"Deputy Director Zeng, I'm sorry! It's very troublesome to interrupt, but the rule of law is the most noble core value of Xiangjiang. If there is something wrong with the law enforcement department, then Xiangjiang will be finished! Our ICAC is responsible for the last pass. I I also don’t want to see corruption and behavior in the police force!”

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

After saying this, Deputy Director Zeng's face softened a little, because it proved that Lu Zhilian and the others still had a bit of a problem in their hearts, and they didn't want to sharpen or complicate the problem.

"I just received a call from your Deputy Director Yu. Deputy Director Yu and I have been old friends for many years. He called in person. I still want to give this face. Don't worry, our police force will definitely follow you. The ICAC cooperated!"

After receiving a call from an old friend, Deputy Director Zeng gave Yu Hongsheng a face and left a means, maybe it was used to escape, maybe it wasn't.

In short, it may be a long period of time, and the people present today will not be able to forget this scene today.


"Then thank you, Deputy Director Zeng!"

Lu Zhilian smiled, since Deputy Director Zeng said so, it seems that today Huang Wenbin will follow him no matter what.

To be honest, Lu Zhilian didn't expect this. He thought that a bigger conflict might break out today, but he didn't expect that Yu Hongsheng's phone call finally solved all the problems.

Hearing this sentence, Huang Wenbin also had an ugly face. He didn't think that he would still not be able to escape, and he would still go to the ICAC.

However, after taking a few deep breaths, Huang Wenbin returned to his calm and calm appearance. When he went to the ICAC, he went to the ICAC. He still didn't believe that the ICAC could do anything to him.

He felt that the ICAC probably didn't have any evidence on hand. If there was any, it didn't say that they were assisting in the investigation, but arrested people directly. He confessed everything by himself, but how is this possible?

Would Huang Wenbin tell all his secrets so stupidly?

Obviously, this is impossible!

Once he said it, Huang Wenbin's life would be completely over. Although the ICAC's reputation is very powerful, Huang Wenbin is not afraid, and he is also a good interrogator.

He knows all kinds of interrogation methods like the back of his hand, trying to pry something out of his mouth is as difficult as reaching heaven!

He still doesn't believe it, as long as he doesn't admit or say anything, what else can the ICAC find out?

"I'll go back with you to assist in the investigation!" Fan.

Chapter 640 Don't give face!

"I'll go back with you to assist in the investigation!"

Huang Wenbin's face was very ugly, but he also knew that there was no other way to deal with this matter today. He had to go to the ICAC because Deputy Director Zeng had already agreed to this matter.

Even a deputy director agreed, and he is a small high-ranking officer, so it doesn't make much sense whether he agrees or not.

As long as the deputy director is here, the conflict cannot continue to erupt, so his only choice is to follow the ICAC and go back honestly.

"Thank you very much, Deputy Director Zeng!"

Lu Zhilian commanded his subordinates to take Huang Wenbin downstairs and back to the ICAC, while he himself was a few steps behind and walked side by side with Deputy Director Zeng, expressing his gratitude to Deputy Director Zeng.

"You don't need to thank me. I also contributed to the peace and prosperity of Xiangjiang. If Director Yu hadn't called me, I wouldn't know about it. I can only say that it just stopped a conflict. Fortunately, if there is nothing wrong with Huang Wenbin, you will release him earlier. There are scum who violate the laws of Xiangjiang!"

When Deputy Director Zeng talked about those who broke the law, he also hated them very much. Perhaps in his heart, these scum have seriously damaged the image of the police force!

If it weren't for those scum, the image of the police force among the general public might be several levels higher.

"No matter how you say it, I still want to thank Deputy Director Zeng. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to take Huang Wenbin away so easily!"

Lu Zhilian once again thanked Deputy Director Zeng, and Deputy Director Zeng waved his hand, indicating that he doesn't care.

He didn't come all because of Deputy Director Yu's phone call. Firstly, he came to prevent conflicts. Second, he wanted Huang Wenbin to prove his innocence. Deputy Director Zeng also believed that people from the ICAC could not be innocent. Framed Huang Wenbin for no reason. If Huang Wenbin really had no problems, then Huang Wenbin would be released from the ICAC soon.

This was the purpose of Deputy Director Zeng's coming here, otherwise he would not have gotten off the plane. As soon as he received a call from Director Yu of the ICAC, he rushed over in a hurry without even having time to take a break.

After Lu Zhilian bid farewell to Deputy Director Zeng, he escorted Huang Wenbin back to the ICAC.

It may be rare for the ICAC to have a big shot like Huang Wenbin come here. The last time it received such a big shot was a year or two ago.

Therefore, Huang Wenbin may already be the biggest name that the ICAC invited back to investigate.

The reception of Huang Wenbin can be said to be of a super high standard. For this reason, the two special investigation directors also stopped their investigation work and stayed by Lu Zhilian's side in the monitoring room next to the interrogation room.

"Director Lu, Director He, Director Tan, all the preparations have been done, we can start!"

One of Lu Zhilian's men knocked on the door, then walked into the monitoring room, and said to Lu Zhilian and the other two directors.

Hearing this, Lu Zhilian nodded, glanced at the two directors beside him, and then gave instructions to his subordinates.

"If that's the case, let's get started!"

Soon, Lu Zhilian's subordinates notified the people in the interrogation room, and the interrogation began!

In the interrogation room, two members of the Independent Commission Against Corruption sat opposite to Huang Wenbin, one began to question, and the other was in charge of recording.

"Huang Wenbin, we received an anonymous report that you illegally accepted bribes and were corrupt. What do you say about this matter?"

Hearing this, Huang Wenbin, who was sitting on a chair, smiled contemptuously at the two of them.

"Aren't you out of your mind? An anonymous report letter, what kind of evidence, brought me here to assist in the investigation, can I say that you are wasting taxpayers' money? I am deeply impressed by the level of your work. I deeply doubt the true level of your ICAC!"

What Huang Wenbin said was not polite, and the two guys who interrogated him were so angry that they glared at Huang Wenbin.


"Our Independent Commission Against Corruption, where is your turn to doubt, be honest and explain your problem!"

Huang Wenbin smiled contemptuously, facing the persecution, he didn't care at all, and even spoke to the two of them very mockingly.

"Just because you are not qualified enough, come to interrogate me, let Lu Zhilian come, he is the one who arrested me, no matter what, let him interrogate me, otherwise I won't say anything!"


Hearing what Huang Wenbin said, the two interrogators couldn't help but look at each other, their faces were not very good-looking, but seeing Huang Wenbin's expression that I wouldn't say anything despite the interrogation between you two, there was nothing they could do about Huang Wenbin... ..

In the end, the two had no choice but to stop the interrogation, and then went to the monitoring room to look for Lu Zhilian.

Waiting for one of them, he pushed open the door of the monitoring room, just in time to meet Lu Zhilian who was about to go out.

"I know what's going on inside, come and interrogate me! Just watch here!"

After saying these words, Lu Zhilian opened the door and walked out, then came to the interrogation room and sat down.

"I'm here, if you want to talk to me, just say it!"

After Lu Zhilian sat down, he stared at Huang Wenbin and said.

"What are you talking about? I want to say that you want to kill me just based on an anonymous report letter. Isn't this a bit too much? Is the report letter considered evidence? If you want, I can even make dozens of them for you Come on, there are all kinds of patterns, a report letter written by a guy who doesn't even dare to reveal his name, why can he falsely accuse me?"

Huang Wenbin's face was full of dissatisfaction. Of course, this was just the expression on Huang Wenbin's face. No one knew what 4.9 was thinking deep in his heart.

Lu Zhilian is also an old man. Naturally, he will not believe that Huang Wenbin is innocent because of the expression on Huang Wenbin's face. After all, in Lu Zhilian's career for many years, it is not without amazing acting skills. If he is confused by such a point, He will not be the Chief Investigative Officer of the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

"Of course I didn't falsely accuse you for nothing. We have carefully checked this report letter, and there are indeed some problems. That's why we invite you to come back and assist in the investigation!"

Of course, Lu Zhilian would not invite Huang Wenbin back to assist in the investigation without any verification. That would be against the rules.

"What's wrong with me? Don't try to fool me! What can you sue me?"

Huang Wenbin doesn't like Lu Zhilian, he doesn't give Lu Zhilian any face.

Chapter 640 A case within a case!

"Huang Wenbin, you accept bribes and own a lot of illegal assets. Do you think we don't know about this? We have already investigated it. You usually like to gamble across the sea. That's right!"

When Lu Zhilian saw Huang Wenbin, he still looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. He immediately stated all the results of the investigation in front of Huang Wenbin. He really wanted to see what Huang Wenbin could say in front of these things. !

"Illegal assets, you should show me the evidence!"

Huang Wenbin sneered, he himself was the clearest about whether he had done some things, but he had already arranged for a follow-up, and even erased all the clues that were easy to reveal.

He was originally a very cautious and meticulous person. In addition, he was doing the work of the Commercial Crime Investigation Bureau. He really shouldn't be too familiar with economic matters, so the path he took was definitely one that could not be investigated easily. Even if he knew that he had a lot of illegal assets in his hands, it was absolutely impossible for Lu Zhilian to find out.

Right now, Lu Zhilian is just defrauding him. If Lu Zhilian really had any evidence, he would have been arrested a long time ago. Why did he still need to go back to 24 to assist in the investigation? Isn't this one action many times?

Lu Zhilian really had no way to come up with the evidence, because although he followed the clues in the report letter, he found out the casinos in Las Vegas.

It's a pity that those casinos have their own rules. They implement a confidentiality system for customers' identities. All private accounts of customers in the casino will be strictly protected by the casino. Except for the insiders of the casino, even bad guys can't do anything about it In the casino, the private account information of these customers is obtained, so there is no way to find out how much money is in these accounts.

Huang Wenbin is very proficient in this, so he put all his illegal assets in the private account of the casino, and his own bank account is cleaner than his face.

Lu Zhilian had investigated it a long time ago, and there was nothing wrong with the bank account. Judging from the investigation of the bank account, Huang Wenbin is really upright and honest, with a breeze in his sleeves!

It's ironic enough!

This is also where Lu Zhilian is helpless. Compared with ordinary corrupt personnel, crimes committed by the Commercial Crime Investigation Division like Huang Wenbin are more difficult to investigate than other personnel, because he himself is engaged in economic crime investigations. , know more, and the way to hide money is more hidden.

"If you don't have evidence, show it! If you don't have any evidence, then I'm leaving!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Wenbin tidied up his suit with an indescribably arrogant expression, because he believed that Lu Zhilian had no way to deal with him.


Lu Zhilian suddenly stopped Huang Wenbin's movements, then pulled out a photo from the file in front of him, and handed it to Huang Wenbin.

"So, can you explain, what is in this black bag? We checked the video, it was put in your gym cabinet by another person, and it looks very heavy, it should not be ordinary Something! The report letter said that you received cash, so is there a lot of cash in this black bag! Where is this black bag now?"

Lu Zhilian took out the photo and wanted to get an answer from Huang Wenbin.

But Huang Wenbin just glanced at it, and then dismissed it.

"What does this photo show? I also said that this photo is a composite! And what is in my bag, why should I tell you? Can't I go to the gym to take a shower? I am a clean freak and don't like to use the gym I like to bring my own toiletries, okay?"

Huang Wenbin's tone towards Lu Zhilian was not polite, but Lu Zhilian had no choice but to feel Huang Wenbin's difficulty, especially in the absence of evidence, Huang Wenbin was as disgusting as a shit stirrer.

"But we have already contacted the people in the gym, and they said that you just took your bag and left that day!"

On the side, Lu Zhilian's subordinates directly overturned Huang Wenbin's statement.

In an instant, Huang Wenbin's face was very ugly, but he still managed to maintain his composure and said forcefully.

"When I take a shower is my freedom. I was very tired that day, so I don't want to take a shower anymore, okay?"

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation, there is nothing else to do for now, you can go, if we have any new discoveries, I would like to ask you to come back at any time to assist in the investigation!"

Lu Zhilian stood up and smiled, then stretched out his hand, wanting to shake hands with Huang Wenbin.

Huang Wenbin didn't bother to respond to this, he slapped Lu Zhilian's hand away, and then said to Lu Zhilian mockingly.

"I really have nothing to say about your level of work. If you work with me, I guarantee that you will not be promoted for ten years. I said so! I hope we will not meet here next time!"

Afterwards, Huang Wenbin straightened his suit and walked out of the interrogation room.

Huang Wenbin left!

But in a certain office of the ICAC, the atmosphere was very dignified. A group of people sat around and discussed Huang Wenbin's affairs.

"This Huang Wenbin is really too arrogant!"

"That's right, even though he's a criminal, 187 is so arrogant!"

"Hey, there's no other way, who let us have no evidence of his crime!"

"It's really hard to catch his tail. All we can do now is stare at him until he shows his flaws!"

"Don't worry! A gambler like Huang Wenbin will lose all his money soon. Without money, he will definitely find a way to get money. We still have a chance, as long as we keep watching He, don't worry about Huang Wenbin not being brought to justice! Now everyone, go back and rest well! You have all worked hard these few days!"

Lu Zhilian comforted his subordinates and said that his subordinates have also worked very hard these past few days. In order to investigate Huang Wenbin's matter, it can be said that they have worked tirelessly. Xiangjiang has traveled across the sea countless times, and it is also exhausting. Now it is temporarily closed. , You can also take a good rest.

After arranging all his subordinates to rest, Lu Zhilian sat in the office by himself, carefully studying Huang Wenbin's case, and wanted to see if there were any clues that he didn't pay attention to and ignored. It's a pity not at all.

Just when Lu Zhilian was struggling with this case, another case gradually surfaced, which was quite related to this case.

Chapter 640 The second victim!

This case is the sensational Luo and Chen accountant building case!

The reason why this case is related to Huang Wenbin's case is because the person in charge of this case is Huang Wenbin.

Originally, there was nothing to talk about in this case, and all the reports were very clear, because the person who made the report was an insider, and it can be said that everything had been clearly put on the table. All right.

However, when the Commercial Crime Investigation Division went to arrest people, it missed the most critical evidence, and even the Evidence Division did not see the most critical evidence.

That is, the black laptop with all the information, that computer seems to be missing.

And because of the lack of key evidence, the case can only be closed.

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