This time, both Mr. Gao and Shi Yijian looked serious and solemn. Wang Jin's performance just now showed Wang Jin's strong strength.

Although Shi Yijian said that he did not participate in the fight just now, and slipped away in advance, and wanted to observe the two of them at the same time. Yijian predicted that Wang Jin really guessed everything right.

Shi Yijian had to be serious about this, because even he couldn't do what Wang Jin did just now.

Listening to three dice cups at the same time, using three purposes at the same time, Shi Yijian didn't know how Wang Jin did it. If it was a coincidence, it would be too coincidental, and there is no such word as coincidence on the gambling table!

But if it is said that Wang Jin heard it with his ears, Shi Yijian was a little hard to believe, because what Shi Yijian knew and learned, people's hearing and mind, after all, have limits. From the beginning of the surgery, his master once told him that there are many talented people in this world, but perfect talents can never exist.

Some people are very talented, and after hard and rigorous training, they can indeed do many things that are incredible to ordinary people.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

For example, when Shi Yijian was favored at the beginning, he embarked on this path because of his hands. Shi Yijian's hand speed and dexterity are far superior to ordinary people, and he can do things that many people cannot do. After years of training, Only then did he gain the title of the invincible magician in the gambling world.

But some things have limits after all, even Gao Jin, the best gambler with the best talent in the gambling world, still has many things that he can't do.

After all, although Gao Jin's talent is superb, it still belongs to the category of mortals.

Not only did he have to use one mind and three things, but he also had to have amazing hearing. Shi Yijian felt that even Gao Jin, the God of Gamblers, could not do this. How could Wang Jin do it?

He didn't believe it. Shi Yijian felt that Wang Jin must have some tricks or other methods to accomplish these things. He couldn't help being interested in this. What kind of technology is it that can do this?

Why doesn't even a gambling tycoon like him know?

It's not surprising that Shi Yijian would have such an idea, because according to his knowledge of certain technologies in casinos, he is absolutely qualified to say that he is ahead of everyone, but now even he has never heard of it. Make him curious!

For Shi Yijian, winning or losing is actually not that important, because he is already a well-known invincible magician in the gambling world, and he is about to retire soon, so winning or losing is not that important.


If you can win, you win, if you can't win, forget it, but Wang Jin aroused his curiosity, and he naturally wanted to see what step Wang Jin could do.

Therefore, Shi Yijian's face was very serious and meticulous.

Needless to say, Mr. Gao felt as if he was facing a great enemy, because he had already lost once just now, and if he lost again, his face would be completely lost.

The shaking sounds of the three dice cups sounded almost at the same time, and it was impossible to distinguish the order. It was just that the three people shook the dice cups in different ways, which made people feel as if they had seen some amazing art. intoxicated.

Wang Jin's technique is the simplest, even a novice can shake it out, but it just gives people a feeling of being simple and unremarkable, ingenious and ingenious, and very charming and rhythmic.

Shi Yijian's method is the fastest. Although Shi Yijian is old, but with decades of training and his own talent, things like this kind of dice rolling are difficult for Shi Yijian. It is really limited.

Mr. Gao's technique is absolutely magnificent, among the three, his exaggerated technique is the most eye-catching. In Mr. Gao's hand, the dice cup jumps up and down like a live mouse.

Of course, this is not Mr. Gao's grandstanding, but Mr. Gao's other idea, a way to deal with Wang Jin.

Just now, Mr. Gao had a gamble with Wang Jin. It can be said that Mr. Gao was pale. Even now, Mr. Gao has not figured out how he lost, but Mr. Gao will not admit defeat easily, so he thought of this method .

This is a rather rare method of shaking the dice cup, called the upside-down method!

The dice cup is in the hands of a person, and it can change its position at will, up and down, like somersaults. The dice will collide with the base of the dice cup from time to time, and because of the thickness of the base of the dice cup, the shaking range of the dice is different. The test is simply abnormal level.

Of course, very few people use this method, and not many people know about it.

The main reason is that this method is really flashy, and secondly, it is too difficult, and after practice, the effect is not that great

After all, many masters can't hear the general technique, so why use this kind of technique that is not only difficult to practice, but also difficult to use?

Therefore, few people know about this technique, and it is almost lost, even in the gambling world, there are not many people who can use it.

Maybe the God of Gamblers is one of them, and Shi Yijian may have learned it too. After all, people of the older generation know a lot about this technique, and those who have learned it and can use it are the only ones who are left. I know it myself!

Mr. Gao had no choice but to use this method. He really didn't see how Wang Jin won, but if he didn't want to admit defeat, he could only use this trick like a trump card, hoping to suppress Wang Jin!Where.

Chapter 720 Big defeat and loss!


There was a muffled sound of the extremely heavy dice cup colliding with the gambling table, Wang Jin and Shi Yijian, almost in no particular order, smashed the dice cup on the gambling table, which created a nearly There was only a muffled sound.

Of course, this was also done intentionally by the three of them. The smashing of the dice cup was not just a random smash, but extremely well-known. In gambling, this smashing can actually control the dice in the dice cup to face themselves Want to change numbers.

It's just that the methods you want to use and the various methods of movement are different. Everyone has their own habits, and when the schools are passed down, there are various differences.

For example, the God of Gamblers' technique will definitely not be the same as Shi Yijian's, because their two masters are not the same person.

And even if it is the same master, when it is handed down, there are already quite a few differences due to personal habits, talents, physical and other messy reasons.

Therefore, in the same way, it can be said that there are many varieties, and the Eight Immortals have shown their magical powers.

Some people are good-looking, and some people are not good-looking. As for who is stronger and who is weaker, you have to compare them to know.

After Wang Jin left the dice cup, he couldn't help looking at Mr. Gao, since he raised his eyebrows and said in praise.

"Beautiful technique!"

Naturally, this is not a compliment to Mr. Gao's technique when he rolled the dice, but to the inversion method used by Mr. Gao earlier.

Judging from the simple method, Wang Jin's praise is not wrong.

Mr. Gao's technique is indeed the most pleasing one among the three. It is as gorgeous as a peacock spreading its tail, making people reluctant to take their eyes away. It is like a novel magic show, and they cannot bear to let it go for a moment.

Even Shi Yijian's hand can't compare. This doesn't mean that Mr. Gao is better than Shi Yijian, but simply from the perspective of appreciation, Mr. Gao is the best.

Although Shi Yijian's technique is fast, it is not particularly gorgeous as "[-]".

Not to mention Wang Jin's, it's normal and unremarkable.

Although Wang Jin doesn't like Mr. Gao, but for the same beautiful technique, even if this person is Mr. Gao, Wang Jin will not be stingy to praise.


Although Mr. Gao was praised by Wang Jin, he would rather not want this kind of praise, so he snorted coldly and said nothing with a stinky face.

Shi Yijian also touched his nose, but didn't say anything, and the scene was a bit cold for a while.

In the end, Wang Jin saw that there was really no other way, neither of them spoke. As the winner of the previous round, Wang Jin reluctantly stood up and spoke.

"How? Who will come first this time?"

Wang Jin's eyes swept over Mr. Gao and Shi Yijian. Shi Yijian was still the same, unusually calm and motionless, no one could see what Shi Yijian was thinking, if it weren't for Shi Yijian's two thumbs Rubbing each other, and his eyeballs rolled from time to time, people who didn't know thought it was a real statue!

Seeing that Shi Yijian didn't speak, Mr. Gao's eyes couldn't help looking eager.

In the previous game, he lost!

But in this game, Mr. Gao still has some confidence. His confidence is not that he can guess all the dice, but that no one can guess the number in his dice cup, so he seems a little eager to try, because as long as Both Wang Jin and Shi Yijian guessed wrong, so even if he guessed wrong, this game is just a draw. Although it is not a win, at least he has recovered the face that Mr. Gao lost just now.

Everyone is tied, so there is no difference between who is superior and who is inferior. The previous game can also be regarded as his underestimation of the enemy. If he speaks out later, he can also have an excuse to refute.

Naturally, Wang Jin saw the eagerness in Mr. Gao's eyes, so he didn't intend to stop it. Anyway, this kind of thing needs to come first. Since Mr. Gao wants to come first, let Mr. Gao come first.

"It looks like you want to come first? Then you come first!"

Wang Jin didn't bother to call Mr. Gao's name anymore. Anyway, both sides were already tearing their faces apart. Although Mr. Gao didn't have any ideas on the surface, in his heart, he wished to crush Wang Jin. Although Wang Jin didn't have mind reading skills , but if you can't even guess this point, then Wang Jin shouldn't mess around, so Wang Jin doesn't bother to hide it.

Everyone is not a good person, it's just each other, so what's the use of pretending to be alike?

Mr. Gao could also see that Wang Jin was going to face him head-on, and he didn't even want to cover up what he should have done, completely tearing his face apart.

In his heart, Mr. Gao had already put Wang Jin on the death list. Since Wang Jin wanted to die, he would fulfill Wang Jin. As soon as the charity gambling dinner was over, he would send someone to kill Wang Jin when he turned around.

Of course, this does not mean that he killed Wang Jin directly. Such an approach is too stupid. The police can easily suspect Mr. Gao. Even if Mr. Gao has evidence of his alibi, the police will still Keep an eye on Mr. Gao.

Mr. Gao is such a cautious person, the police have not caught Mr. Gao's evidence for several years, how could Mr. Gao leave such a big handle to the police.

In Mr. Gao's view, he has plenty of ways to kill Wang Jin.

For example, doesn't Wang Jin look rich?

As long as he finds someone to pretend to be a kidnapper, kidnap Wang Jin, extort a sum of money, contact the police, lead this case to the extortion case, and finally kill Wang Jin directly, then this case , it has absolutely nothing to do with Mr. Gao.


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Click the link to join the group chat [Fiction Exchange Group]: The police will only look suspiciously at the kidnappers, because in the eyes of the police, those kidnappers have no They thought about releasing Wang Jin, and they would kill Wang Jin no matter whether they got the ransom or not.

And Mr. Gao will not bear any suspicion, because this is an obvious kidnapping and extortion case, and has nothing to do with Mr. Gao, because Mr. Gao, who is very rich, obviously would not do such kidnapping and extortion.

Therefore, Mr. Gao has never put Wang Jin in his eyes. Now that Wang Jin is dancing so happily, when the charity gambling dinner is over, how miserable Wang Jin will die!

At that time, Mr. Gao will definitely give Wang Jin a ride in person to vent his hatred!

After temporarily suppressing these thoughts in his heart, Mr. Gao was not polite, and directly told Shi Yijian and Wang Jin a set of answers. Anyway, this set of answers was all Mr. Gao's nonsense, and he did not expect to win.

In this round, Mr. Gao can say that he didn't hear a single dice, he only got a big number from the dice he rolled.

It's not that Mr. Gao doesn't want to hear the numbers in the dice cup, it's just that Mr. Gao's ability lies here, and there are some things that he can't hear if he wants to.

For example, in the previous round, when no one was serious, he could still hear something by relying on his knowledge, but after the three of them were serious in this round, he couldn't hear anything anymore. This is also the reason why Mr. Gao's highest goal is only a tie.

"I'll just bet this round. I bet all my money! Then it's up to you!"

After finishing his answer, Mr. Gao pushed all the US dollars around him to the center of the gambling table without even thinking about it. Then he looked at Shi Yijian and Wang Jin, waiting for Wang Jin and Shi Yijian's answer.

That is to say, Mr. Gao will not back down this round, and he continues to participate.

After all, Mr. Gao has already made up his mind to decide the outcome, betting all his cash on this one.

In other words, if Mr. Gao loses this fight, there will be nothing left at his gate, and tonight's finale show can be declared over.

What Mr. Gao said this time completely confused Shi Yijian.

Mr. Gao said it easily, but also with a calm demeanor, as if he was full of confidence. Shi Yijian had no idea what kind of medicine was sold in Mr. Gao's gourd. Could it be that Mr. Gao was so confident that he could win?

But Mr. Gao's guessed answer doesn't seem to be right either!

This is where Shi Yijian was puzzled!

At least, the answer that Mr. Gao guessed was completely wrong for Shi Yijian.

Although Shi Yijian couldn't figure out what numbers were in the dice cup between Wang Jin and Mr. Gao. After all, this was a peak duel, and Shi Yijian had to admit that even with his invincible magic hand, it was impossible to win in this game. In this duel, he can't take advantage of the slightest advantage, because Wang Jin and Mr. Gao are both top experts. Even if they are worse than him, they are not much worse. He is not very friendly to Shi Yijian. After all, he is not clear about his age and his physical ability has declined. Even if Shi Yijian has been well maintained, he has to say one thing, that is, Shi Yijian's physical peak period is already gone.

The idiom "clear ears and eyesight" has nothing to do with this old man.

Therefore, for this round, Shi Yijian was not sure, but he had already retreated for a round. If he retreated, his face as an invincible magician would be completely lost.

Some situations can be lost, but you must not back down, even if you have to bite the bullet, you have to fight, and the current situation is like this.

"Me too!"

Shi Yijian couldn't figure out the context of this round, but this round was a tiebreaker, so he definitely wanted to participate, even if he lost, it was fine, he just lost all the tens of millions of dollars in front of him, Nothing.

Since he, Shi Yijian, had already taken out the money, he didn't think about taking it back. After all, today is a charity gambling dinner, and all the money on the gambling table will be used for charity activities, and he can't take any of it away. .

After making sure to keep up with this one, Shi Yijian turned his attention to Wang Jin, waiting for Wang Jin's final answer, whether to follow or not!

If this one, Wang Jin still followed, it would be a complete decisive game, and everyone bet all the wealth in front of the door.

If Wang Jin didn't follow, then this would be a decisive match between Shi Yijian and Mr. Gao, whoever wins will continue to fight Wang Jin.

Wang Jin didn't expect that Mr. Gao and Shi Yijian would be so courageous, they directly bet all their family fortunes, and decided the outcome in one game.

However, such a situation is better for Wang Jin, and he doesn't want to continue to procrastinate. Since you want to be the best, let's see the truth in one game!

"In this game, if I keep up, I have more than 1 million US dollars here. I'm afraid you don't have enough money?"

Wang Jin was not in a hurry to make a conclusion, but looked at the two with a half-smile, and his hand was pressed on a large pile of US dollars...

"It's just over [-] million! What is it? If you follow, I will raise another [-] million dollars, and you don't need to raise the bet. This game will determine the outcome!"

Mr. Gao seemed to have a lot of confidence in this game, and directly proposed that if Wang Jin entered the game, he would continue to spend [-] million to match Wang Jin's funds, and even Wang Jin would not be required to make up for the excess.

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