"That's right, avenging your father is what a son of man should do, and I support you too! But, what does this have to do with me?" Wang Jin asked, spreading his hands.

"It has nothing to do with you. I don't know your identity. You came here quite mysteriously. As a rule in our industry, we never inquire about other people's identities. At first I also doubted your identity. I suspected that you were a police officer." The person sent here, but after so many things, I know that you are definitely not a member of the police. Powerful, I would like to trouble you to help me once, of course I also know that you may not make a cheap move, so I will use [-]% of my future share in exchange for your move this time!"

The painter looked at Wang expectantly, and Jin waited for Wang Jin to give him an answer...  

When he said this, only Wang Jin and himself heard it. If others listened to it, they might die laughing.

Wang Jin is not only a jerk, but also a high-level jerk, so he confirmed that Wang Jin is not a jerk, and it is indeed a bit arbitrary, but it is natural for a painter to be like this, how can a jerk like Wang Jin Such?

I'm afraid there is none, Wang Jin is the only one.

"It's not impossible to ask me to make a move!" Wang Jin finally spoke after pondering for a while.

"What conditions do you have, please tell me! As long as I can do it!"

The painter was also prepared, and there must be a price to be paid for asking Wang Jin to help. After all, there is no free lunch in the world.

"I'm the only one who makes a deal, but I need [-]% of the share! If you agree, we'll complete the deal. If you don't agree, forget it!"

Wang Jin said to the painter, in fact, he felt that he was already a cheap painter if he made a move. Wang Jin hadn’t really made a move for a long time, because many things now don’t need Wang Jin’s action. People can help Wang Jin solve this matter, but this time, Wang Jin has to go there in person, and the task of signing in can only be completed by Wang Jin himself.

Otherwise, Wang Jin didn't necessarily have to make this trip, he just sent his men there.

However, since Wang Jin wants to go there by himself now, there is no need to bother to downgrade his hand, because Wang Jin alone has the power comparable to an army.

"It's... I don't believe what you mean. I mean, would it be safer to invite other people to fight together? What we are going to face this time is an army! [-]% of the share , there is no problem at all! Or are you thinking about it?"

On the topic of shares, the painter did not bargain, he just didn't believe that Wang Jin alone could annihilate an army.

"Don't say anything superfluous! You can watch me make a move. As long as I know the place, I will promise to bring the person you want alive to you! Regarding the share, we have a verbal agreement. I forgive you Even if you have ten guts, you don't dare to rely on my things!"

Wang Jin glanced at the painter, then threw away the cigarette butt and left.

Chapter 530 Suspicion!

"Trade in one day! Do you want to act with us?"

The painter looked at Wang Jinyuan's back, and suddenly yelled and asked.

Wang Jin didn't speak, but he raised his hand high and made an OK gesture, indicating that he already knew.

"Sure enough, an expert is acting out of the ordinary, but I don't know if the means are really as powerful as they say. If it is true, then the half of the share is really not a loss!"

The painter sighed in this way. He still had doubts about Wang Jin's words. He had never really seen Wang Jin make a move. When he snatched the color-changing ink before, Wang Jin had never really made a move. He just fired a few shots and kicked unconscious. A few people, the others are useless to Wang Jin's place.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the painter remains skeptical about Wang Jin's skills, but it would be strange if he had no doubts!

However, since Wang Jin said that he acted alone, the painter was also very happy. It would be best if Wang Jin could win alone. one strike.

As for whether Wang Jin will die in it, the painter doesn't care at all. If Wang Jin dies, they can just get a few super-dollar profits, and they can swallow Wang Jin's share, and when the time comes The gravure printing machine completely belongs to them.

It has to be said that the painter's calculations were crackling, and it was not a loss at all.

Can't Wang Jin guess the painter's calculations?

Of course I know, it’s just that Wang Jin doesn’t want to say it. He also has his own goals. Since everyone has their own goals and the two are just using each other, why should Wang Jin say these things? From looking for trouble!

Therefore, Wang Jin naturally has his own reasons for not speaking up, but speaking out will deepen the rift between the two parties for no reason. Now the two parties are still in the honeymoon period, and it is not time to turn their faces.

After all the preparatory work was completed, the painter led his troops to the enemy's territory.

His enemy is a general who lives in the cracks of various countries on the border. He is roughly the same as the previous Chachai. He has a private armed man who sells fans, smuggles, and counterfeit money. Anyway, as long as it is He wanted to get a hand in making money.

At the beginning, his power was not particularly powerful, but as time went by, he recruited troops and purchased weapons and equipment, and the opponent's power became stronger and stronger, and now he has become an important armed force entrenched on the border. .

After the painter and others came here, they were arranged by the other party in a luxurious villa, and at night.

The general's men finally came to see the painter.

A group of four people, the representative of the general, an expert in banknote detection, and two bodyguards.

The artist expressed a warm welcome to the other party's arrival, and then entered the normal process. The counterfeit banknote expert sent by the general verified the US dollars printed by the artist. The result of the verification surprised her very much. , It is really the US dollar in the hand, it is too real, it is exactly the same as the real one, even if she is an expert in counterfeiting banknotes, she will think that the US dollar is real without knowing that it is a fake US dollar.

Soon, after checking the banknotes, she came to the representative of the general, and whispered something in the representative's ear. There was also a smile on the representative's face, and then waved her hand to signal the other party to back down. Then he said to the painter.

"Mr. Painter, Ms. Wu Xiuqing, is our counterfeit banknote expert. She said she admires you very much!"

"Thank you! General...how is your health recently?" The painter asked calmly and concerned.

This is the main purpose of the painter. He came here for revenge, not for a deal. If the general is not in good health and something happens early, where will he take revenge?

"Very good, just don't let him see all this!"

Speaking, the representative raised the red wine in his hand and gestured.

"Then don't let him see it, kill it!"

The painter smiled meaningfully, and clinked wine glasses with the other party. His words were almost a pun. Unfortunately, the representative of the general did not understand, thinking that the painter meant red wine. After clinking glasses with the painter, he Drank it down.

At this moment, Li Wen, who was preparing the color-changing ink, was thinking of giving the painter a surprise, when he suddenly stepped on his feet accidentally, his body suddenly leaned forward, and he was about to fall. The color-changing ink he had just prepared in his hand The ink was splashed on the glass window and spilled down.

"What are you doing, didn't you see that I have guests?" The painter immediately reprimanded Li Wen when he heard the noise inside.

Afterwards, the artist said apologetically to the general's representative.

"The subordinates don't understand the rules, it's a joke!"

The general's representative looked at the sky outside, then at his watch, and then said to the painter with a smile.

"It's all my own people, it's okay! I think it's getting late too, you guys should go to bed early, and I'll send a car to pick you up tomorrow morning!"

"Alright, I'll see you off! Remember to greet the general for me, 093 let him sleep well tonight!"

The painter embraced the shoulders of the representative of the general, and there was a bitter chill in the depths of his eyes.

Naturally, Wang Jin also saw this scene, but it made Wang Jin feel a little puzzled. Obviously, the artist's identity had some problems, and he might not be the real Wu Fusheng. Why did his eyes emit such a chill!

If it was just acting, without real hatred, there would be no such eyes, Wang Jin was a little puzzled by this!

But if the painter is really a painter, then there are many things that don't make sense.

In the end, he really couldn't figure it out, so Wang Jin simply didn't think about it. Anyway, whether the painter is a painter or not has nothing to do with Wang Jin.

As long as Wang Jin is responsible for solving the general's influence, and then brings the general to the painter, the transaction is over.

As for who is the real painter, does it have anything to do with Wang Jin?

What Wang Jin cares about is only his own [-]% share. With this [-]% share, the super US dollars alone will cost countless billions more a year. After all, there is already a limit of color-changing ink.

But now, looking at the ink on the window changing into green and reddish-brown ink under the light, Wang Jin smiled.

Chapter 530 Two Important Days!

"good night!"

The painter shook hands with each other and said good night to each other.

"See you tomorrow!"

The general's representative also tightly held the artist's hand, said goodbye with a smile, and then let go.

After the general's representative left, the painter's face turned cold, and he reprimanded Li Wen who was looking at the window.

"What are you crazy about? Do you know who it was just now? If something goes wrong, we're all going to die, do you know?"

"Don't worry! With me here, we won't die. I believe Li Wen has something good to show us!"

Wang Jin stood up from the sofa, then patted the artist on the shoulder and said.

In fact, when Wang Jin said this, he was somewhat dissatisfied.

You painter said this, we are all going to die?

What does it mean?

A few of you may die, but is it possible that I, Wang Jin, will die?

How much do you look down on me?

If he hadn't thought that he would still need to be a painter to lead the way tomorrow, Wang Jin would have smashed his head with a hammer, would he speak?

Perhaps it was Wang Jin's consolation that played a role, the painter quickly calmed down, and looked at Li Wen, wanting to see what tricks he was up to.

Li Wen, who was extremely excited, didn't care about the painter's reprimand, but swung the chandelier in the room, and suddenly the green ink on the glass on the window, under the reflection of the light,

Starts between green and reddish brown, alternating with each other.

It was exactly the same as the ink on the US gold color-changing ink. Seeing this scene, the painter also laughed. He finally knew why Li Wen came to him in such a hurry.

After solving the problem of color-changing ink, all the difficulties in printing super US dollars have been solved. At least until the printing of [-] tons of acid-free paper is completed, there will be no problems.

Li Wen is definitely the biggest contributor to this super dollar production!

"Open champagne to celebrate~‖!" Wang Jin said.

"What champagne, I invite everyone out for a big meal!"

The artist was obviously very happy to have solved the problem of the color-changing ink, and invited everyone out for a big meal.

Although Wang Jin didn't care for any big meals, but everyone was so excited, Wang Jin was embarrassed to refute everyone's opinions, so he went out with everyone.

For this dinner, the painter really bleeds heavily. He opened four bottles of red wine alone, and each bottle costs tens of thousands of dollars.

With enough food and drink, everyone had a leisurely lap in this country again, and played until late at night before returning to the villa to rest.

Everyone has already rested, but the painter hasn't rested yet. He sat on the large open-air balcony with a cup of coffee alone, and just quietly looked into the distance.

Wang Jin also couldn't fall asleep, and was about to go to the balcony to enjoy some fresh air, when he happened to see the painter sitting there in a trance.

"If you don't go to rest so late, you are worrying about tomorrow's actions!"

Wang Jin patted the painter on the shoulder, then sat down on the stool opposite the painter.

"There must be some! After waiting for so many years, tomorrow is the day of revenge. There is always some unspeakable feeling, maybe it is melancholy!"

The painter said with emotion, but there was no nervousness on his face. Anyone who made such a big move should be nervous, but the painter didn't, and he didn't know what to say He has a good heart, and he is still confident.

"After the revenge is avenged, what are your plans?"

Wang Jin lit a cigarette for himself, glanced at the painter, and passed one over. The painter wanted to shake his head and refuse at first, but then he took it again by some strange coincidence, and lit it too.

The painter took a deep breath, and then let out a long breath. It seemed that with this breath, the painter's melancholy was relieved a lot.

"After seven years of waiting, the result is finally coming. These seven years have been really difficult!"

"I've been waiting for seven years, and I don't care about the extra night. Do you want that general? I'll bring him to you tomorrow. Don't forget about [-]% of the share!" Wang Jin said in a timely manner. reminded.

"How could you forget! If you can really bring the general to me, I wouldn't dare to take your share! I'm not afraid of death!" the painter said with a wry smile.

Regarding this, Wang Jin glanced at the artist thoughtfully and said.

"Whether you are afraid of death or not, once the transaction is completed, I will not be able to avoid my debt. There are many things in the world that are more terrifying than death. If you don't believe it, you can try it!"

"¨~Understood! I won't renege on my debt, my reputation as a painter still has some credibility in the world!"

The painter took out his reputation and made a guarantee, but Wang Jin looked down on this guarantee.

Who knew that the reputation of a painter was established by several generations of the Wu family. Are you saying that you are a real painter?

Wang Jin was noncommittal about this!

"Okay, go to bed early! You have to work tomorrow morning! If you don't have a good rest, you won't be able to do it by then!"

Wang Jin made a joke, then turned and left.

After Wang Jin left, the painter drank the coffee in his cup and went back to sleep.

One night passed like this!

Early the next morning, the car sent by the general to pick up the artist arrived. This time the artist did not bring anyone else with him, but Li Wen.

Although the painter was also ruthless in reprimanding Li Wen for his admonition (promise), he also treated Li Wen well, which was also unexpected.

Going to a general's territory, this kind of thing, generally does not involve a guy who can't even run, so he should take Bobby or Si Zai, who dare to fight hard, and can protect himself especially.

But it happened that the artist brought Li Wen, which also made Wang Jin thoughtful. Wang Jin had watched the movie, and he always had a doubt, is the artist really a painter?

Or is Li Wen the real painter?

However, the situation shown by Li Wen now does not look like a painter. If Li Wen is really a painter, then he hides it too deeply, even Wang Jin didn't see it through.

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