The battle between Xu Xi and Li Jie was about to break out, and the atmosphere between the two was so solemn.

It's just that between the two of them, neither of them chose to make the first move. Experts like them all understand one thing, that is, it is best not to make random moves before they understand the opponent's strength.

Although both of them are very confident in their strength, after all, one is a former instructor of Unit 701, and the other has gone to countless places in pursuit of the "doctor", and even experienced the most tragic night at the Cointreau Hotel Bloody fighting.

In terms of rich experience, both of them are really not bad, so neither of them made a rash move, but were looking for the flaws in each other. Once one of them showed a flaw, it was the real fight. start ~.

The instructor of Tenshen International, who was standing in the innermost circle, looked at the two people who hadn't made a move yet. Some of them understood, while others didn't.

Those who understand naturally understand, and those who don't understand will not say that they don't understand, so they folded their faces in vain, and asked others why the two of them didn't fight, just looked at it with frowns - the most central scene.

The instructors don't express their opinions, but those students who are being trained have no scruples. Anyway, they really don't understand anything, and they have no scruples when they speak.

"What does it mean that the boss and the new instructor are always standing? Why don't they fight?"

Some students started to complain, they came here to see the exciting fight from fist to flesh, not to see where the two of them are possing, if this is the case, wouldn't they be possing themselves!

Some people can't help but feel that waiting like this is a waste of time.

But not all people think so.

"Perhaps the boss and the new instructor, the two of them, want to pursue one-hit kills or something, and are looking for each other's flaws!"

Some people speculated that although they themselves were not strong, it did not prevent them from guessing what Xu Xi and Li Jie's current goals were.

This was also the reason why the two of them had stood for nearly 5 minutes and hadn't made a move yet.

Among the many students, it is not that there are no smart people. Although what they said is not perfect, it is not far behind.

"One hit kills? Are master duels so awesome? One move can win or lose?"

"It's still possible. After all, what a master wants is to solve the battle quickly. In real combat, the longer the battle is delayed, the more dangerous it is?"

"Hey, it makes sense to say that, but it's too slow! It's almost time for lunch. If you keep procrastinating like this, you will miss lunch time!"

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat. Isn't it better to eat lunch than a rare duel between masters? When do you think you can see duels between masters?"

"What's so interesting about a duel between masters? I still think eating is more delicious. Only after eating can I train with strength, otherwise I won't have any motivation at all!"

Many students began to discuss, and began to analyze Xu Xi and Li Jie for a while.

Of course, there are also many students who started to complain about their stomachs, because if they drag on, they may miss their meal time. The duel between masters is beautiful, but can they not eat?

The amount of training these trainees receive every day is simply terrifying. Without a lot of food and energy intake, it is estimated that they should be wilted in less than half a day, and it is a fart training.

And the instructors in front of them were full of black lines, they couldn't help but turned their heads and gave the group of guys behind them a hard look, which scared all the students.

After all, the instructors who trained them were really devil instructors, who really drilled them to death. The training was already extremely difficult. If they offended the instructors, wouldn't they be miserable in the days to come?

Therefore, these students shut up one after another. Even if they spoke, they were discussing in extremely low voices, at least not as loudly as before.

Finally, in the expectation of all the instructors and students, Xu Xi and Li Jie collided, and they started to fight.

There is no imaginary one-hit kill!

That's just a joke, unless there is a huge gap between the two people's strength, or one of the two is seriously injured, otherwise it is impossible to kill with one blow.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

What the two of them were comparing just now was patience!

This kind of duel of the nature of discussion is different from the real life-and-death fight. If it is a life-and-death fight, it is to kill the opponent at the fastest speed and at a small price. Even if the body suffers some injuries, it doesn't matter.

Exchanging injuries for the opponent's death is the most common thing in life-and-death fights, but this kind of duel of the nature of learning is about who is more patient, who has more experience, and whose strength and skills are stronger. Get ahead.

Because he couldn't kill the opponent with a heavy hand, he could only find flaws to subdue the opponent.

To be honest, this can be done better than killing, and the risk is too small to be ignored.


Being knocked down once is not fatal, so you can get up and fight again. Then you will fall into a protracted war and a war of attrition. In the end, it is nothing more than fighting for physical strength. Whoever has better physical strength and who can control physical strength better , may be able to win the final victory of this battle.

But this is not the purpose of Xu Xi and Li Jie. Their purpose is to know who is stronger between the two sides, instead of dragging the battle into a war of attrition, which is meaningless.

In a real fight, the opponent will not let you drag the battle into a war of attrition, the opponent will find every opportunity to kill you.

Therefore, although this discussion was to the point, the two of them tried their best to create a life-and-death fight, trying to force each other to show more flaws.

In the end, in terms of patience, Li Jie won, because Li Jie had already discovered the tiny flaw in Xu Xi's body.

After all, Li Jie is a munitions expert, and he is engaged in the bomb disposal business. This is a profession that requires patience and a calm mind. If you are rarely impatient, you may make a mistake in bomb disposal and kill yourself and others together, so the competition Be patient, Li Jie is never cowardly.

Indeed, Li Jie beat Xu Xi in one point.

There was a slight flaw on Xu Xi's body, which may not be a flaw in the eyes of others, but Li Jie seized the opportunity, rushed over, and punched Xu Xi in the chest.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xu Xi's flaws were exposed, but he didn't do it on purpose, and it had something to do with Xu Xi's identity.

Unit 701, a failure of the Super Soldier Project, underwent a pain-sensing neurotomy operation, that is to say, people in 701 have no pain sensation.

Therefore, their fighting is also quite cruel. Sometimes in order to complete the task, they can properly expose some flaws to the opponent, making the opponent think that they have seized the opportunity, thus leading the opponent into the trap, and then resisting with their bodies. Take a look at the opponent's offensive, so as to find a chance to kill the opponent in one fell swoop.

For the people of 701, as long as the heart and head are not severely injured, and then all the hands and feet are cut off, in fact, for them, the difference is not very big, and it will not affect the combat effectiveness.

This also led to a certain habit becoming natural. Although "[-]" Xu Xi worked hard to maintain it, his body's instincts subconsciously showed a flaw because of a long-term habit, and then gave Li Jie Got a chance.

Faced with Li Jie's punch to the chest, Xu Xi could only smile wryly. Such things as fighting habits cannot be changed in a short while. , I don't care, at most it's just a punch from Li Jie, which is nothing to the 701 people.

But although Li Jie's fist was fast, it was not to the point where Xu Xi couldn't stop it. He stretched his hands forward first, and the palm of his left hand had already grabbed Li Jie's fist, and his right hand was even more entangled. He got on the opponent's arm, and with a movement of his body, he was already behind Li Jie. He twisted the opponent's arm, trying to twist Li Jie's arm behind Li Jie, and then took the opportunity to hold Li Jie's shoulder blades. One of his feet even kicked Li Jie's knee joint from behind.

If the step is firm, Li Jie will inevitably fall to his knees. This is the inertia of the body and there is no way to change it.

If Li Jie knelt down on one knee and his arm was restrained again, then this battle would actually be meaningless, because Li Jie had already lost.

At that time, even if Li Jie wanted to admit it, he would not be able to, because he had already lost the ability to resist.

Of course Li Jie would not allow such a thing to happen. Now that everyone is watching, even if he loses, it doesn't matter. After all, he is the boss and doesn't need to fight, but he still needs to show some face. Even if Xi was subdued so easily, it also seemed that he was too useless.

Therefore, Li Jie turned around without hesitation, facing Xu Xi, and wanted to use this to twitch his right arm, but his right arm seemed to be tightly held by an iron hoop, and there was no way to twitch at all.

The next moment, Li Jie gave up twitching his arm, but stretched out a foot, and kicked Xu Xi fiercely and kicked his own leg. The two people collided fiercely, and even happened There was a dull sound.

In an instant, both of them felt a huge force coming from their bodies, and they had to take a few steps back again and again to stabilize their figures. Xu Xi could only let go of Li Jie's arms helplessly. .

The force of the collision just now was too great, and his body had to retreat. In fact, Xu Xi had a chance not to retreat. As long as he pulled Li Jie's arm, he could use it to stabilize his figure. , but Xu Xi did not do this. After all, this was just a discussion. If he had really pulled Li Jie's arm just now, although he could use this to stabilize his figure, Li Jie's arm would definitely be broken, because Xu Xi knows her strength well.

After all, the sparring was just a sparring session. Although he also felt unhappy with Li Jie, he didn't think about breaking Li Jie's arm. He didn't have any deep hatred with Li Jie, so he couldn't do too much.

What's more, he was brought by Wang Jin, so he had to give Wang Jin some face. After becoming the chief instructor of Tianshen International, he also wanted to work with Li Jie.

This time, in full view of everyone, he tore off the arm of the new boss, which would not look good on anyone's face.

Although Xu Xi spends more time as a killer than as an ordinary person, Xu Xi still understands this simple principle of being a human being.

Li Jie backed out three or four steps violently, and then stepped heavily on the pad to stabilize his figure. He twisted his arms a little to relieve the pain from Xu Xi's grip just now, and looked at Xu Xi. Xi's gaze also changed.

No longer the same contempt and disdain as before, for this guy who looks exactly like him, Li Jie has already recognized the strength of the other party...

He also understands that Xu Xi has actually released the water in secret just now, and he is also a person with rich combat experience. If he was in Xu Xi's position just now, he would have a chance to break his arm, but Xu Xi Xi did not do so.

This is a signal from Xu Xi, let's stop at the end of the discussion, and don't use real swords and guns to fight to the death.

Li Jie understood what Xu Xi meant, and after relieving the pain in his arm, he rushed towards Xu Xi. This time, he was more cautious, not giving Xu Xi a chance to entangle him.

The two started a close hand-to-hand fight, which was really a fist-to-hand fight.

However, both of them already understood what the other meant. During the battle, they even subconsciously avoided places like the head, throat, and lower genitals, and just fought.

And as the two fought against each other, Wang Jin who was on the side gradually saw some tricks.

Xu Xi is more powerful, while Li Jie is faster and more flexible.

Xu Xi is like an armored tank, fighting hard and never retreating. This is Xu Xi's advantage, because he does not feel any pain, and the impact of the collision between the two can almost affect him. Say negligible.

But Li Jie has not been cut off the pain nerve, so he can still feel the pain, although the pain is still within his tolerance, but Li Jie is still a bit too much for the 4.9 head-to-head, even his forehead is already full of pain. The pain made him sweat a little, so he chose a more flexible way of fighting, trying to consume Xu Xi's physical strength.

After all, it took a lot of physical energy for Xu Xi to fight so hard.

It's a pity that Xu Xi knew Li Jie's weakness very well. Although the opponent was fighting, he still had to collide with Li Jie. Jie was already in pain from the beating, he was sweating, his face was pale, he was almost grinning, and there was pain all over his body.

Finally, Li Jie couldn't stand the pain, stretched out his hand, and stopped the fight.

"I lost!"

Li Jie was the first to admit defeat.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I surrender!"

Li Jie just hesitated for a moment before admitting defeat, looking at Xu Xi's expressionless face opposite, Li Jie looked a little bit pained.

"This guy is so fucking tolerant, I'm in such pain, yet he doesn't respond at all!"

Li Jie kept muttering about Xu Xi's abnormality in his heart. Of course, he didn't know that Xu Xi had been cut off the pain nerve because of a certain scientific experiment, so he didn't feel it. He thought even stronger, and he was convinced of losing just by this point.

Even if he does not admit defeat and continues to fight, the outcome will not change in any way, and Li Jie will still be defeated, because his whole body hurts, and he can no longer exert his full strength.

If you admit defeat early now, you can at least save face. If you wait until you fall to the ground in pain, you will be ashamed.

Knowing that you can't do it, that's not a real warrior, but a fool!

Timely stop loss is the last word!

If you can't beat it, you can't beat it, and you don't need any excuses.Li Jie is not such a shameless person to say that he can't play well, but he can afford to lose.

 24 "Then congratulations, Xu Xi! You will be the chief instructor of Tianshen International in the future, those bastards, I will trouble you to practice more!"

Despite the pain and cold sweat all over his body, Li Jie insisted on announcing the result.

"I will!"

Xu Xi nodded and agreed. Since he had already agreed to be the chief instructor, he would naturally do well.

"What! This is the end? I didn't understand at all, why did the boss admit defeat?"

"That's right! Doesn't the boss seem to be evenly matched with the chief instructor? Why did you admit defeat?"

"I can't figure it out either. The boss really doesn't look like he's about to lose. Could it be that he is trying to build momentum for the chief instructor? That's why he conceded defeat?"


Many students, because they couldn't understand the way, they inevitably had some discussions. In their opinion, if one side should fall or be subdued, then the battle should end!

Why now, when the boss obviously hasn't lost yet, he easily admits defeat!

Of course, they still dare not speak ill of Li Jie, the boss. After all, Li Jie is also their boss, their parents, and they can live a good life if they offend their parents.

"Shut up! I don't know anything, just talk nonsense here, and I will double all the training in the afternoon!"

An instructor yelled and stopped many students from discussing. These students couldn't see the essence of this battle because they were weak and didn't understand anything, but as an instructor, he understood.

At the same time, he was also one of the few instructors present who could understand the battle.

In fact, when he saw Xu Xi let go of Li Jie's arm, he understood that the rhythm of this battle had actually been controlled by Xu Xi.

Especially after playing for a long time, he could clearly see that Li Jie's complexion was pale, he was sweating all over, and his condition was not right. As an outside audience, of course he didn't know that Li Jie was in that pain because of it. But Li Jie's condition was not right, he could still see it.

Li Jie's state is not good, but Xu Xi's state is not the slightest problem, so the result of the final battle is self-evident, needless to say, even if Li Jie persists, the result may not be changed.

Since this is the case, there is nothing wrong with admitting defeat early. This is not a life-and-death struggle, and you have to choose a life-and-death struggle. That's why he reprimanded his students, don't talk nonsense if they don't understand anything.

After being reprimanded by their own instructor, all the students immediately shut up. Although they complained in their hearts because the amount of training has doubled, they dare not say anything more, because refuting the instructor's words may end in a worse end. Time is not a matter of doubling the amount of training.

It's that they are waiting to be cleaned up by the instructor!

They are not stupid, and they will not offend their instructors just because of a duel, that is too unworthy.

Afterwards, it was time for dinner, and all the students disbanded for dinner. Wang Jin, Xu Xi and others, also led by Li Jie, came to the restaurant where they had dinner.

To be honest, it was the first time for Wang Jin to come to the restaurant of the training base to eat. After he actually arrived at the training restaurant, Wang Jin knew how good the food was here, with all kinds of meat and nutritious fruits. Except for the lack of wine, there are basically all kinds of food here, even the chefs are good at cooking, and there are specially hired nutritionists to match the lunch, just to make the trainees more balanced and nutritious Absorbing all the energy, you can better exercise a strong body.

The nutritionist's idea, this is Wang Jin's idea, because Wang Jin comes from the era of information explosion, he knows the importance of balanced nutrition to a person, not to say that a person can become healthier by eating more meat and exercising more If the nutrition is not balanced, there will be a lot of energy and nutrition, which will be wasted.

So Wang Jin asked Li Jie to hire a nutritionist specially, just to let the trainees become stronger faster and better.

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