In an instant, Luo Ziwen and all the mobile troops were stunned, while the mobile department was stunned. The whole hall looked like ruins, the scene was in a mess, blood flowed like a river, and there were many corpses lying on the ground, obviously after passing by. A fierce battle.

Except for the three people standing there, there were no living people, and the mobile unit did not know the identities of the three. Without knowing why, they raised the submachine guns in their hands and pointed at the three of Wang Jin faintly.

If the three of Wang Jin made any moves, they would shoot Wang Jin, Shi Yijian, and A Cai into a sieve.

The reason why Luo Ziwen was stunned was because she saw Wang Jin also appearing here, and a beautiful woman was still hugging Wang Jin tightly, refusing to let go.

Involuntarily, Luo Ziwen squeezed the submachine gun in her hand heavily, and the veins on her forehead also twitched, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

She didn't know why, she had nothing to do with Wang Jin at all, at most, she met him once, and there was even some ambiguous misunderstanding, but after the misunderstanding was solved, it was fine, but she didn't know why she saw this Luo Ziwen still couldn't accept this situation!

Seeing the mobile unit that had just arrived, vaguely pointing the gun at himself and others, Shi Yijian quickly raised his arms high without persistence, made a gesture of surrender, and hurriedly shouted at the staff of the mobile department.

"Everyone, don't get excited! We are all good people!"

Wang Jin also held up his ID at the right time, allowing the mobile troops to see clearly, proving the identity of himself and others.

"Brothers, one of my own! I am Wang Jin, the high-ranking officer of the Commercial Crime Investigation Division of the Xiangjiang Police Force!"

Luo Ziwen took off the goggles at this time, waved her hands down, and then gave orders to the mobile troops behind her.

"It's my own, don't be nervous, put away the guns! Leave it to me here! Patrol around and see if there are any other fish that slipped through the net!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The members of the mobile unit saw Luo Ziwen, the temporary leader of the mobile unit, confirmed the identity of the other party, the crisis was resolved, and they left immediately to check other places.

Luo Ziwen walked into the hall with a submachine gun in hand after seeing the men of the mobile unit leave, and came in front of Wang Jin and the others.

After arriving in front of Wang Jin, Luo Ziwen did not speak directly, but glanced at A Cai in Wang Jin's arms, and then gave Wang Jin a look of understanding.

For a moment, Wang Jin seemed to feel a murderous aura covering himself, making him feel cold all over.

This made Wang Jin confused. Is there something between him and Luo Ziwen?

Why, Luo Ziwen looked at him with such meaningful eyes?

And what does this look mean?

Could it be that he did something extraordinary to Luo Ziwen, but he just forgot?

Otherwise, how could Luo Ziwen look at him with such scumbag-like eyes?

Because of this look, Wang Jin couldn't help but carefully recalled the process of meeting Luo Ziwen, to see if he had forgotten any important things.

However, after thinking about the whole process, Wang Jin didn't find any missing memories. He didn't do anything to Luo Ziwen at all, so he didn't accept this kind of small look.

After giving the other party an innocent look, Wang Jin still pushed A Cai out of his arms, he couldn't let A Cai cling to him all the time, let's hug him!

Then Wang Jin still has to walk!

After A Cai got out of Wang Jin's arms, she discovered the heroic Luo Ziwen. At first, she was a little embarrassed, and her pale face turned rosy.

But then A Cai seemed to have discovered something, first looked at Wang Jin, and then at Luo Ziwen, with suspicious eyes, as if she wanted to find something from Wang Jin and Luo Ziwen.

But both Wang Jin's and Luo Ziwen's faces were quite calm, and nothing could be seen.

Really couldn't find any clues, A Cai snorted quietly, grabbed Wang Jin's arm, tightly unwilling to let go, and gave Luo Ziwen a demonstrative look, as if Wang Jin was Her things are average, and she will never give Luo Ziwen a chance.

Seeing this scene, Luo Ziwen couldn't help but want to laugh!

In her view, A Cai is like a little girl who hasn't fully grown up yet. At this time, she is full of the performance of a naive little girl, and her attitude towards Wang Jin is like seeing a candy she likes. , do not want to share with others.

Although Luo Ziwen is not a few years older than A Cai, Luo Ziwen, who has been tempered in society for many years and is used to many things, is much more mature than A Cai in this matter.

Leaving aside, she has nothing to do with Wang Jin, even if she really has something to do with Wang Jin, she will not show it so clearly, because there are other outsiders present here.

Some things can be discussed in private, but on the scene, there are still some things to give men some face.

When men mess around in this world, what they mess around is nothing more than money, power, and face!

Money and power, these are things outside the body, even if they are gone, there is still a chance to get them back.

But if a man loses face, it is not so easy to get it back, and sometimes it will follow his whole life and become a black spot.

Therefore, even if two people are really not suitable for each other, they should be kind and friendly, and don't become each other's enemies because of a momentary impulse. This is the real expression of maturity...

Because, no one knows when someone will be in trouble, since you have loved him before, you should give the man a face.

Maybe, when you are in trouble, when you are most helpless and most in need, this man will lend a helping hand, because your maturity back then allowed him to save face, and he will always remember this in his heart.

Shi Yijian at the side, naturally also saw this scene. As someone who had been there, he had actually seen something, but he didn't say anything.

When he recognized Wang Jin earlier, he had already expected this scene to happen in the future, but he didn't expect this scene to happen so quickly, and the person who appeared here was not Wang Jin's real girlfriend as he had expected.

At the same time, Shi Yijian admired Luo Ziwen's maturity!

If there is no prejudice in her heart, A Cai is not his daughter, and the two compete fairly.

In fact, Shi Yijian is more optimistic about Luo Ziwen, because Luo Ziwen's performance is a truly mature and good wife who can help men.

After all, Ah Cai has been spoiled by him all these years, she has seen too little of the world!

However, Ah Cai's simplicity may also be what attracts men, and Shi Yijian also knows it well.

After a few seconds of silence, Wang Jin finally couldn't stand the awkward atmosphere, and broke the deadlock.

"Captain Luo, since you are here, I will leave it to you to take charge of this place, and I will send them back first! If you want to know anything else, you can go to Xiangjiang Police Force, Commercial Crime Investigation Division to find me!"

Luo Ziwen was expressionless and said sarcastically with a businesslike look.

"Okay, if there is anything I need, I will go to you to find out!"

Wang Jin nodded, and hurriedly took A Cai and Shi Yijian and left. He didn't know what would happen if he continued to stay. Obviously, nothing happened to Wang Jin, Luo Ziwen, and A Cai. , but for some reason, Wang Jin felt like he was in the Shura field of hell!

Better to go first!

Wang Jin took A Cai and Shi Yijian, and took the two of them back to the casino on the yacht when they came, and then Wang Jin was about to leave.

A Cai was pestering Wang Jin and didn't want him to leave, but after Wang Jin said that he had work to do and promised to visit A ​​Cai when he had time, A Cai reluctantly let Wang Jin go.

Coming out of A Cai's house, Wang Jin looked up at the sky and breathed a sigh of relief, then took the boat across the sea and returned to Xiangjiang.

Just now when he answered Xiangjiang, Wang Jin was in the Commercial Crime Investigation Section, and before his butt was hot, he received a call from Brother Yi.

It turned out that the first brother had already learned about what Wang Jin was doing on the high seas from other channels, and after hearing that Wang Jin would return to Xiangjiang, he immediately asked Wang Jin to meet him in his office to talk about something.

Brother One is calling!

Even Wang Jin, feeling exhausted, had to pull himself together and came to Brother Yi's office.

After entering Brother Yi's office again, the environment was still the same as when Wang Jin came last time, without much change.

Seeing Wang Jin coming in, the first brother put down the document in his hand, took off his eyes, and greeted Wang Jin casually.


Wang Jin took advantage of the opportunity and sat down on the chair opposite Brother Yi, and he was not polite.

"Ajin, I've heard about your case. You put in a lot of effort to solve the case of the doa group so quickly. Although you were not responsible for this case, but you intervened by coincidence, it's not I may deny your credit! Before you came just now, I had already discussed with the two deputy directors. Talents like you should not be placed in the position of the Commercial Crime Investigation Division! After all, it is a department with a strong clerical atmosphere. It may not be very suitable for you! The three of us agreed that you should be placed where you should be placed, and now the New Territories North still lacks a leader, are you willing to go there?"

The first brother put down his work and asked 4.9 Wang Jin for his opinion.

Hearing this, Wang Jin's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't believe it. New Territories North is a general area. Like this general area, there are only six in the entire Xiangjiang police force. It can be said that except for the headquarters, each of these general areas The top leaders are all real frontier officials, with great power.

Wang Jin didn't expect that he had just become a high-ranking director not long ago, and he was about to go one step further and become the general manager?

Because, only the director-general can be the head of a region in name and rank!

Now, looking at what brother one means, isn't he going to be promoted to the chief executive!

The New Territories North Command is neither the best nor the worst among the six major divisions, but Wang Jin is also satisfied.

How to put it, he is just a newcomer, and it is very good to be in the general area. It is impossible to assign the best Xiangjiang Island, East Kowloon, and West Kowloon to Wang Jin as soon as he comes up. After this point.

Wang Jin almost didn't think about it, so he stood at attention after a short break, and saluted the first brother.

"Thank you, sir! I am honored! I will never let you down!"

"Okay! The law and order in the New Territories North Region has not been very good. I hope you will rectify it after you go there! It can completely calm down the New Territories North area. This is why I and the other two deputy directors agreed on your transfer. Go and prepare well! In two days, I will ask the deputy director of the Operations Department to send you to take up the post!"

"Understood, sir!"

Wang Jin nodded solemnly, knowing that the conversation was basically over at this point.

So, Wang Jin got up and said goodbye with self-knowledge, and left Brother Yi's office, closing the door behind him.

Afterwards, Wang Jin clenched his fist tightly and let out a soft cry in excitement.


From now on, Wang Jin will be the real official of the frontier. Although he has not taken office yet, from the end of this conversation, he will be the emperor of the Northern Region of the New Territories. All the rules will be formulated by Wang Jin.

Because, under normal circumstances, the headquarters will not intervene in the affairs of each region. Unless the region reports, the headquarters will issue an order, or send someone to intervene, or wait until the annual meeting at the end of the year to ask together

Moreover, even if there is an order from the headquarters, unless it is directly issued by the director at the first level, Wang Jin can listen to it as he wants, and he can basically ignore it if he doesn't want to, because others are not qualified! .

Chapter 720 Who will give it to you, who will give it to you?

Wang Jin's transfer order did not last very long, because this administrative order had long been discussed by the top leaders of the Xiangjiang Police Force.

It only needs to issue a supplement and an administrative order, and Wang Jin can go to the New Territories North Region to take office.

Even if the administrative order has to go through various procedures and go through the established channels, it only takes two or three days.

Two or three days is really too short, and it may not even be enough to hand over some things to the general manager.

However, the head of the New Territories North Region, because he received an emergency call from his family, his family was in a big crisis, and his direct heir died on the spot.

As a member of the family, or the only heir in the future, he had to let go of the burden and return to China to deal with this matter, and it might take a long time.

It is impossible for the position of the head of the New Territories North Region to wait for him to be vacant all the time, so the former head of the district handed in his resignation very sensibly.

Anyway, if this matter is dealt with, he will be the patriarch of a family when he goes back, and his power will be much greater than that of the general secretary of the New Territories.

If this matter is not dealt with properly, then he will not be able to sit for long in the position of the head of the New Territories North Region.

After all, as long as it is a long-standing family, there are always many friends and enemies. Even the new nobles will have many opponents because they touch the interests of many people.

Not to mention this kind of century-old family. If this kind of family falls, it will be swallowed up by countless former enemies without even scum left.

This is an emergency!

The former head of the New Territories North Region also had no choice. If his family affairs were not handled properly, the whole family would be ruined. How could he have the intention to continue to be the head here!

After all, compared with the whole family, although the head of the New Territories North Region is also high and powerful, there is still a big gap.

Without the influence of the family, it would be impossible for him to become the head of the New Territories North Region.

This is the influence of a century-old family. The family of the former chief executive is a well-known nobleman with an extraordinary background.

After submitting the resignation letter, the superior also understood the difficulties of the former director general. After all, some people also have families behind them, and they did not rely on their own true skills to come up.

More or less related to the family background, so they also understand that their future is actually linked to the family.

The stronger the power of the family, the brighter their personal future will be. If the family falls, they will be completely finished.

Which of the two is more important, even a fool knows how to choose!

After resigning from his position, the former director general also left in a hurry. He only had time to bring his personal assistant and some changes of clothes, and flew back to China by plane.

Because I left 24 in a hurry, even the handover of things became empty talk!

As the saying goes, a country cannot be without a master for a day, and the world cannot be without a king for a day!

Although the position of the New Territories North Regional Headquarters is not particularly crucial, it is also indispensable.

It's okay to be short for a day or two, but if it takes a long time, it is not conducive to the stability of the New Territories North Region.

For example, the New Territories North Region has an Operations Department and an Administration Department under its jurisdiction, both of whom are in charge.

The position of the director-general above has not been determined, do they have their own ideas?

Also, if there is a dispute between the two departments and no one suppresses it, no one knows what will happen in the end.

Don't think that this kind of thing is impossible, the conflict between the action team and the civilian staff has a long history!

Every time the operatives get into trouble outside, civilian staff are needed to mediate, persuade, comfort, and even compensate.

The civilian staff wiped the buttocks of the operatives behind the scenes. This kind of thing has long made the civilian staff miserable.

Moreover, the operatives generally have relatively low educational background, lack of self-cultivation, relatively vulgar language, and it is easy to accidentally offend people by speaking.

Not only that, but the reports generally written by the personnel of the action team are also messy and unsightly.

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