Firstly, it’s meaningless, and secondly, Wang Jin can’t take care of it. After all, there are too many things in this world. If Wang Jin takes care of it, he will be exhausted sooner or later.

He is not God, he is just an ordinary person who traveled to this world, what is great is that he has an extra cheat of the system, and then makes him slightly stronger than ordinary people, but these are just what make him in this world. Fang Shijie's life is better and his life is more wanton, which is not the reason for Wang Jin to be a hero!

In his previous life, Wang Jin also had a dream of being a hero, but after he came to this world, Wang Jin realized that being a hero has no future, because being a hero is too tiring, and there are too many obstacles, so you have to abide by this, you have to abide by that, and limit yourself. It's great to have Wang Jin now, he can do whatever he wants!

Even if there are some people who don't like it, Wang Jin can use his status and power to solve these problems. He doesn't have to hide his identity like a hero, and even worse, he has to be abandoned by the society.

That kind of behavior is really stupid!

Don't talk about these messy thoughts, they flashed in my mind, let's talk about Shi Yijian and Mr. Gao.

Although Mr. Gao can't wait to kill Wang Jin and cut Wang Jin into pieces, but this is a charity gambling dinner, and it's under the watchful eyes of everyone. Mr. Gao still doesn't have the ability to kill Wang Jin. If Mr. Gao really does If it did, it would be a complete sensation.

Even if Mr. Gao did not do it himself, killing someone at such a highly anticipated dinner party would offend everyone at the dinner party and be attacked by a crowd. After all, it was a slap in the face of everyone present, even the Sounded the death knell in their hearts!

If you think about it, you will know, if the people arranged are not here to kill Wang Jin, but to kill them, can they escape?

It is obviously impossible. This naturally makes them empathize and experience the crisis. This kind of thing that threatens the lives of the people present is absolutely not allowed to happen. At this dinner party, there are many people with great energy. If they unite Come to think of it, I'm sure we'll be able to find something, and even the Doa Group may not be able to bear the pressure.

Mr. Gao is not that stupid yet, even if he is extremely upset with Wang Jin in his heart, he will not arrange for someone to kill Wang Jin at this time.

As the saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Although Mr. Gao is not a gentleman, he doesn't mind imitating a gentleman, so bear with it a little bit. After all, he is not that stupid to let him fight against everyone present. .

"¨~Three ones, two twos, one three, two fours, and one six! Haha! Most of them are my guesses, and I don't know if they are right, so I won't follow them~‖!"

Shi Yijian gave up without hesitation. This is not a project he is good at, and he is not embarrassed to give up. Although the Invincible Magician has never lost, it is not unaffordable to lose.

What's more, he is about to withdraw from the arena, and it doesn't matter if he loses or loses. Only those in the arena come out, and each has been leading the way for hundreds of years!

It's time to give up his title of invincible magician to young people!

It has to be said that Shi Yijian can really look at it, can afford it and let it go, how many people in this world can let go of fame and fortune (Wang Hao)?

If Wang Jin knew about Shi Yijian's state of mind, Wang Jin would probably feel admiration, because even Wang Jin couldn't let go of these things. If life is alive, if there is no fame or profit, wouldn't it be too boring and empty? !

Of course, this may also have something to do with age. If he reaches Shi Yijian's age, maybe Wang Jin will be able to let it go. After all, he has enjoyed everything he should enjoy, and there is no reconciliation, but now Wang Jin is obviously letting go. I can't let go, and Mr. Gao is also unable to let go.

Mr. Gao was completely on the fence with Wang Jin. Shi Yijian's giving up did not make him back down. On the contrary, when he despised Shi Yijian, Mr. Gao chose to face the difficulties because he felt that Shi Yijian was no longer worthy of being a His opponent is gone!

Only Wang Jin is worthy to be his biggest opponent, whether it is on the poker table or elsewhere, he must win! .

Chapter 710 The eighth chapter is taken advantage of!

"Bah! An old man is an old man. He's too old to be a coward! It's useless!"

Mr. Gao was so cowardly when he saw Shi Yijian, and immediately ridiculed and looked down on Shi Yijian from the bottom of his heart.

Fortunately, Shi Yijian didn't know Mr. Gao's thoughts, otherwise he would definitely jump up and challenge Mr. Gao one-on-one. Although he is not young, he is old-hearted!

He is not cowardly at all, he is clearly mature and stable, waiting for the opportunity, just to see the limelight first, he is not a young man, he doesn't know anything, so he just went straight up, he is already past this age.

It is said that people become mature when they are old. Although Shi Yijian feels that he is not suitable for this idiom, the connotation in it is still very good, and he can reluctantly accept it.

He is a mature and attractive man out of vulgar tastes, with a little limelight, just let young people like Mr. Gao and Wang Jin compete for it.

At this time of the year, he was also so high-spirited and full of vigor, and this is what a young man should have.

However, with the more roads I have traveled, the poisons I have endured...cough cough...the more I have experienced, I will gradually mature and restrain my edge. He believes that Mr. Gao and Wang Jin have experienced After so many years, he will become so mature and stable.

Regardless of Shi Yijian's mature and prudent demeanor there, not getting involved in the gambling between Wang Jin and Mr. Gao, and watching from the sidelines, Mr. Gao's 263 was really irritated by Wang Jin's quarrel, and completely quarreled with Wang Jin. It's hit.

"It's only 1000 million, who are you scaring? I'm following! I won't guess with you anymore, I will bet that you can't win. If you guess right, you will take all the money. If you guess wrong, I will take the money." No, just treat it as charity!"

Mr. Gao sat in his seat with a suit and a straight suit, and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on his face with his hands. With a slightly gloomy face, he still kept a little calm.

Although he was irritated by Wang Jin, he was not out of his wits. As the current head of the doa group, although he came here smoothly, he is not a fool, he is also a person who has seen the world, how could it be so easy , was irritated by Wang Jin and lost his mind.

Although there is anger, it is only a small part. Mr. Gao still has this bit of self-control.

In fact, Mr. Gao is more calculating, and he wants to use his appearance of anger to achieve some of his goals!

For example, leaving aside some rules on the gambling table, dig a hole for Wang Jin alone.

How else can we say that shopping malls are like battlefields, and the hearts of businessmen are heartbroken!

Before Wang Jin put eye drops on Mr. Gao, Mr. Gao couldn't wait to set Wang Jin off.

Obviously, it was Mr. Gao who saw some details about Wang Jin, knew that Wang Jin was short of funds, and wanted to drag Wang Jin into the water first, and when Wang Jin had no money to gamble, he had no choice but to leave.

For the rest of the game, only he and Shi Yijian will continue to play. This is also Mr. Gao's purpose. He wants to play Wang Jin first, because Wang Jin blocked his way.

In Mr. Gao's mind, he and Shi Yijian should be the protagonists in tonight's game, and Mr. Gao is the final winner!

Which onion is Wang Jin?

Thinking of this, the corner of Mr. Gao's mouth couldn't help but a mocking smile, Wang Jin wanted to compare with him, the gap was really not that big, he could make fun of Wang Jin into the applause with a little trick.

Why did Wang Jin fight him?

He has never heard of Wang Jin's name. Mr. Gao probably knows how much assets Shi Yijian has, but he doesn't know how much assets Wang Jin has, but he can probably guess it. How much assets can a person who has no name and no impression at all have.

Even if he started from scratch, how much assets can he accumulate at Wang Jin's age, so Mr. Gao speculates that Wang Jin is either a rich second generation of some family, or an illegitimate child.

It's no wonder that Mr. Gao has such a guess, because ordinary people can't enter this charity gambling dinner. They must have a certain status to participate in this charity gambling dinner, otherwise they won't even be able to enter the threshold.

But Mr. Gao never thought about the possibility that Wang Jin came in secretly, and there was no invitation at all.

This is not to blame Mr. Gao, where has he met such an unusual person!

"You want to raise separately with me?"

Wang Jin frowned, raised his eyes to look at Mr. Gao, looked at the other person's eyes, and did not show the slightest sign of timidity, but the moment Wang Jin frowned was still caught by Mr. Gao, he thought Wang Jin's performance was Scared!

So, after Wang Jin spoke, he replied almost without thinking.

"That's right, you and I raised separately, (ceej) don't you dare? If that's the case, then you'd better leave the gaming table early! There's no point in betting like this!"

Mr. Gao said with a lofty posture, he looked at Wang Jin as if a giant was looking down on an ant, his disdainful demeanor was almost all on his face.

Hearing this, Wang Jin smiled contemptuously in his heart, and muttered in his heart.

"Bet me, I won't kill you!"

Wang Jin really didn't expect Mr. Gao to rush to give money like this, he is simply taken advantage of, although Wang Jin can't get the money, after all, today is a charity gambling dinner, and all the money is going to be donated Charitable, but Wang Jin doesn't care, he is not short of money.

So, Wang Jin nodded naturally.

"Okay, I still have 4000 million US dollars here, and I've put all of them in, do you want to follow?"

"Of course, it's only 5000 million in total, little money!"

Mr. Gao's tone was downplaying, as if he didn't care about the 5000 million US dollars at all. He clapped his hands, opened a suitcase, and put it on the table. The box was full of green US dollars.

Immediately, many of the women present couldn't help being agitated, with longing in their eyes, if it wasn't for the restraint in their hearts, they would all have rushed at Mr. Gao, because in their eyes, Mr. Gao was simply Just a rich man.

These women, attending this occasion, just want to catch some wealthy sons-in-law, marry into a wealthy family, and reach the sky in one step. They are not from a wealthy family, but just some models, stars and the like. Although they look at the scenery, they are just like that. Once they are young, they will be too angry. If they don't take advantage of their youth to find opportunities to marry into a wealthy family, they will be like this for the rest of their lives. Therefore, as long as there are various banquets attended by wealthy families, they will squeeze their heads to participate. I want to try my luck and find a wealthy son-in-law.

Wang Jin and Mr. Gao didn't care what these women were thinking. The levels are different, and they are destined to pay attention to different things. Seeing Mr. Gao handed out 5000 million US dollars, Wang Jin was not polite and agreed to be alone with Mr. Gao. On gambling.

Over there, Shi Yijian didn't say anything, instead he was very interested, wanting to see what the outcome of the bet between Wang Jin and Mr. Gao would be. After all, there were some things that even he couldn't do.

Could it be that Wang Jin can do it?

"In that case, please ask the croupier to open the dice cup for us!"

Wang Jin waved his hand to attract several croupiers, and motioned them to open the dice cup, but all of them stretched their necks, wanting to see what was in the dice cup, and whether Wang Jin had won or not!

"Impossible, it's impossible at all! How could you guess all of them, you cheated!"

After seeing the dice in the dice cup, Mr. Gao's face suddenly turned pale, and he stood up in shock, and the stool behind him was also kicked down by him, with a disbelief on his face, he couldn't believe his eyes.

But Wang Jin just smiled and bowed his hands to Mr. Gao to express his gratitude, as if Mr. Gao was a boy who gave money.

"No matter how you say this is in public, how can I cheat, there is a limit to how much you can slander, besides, there are invincible magicians here, do I dare to cheat? I am willing to bet and admit defeat, you have 5000 million US dollars, I will replace you The general public thank you, Mr. Injustice!"

As soon as Wang Jin uttered the first three words of being wronged, Mr. Gao almost vomited blood in anger. His face turned from white to red, from red to black, and from black to purple. It was comparable to the second master alive. .

Chapter 710 Nine Inversions!

Mr. Gao's face is too ugly. Over the years, he has never been so humiliated. Even before he became the head of the Doa Group, no one humiliated him like this. Moreover, the person who provoked Mr. Gao was not under Mr. Gao's subordinates. People pulled it and poured it into a concrete column, which was thrown into the sea and fed to the sharks.

Otherwise, where would Mr. Gao's men have such a huge team of bodyguards and killers.

The annual budget and expenditure on this alone is already an astonishing astronomical figure.

It can be said that there are very few people who can be hostile to Mr. Gao and survive.

Now there are not many of them, and those who can survive are all figures with great energy. Even with the strength and influence of Mr. Gao, there is no way to deal with them.

But those characters are all powerful in the world, even black and white. Compared with them, Wang Jin is nothing-what?

A little Wang Jin, how dare to humiliate him?

If it weren't for the charity gaming dinner here, with many guests, and these guests are celebrities from all walks of life, with great energy, if it is inconvenient to do something in front of them, it is impossible to say that Mr. Gao will send his men to kill Wang Jin .

Unfortunately, now he can only think about it, he still has to maintain his status as the head of the doa group.

After all, the doa group is a group with great energy on the bright side, and it belongs to the white identity. With this identity, Mr. Gao can walk in the world aboveboard, and even give face in many places. This is a good amulet .

As long as no one can find out that there is something wrong with the doa group, nothing will happen to him.

When Mr. Gao glanced around, the guests around him looked like they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. It was really weird, and not only that, but the whispered voices of the surrounding guests also entered into Mr. Gao's ears one after another. .

"You say that this Mr. Gao is too miserable! He lost a lot of money and was said to be taken advantage of by others. What if I get so angry?"

"Didn't you see it just now? Mr. Gao's complexion is so ugly, it turns green to me!"

"It's green, it's obviously flushed! I didn't see Mr. Gao's face turn green!"

"Hey, don't you all mean the same thing when you say that you are so serious? I don't know what kind of boss that guy was just now, but he didn't give Mr. Gao any face at all. This is why he will never die with Mr. Gao!"

"Who says it's not! Mr. Gao is so rich, 5000 million US dollars is nothing but a trivial matter to him, and if he loses, he loses, but now he has been severely slapped in the face, don't tell me, I am really serious I think it's quite cool to watch, is it great to be rich?"

Some people were a little unhappy with Mr. Gao, and at this time it was unavoidable to feel like adding insult to injury.

At this moment, someone next to him woke him up and said to him.

"Brother, you should stop talking about this. It's fine if you talk about it in front of us, but don't let it reach Mr. Gao's ears, or you will go bankrupt tomorrow. A person with such great energy as Mr. Gao, If you want to punish you, it is not an easy task!"

After being awakened by the people around him, the expression of the guy who spoke out loud just now changed instantly, he thanked the people around him again and again, and looked around, only to find that he was far away from Mr. Gao, and he was surrounded by his confidantes My friend, I breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly thought that I was a little carried away. Seeing Mr. Gao like this in public, I wanted to laugh at him.

Although he has some status and energy in Xiangjiang and Las Vegas, he is still very different from Mr. Gao. If Mr. Gao really hears this, then he will be in big trouble. Mr. Gao It is still very easy to deal with a character like him.

With someone waking up, the discussion of this group of people became even quieter, but Mr. Gao's hearing was amazing, and he heard everything in his ears.

This can only be blamed on Mr. Gao's hearing, which is really amazing, even if he wants to, he can't listen. There has never been such a moment when Mr. Gao hated his ears for being so sensitive. The knife was stabbed in the heart, stabbed again and again, making Mr. Gao's heart twitch while his face was ugly. If it weren't for his amazing willpower to restrain himself, Mr. Gao would probably be criticized by these people , fainted by the stimulation.

But whether it is for his own face or for the status of the head of DOA, Mr. Gao cannot fall down, no matter how great the humiliation is, he can only endure it temporarily.

Thinking of this, Mr. Gao wished to cut Wang Jin into pieces. Mr. Gao even looked at Wang Jin with deep resentment, but he still gave this emotion to Wang Jin deeply. Pressed down in the bottom of my heart, I waited until the gambling charity dinner was over before going to have a thorough liquidation with Wang Jin.

After suppressing this impulsive emotion, Mr. Gao's mind gradually calmed down, and his IQ was on the line again.

Mr. Gao considers himself a smart person, so he naturally knows that what to do at this time is the most reasonable thing to do. Just now, he was provoked by Wang Jin, and then he was impulsive, and his blood got on his head. Now that he has calmed down, he will naturally not You did something stupid, although your face was dark, but you finally calmed down, but your demeanor was a bit creepy and cold compared to before, like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark, ready to rush out to choose someone at any time And eat.

Of course, Wang Jin would not care about Mr. Gao's change. To Wang Jin, Mr. Gao and him were not on the same level at all. Even if Mr. Gao had any thoughts about him, it was not worth mentioning.

It's just soldiers coming to cover up the water and soil. If Mr. Gao really dares to touch him, he doesn't mind going to the door and eradicating Mr. Gao himself. If a thing like an ant jumps in front of Wang Jin, Wang Jin will be killed. Naturally let the other party know what cruelty is!

After regaining his composure, Mr. Gao signaled his subordinates to fix the chair again, and sat down with a gloomy face. He looked directly at Wang Jin with cloudy eyes, and then said something in a serious tone.

"You won this game! Let's start the next game!"

Mr. Gao admitted defeat, Wang Jin shrugged and smiled and didn't care.

"Then start the next game!"

Regardless of whether Mr. Gao admits it or not, Mr. Gao has already lost this game, and the result cannot be changed.

Wang Jin stood up, lifted the box containing 5000 million US dollars on the gaming table in front of him, and poured all the 5000 million US dollars in the box in front of him in a sloppy manner, together with his original money. Together, they piled up into a mountain of money.

At this moment, the money around Wang Jin has exceeded [-] million US dollars, and it is piled up so brightly that many people see that the corners of their eyes twitch, their mouths are dry, and their saliva is dry.

That was more than [-] million U.S. dollars, and many people present did not have a combined net worth of [-] million U.S. dollars. In their view, this gamble was really a gamble on their wealth.

After Wang Jin and Mr. Gao spoke, the croupier immediately pushed all the deposit on the table to Wang Jin. After all, Wang Jin won the game just now.

Wang Jin didn't say much, but with the help of the croupier, he threw the $500 million deposit into the center of the gaming table and piled it up again. The same was true for Mr. Gao and Shi Yijian.

Soon, the three of them held their breaths and put their hands on the dice cup again.

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