Originally, this case was fine, but without key evidence, it was missing.

Xiangjiang has a lot of cases every year, because of the lack of key evidence, it has to be abandoned. This is not unusual, but this case happened to Huang Wenbin, and Huang Wenbin went to the ICAC because of corruption and bribery. I took a trip, so I can't tolerate others not thinking too much.

Lu Zhilian fell in love with Huang Wenbin. He was suspicious of Huang Wenbin at first. The timely ICAC report made Lu Zhilian even more sure that Huang Wenbin had a problem.

Therefore, Lu Zhilian sent troops almost 24 hours a day to monitor Huang Wenbin.

It's a pity that Huang Wenbin is not easy to get along with. His anti-reconnaissance ability is very strong. He has already felt that someone is watching him secretly, so he is very careful in all his actions.

When I went out to meet anyone, I always chose the most spacious and safest place. Therefore, although the ICAC staff watched Huang Wenbin 24 hours a day, they still failed to obtain any crucial evidence.

The case fell into a stalemate for a while and there was no progress, but Huang Wenbin didn't make any progress here. Does the absence mean that everything has come to a standstill.

In the final analysis, Huang Wenbin is just a tool man bought by others. Others paid such a high price to buy Huang Wenbin and let him do things. Naturally, they have something to ask for. Keeping Rhode Yong's accountant is the first goal of their plan. step, because Luo Luoyong, an accountant, is well-known as an authority in this area in Xiangjiang Division.

There are some things that no one else can do, but only Rhodes Yong can. This is the benefit of authority.

The people behind the scenes have spent such a high price to keep Luode Yong, so they naturally have a bigger plan.

So it didn't take long for someone to find Luo Luoyong, wanting Luo Luoyong to come forward to help his boss.

Luo Luoyong was very helpless. He actually didn't want to get involved with these people, but Huang Wenbin helped him and let him escape from the money laundering case, which proved that the power and energy behind the place were very strong, otherwise it would be impossible to bribe a Huang Wenbin like this A high division.

Luo Luoyong really has no way to refuse. He helps people launder money. He already knew how many dark things happened in Xiangjiang. conditions, the next day they were sunk into the sea, or pushed down from tall buildings.

He is used to this kind of thing!

After Luo Luoyong agreed to the other party, he finally learned from this lawyer named Hu Zhiyong what the man behind the scenes wanted to do.

It turned out that the other party was eyeing the 150 billion care fund, not only the 150 billion investment fund of the government, but also the shares subscribed by the citizens.

That is to say, the black hand behind the scenes wants to use a series of means through an empty shell fund, and then use Rod Yong's means to make it legal, balance all the accounts, and go public smoothly, and then through the care of the government's shareholding The fund, with the skin of the government department, then went to harvest the leeks of the citizens of Xiangjiang.

The citizens of Xiangjiang saw that even the government department invested 150 billion in this fund, so what's the point?

It must be a steady profit without loss, and that is not a crazy follow-up, buying this fund.

In the end, the amount of liquidity in this fund may reach hundreds of billions, which is simply terrifying.

If the black hand behind the scenes suddenly removes all the funds and the entire fund collapses completely, then no matter how much the Xiangjiang government suffers, even the many Xiangjiang citizens may cause huge riots.

Xiangjiang is more likely to trigger a series of crises!

After all, many people may use all their net worth to buy this fund, because they think that there will be absolutely no problem with the government's participation in this fund.

The schemes of the black hand behind the scenes are not insidious, and the other party can bribe people inside the government, which is also very powerful.

Ordinary people, who can buy people inside the government to stand up for this fund that has not yet been listed?

Basically impossible!

After Luo Luoyong joined, he went through a series of accounts and knew the purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes, but there was no other way. He was already on a thief ship, and it was not so easy to get off.

What's more, Luo Luoyong also has something to hide. His wife has been in poor health and is lying in the hospital.

If there is no best treatment, then basically time is running out, but if you want the best treatment, you need to go abroad, which is definitely a huge expense. To be honest, Rod Yong does not have so much money, he The money has shown a huge loss a long time ago.

Therefore, if he wants to help his wife go abroad for treatment, he needs a large sum of money to achieve his goal. In this case (getting money from Zhao), Luo Luoyong had to agree to the conditions of the mastermind behind the scenes.

But there are some things that can't be achieved by Luode Yong. As an old friend and colleague of Luodeyong, Chen Zhicai was very angry when he saw that Luodeyong had not been imprisoned for the money laundering case. black hands.

The mastermind behind the scenes is still counting on Luo Luoyong to help him complete the final fund listing, so Luo Luoyong must not fall down. In this way, Chen Zhicai, who wanted to bring Luo Luoyong down, became a victim and was eliminated when he went out.

When Luo Luoyong heard the news, he felt extremely guilty while being frightened. He and Chen Zhicai can be said to be both good colleagues and good friends. If he hadn't helped people launder money, Chen Zhicai would not have reported it. He, there is no follow-up matter, and Chen Zhicai will not die. In the end, it was him, Luo Luoyong, who killed Chen Zhicai.

Chapter 640 A specious deception, counting down the clock!

Chen Zhicai, a good man, became a victim of this case and lost his life, but Chen Zhicai is definitely not the last victim of this case, he is just the beginning.

As long as the case is still being investigated and the ICAC wants to know all the truth, more people will inevitably die.

The mastermind behind this case is very powerful. Even in the face of the investigation by the ICAC, he will not give up easily unless it is absolutely necessary, because once the fund is listed, it will be rewarded with hundreds of times the profit.

It may involve hundreds of billions of funds. Compared with this money, what is a few lives?

In the eyes of these powerful figures, except for their own lives, the lives of all others are actually not worth mentioning.

At this moment, Luo Luoyong felt really uncomfortable in his heart. Although he was exonerated, it was Chen Zhicai's life that he paid for. Let the matter pass like this, but the friendship with Chen Zhicai for so many years does not mean that it will pass in the past.

Deep in his heart, Luo Luoyong was struggling. On the one hand, it was Chen Zhicai's life, and on the other hand, his wife who was dying of illness. Luo Luoyong was really caught in a dilemma.

However, Rhodes Yong was struggling deep in his heart, but the boss behind the fund would not give Rhodes Yong the time to choose to struggle.

After signing the employment contract with Rhodes Yong, the fund quickly held a press conference and announced to reporters that Rhodes Yong would become the newest accountant of Z Fund.

At the press conference, reporters are naturally not that easy to deal with. They are not sounding boards, and they will naturally ask all kinds of weird and tricky questions to enrich the content of their news.

Besides, reporters are not afraid of offending people. The Z Fund is very powerful, but reporters are even more afraid that there will be no hot news. Without hot spots and discussions, they will lose their jobs and have nothing to eat. What?

As the saying goes, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes. Once people go all out, it is very scary.

Therefore, after the people from the Z Fund announced the new accountant, the reporters at the off-site press conference raised extremely sharp questions.

"Hello, I'm a reporter from xx news. I heard that your foreign accountant has been fired. The reason for the dismissal seems to be that he has 187 questions about the accounts of your Z Fund! I would like to ask if this is the truth?"

The question raised by the reporter at the scene was really unusually sharp. It can be said that it hit the pain point of everyone in the Z Fund at once, but the person who is currently hosting the Z Fund is Hu Zhiyong. He is also a famous barrister and adapts to the situation. The ability is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Otherwise, the boss behind the Z Fund would not be willing to hand over such a big plate to Hu Zhiyong to operate. If Hu Zhiyong does not have enough ability, how can the boss of the Z Fund feel at ease?

Therefore, facing the question raised by the reporter, Hu Zhiyong immediately took the microphone and said to the reporter.

"That's not the case. Our overseas accountants are very happy to cooperate with us. As for the issue of resignation, it's not like what you just said, but because our Z Fund aims at the development of Xiangjiang , since we want to take root in Xiangjiang, a foreign accountant is naturally not in line with the philosophy of our Z Fund, because foreign accountants are not familiar with various policies and regulations of Xiangjiang, so our Z Fund needs a A person who is familiar with all aspects of Xiangjiang, so we found Mr. Rod Yong, who is the godfather of Xiangjiang's accounting industry. He not only has great influence, but also has outstanding ability. It will be successfully listed immediately, and our z fund has already raised the participation of the government care fund. As long as the z fund is listed, 150 billion of the care fund will be injected immediately. At the same time, we will also open the subscription channel. Shareholders are welcome to come and subscribe , even if our fund has experienced financial turmoil and stock market turmoil, it can still obtain a stable profit of 150% every year, so many shareholders don't have to worry about income issues, while the government's [-] billion care fund can earn more than one billion in income every year , to benefit the citizens of Xiangjiang, in this regard, we will make the law public and accept the supervision of the government, please rest assured!"

What Hu Zhiyong said was powerful, and he repeatedly mentioned the government's 150 billion care fund, and also proposed that he could accept the government's legal supervision and make everything open and transparent. It's foggy, but don't say it, there are still many people who are still following this trick, because (ceej) mentioned that the government has also injected capital into this fund, many people subconsciously think that there is no problem with the Z Fund, otherwise the government Are you willing to invest a huge sum of 150 billion yuan?

This kind of low-risk, high-return matter, who doesn't want to get involved, the opportunity to make money is right in front of you, if you still let it go, you are stupid!

After all, in the eyes of many people, the government has great credibility. If the government takes the lead, it is easy to say anything.

Even some of the reporters below are ready to make a move. They are also attracted by the huge prospects and benefits of Z Fund, and they also decide to invest in Z Fund after it goes public. After all, it is not stupid to not invest in such a profitable fund.

As a barrister, Hu Zhiyong's ability to read words and deeds is so powerful. He just glanced down, and he knew that many reporters below were persuaded by him, even the reporters who wanted to criticize were persuaded. Is there any difficulty in this press conference?

It can be said that there is no difficulty!

The press conference, which was sharp at the beginning, ended slowly in a harmonious atmosphere later on, and the questions that many reporters asked later were no longer picky, but wanted to understand why the Z Fund could guarantee such a high profit .

As the lawyer of the Z Fund, Hu Zhiyong and the trader had already prepared a set of rhetoric that was difficult for ordinary people to understand, and dismissed the reporters. Anyway, those reporters listened in an unfathomable way. Seeing so many people nodding, the other people were embarrassed to say that they didn't understand, so they nodded accordingly.

When Hu Zhiyong saw such a scene, he smiled complacently, laughing at his own shrewdness and the stupidity of others.

Such a plausible scam, but some people really believe it. It can only be said that there are too many stupid people following the trend!

Such a fool's money is not cheated, what kind of money is cheated?

After the press conference, the listing of Fund Z has already been put on the agenda, and there are still six days left in the countdown, and intensive preparations for the listing of Fund Z have begun.

In the ICAC, a meeting was also going on at this time.

However, compared with the Z Fund's press conference, the scale of this meeting was much smaller, with only four people in total.

However, the status and power of these four people in the ICAC are not low.

Chief Investigation Officer, Lu Zhilian.

Deputy Director of ICAC, Yu Hongsheng.

ICAC Commissioner, Fan Luo Peifang.

Chief Advisor of Policy Group, Wei Yaoting.

Of these four people, except for Wei Yaoting who is from the government, the remaining three are all powerful figures of the ICAC. It can be said that although there are not many people in this meeting, the quality is very high.

After Lu Zhilian and Yu Hongsheng arrived, Wei Yaoting also hung up the phone, sat down, looked at Lu Zhilian and asked.

"Sorry, just now the senior management called and told me about the problem, now let's get back to business! Director Lu, do you want to investigate the Z Fund?"

Hearing this, Lu Zhilian straightened his face, sat up straight, and began to narrate.

"Yes! I have checked the operation of Z Fund abroad, and its transparency is quite low. I know that he uses some interest above a reasonable level to attract some new investment, and then use it to pay the interest of some old customers. It may be fraudulent to make profits from investment! If this is the case, Z Fund will collapse at any time!"

"You check the Z Fund, do you know what it means?"

Wei Yaoting did not directly explain the troops that Lu Zhilian was in. Instead, he asked Lu Zhilian if he knew what consequences he would face if he continued to investigate.

"It means corruption and fraud, endangering the public interest!"

What Lu Zhilian said was powerful, because in his heart, he always started from the public, without any selfishness.

Wei Yaoting coughed, and didn't directly say that there was something wrong with Lu Zhilian's behavior, but said it tactfully.

"From the perspective of the ICAC, I fully respect your judgment. What's your opinion, Mrs. Fan?"

After all, Wei Yaoting is from the government, and Wei Yaoting's ability to play football is second to none. He knows that he can't decide this matter, because if he blocks it, once the problem is found out, his career will be completely over, but If he blocked it and didn't find out the problem, it would be troublesome, and it would be a denial of his ability, so Wei Yaoting wisely chose not to get involved, but kicked the ball to Fan Luo Peifang, the Commissioner of Integrity, and asked her to take it My idea, after all, Fan Luo Peifang is a member of the ICAC, and the ICAC is responsible for the accident, even if it catches fire, it will not burn him.

Seeing Wei Yaoting throwing this question to himself, Fan Luo Peifang, the commissioner of anti-corruption, seemed to want to refresh his sense of existence, and immediately said to everyone.

"The case of the Z Fund is no longer just an anti-corruption issue, but a focus of social attention. I believe everyone knows that the matter of caring about the Fund is actually a project to improve people's livelihood. If you want to investigate the Z Fund, corruption and bribery, you must It means that it will destroy the participation of the Care Fund, what do you think? Deputy Director Yu, what do you think?"

When Yu Hongsheng was asked this question, he already understood Fan Luo Peifang's meaning, that is, to stop the investigation.

However, as the deputy director of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, he still wanted to ask Wei Yaoting's opinion, of course, as long as it was not Wei Yaoting, but the people behind Wei Yaoting.

"Mr. Wei, do you want us to investigate?" Yu Hongsheng asked directly.

If the superiors do not allow the investigation, then he will stop the case, because this is the intention of the superiors. As a deputy director, he is not the boss of the ICAC, so there is really no need to disobey the intentions of the superiors, anyway. Even if you don't check, if something goes wrong in the end, it's none of his business, he just followed the instructions.

When Wei Yaoting was asked this way, he could no longer play football. He could have no opinion, but now that Yu Hongsheng was asking the opinions of those high-level bosses behind him, he naturally had to express his attitude, and said to Yu Hongsheng immediately.

"No, the superior respects your opinions very much, you can do whatever you want!"

Yu Hongsheng was waiting for such a sentence, and now that Wei Yaoting finally said it, Yu Hongsheng smiled immediately, looked at Lu Zhilian and said.

"Zhilian, tell me!"

Lu Zhilian was not polite, and immediately spoke.

"Then let me say that where there is corruption, there is the ICAC. If we investigate the case and consider other factors, then wouldn't the ICAC become a tool?"

Although Lu Zhilian didn't mention anyone by name, none of the people here are fools. Lu Zhilian's words clearly refer to Sang scolding Huai, and they are talking about Fan Luo Peifang, so it turned out that Fan Luo Peifang still had a kind smile on his face. She suddenly became gloomy, like her dead parents, her complexion became extremely ugly. She didn't expect Lu Zhilian to be so disrespectful to herself, and almost brought the problem to the table all at once. If her complexion is good-looking, That's a ghost!

"Sorry, I don't know much about other aspects, I just express my thoughts!"

Lu Zhilian is also ruthless enough, accusing Sang of scolding Huai is not enough, and even pushed himself away, saying that he didn't understand anything, he was just talking casually, at this time Fan Luo Peifang almost couldn't hold back and strangled Lu Zhilian to death , if you don't understand anything, what did you mean when you said this sentence just now?

Are you trying to dissuade me?

However, all the people here are powerful people, and Fan Luo Peifang is not easy to get angry, so as not to show that she has no self-cultivation, so she can only smile bitterly, and she will definitely suffer from today's boring loss.

Fortunately, Wei Yaoting is not an ordinary person. After all, he is a figure from the government. He is good at dancing, and is a basic operation. He found Fan Luo Peifang's embarrassment and immediately came out to rescue him.

"Director Lu is right. If there is a case, we must investigate it. Mrs. Fan, your subordinates are still very capable! I also hope that Director Lu can thoroughly investigate this case. If there is any problem, they can be prevented from going public. If there is no problem, it will be even better! However, Director Lu, you only have six days!"

When Fan Luo Peifang was told by Wei Yaoting, the anxiety in her heart also eased a lot.

After all, no matter what, Lu Zhilian is also her subordinate, and if she gets credit, she also has a share. If you want to wear small shoes for Lu Zhilian, there will be opportunities in the future, so don't be in a hurry.

"I see! I only have six days, right! Then I have no time to waste, sorry, I'll withdraw first!"

After saying this, Lu Zhilian didn't care about Fan Luo Peifang's face, stood up directly, pushed the stool away, and walked out the door.

Chapter 640 Difficulties and dangers come one after another!

Lu Zhilian is gone!

Six days seems to be a long time, but it can be long or short when it comes to a case, especially when investigating such a large case, if you don't race against time, there may really be no results.

So, don't blame Lu Zhilian for being in a hurry, he is really in a hurry, he has to hurry up.

After Lu Zhilian left, Fan Luo Peifang's expression turned ugly again, but fortunately, Lu Zhilian left early and didn't see Fan Luo Peifang's expression, but even if he saw it, Lu Zhilian probably wouldn't care.

In his eyes, there is only a case!

Other things are not very important.

After Lu Zhilian left, Yu Honghai also got up to leave, and only Fan Luo Peifang and Wei Yaoting were left in the office, looking at each other in blank dismay, speechless for a while.

After Lu Zhilian left, he led his men to focus on this case.

This case of the Z Fund is not so easy to solve, so he can only choose the breakthrough on Rod Yong. After all, the only one related to this case is Rod Yong~.

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