However, it was the first time for Wang Jin to see such a rich food in the restaurant, so he was a little confused.

Xu Xi and Nolan were even more shocked by this training base, and only at this time did they realize what a real profession is.

Although the strength of their 701 unit is strong, in terms of professionalism, it is not at 01:30. At least they have never seen such a professional restaurant before, and it is equipped with nutritionists and other things. They can What they get is training, and then killing to complete the task. As for eating, it's just to fill their stomachs. As for what to eat, they don't care at all.

It never occurred to him that there are so many ways to make a person physically strong. Xu Xi deeply felt that it was the right time for him to come to Tianshen International, because he had seen more and broadened his horizons.

He even felt that if he could stay in Tianshen International for a while, his strength would still increase, because his physique was not perfect.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Originally, Xu Xi already felt that his physique was already perfect, because he had already exercised to the limit, and there was no way to improve. His strength had already reached the bottleneck, and there was nothing to improve or improve. .

At least, Xu Xi thinks so, but after seeing the restaurant of Tianshen International and chatting with the so-called nutritionist, Xu Xi deeply feels that he may not have tapped the limit of his body, and he may still improve Space.

Because in terms of understanding of body theory, those nutritionists are the real professional masters. Xu Xi, a half-way monk, is simply incomparable. Even after a deep chat, Xu Xi's eyes almost burst out , because he felt that many ideas proposed by the other party were very suitable for him.

Xu Xi is sure that according to the opponent's method, after a period of adjustment, his physique and strength will become stronger.

There is no one who does not want his strength to become stronger. After Xu Xi had a deep chat with the other party, he returned to the dining table and talked to Wang Jin and others about what he had just talked to the other party, thinking that the other party gave him good suggestion.

"Is it really that effective?"

Wang Jin couldn't help but feel a little itchy. Even Xu Xi, a black man, said that the other party's idea was effective for him. Of course, Wang Jin also wanted to ask, so he pushed the tableware and went to the nutritionist. See if the nutritionist can give some advice.

It's a pity that Wang Jin was a little disappointed by the results. The reason why the dietitian proposed something that could make Xu Xi, a black man, was useful was because the other party was professional enough. He was offering advice for Xu Xi from a professional point of view. Xu Xi, a half-way monk, may be very strong in combat, but when it comes to understanding the body, he may not be able to catch up with those nutritionists. In the past, in order to pursue greater strength and strength, he twisted his body. .

Naturally, after reaching a limit, it feels like he is stuck in a bottleneck, because his body still has some shortcomings that have not been resolved, and naturally there is no room for improvement. As long as he solves some shortcoming problems, he wants to break through the bottleneck and improve some Strength is not difficult either.

On the other hand, Wang Jin, he was originally promoted with the potions in the system, and naturally he was promoted in an all-round way. There is no shortcoming at all, and now he has obtained the Iron Body and the ability to breathe the sun.

In a short period of time, it has reached the point where there is no way to improve. After all, his physical fitness has actually surpassed the limit of the human body. The terrifying defense alone is not comparable to human beings. What can a nutritionist do for him? Xu Xi suggested some adjustments, but it didn't mean that he could also help Wang Jin make adjustments.

Therefore, Wang Jin couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It seems that if he wants to improve his strength in a short period of time, it is already unreliable to rely on a nutritionist's method. Either he can only rely on the sun to slowly improve his strength, or Think of another way.

"Li Jie, help me arrange a game in the afternoon, I am going to practice with those beasts~‖!"

Disappointed and returned to the table, Wang Jin leaned into Li Jie's ear and whispered instructions.

The previous battle between Xu Xi and Li Jie also made Wang Jin feel a little excited, but neither Li Jie nor Xu Xi's strength was much worse than Wang Jin's. Wang Jin really had no interest in fighting them.

However, it is not so easy to calm down the boiling blood, so Wang Jin wants to find those beasts to practice and vent some.

"It's not good!"

When Xu Xi heard Wang Jin's order, she couldn't help but said with some embarrassment.

Wang Jin is his behind-the-scenes boss. If something happens to him, he cannot bear the responsibility.

After all, ferocious beasts are not humans, they have no reason, only wildness. Once the wildness breaks out, they won't just stop. He believes in Wang Jin's strength, but if something happens, he can't explain it.

"That's it. You can arrange it for me in the afternoon. I need a feral beast that has been hungry for a few days and hasn't been given a debilitating potion. It's not the kind of house cat, understand?"

Wang Jin took a deep look at Li Jie, then patted Li Jie's shoulder without any trace, and then the matter was settled.

After all, Wang Jin was the real boss behind the scenes. Would Li Jie dare not listen to what Wang Jin said?

He also knew that after Wang Jin made a decision, he couldn't be persuaded, so he could only nod his head helplessly, as he agreed to Wang Jin's request, and then he called and went out to make arrangements.

A few people had lunch. At first Xu Xi thought that he should officially join the job, but Li Jie ignored Xu Xi and took Wang Jin out instead. Xu Xi couldn't help being curious. Wang Jin and Li Jie What on earth was Jie going to do, so he and Nolan got up and followed Wang Jin and Li Jie.

Not long after, Wang Jin and Li Jie came to a place in the form of a small colosseum.

The solid wall fence made of circular concrete pouring goes directly into the ground, and the part protruding from the ground is only more than one meter high. Just now, you can stand in front of the fence and look down without blocking your sight.

The surrounding area is only about a hundred meters away, and the middle has been completely hollowed out, and it is more than ten meters deep into the ground. It can be clearly seen that the bottom is a field paved with mud.

On the surrounding concrete walls, there are two thick iron doors. I don't know what they are for, but Xu Xi and Nolan soon found out.

Because, when the iron gate opened, a colorful tiger with yellow and black colors rushed out from the passage and entered the Colosseum.

This is an adult tiger, covered in thick fluff, thick claws, thicker than human arms, huge body, exuding a strong sense of oppression.

The turquoise animal pupils are filled with icy wildness and murderous intent, just looking at (Li Zhao) makes people feel shuddering and hairy all over.

Suddenly, the tiger seemed to have noticed that Wang Jin and the others on the height suddenly raised their heads and looked at Wang Jin and the others, and let out an astonishing roar of the tiger. The sound of the roar of the tiger was deafening and heart-shattering.

But those present were not ordinary people, so naturally they would not be intimidated by a tiger.

"¨~ Don't you need to think about it? After all, this is very dangerous!"

Li Jie still persuaded Wang Jin, wanting Wang Jin to give up his previous ideas, but when things came to an end, especially the ferocity and wildness emanating from the tiger, it had already deeply stimulated Wang Jin and made his blood boil. , burning again, how could Wang Jin listen to Li Jie's persuasion to order?

What's more pitiful, Wang Jin has a body of steel, so it's not certain who hurts whom.

"It's okay, I'll come as soon as I go!" Wang Jin said indifferently.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Wang Jin didn't affect his determination because of Li Jie's persuasion. He held onto the concrete fence with one hand, and then, under the stunned eyes of Li Jie, Xu Xi, and Nolan, he jumped into the bucket. Among the animal farms.

"This is a height of more than ten meters!"

Nolan felt that everyone else was going to be stupid. He jumped directly at a height of more than ten meters without protection. Aren't you afraid of getting hurt?

After thinking of this, Nolan quickly leaned on the concrete fence and looked into the venue, wanting to see how Wang Jin who jumped off was doing.

But she only saw Wang Jin fall to the ground, and after a muffled sound, there was no more, because Wang Jin had already walked straight towards the colorful tiger.

"This fierce tiger probably didn't take the weak potion you mentioned, did it?"

Xu Xi's eyes were fixed, and he felt a strong sense of crisis from this fierce tiger, which meant that this fierce tiger could hurt him, or even kill him.

Moreover, this fierce tiger seemed to be full of energy, exuding a ferocious smell all over its body. It obviously didn't look like it had been given some kind of debilitating potion, so Xu Xi asked this question.

"Well, no! And it's still a tiger that has been hungry for several days! It just ate a little food and replenished a little bit of energy, but it's probably still hungry now!"

Seeing Xu Xi's question, Li Jie didn't hide anything, and said with a wry smile.

"Do you want to kill Wang sir?"

Xu Xi's eyes gradually became sharper, staring at Li Jie firmly, if there was anything wrong, he would kill Li Jie immediately.

Wang Jin helped Xu Xi get rid of the captain of 701. In Xu Xi's view, Wang Jin was also his friend. How could he put his friend in danger!

"This is Wang sir, I specifically asked for it, and there is nothing I can do about it!"

Li Jie didn't call Wang Jin the boss, because Xu Xi and Nolan were not suitable to know Wang Jin's identity behind the scenes, so Li Jie called Wang Jin Wang sir.

Speaking of this, Li Jie also smiled wryly, Wang Jin is the boss behind the scenes!

Although he has great power and is the boss on the bright side, he can't beat his thighs!

"Wang sir, did you ask for it yourself?"

Xu Xi was taken aback when he got this answer. He didn't expect that Wang Jin himself made this request, so it wasn't that Li Jie wanted to kill Wang Jin, but that Wang Jin had his own considerations.

Therefore, Xu Xi also turned her attention (ceej) to the Colosseum.

In the Colosseum, Wang Jin was approaching the tiger step by step. When the distance reached ten meters, Wang Jin stopped and looked towards the tiger.

Looking at it from a height just now, although the tiger's size is oppressive, it is not real, but at this moment, Wang Jin has already deeply felt the oppressive aura coming from the tiger, which is the aura of the king of beasts .

It is the majesty of the king of beasts!

Especially after walking within a range of ten meters, Wang Jin could clearly see the tiger's big mouth slightly opened, with its sharp fangs exposed, and a little bit of red blood dripping from its mouth, dripping dew onto the ground. On top, that's blood.

Obviously, the meat that was fed just now was raw meat with blood on it.

The piercing of blood can make the wild beast show more wildness, and the hungry tiger can show its own strength [-]%, because it needs to eat to maintain its own survival. Wang Jin is in front of it. Inside is food, and this is what Wang Jin wants.

A tiger without a complete victory is just a house cat. How boring is it to fight?

Wang Jin hooked his fingers towards the tiger. As a beast, the tiger has only simple wisdom, so it naturally couldn't understand Wang Jin's provocation.

But the tiger doesn't need to understand, because it just needs to know that Wang Jin is its next food, and he doesn't think this tiny human being in front of him can escape its tiger's mouth.

He was in the forest, but he had caught prey bigger than Wang Jin, so he didn't take Wang Jin's small size seriously.

The next moment, the tiger charged straight at Wang Jin, creating a strong stench.

A distance of ten meters is still far for a human, but for a beast like a tiger, it is not worth mentioning at all. It just swoops, as swift as the wind, as fast as lightning, and it pounces on the king. In front of Jin, the foul-smelling wind blew up, almost suffocating Wang Jin to death.

Wang Jin held his breath subconsciously, not breathing air.

Although the tiger's movements were fast and looked ferocious enough, Wang Jin's speed was even faster. With a light sliding step, he dodged to the side quickly and avoided the tiger's pounce.

When the tiger fell to the ground, the sound was not too loud, because the tiger was very similar to a domestic cat, and there was a thick layer of pads under its paws, which could absorb the huge impact, so it just raised a cloud of dust.

The tiger didn't pounce on its prey, and a trace of doubt flashed in its eyes. In its hunting career, there were very few prey that could escape its pounce, but not all of them. All the doubts were only for a moment. Then the tiger made another move. Its two front paws rested on the ground, while its two hind legs kicked towards Wang Jin. It could be said that it was completely unexpected. Even Wang Jin couldn't react.

Wang Jin also didn't expect the tiger to have such a trick!

You are clearly a tiger, not a donkey, what a kick you are!

Wang Jin said that it hurts a bit, but this is because Wang Jin has never met an opponent like a tiger, and suffered from his inexperience.

Who would have thought that a tiger could kick like a donkey? I don't know if this tiger has become a spirit, or if all tigers have this skill.

This idea just passed in Wang Jin's mind for a while, because the tiger's two powerful hind paws had already kicked Wang Jin heavily.


A muffled sound erupted from Wang Jin's body. The strength of the tiger is unmatched by humans, especially the two strong backs. Even Wang Jin, who has a body of steel, was kicked out of breath. He was holding his breath, but after being kicked by the tiger, Wang Jin instinctively began to breathe.

Then a stench entered Wang Jin's nostrils, almost killing Wang Jin, and Wang Jin became angry immediately.

"Beast, die!"

After yelling this sentence, Wang Jin grabbed the tiger's tail with his left hand and lifted his whole body with air, trying to pull the tiger back. With his right hand, he directly raised his fist and hammered the tiger's butt heavily.

As the old saying goes, a tiger's buttocks can't be touched, but Wang Jin, who was furious, did so, and punched the tiger's buttocks one after another.

The tiger howled in pain, and as Wang Jin punched its ass hard, its howl became weaker and weaker.

Even at the end, it was already faint and inaudible.


The tiger's body was lying on the ground limply. It was in so much pain that it didn't even have the energy to cry out.

The tiger was lying on the ground, and its big tiger head turned to look at Wang Jin. Its eyes were originally fierce, but now it looked at Wang Jin rather pitifully. It was defeated by Wang Jin.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Wang Jin was also taken aback, and looked at the King of Beasts lying on the ground with some astonishment.

Of course Wang Jin didn't believe that a tiger would surrender so easily. After all, he was the king of beasts, so Wang Jin once again raised his fist and smashed it in front of the tiger's eyes, only halfway away from the tiger's head. When it was an inch, it stopped, and the biting wind of the fist even blew the hair on the tiger's head flying wildly.


When the tiger roared, it was not as scary as before. Instead, it roared coquettishly and suspiciously like a domestic cat. Originally, when Wang Jin raised his fist and hit it, it was a little scared, thinking that Wang Jin would kill it , but Wang Jin's fist stopped half an inch in front of its head, which made it a little puzzled, and then roared. At the same time, a pair of green tiger eyes looked at Wang Jin, not knowing that Wang Jin What do you want!

Wang Jin didn't really want to fight it again, but just wanted to see if this guy was really beaten by him.

The result of the test was somewhat beyond Wang Jin's expectations. The tiger actually lay on its stomach without any resistance, which meant that the tiger was really beaten by Wang Jin.

Wang Jin had never met a beast like a tiger before. He thought that a beast like the king of beasts would have the pride of its own king of beasts. Even if it was beaten to death, it would not surrender. Some things were beyond Wang Jin's expectation.

Wang Jin reached out his hand tentatively, and touched the tiger's head. The fur was thick and fluffy, not to mention it was quite comfortable to touch~.

When the tiger was touched by Wang Jin, its body froze at first, and the hairs on its body stood up a little. Seeing that Wang Jin just stroked it without doing anything else, its body relaxed again, and it seemed to be enjoying itself. After Wang Jin's stroking, he rolled over and got up. His two front paws were already on Wang Jin's shoulders, and his big head arched towards Wang Jin, as if he wanted to stick out his tongue to lick it. Wang Jin, this is a good performance of animals.

But Wang Jin's expression froze. This guy didn't know how long he hadn't bathed or brushed his teeth. When he opened his mouth, there was a gust of wind. Wang Jin really couldn't stand this guy.

This is also a very normal thing. The tiger in front of Wang Jin is not a tiger raised in a zoo or a circus since he was a child. This is a real beast caught from the wild.

Who dares to get close to this behemoth like Wang Jin and even give him a bath, isn't he afraid of death?

"You stink, take a bath and brush your teeth! Otherwise, don't come near me!"

Wang Jin unceremoniously pushed away the big tiger's head, which made the tiger a little puzzled, it wanted to play with Wang Jin, why did Wang Jin push its head away!

It is not very intelligent, and it can't figure out why Wang Jin would do this.

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