With a wave of the painter's hand, Uncle Xin was blocked, and then he was about to shoot at the guards inside the truck, but when he was about to shoot, he was holding the gun in his hand, and then a body stopped him In front of him, it was Wang Jin who shot.

"What do you want to do, ruin the color-changing ink? You are not alone in the color-changing ink. If you are doing this, don't blame me for being rude!"

Wang Jin warned the painter in a cold voice. Fortunately, Wang Jin followed this time. If he didn't come, the color-changing ink would be completely destroyed by the painter. By then, Wang Jin might even have the heart to kill the painter. .

The painter was angry, and violently twitched the gun held by Wang Jin's hand, but he couldn't twitch, because his strength was far from Wang Jin's.

Unable to draw the pistol, the painter simply threw away the pistol in a fit of anger, and left it alone.

Wang Jin then turned around and walked to the van, shot through the opponent's hand, causing pain to the opponent, and the pistol fell to the ground. Afterwards, Wang Jin got into the truck and dragged the opponent out of the truck. He kicked the opponent directly, kicking the opponent unconscious.

"What are you looking at, why don't you hurry up? Do you want to wait to be caught?"

Wang Jin saw several people looking at him as if they were dumbfounded, and immediately reprimanded them, which also made these guys wake up immediately, and worked quickly, not daring to look at Wang Jin anymore.

Soon, all the color-changing ink on the truck was moved to the pickup truck, and everyone quickly evacuated.

Waiting is really waiting to be caught. Although Wang Jin himself is not afraid, others are not.

Uncle Xin, who was sitting in the car, complained.

"He said he was going to do big things. This kind of haste can't do big things! If it weren't for Mr., the color-changing ink just now, it would all be ruined!"

"Okay, Uncle Xin, don't say a few words! The young master didn't mean it either! You're talking about color-changing ink, isn't there something wrong?" Bobby and Si Zai persuaded Uncle Xin.

Now, Uncle Xin didn't speak anymore, and he could only say that luckily, nothing happened!

When they came, everyone came empty-handed, as long as they took the plane, but when they went back, it was not so simple. The buckets of color-changing ink had to be brought back. These are prohibited items on the plane , definitely can't pass the test.

Fortunately, everyone had already made preparations, built a boat, and sailed directly to the nearby sea area.

On the return trip this time, I chose to take the water route, which is safer.

In this way, Wang Jin and his party transported the color-changing (ceej) ink back to Xiangjiang without anyone noticing.

As soon as they arrived at the factory, with the color-changing ink, everyone unloaded the color-changing ink into the factory, and then started working overtime.

A version of US dollars was successfully released after being painted with color-changing ink.

Uncle Xin took a freshly printed version of the dollar bills and held them against the sun for a while. The green bills soon looked green, but soon the light changed and turned reddish-brown.

"Perfect, it's even more perfect than real gold! It's like a masterpiece of God!"

Uncle Xin couldn't help admiring, this is definitely produced by him, the most perfect version of US dollars, there is no one.

Perhaps, in his lifetime, he will never be able to make such a perfect dollar bill, because this is the work of him and Li Wen, who put all their efforts into it and worked together to complete it.

In the future, the two of them want to cooperate and make new electric boards. I don't know when it will be. Maybe he himself has retired by then because he can't do it anymore.

"Really good!"

Wang Jin also picked up a version of U.S. dollars and put them on the table to watch, and took out a real U.S. bill for comparison. They were almost exactly the same, whether it was details, materials, or workmanship, they were all the same as real U.S. bills. It's fake if you don't pay US dollars.

Afterwards, Wang Jin cut out another piece of paper from the printing plate, and lit it with a lighter in the eyes of everyone.

"What is he doing?"

Li Wen was a little puzzled, why did he burn the US dollars? Although this is a fake US dollar printed, it can still be circulated as real US dollars in the market.

Ordinary people can't tell the difference between this and real U.S. dollars, even the banknote detectors can't detect it. Everyone has tried this just now.

Wang Jin looked at the black smoke burning on the dollar bills, and smiled immediately, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, and lit it up with the extravagant burning fire of dollar bills.

"He is testing the authenticity of US dollars. This is also a way to test the authenticity of US dollars. I heard from the young master that there was a batch of super banknotes before. Although the work is not bad, many banks in the world cannot recognize them. There is a huge defect, that is, once it is ignited, the color of the burning will be red! Presumably Mr. is checking whether this new dollar has such a defect!"

Uncle Xin on the side also heard the painter mention it, so he knew what Wang Jin was doing.

"That's it!"

Li Wen nodded his head half-understood, and understood some of the situation. It turns out that there are so many ways to inspect banknotes.

However, there should be no problem with the version they made, it definitely tastes like the original version! .

Chapter 520 Nine crazy shipments!

"I came here with you to discuss the pricing and share!"

Wang Jin called all the people together to discuss the next thing. Before, nothing was done, and nothing was even supported. Everyone's thoughts were on how to make fake US dollars, how to make fake US dollars, and how to make fake US dollars. Beautiful and realistic.

Now, the perfect super dollar has been released, which also means that everyone is about to get rich soon.

Naturally, it's time to talk about etiquette and distribution.

"How do you want to divide?"

The painter did not express his opinion in a hurry, but asked Wang Jin for his opinion.

"[-]% for me, [-]% for you, the artist, [-]% for the partnership between Uncle Xin and Li Wen, and [-]% for the remaining three!"

Wang Jin scanned the audience, waiting for everyone's response. This consideration was carefully considered by Wang Jin, and the distribution was strictly based on contributions.

Perhaps Wang Jin's contribution is so high, which is a bit unusual, but Wang Jin solved the problem of the gravure printing machine, which is a core.

There is no gravure printing machine, and the production of fake US dollars is like building a castle on a pile of sand.

Even with acid-free paper, it's the same with color shifting inks.

Moreover, such distribution also means that Wang Jin is in a dominant position in this group.

"The three of us together account for [-]%, which is too low!"

"That is, the three of us have no credit, but also hard work. The three of us account for [-]%, which is really too low. Why don't you give it a little bit! We also worked hard. We know that our credit is not as good as Uncle Xin and Li. It's a big question, but [-]% is really too low, we also have to support our family!"

Bobby and Sizai have some different opinions. When they worked with painters before, they were not so low. The main reason was that there were fewer people in that time, and their share was naturally more.

As soon as Wang Jin comes up now, he will occupy [-]% of the share, which is really too much.

They didn't dare to have any opinion on the painter, after all, the painter only accounted for [-]%.

Wang Jin pondered for a while, and then continued to change the plan. Considering that they are all the painter's subordinates, if this is the case, then it's better to do half of it.

"Then I will take [-]%, and I will take out [-]%. The artist will not participate in the distribution. Of this [-]%, Uncle Xin and Li Wen will take half, and the three of you will take half. If you still have opinions, don't blame me for being rude! "

Wang Jin snorted coldly. Such a set of plans is actually in Wang Jin's plan. Originally, the [-]% should be assigned to Uncle Xin and Li Wen. Among them, the contribution is the largest.

Wang Jin originally thought that it would be Uncle Xin and Li Wen who brought up this matter, so he was already prepared for this, but he didn't expect that it would be Bobby and Si Zai who brought up the dissatisfaction.

These three wastes don't contribute much, but want to get a lot of money. How could there be such a good thing? If it wasn't for the artist's face, Wang Jin would have killed the three of them long ago, because the three of them work, as long as they are This person can do it, why should he take so much money?

Wang Jin's subordinates are most in need of this kind of people, as many as they want, anyone can do this job, they will not ask Wang Jin for so much money.

However, for the sake of the artist, Wang Jin can forget it. If there is a next time, Wang Jin will definitely kill all three of them.

Do you really think that without the three of them, you can't do things?

Dare to raise conditions, Wang Jin is more than a hundred times stronger than the three of them.

"Then there should be no objections from now on! From then on, it will be distributed according to this! I don't need you to sell my share, I will find someone to handle it myself! Just give me the super dollars!"

That's what Wang Jin said, because he has already made arrangements for the super dollar. The money will be laundered abroad through the power of Cobra, and then entered into a blank and clean account as a backup fund.

This is also Wang Jin's second hand, people always have some foresight, although Wang Jin's current career is flourishing, but there is no guarantee that something will happen one day!

Although, there is no telling what it is, someone can kill Wang Jin, this Wang Jin thinks it is impossible, with his skill, almost no one in the world has killed him now, but the worry is still there , and became more and more intense as time went on.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

Later, Wang Jin finally understood what that worry was, that is, Wang Jin was afraid that he would leave this world one day, not the kind of leaving by death, but leaving this world through the props of the god-level treasure box to pursue a more beautiful life. Powerful power, or return to the original world.

At that time, what will Wang Jin's women do?

Now, Wang Jin's women are not very short of money, that's because they each have their own careers, and Wang Jin is supporting them behind them, but they will always grow old, in case Wang Jin is gone at that time, What should they do?

Therefore, Wang Jin, who was worried about this, came up with this method, using a clean account, raising a little more money, and then setting up a fund. With this fund, the lives of the few people in the future will no longer be a problem.

0 .............  

Thinking about it, Wang Jin's thoughts suddenly drifted away.

After discussing the split, everyone turned on their horses and started working, because the painter had already found a buyer and started ordering.

Batches of super dollars were cut and packed into suitcases.

The painters also started to take Bobby and Si Zai, and started to attack everywhere, selling their super dollars.

One thing, the painter is not bragging, that is, their Wu family's goods are really popular, and the road is very wide, the supply exceeds demand, every time the artist goes out, the artist always brings a large number of goods, but when he comes back, he brings All real dollars.

As for why the painter is so easy to make so much money, Wang Jin is also a little guessing, maybe the painter wants to make more money, and then help his old man to avenge, after all, the one who killed his old man is not an ordinary force, who has no money Without ammunition, if you want to fight recklessly with others, you will definitely die.

The painter at this time is accumulating strength, waiting for revenge!

In the days that followed, Wang Jin and the painter split up. The painter went around the world to trade for real money, while Wang Jin waited until his super dollars were almost gone, and then asked someone to use a heavy truck to haul the dollars away.

They directly boarded the container, boarded the freighter, and then went abroad, and were sent to Cobra, and then they will handle the money laundering.

Chapter 530 Verbal agreement!

The batch of super dollars shipped abroad is worth at least one billion, and this is only the first batch, and more super dollars will be shipped in the future.

As long as the color-changing ink continues, if all [-] tons of acid-free paper are printed, it may be circulated in the market, causing the entire dollar system to completely collapse.

This is the power of finance!

Although finance is not as cruel as war, its impact is no less than that of war.

What is fought in war is human life, weapons and equipment, logistics and transportation, and the country's war potential.

Although finance is a war without gunpowder smoke, it damages the entire country, and it will cause the country's economy to collapse.

And the more serious thing is that the U.S. dollar system is common throughout the world. Once the U.S. dollar system collapses on "[-]", many countries will be severely affected.

As a result, huge chaos was caused in the whole world.

Crazy rise in prices, the decline in the purchasing power of the dollar, millions of people unemployed, no work.

These unemployed vagrants are likely to take risks when they are hungry, which will have an impact on national security, trigger huge violent conflicts, and lead to more serious bloodshed.

There are lessons learned for this kind of thing, but for Wang Jin, what does it matter to him?

Anyway, it can't affect him!

As long as it doesn't affect Wang Jin, Wang Jin won't care. As long as Wang Jin lives well and the people around him live well, that's completely enough.

During this period of crazy shipments, the artist is also earning a lot of money, not to mention earning enough money for a lifetime, at least half a lifetime of money, it is enough!

But the purpose of the painter is not just to make money, his real purpose is revenge.

To avenge his father.

He didn't keep all the real dollars he earned from the money, but bought all of them for arms. , submachine guns, grenade guns, grenades, bombs, rockets, etc., numerous arms.

Everything is ready, and when the time comes, you can go to revenge.

For revenge, the painter has been waiting for many years. This repressed hatred is contained in his heart, and his hatred is unforgettable.

In the past, he was still very weak, he had no money and no power, so naturally he had no way to take revenge, but now it is different, he has everything, and revenge can be put on the agenda.

But before taking revenge, the artist approached Wang Jin again, and he needed to talk to Wang Jin about some things.

"Can I talk to you?"

The painter pulled Wang Jin outside, obviously he had something to say to Wang Jin.

"Tell me! What's the matter!"

Wang Jin took out one from the cigarette case and lit it for himself, then put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked into the distance.

"It's like this, I want to use all my future [-]% profits, please make a move!"

This is what the painter said to Wang Jin.

"Please let me do it? What do you mean?"

Wang Jin roughly understood the painter's thoughts. Obviously, he felt that it was not safe for him to take revenge. In order to get revenge successfully, he invited Wang Jin to take action.

Although Wang Jin roughly guessed why the painter did this, he pretended not to know anything.

"Seven years ago, my father died abroad. He was beaten to death. I already knew the news. Who was the enemy who killed my father? I am about to make a deal with him. This is the best chance for me to take revenge." ! I must kill him and avenge my father!"

When he said this, the painter's eyes were red, and there was a slight choke in his words. If Wang Jin hadn't doubted the other party's identity, he would have believed it.

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