All civilian staff are required, and it can only be included in the file after several revisions!

Always doing things like wiping buttocks every day, even if you are a civil servant, no matter how well-educated you are, you will still have resentment.

Sometimes a few harsh words may cause dissatisfaction and abuse from the operatives.

Civil servants are also human beings, and they also have tempers. At this time, there will naturally be conflicts and contradictions.

And there is an unspoken rule in the police force, that is, if you want to be promoted, you must let your boss see your attitude, which faction you belong to, and you must protect your own people, even if there is no reason, you must also protect your shortcomings.

The leader of the action group naturally wants to protect his brothers in the action group, and the boss of the civilian group naturally also wants to maintain the face and interests of the civilian group, so conflicts between them are inevitable.

Even if this matter has reached the level of the high-level officials, it is actually the same, and in the end it may cause conflicts between the two high-level officials.

Because, like at the level of Gao Si, they have long been the beneficiaries of certain unspoken rules, and the habits they have developed over the years have long made them subconsciously defend themselves.

That's why, there are some unspoken rules that have not been put on the surface, but they have been passed down in the police force and have not been broken.

You are in the police force, and if you want to be promoted, you have to protect the interests of your brothers. The boss sees your attitude, feels satisfied, and promotes you.

As your position becomes bigger and bigger, you have to maintain more and more people, but if you still want your boss to promote you, then you have to do more!

Because you have power, you will also start to choose the person who protects the interests of your brothers, promote him, and let him help you share some.

Before you know it, one day, when you have nowhere to go, you will find that you didn't want to be such a person, but in the end you have become the person you didn't want to be.

So, the police force is like a big black dye vat. No matter what color you come in, as you stay longer in the police force, you will eventually become black.

Those who did not adapt to this rule either went to guard the pond, or had already left the police force.

Wang Jin can be said to be a special case in these years, just because Wang Jin's achievements are really too top, and his promotion is too fast.

Before adapting to some rules at all, it has already soared into the sky, so in Wang Jin's concept, there is no faction at all, and in his eyes, they are all treated equally.

The former head of the New Territories North Region belonged to the civilian school, so naturally the civilian school was given preferential treatment, and because the former head office only occupied a title and didn't manage much.

Therefore, in the New Territories North Region, it can be said that the civilian faction has overwhelmed the action faction in every way.

It has long made the activists feel a little miserable. Although they don't say anything in their mouths, many things behind their backs are all obedient and obedient, and they don't work hard.

Then, the security of the entire New Territories North Region is a mess!

That's why, after Brother Yi discussed with the above, Wang Jin was asked to fill the vacancy.

One is because of Wang Jin's merits, where it is placed, it can shock people!

The second one, because Wang Jin's ethos is not so serious, after arriving in the New Territories North Region, he will treat them equally, and with a little rectification, the grievances of the activists will be eliminated.

As for Wang Jin's method!

Although the methods are different because of the different ways of dealing with things personally, they still agree with Wang Jin's methods and abilities. After all, Wang Jin has managed many departments along the way, and has never appeared What problem.

Even in the former Commercial Crime Investigation Bureau, their leaders were all sent in by Wang Jin.

Strictly speaking, Wang Jin's appointment to the Commercial Crime Investigation Division was not to say that it was a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, at least the situation was complicated.

But Wang Jin took a very short time to clean up this group of guys who had opinions.

Brother Yi and others have already investigated this point!

It can be said that Wang Jin is riding the wind this time. Such an opportunity is almost rare in ten years.

Not only did the former general manager propose to resign, but also because of the doa group, Wang Jin showed his big face in front of the senior management, and he was very suitable in all aspects.

Otherwise, in terms of seniority, it would not be Wang Jin's turn to take up the post of the head of the New Territories North Region!


Two days later, the deputy director of operations at the headquarters called Wang Jin and asked Wang Jin to go to the headquarters first, and then he sent Wang Jin to take up his post.

After Wang Jin arrived at the headquarters by car, he first participated in a simple celebration ceremony to celebrate Wang Jin's promotion to the head office, and his rank was raised by another level!

The reason why there was no big deal, and it was held in an extremely grand manner, and it was only held within the police force was because Wang Jin was promoted too fast, and he was very young, so it was not suitable for exposure, so as not to expose Wang Jin brought a lot of troubles.

This was a unanimous decision made by the top management. They decided to wait for Wang Jin to settle down for a few years, to become more mature and stable, and to reach a higher level.

They understand very well that overexposure, while bringing reputation, will also bring various temptations and dangers. It is easy for young people like Wang Jin to degenerate. This is definitely not what they want to see.

After all, embryos like Wang Jin only come out once every few years, and they don't want to destroy them so easily.

In that case, it would definitely be a huge loss for the police force!

It's a pity that Wang Jin doesn't know the thoughts and good intentions of the higher-ups. If he knew, he might laugh out loud.

In his two lives, in terms of maturity and stability, he is definitely no worse than those high-level people. In Wang Jin's opinion, those mere temptations are not worth mentioning at all, because he himself is very rich.

If you want to make Wang Jin fall, unless Wang Jin himself is willing, no one can make Wang Jin fall.

If someone really had this idea, then Wang Jin really wished for it!

It can't be said that he will suffer a big loss under Wang Jin's hands!

However, whether the promotion ceremony is big or not, Wang Jin actually doesn't care. He is not so showy, so it's okay to be low-key.

After holding a simple promotion ceremony, Wang Jin wore his white uniform of the chief executive, got in the special car of the deputy director of the operations department, and headed for the New Territories North Command.

Since it was a public private car, there was naturally a director in charge of driving. Both Wang Jin and the deputy director sat in the back row.

The driver in charge sat upright, looking forward, like a robot, except for driving, the whole process was expressionless, and he didn't pay attention to the situation in the rear seat.

"Ah Jin, I'm much older than you, so it's okay to call you that?"

The deputy director of the Operations Department, his sideburns are already a little gray, the exact age is unknown, and Wang Jin has never asked, but he is at least two rounds older than Wang Jin, and he is not far from retirement. Such a person is called Wang Jin is Ah Jin, obviously to shorten the relationship between them.

Of course Wang Jin wouldn't mind, after all, Wang Jin and the other party had no conflict of interest, and when Wang Jin formally came to power, the other party might have already retired.

"I don't mind, Director, tell me!"

Wang Jin sat next to the deputy director, pretending to listen carefully.

"Then I'll just say it directly. The former director-general left in a hurry and didn't have time to handle the handover with you, so I'm afraid you still don't know anything about the situation in the New Territories North Region. You have a rough idea!"

When he said this, the deputy director handed Wang Jin a folder.

Wang Jin was a little confused, but still took the folder, opened it and looked at it, and then Wang Jin was a little stunned, because the information on the first page was actually an acquaintance.

The person in charge of the operations department, his name is Guan Chun!

If this name is not familiar to many people, then when it comes to other identities, many people may be familiar with it.

That is Guan Zu's father, the head of the New Territories North Region!

Is it familiar?

That's right, it's the story of Chen Guorong played by Uncle Long, and the five rich second-generation robbers!

When he saw the information for the first time, Wang Jin just felt familiar, and didn't recognize it immediately.

But following Wang Jin's gaze, he scanned the name of Guan Chun's son and the identity of his wife, Wang Jin's memory was instantly opened.

Thinking about Guan Chun's age, adding his wife's identity and son's name, Wang Jin immediately confirmed that this Guan Chun should be the head of the New Territories North District in the movie.

Perhaps if Wang Jin hadn't intervened, then maybe the position of the general manager should have fallen on Guan Chun's head, making him the biggest winner.

After all, Guan Chun is already a high-ranking director, and he is only one step away from the position of the chief executive, and his age and experience make him suitable for the chief executive.

Another more important reason is that Mrs. Guan Chun's family background is amazing, and she has great energy in Xiangjiang. In view of this, it is nothing to mention Guan Chun.

It's a pity, but now Wang Jin has robbed this cake!

Wang Jin guessed in his heart that it was impossible for Guan Chun to have no opinion in his heart, but this kind of matter had to be discussed after Wang Jin took office.

Then, Wang Jin turned to the second page, and the person who appeared in front of Wang Jin was a blond foreigner, and his identity was the person in charge of the administrative department, Jason!

Seeing that the person in charge of the administration department was a foreigner, Wang Jin knew it would be difficult!

However, the days to come are still long!

If the other party is obedient, then forget it, if not, Wang Jin will let the other party know what it means to be a dragon coiled up or a tiger lying down!

Afterwards, Wang Jin read it all the way, mainly looking at Jason's ability and character evaluation.

The file that the deputy director handed over to Wang Jin can be said to be top secret, and most people will never see it.

If Wang Jin hadn't taken office very hastily and didn't have time to hand over, it would be impossible for this document to be in Wang Jin's hands.

But now it's all right. After reading the entire document, Wang Jin also has a general impression of the New Territories being controlled.

At least, Wang Jin is familiar with all the people in charge, which saves Wang Jin a lot of trouble and allows him to start his work earlier.

In addition to the Operations Department and the Administration Department, the New Territories North Region also has a Communications Department.

In addition, there are four large districts and ten small districts below!

Wang Jin, the person in charge of the four major divisions, has already firmly remembered the individual's character and ability. As for the others, he has to learn after the work begins.

As for the people in charge of the ten sub-districts, to be honest, Wang Jin looked down upon them, so he casually glanced at them without paying too much attention.

These people are still not in Wang Jin's eyes!

Today, Wang Jin's status is completely different. After he took office in New Territories North, he is a well-deserved local emperor in New Territories North.

When did you meet the emperor and pay attention to a small magistrate?

Unless the county magistrate is very prominent and famous for his abilities, and Wang Jin has his ears, Wang Jin will pay more attention.

Otherwise, Wang Jin only needs to grasp the leaders of the four major districts, because there is no need to ask, the leaders of these small divisions are definitely the confidantes of those in charge of the big divisions.

Even if it wasn't, it still had a close relationship with the people in charge of these regions 280.

Otherwise, without the recommendation of their superiors, they will not be able to sit in that position!

Soon, Wang Jin arrived at the headquarters of the New Territories North Region in the special car of the deputy director.

Everyone at the New Territories North Regional Headquarters extended a warm welcome to Wang Jin and the Deputy Chief of Operations, and vacated the conference room.

The heads of the Operation Department and the Administration Department, as well as the heads of the four major districts were all present and participated in the meeting.

Or it can be said to be Wang Jin's welcome ceremony!

The arrival of the deputy director of operations is to give Wang Jin a platform. After all, such a big leader from the headquarters will come down, you have to welcome him, right?

The deputy director of the Operations Department can be said to be the second in command or the third in command of the entire police force. Who dares not give face?

Isn't he afraid of being put on small shoes in the future?

Therefore, all the persons in charge came in a complete set, all wearing white police uniforms, sitting upright at the conference table with their eyes straight, to show their dignity!

The deputy director of the Operation Department did not sit in the main seat, but sat beside him. After all, today's protagonist is Wang Jin.

Jason from the administration department presided over the meeting and delivered a speech, warmly welcoming Wang Jin's arrival, so everyone applauded to express their welcome, but only they knew how much of it was true and how much was false.

Afterwards, there was Jason's clichéd nonsense, hoping that in the future, under the leadership of the new general manager, the New Territories North Region will definitely be able to prosper, Haiyan Heqing!

All he had to do was brag in front of the Deputy Director of Operations that in the future, under the leadership of Wang Jin, the New Territories North Region would have the lowest crime rate and law and order in the entire Xiangjiang.

Wang Jin, who was sitting on the main seat, glanced at Jason intentionally or unintentionally. He always felt that this guy was dishonest!

There is something in the words!

Although, it seemed that what Jason said were normal superficial articles, not only Jason was saying it, but countless other people were also saying it.

But what does it mean to say that in front of the deputy director of operations?

Do you want Wang Jin to be roasted on the fire?

If Wang Jin doesn't do these things in the future, will he lose face and continue to work in the New Territories North Region?

Wang Jin didn't know if Jason meant that, or he was bullying him young and trying to suppress him, but Wang Jin always used the evil of human nature to speculate on certain words.

Prepare for the worst!

This idea of ​​wanting to fight the boss must be resolutely suppressed, there is no sign of it, even if Jason is not what Wang Jin thinks, with some ideas, Wang Jin is planning to give everyone a blow!

Otherwise, he, the newly appointed director general, might not have a little prestige, and he won't be able to stand up!

In the end, it may be emptied by others!

"Okay, what to say!"

Wang Jin interrupted Jason's words all of a sudden, and then followed Jason's words.

"This time, the director sent me to the New Territories North Region to serve as the Director General because he was dissatisfied with the security in the New Territories North Region. He said that the law and order here was extremely chaotic, which greatly affected the glorious image of the Xiangjiang Police Force. He asked me to take up the post. After that, I will rectify severely! But after I got to know you, I knew that you are all people who are determined to maintain law and order. As long as we work together, we will definitely be able to build the New Territories North Region into the safest and most prosperous region in Xiangjiang However, I also have an ugly saying in front of me, if anyone drags the New Territories North Region back, then don't blame me for not remembering the past! Some people's positions may have to reach their end!"

Wang Jin spoke seriously, his sharp eyes scanned the audience, and his domineering speech directly shocked everyone, making them silent and afraid to speak

There are so many director generals in the New Territories North Region, and Wang Jin is definitely the most domineering one among them!

Simply domineering!

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