wang Jin said with a smile.

"Although Rong Shixun's things are good, they are not without flaws!" the painter continued.

"Of course I know, that's why I came to you. I think you will help me solve this problem, won't you?" Wang Jin spread his hands and said.

"Thank you! Actually, I can't solve the 24 questions! Otherwise, Rong Shixun's finished product would not be like this!"

The painter did not hide this point, because there are some problems that he cannot solve, even though he is a painter, one of the most proficient masters in this industry.

However, some key problems cannot be solved by him alone as a master.

Otherwise, the world's super banknotes would have been flying all over the sky long ago, and there wouldn't be so few of them.

"I think he can solve this problem! Do you believe it?"

As he spoke, Wang Jin pointed his finger at Li Wen, and at the same time, the painter's eyes also looked at Li Wen.

"He! Maybe it's really possible!"

The painter did not deny Li Wen's talent, otherwise he would not have planned so hard to take Li Wen under his command.

At this time, Li Wen finally saw the two men mentioning him, holding the red wine glass in both hands, and asked a little nervously.

"Who are you guys and what do you want me to do?"

Wang Jin and the painter looked at each other.

"Are you coming, or am I coming?" Wang Jin asked.

"Let me come! I've been preparing for so long, you should give me a chance to perform!" The painter said with a smile.

In this regard, Wang Jin said that it doesn't matter, anyway, the purpose of the two is the same, and everyone is the same.

Wang Jin raised his hand and motioned for the artist to invite him, but the artist was not polite, got up from his seat, returned to the table just now, picked up a painting from the catcher, and came to Li Wen's side.

"Actually, I didn't come to the gallery by accident today. I came to you specially for this painting!"

"This painting is fake! It's not the real one!"

Li Wen honestly admitted that the painting was fake.

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