It is vivid to show the four characters of wealth and wealth.

"I can also make up [-] million US dollars!"

After seeing Mr. Gao, he had already opened his mouth to speak. If Shi Yijian did not express his opinion at this time, his reputation as an invincible magician would plummet from tonight.

Therefore, even if it was to save his reputation, Shi Yijian had to participate.

It's nothing to lose, even if he loses the [-] million US dollars, it's not a serious injury to Shi Yijian. He has saved a lot of money over the years. Although [-] million US dollars is not a lot, he can still I can take it out.

And many guests present gasped when they heard Mr. Gao and Shi Yijian's words, their eyes were completely red, their throats were dry, and they wanted to drink water.

The funds on the table are already a full [-] million U.S. dollars. Now if Mr. Gao and Shi Yijian are making up [-] million U.S. dollars, it will be a full [-] million U.S. dollars!

If this game is really successful, then today's charity gambling dinner will probably be recorded in the annals of history, because the number of charitable donations raised is really appalling.

The big head alone exceeded [-] million U.S. dollars, and this is not counting the donations of other people. No matter in Xiangjiang or Las Vegas, they have never seen such a large amount of money. It is simply unprecedented.

"Okay, pride! I will participate in this one!"

Seeing Shi Yijian and Mr. Gao, without even blinking their brows, they threw out another [-] million, as if they didn't take money as money, Wang Jin suddenly became arrogant, anyway, the money is not his , no matter whether he wins or loses, it will not fall into Wang Jin's pocket, so why is Wang Jin reluctant.

Thinking of this, Wang Jin directly pushed out the more than 1 million US dollars beside him without blinking an eye, and then told the two of them his answer!

"My dice cup contains one, two, three, and Mr. Shi's dice cup contains three ones, or it can also be said to be one one, because the three dice are stacked together, I will give both answers, and when the time comes Mr. Shi, don't lie down!"

Wang Jin smiled at Shi Yijian, and squeezed his eyes. He didn't expect Shi Yijian to be such a thug, shaking out this situation. If he only said one situation, Shi Yijian only had to be thick-skinned. One point, you can really play tricks and let it go, because both answers can be counted, and you can’t count, but now Wang Jin has explained in advance, if this happens, it will be regarded as Wang Jin won. Either way is a win.

When Wang Jin said this answer, Shi Yijian who was sitting there couldn't help but frowned, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, because the answer Wang Jin said was almost exactly the same as what he shook out.

The dice cup was shaken by Shi Yijian himself. Shi Yijian knew best what was going on inside. It can be said that he had played to the extreme. Whether it was pace or speed, the other two were in sync with 4.9, and the technique was even better. It was played to the peak by Shi Yijian, even if it was not worse than other peaks, especially because he had more foresight, and specially shook out a three-in-one situation, as long as one less thing is said, it is considered Can't win, but I didn't expect to be guessed by Wang Jin.

At this moment, the horror in Shi Yijian's heart can hardly be described in words, he can only force himself to be calm, and he doesn't show it at all on his face, but his panic in a split second is not something he can suppress if he wants to. Yes, the expression on his face just now has completely exposed him.

Wang Jin didn't bother Shi Yijian, but turned his attention to Mr. Gao, the culprit who provoked the decisive game. The smile on his face couldn't be stopped.

It's just that the smile, no matter how you look at it, has a treacherous and joking taste, it looks like a big villain, Wang Jin doesn't care whether his smile looks like a good person or a villain, it doesn't matter to Wang Jin anyway, he just wants to be himself.

"Why don't you say that you have worked so hard! Even this kind of situation with no points, you can shake it out, no wonder you are full of confidence, and you want to come to a tiebreaker. Now that I have given the answer, do you still have the confidence to win? "

Wang Jin looked at Mr. Gao jokingly, and Mr. Gao felt chills all over his body, as if he was not wearing any clothes.


Mr. Gao's face changed again and again, he didn't expect Wang Jin to guess it, and it was accurate.

It can be said that Mr. Gao took great pains in this round. In order to remain invincible, he directly used special techniques to smash all the dice in the dice cup, without even a single point. He even used special techniques to simulate I heard the sound of the dice colliding, but I didn't expect that even so, it was still guessed by Wang Jin

"Hmph, you are cruel! Let's see Zhenzhang next time! Let's go!"

The embarrassing Mr. Gao naturally didn't want to stay any longer, put down his cruel words, and left in embarrassment with his men and horses in a desperate manner! .

Chapter 720: Killing Intent Boils, Set Up a Plot!

doa building!

Penthouse office!


"Damn it, damn it! Give it to me!"

There was a bang on the desk, and the entire office was trembling, and even the loud noise echoed throughout the floor.

Also reverberating between the floors, Mr. Gao's voice roared like a ghost. That kind of anger and resentment can even make people's legs go weak, and they feel fear and fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Standing on the floor, the elevator entrance, and even the bodyguards not far from the office, although all of them stood up straight and wore a pair of black sunglasses on their faces, they were silent in their hearts, wishing to find a place to shiver, because The head of the doa group lost his temper.

As long as you have been with Mr. Gao for a period of time, there is no one who does not know the horror of Mr. Gao. This is a vicious person who is ruthless and will take revenge. Anyone who opposes Mr. Gao for so many years, few people can survive. down.

Today, I don't know who provoked Mr. Gao, who made Mr. Gao fly into a rage, and even lost his temper so much.

However, in the hearts of these bodyguards, they also felt sorry for the other party. They provoked Mr. Gao, and I am afraid that the other party would not live for a few days. They have experience in this kind of thing with Mr. Gao's old people, but they will not say anything. They didn't ask any questions either, they were only responsible for protecting Mr. Gao's safety, they didn't see anything and didn't know anything about the rest.

This is a qualified bodyguard!

For any conscientious bodyguards, the grass on the grave may be three feet high, and they are also reluctant to lose this 24 job. Although Mr. Gao is a ruthless person, Mr. Gao has never been stingy when it comes to money. You are loyal to Mr. Gao, and you have a lot of money.

Their wages and benefits are even three times the level of the same industry, not counting other things. For example, everyone is allocated housing, scooter and other things. I just gave it away, I can't think of Mr. Gao's generosity.

It is also for this reason that many of Mr. Gao's bodyguards can be described as loyal. Even if they knew that Mr. Gao was not a good guy, they all pretended not to see it.

This is how it is these days. The rich are the real masters. There are very few things that money can't settle. Failure to settle just proves that the price tag is not enough.

In the office on the top floor, Mr. Gao vented his anger. After smashing all kinds of antique teacups and vases on the floor, Mr. Gao's anger finally subsided a little, and he calmed down.

After hearing that there was no movement in the office, A Chao, Mr. Gao's confidant, suddenly walked in from outside the office with a flattering smile on his face.

"Mr. Gao, who made you angry again, I'll find someone to help you kill him right away!"

Ah Chao, who came in, expressed his loyalty in a hurry, and wanted to find someone to help Mr. Gao vent his anger. He is Mr. Gao's dog leg, so naturally he has to take care of Mr. Gao and make Mr. Gao feel at ease. As for other things, he doesn't care, as long as he doesn't If you provoke the most powerful figures in the world, their doa group can be settled.

And how could such a character be met in the casino?

In other words, even if you encounter it!

This kind of big man, who travels without a lot of ostentation, with countless bodyguards accompanying him to clear the way, and Mr. Gao is not a fool, if he sees this kind of ostentation, it is impossible to go up and provoke right and wrong for no reason.

Therefore, A Chao is almost certain that the person who can provoke Mr. Gao so angry is definitely not a big shot. If it is really a powerful big shot who conflicts with Mr. Gao, Mr. Gao will not be as angry as he is now.

Instead, he has a gloomy face, is unsmiling when he sees people, and is dull for several days. When he sees something that doesn't go his way, he is always beaten and scolded.

At that time, Mr. Gao was the scariest. It is best not to touch Mr. Gao's brow, or you will be courting death.

Because Mr. Gao has nothing to do with the other party, he can only sulk.

As the confidant who has been with Mr. Gao for the longest time, Ah Chao has encountered that kind of situation, so he can conclude that he can intervene in this matter. If Mr. Gao looks extremely gloomy, it is not right to kill Ah Chao. He didn't want to be beaten to death if he dared to interrupt.

"As long as you can find someone to clean up that guy, tell me, who do you have?"

Mr. Gao glared at A Chao fiercely, which almost made A Chao paralyzed from fright. At the same time, he laughed angrily at what A Chao said. How can he not know what A Chao is capable of?

Apart from being loyal, helping him manage the doa group, and then handling some chores, Ah Chao can't do anything.

It's not that Mr. Gao looks down on Chao, but the fact is that, as the subordinate who has followed Mr. Gao for the longest time, he is most at ease with Chao, because the loyalty of the other party is absolutely guaranteed.

At the same time, Mr. Gao once thought about cultivating the other party and sharing some major issues for himself.

However, Ah Chao messed up everything, that is, from that time on, Mr. Gao knew that Ah Chao had no ability and could not be cultivated.

If Ah Chao hadn't been with him for a long time, was loyal, and was familiar with his preferences and habits, which made it easy for him, he would have found someone to bury Ah Chao long ago.

Hearing what the other party said now, Mr. Gao was naturally laughed out of anger.

However, he also knew that Ah Chao was taking this opportunity to flatter him, and he was not really angry at all, but just to scare Ah Chao.

Hearing this, Ah Chao suddenly stood there stiffly in embarrassment, because he really couldn't find anyone to help Mr. Gao vent his anger, and his flattery seemed to be slapped on the horse's leg.

"Okay, ghost is back, let him come to see me!"

After teasing his subordinates for a while, Mr. Gao's anger subsided again, and he was too lazy to pursue the matter of Chao's indiscriminate flattery, but asked about other serious matters.

"He's back! I'll send him to see you right away!"

Seeing that Mr. Gao didn't pursue his intentions, Ah Chao breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly slipped out of the office to find Ah Gui.

Although Mr. Gao didn't pursue his intentions, he couldn't handle even the trivial matter of spreading the word.It is estimated that Mr. Gao can discount his legs.

Soon, under the notice of Ah Chao, Ah Gui took the elevator and came to the top floor.

A Gui's figure is not tall, but his figure is full of explosive power. He is wearing a black jacket and long bangs, covering most of his face. With his thin cheeks and a pair of fierce wolf-like eyes, he looks extremely fierce and sinister. Ruthless, just looking at it will make my heart palpitate.

Not to mention, there is still an inexplicable murderous and evil spirit lingering around Ah Gui's body. As long as ordinary people meet his eyes for a while, they will involuntarily avoid their eyes and admit that they are afraid.

Even those bodyguards of Mr. Gao, when they saw Ah Gui, they avoided it like a sheep seeing a hungry wolf.

Just like now, when the elevator reached the top floor, many bodyguards subconsciously looked at the elevator door, and when they saw the elevator door open, and it was Agui who appeared in the elevator, they all lowered their heads subconsciously, not daring to go Looking at each other, they all looked at the soles of their feet, and didn't ask what the ghost was doing up here!

To ghosts, they are fear and deterrence from body to soul!

Because, ghost is really terrifying, cruel, tyrannical, and full of wildness. They have all witnessed the horror of ghost, like a beast in the mountains and forests, enough to tear everything into pieces.

Therefore, they absolutely dare not look at A Gui, this is the tremendous pressure that top predators put on their prey.

Just looking past them made them feel chills on their backs and sweat all over their bodies, as if they were being targeted by some top predator.

It wasn't until they watched Ah Gui's back leave that the bodyguards suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. It was really that Ah Gui put too much pressure on them.

"Mr. Gao!"

A Gui walked into Mr. Gao's office at 280, first saw the smashed teacups and vase fragments on the ground, then ignored it and called Mr. Gao.

"Ghost, are you here?"

Hearing Ah Gui's voice, Mr. Gao quickly raised his head to look at Ah Gui, and then nodded to Ah Gui as a greeting.

"Yes, Mr. Gao! I don't know what you can do with me?"

A Gui's eyes were a bit puzzled. He used to be a top killer in the world. Later, he was hired by the Doa Group and became the person in charge of security of the Doa Group. Usually, he lives a leisurely life and has nothing to do. As long as It's enough to get a salary, and Mr. Gao rarely looks for him.

Of course, if you find him, there must be something for him to do, and it may be something that is difficult to handle on the surface. If it is easy to handle, you will not find him.

He was hired by the doa group to help the doa group deal with some shady things, the so-called taking people's money and eliminating disasters with people!

Every year, the doa group spends a lot of money to support him, but they don't allow him to retire. At critical moments, he is needed to do business.

"Help me kill this person. He should still be in Las Vegas, but he can't be killed directly, otherwise it will be very troublesome! It's best to make it into a kidnapping case, and then notify the police to hide it!"

Mr. Gao handed A Gui a photo, and the person on the photo was Wang Jin who was in the hotel dinner, and this photo seemed to be taken at the dinner just now, and it was just over It didn't take long, not even a few hours, for Mr. Gao to get the photo of Wang Jin himself, which was still the latest.

It is conceivable how terrifying the power of the doa group is!

After taking a look at the photo, Ah Gui remembered Wang Jin's appearance in the photo, then put the photo in his arms, and assured Mr. Gao sternly.

"I'll take someone there right away! Mr. Gao, please wait for the good news!".

Chapter 720 The second is to strike first!

A Gui is a man of one word, he almost acts when he says he will act. After leaving Mr. Gao's office, he is ready to lead people to surround and kill Wang Jin.

As a former world-class killer, caution has always been his principle, and it is also the reason why he has been active in the killer world for so many years and has a certain reputation.

Although he hasn't been active in the killer world since he was hired by the doa group, his cautious character still remains.

It should be known that when he was an assassin in the past, he almost always fought alone, so naturally he had to be more careful, plan before acting.

Because, if he is not careful, if there is a mistake in any link, he may lose his life, and it is precisely because of this that he has to develop the habit of being cautious.

Every time before taking action, he will investigate all the information of the target.

After that, a plan will be made to kill the target according to the behavior of the target.

It's just that after becoming the security director of the doa group, he doesn't have so much freedom and authority. Mr. Gao said that if he wants to kill Wang Jin, he must get rid of Wang Jin quickly.

However, after becoming the person in charge of the doa group, there are also advantages, that is, at least Agui doesn't have to fight alone, and has a large number of people under his command.

These men and horses are not small fish, all of them are experienced and powerful mercenaries, who have experienced the tempering of blood and fire, and have fought a lot even in large-scale wars.

That is to say, the doa group has plenty of money, so it can spend a huge price to attract them from all over the world to help the doa group handle some things that it can't do on the surface.

It can be said that these people are all elites in the army, no worse than special forces, and some of them are even retired special forces from certain countries. Because they can't adapt to the ordinary retired life, they embarked on the road of mercenaries.

Therefore, for these people, killing and war can make them feel that they are real. It can be said that these guys are war lunatics, and killing people is just commonplace for them.

After receiving A Gui's call, these guys all gathered on the sixth floor of the Doa Group building.

The sixth floor of the entire building is completely closed, there are no doors at all, and there is no other way to enter it except for an elevator, unless the wall is completely demolished.

And this elevator is dedicated to the security department. Unless there is a magnetic card from the security department, no one can enter this elevator except Mr. Gao.

Soon these mercenaries gathered on the sixth floor. They were sturdy and full of evil spirits, bragging and farting while waiting for the arrival of ghost.

After not much time, Agui, who was wearing a black combat uniform, came here. He coughed a little, and the mercenaries who were bragging just now all shut up and lined up. To the ghost.

In an instant, a murderous air of iron and blood permeated the surroundings. Even ordinary people with little knowledge, seeing such a team, would think that it was an elite of hundreds of battles.

A Gui glanced around the crowd, and then continued.

"Everyone, just now Mr. Gao issued a mission for us to get rid of a person. You will all act together with me in a while. Now I will give you 30 seconds to record the appearance of this person, and then change your weapon in 5 minutes. Take all the guys you take advantage of!"

Ghost's face was quite serious. This was a serious matter ordered by Mr. Gao. Naturally, Ghost would not take it as a joke, so he took out Wang Jin's photo from his arms and handed it to the mercenaries.

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