After saying this, someone chose to run away impatiently. If he stayed, he would definitely be punished next. This has nothing to do with the case, but simply being punished. I'm not a masochist either, I really don't want to stay and suffer this training.

The chief of the Central District just wanted to grab his subordinate and reprimand him, who knew that his subordinate ran away like this, and had to be swallowed by him as soon as some words came to his mouth, watching his subordinate slip away Back, he shouted directly.

"You just slip away, and when you fail to do something well next time, I will train you back together with this one!"

Hearing this, someone who had already run quite a distance staggered, his legs and feet went limp, and almost fell down, but his balance was still relatively strong, he stabilized his body, and then ran even faster up.


That is, when the chief of the Central District and his subordinates were talking, the matter of the joint case handling team had already been specially approved by the first brother.

One brother said that the chiefs of the various districts who didn't want to release them at first didn't want to keep them anymore, but told their subordinates that after joining the joint case handling team, they must perform well, and they must not lose their district officials. people.

For a while, Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong, etc. were all ordered by the superiors to report to the police headquarters.

After these people were notified, they went directly to the police headquarters to report without the slightest hesitation, and the person who received them was naturally not Brother Yi.

Brother Yi, as the No. 5 person in the police force, is busy with things every day, and there are countless things to deal with. How can he spend so much time receiving Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and others, even if one reception is [-] minutes, then several come down. It will be an hour too.

For a person like Brother Yi who always spares time for meetings, or who puts down unimportant things to attend meetings, he simply doesn't have the skills.

Therefore, the task of receiving Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and others fell on the deputy director of the operation department, so it was regarded as the importance of everyone.

Although Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and others are famous and well-known in their respective districts, but to be honest, their status and titles are really not high, at least not comparable to Wang Jin, who is the chief , and among them, the highest rank is no more than the chief inspector, and the gap between them is a bit big.

When receiving Zhao Heng 577, the first brother had to receive him in person. That was because Wang Jin's current status could be considered a high-level police officer. There was a slight gap, but it was not that big, so to receive Wang Jin, Brother Yi had to come in person, which was considered a concern for Wang Jin's face.

But in the face of the following gang with a big gap in rank, there is no need for Brother Yi to come forward to receive them in person.

That's when Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and others just came to the police headquarters to report.

Wang Jin, who was far away in the Northern Region of the New Territories, actually received a call. The call was naturally made to Wang Jin from the headquarters. The purpose was self-evident. He wanted Wang Jin to be the team leader. The first is that Wang Jin has a high status and enough rank, and the other is Wang Jin's strength and ability, which are obviously higher than Jiaju. Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and others are at the same level, and only Wang Jin can compete in ability and rank. Suppress these elites.

To say that they are elite means that they are a bit rebellious, and those who are capable are like this. Others are actually not easy to use, even if they don't say it, they can't help but think wildly in their hearts.

This is extremely unfavorable to the situation of the joint team, so after many discussions, everyone agrees that it is best for Wang Jin to be the team leader! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Wang Jin received this call, he was actually not surprised at all. Although Wang Jin did not count the establishment of the joint case handling team, this matter was originally brought about by Wang Jin himself, and he had expected that it would happen. This is the result.

Waiting for Zhuoqiang, Ye Guohuan, and Ji Zhengxiong to make a big splash, then under tremendous pressure, the higher-ups will definitely hand over the case to Wang Jin, because Wang Jin knows in his heart that waiting for the three thieves When Wang successively teamed up, ordinary bad guys were definitely no match for the three of them.

Whether it's cunning or other aspects, in the entire Xiangjiang police force, there are not many people who can join forces with these three guys.

Not to mention that the three of them had a first-hand advantage. Under such circumstances, it would be even more difficult to deal with Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, and Ji Zhengxiong.

No, the Xiangjiang Police Force has not yet figured out who is committing the crime!

But one case after another, one case after another, and the status of the person involved in the accident is getting higher and higher, which makes the senior officers of the police force feel more and more deeply shocked. No one wants to be the next corpse for nothing.

Even if someone protects them, they can't feel a safe atmosphere. The one who just disappeared, is someone protecting him soon?

But even if someone protected him, so what, he was still kidnapped and taken away. In this case, if the senior police officers didn't feel flustered, then there would be ghosts!

It is precisely because of this that the mobilization of elite police officers from various police station divisions to form a temporary joint case handling team can be so smooth, because almost no one objects to this proposal, even if it is an action that does not confront each other in normal times. The department and the civil service department did not make any fuss about this matter, because this is a matter closely related to their lives, and no jokes can be tolerated.

They are not 100% sure that those people will not attack them. They used to be hunters and they could stabilize the Diaoyutai. Naturally, they could sit back and relax, but now they have become prey, being hunted in secret, and they have become prey. Naturally, it made them frightened and wanted to catch those who took revenge on them in the shortest possible time.

And to do this, you must concentrate all the elite forces in the police force. Ordinary policemen will never be able to catch those who hide in secret and take revenge on them.

This point has become the consensus of everyone in the police force. Otherwise, why the police force has already sent an investigation team down, but there is no movement or news?

It's not that the investigation team's level is not very good, and they can't catch the lies of those behind the scenes at all. This also makes the high-level police force a little disappointed, which is why the current case handling team has taken shape.

Right now, the case-handling team is ready for everything, and the only thing left is Dongfeng. All the personnel have basically arrived, and there is only one leader left. Once the leader is in place, then the case-handling team can be officially launched .

And Wang Jin had been preparing for this matter for a long time, and after receiving the call, Wang Jin agreed without too much hesitation.

What he was waiting for was this good opportunity. Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, and Ji Zhengxiong were just bait thrown backhand by Wang Jin.

If there were no such bait, and the senior management of the police force would be completely hurt, how could they think of themselves at the critical moment?

The death of the cunning rabbit and the cooking of the dog, although in modern civilized society, it has rarely happened, but it does not mean that it will not happen. It was so cruel before.

If you want to prevent the cunning rabbit from dying and the lackey cooking it, then you can only hold the initiative in your own hands.

If this is achieved, there will never be such a thing as a cunning rabbit dying and a running dog cooking.

When Wang Jin drove to the police headquarters, Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and others had already been waiting in a meeting room of the headquarters for a long time.

When Wang Jin came to the meeting room under the guidance of the headquarters staff and pushed open the door, all the people in the meeting room looked towards the door and just saw Wang Jin coming in.

Those who knew Wang Jin all stood up and greeted Wang Jin enthusiastically, such as Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and others.

"Wang sir, you are here, you made us wait so long! You can't run away for this treat~‖!"

Jia Kui, with his big nose, is still as enthusiastic as ever, with a smile on his face, resembling Uncle Long's face, and his smile is particularly contagious.

"¨~ That's right, Sir Wang! We are all old friends, and you didn't say to go and see us. After being promoted, the official authority has also grown, and you have forgotten your old friends!"

Yuan Haoyun, as an old friend of Wang Jin, also wants to give Wang Jin some color at this time. Of course, he is mostly joking, and he doesn't really want to embarrass Wang Jin. Wang Jin naturally sees this from.

On the other hand, Chen Guorong was the calmest of the three. He just nodded to Wang Jin and didn't say much. Perhaps this had something to do with Chen Guorong's own experience.

After Chen Guorong experienced the troughs and peaks of his life, he has already understood the matter of honor and disgrace, and even his own emotions are a little weak. This is also a lot of things that he has overlooked.

On the other hand, many of the other people did not know Wang Jin. This was the first time they saw Wang Jin. Although they heard many legends and deeds about Wang Jin (Li Zhao Zhao) Jin on weekdays, they saw Wang Jin in real life. It was the first time.

It's just that they were not familiar with Wang Jin, so they didn't speak first.

"Okay, I'm sure I'll treat you this time, but it's just a meal. When this case is over, I'll hold a grand celebration banquet for you, so you won't want to leave!"

For Wang Jin, the matter of treating guests to dinner is nothing more than a trivial matter, and a meal will not overwhelm Wang Jin, even if it is hosted in Shanda.

"You said this yourself, Sir Wang! You can't be foolish, everyone can testify that we all heard it!" Yuan Haoyun was obviously a good player at activating the atmosphere, and he quickly made the atmosphere more intense.

"Okay, I mean what I say, but let's discuss the issue of this case first! If you don't solve the case, there will be no celebration party!".

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Okay, that's what I said, and I mean what I say, but let's discuss this case first! If you don't solve the case, there will be no celebration party!"

Wang Jin shook his head, and said to everyone with a smirk.

At the beginning of these words, the atmosphere, which was originally somewhat lively and noisy, also calmed down. Although the celebration banquet is delicious, if the case cannot be solved, then this celebration banquet is like a mirror, which can be seen but not obtained.

Therefore, if you want to have Wang Jin's celebration banquet, you still have to solve this case!

One person present counts as one, even if Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and others are not mentioned, the rest are elite figures from each district, otherwise, they would not be temporarily transferred to this group.

Wang Jin believed that when those who were working in this group came to join this group, they must have already had some understanding of this case, and they would never join this group without knowing anything, so the There is no need to introduce the process in too much detail, just go directly to the case.

Wang Jin coughed and attracted everyone's attention, then patted the table and said.

"You are all elite figures in the police force, so what are your opinions on this case, if you have any, you may wish to talk about it, just now everyone can speak freely!"

"Maybe there are some different opinions and opinions that can bring us a lot of inspiration, and there may be huge progress in the breakthrough of this case!"

In this case, Wang Jin actually didn't want to interfere too much. As the team leader, he only needed to grasp the general direction, and behind this case, Wang Jin was already involved.

Wang Jin didn't want to deal with Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, and Ji Zhengxiong so early, because what the three of them are doing now is not enough to shock Xiangjiang, although they have already dealt with three high-level officials of the Xiangjiang Police Force. But this is still not enough for Wang Jin.

Because this has not yet reached the point where the Xiangjiang police force needs to be replaced, which is not in Wang Jin's interest.

Wang Jin's interest is to get himself to a higher position faster. Although the Xiangjiang Police Force has been compromised, the general framework has not changed. Even if a few positions are vacant, Wang Jin thinks It is still very difficult to get to the top position, because Wang Jin is not alone in the Xiangjiang Police Force waiting for the top position, there are many people waiting for the top position.

In terms of seniority, their qualifications are much older than Wang Jin. If the senior police officers are in power now, their chances of being in the top position are much higher than Wang Jin, which is why Wang Jin still wants to keep Zhuo Zi. Qiang, Ye Guohuan, and Ji Zhengxiong are the reason.

Only by keeping these three people can these three people continue to break the routine of the police force and let the police force enter a rather special period. This is what Wang Jin wants. Only then will it be possible to enter the core power level of the police force faster.

Otherwise, Wang Jin only needs to take action himself, and the three thieve kings can be captured and brought to justice in no time. After all, this matter was originally handled by Wang Jin himself, so how could Wang Jin not stay behind!

For a while, because of Wang Jin's words, everyone began to scramble to discuss.

"To be honest, this case is indeed quite complicated. There are no clues up to now. If you want me to say it, I still have to start with the current high-level police force!"

"Some time ago, our colleagues in the police force only protected for the sake of protection, so they missed the opportunity. They were always one step behind others and were tricked by others. What we have to do is to arrange a Trap, let those people jump into it! I believe that after this incident, they will become even more rampant! The time for another crime will not be far away!"

The first one to speak was naturally Chen Guorong. After experiencing ups and downs in his life, he finally stopped being so impulsive and brainless and began to think with his brain.

In this point, Jia Kui and Yuan Haoyun are far behind. Whether it is Jia Kui or (ceej) Yuan Haoyun, they only pursue one thing, and that is recklessness!

The idea they uphold is that as long as I am reckless enough, any difficulties will be overcome by me!

So far, the concept of Jia Kui and Yuan Haoyun has been quite successful. At least until now, there has been no problem that can trap them. Of course, it may also be because the two of them have not encountered crimes with high IQs. Otherwise, they It can't be so smooth.

"I support what Sir Chen said. These criminals are so rampant, and they will definitely not stop easily. If you want to catch their feet, as long as you set up traps, you may be able to wipe them out completely!"

"I also support Sir Chen. Now we don't have any more clues. This is our only way!"

"Yes! In the absence of any clues, we might as well try Sir Chen's method. Maybe there will be unexpected gains. It's much better than us bumping into each other like headless chickens!"

All of a sudden, many people in the conference room supported Chen Guorong's point of view.

Wang Jin looked at Jia Kui and Yuan Haoyun, wanting to see if they had any different views, but the two hesitated for a long time, but they couldn't come up with any solution.

In this regard, Zhao Heng did not have any expectations, so he agreed with Chen Guorong's method, and then said to everyone in the conference room.

"Since everyone agrees with this method, let's do it according to this method! However, I have one thing to say in advance, that is, our opponent this time is definitely not ordinary, so you have to be [-]% cautious! "

"In addition, once you find that something is wrong, immediately withdraw your actions and don't startle the enemy. Our current team is still hiding in the dark. We have an advantage when the enemy is out in the dark, so we must guarantee one blow It must be hit, and these people must not be given a chance to escape, otherwise, once we start to scare the snake, the next time we want to catch them, it will not be so simple!"

Wang Jin's exhortation was heard by everyone, and everyone nodded one after another, and then responded solemnly.


"Don't worry! Wang sir!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task, just wait until you invite us to drink celebration wine!"

"That's right! Sir Wang! Let us choose the celebration wine!"

Everyone was full of confidence in setting up traps and felt that this operation would definitely catch the real culprit behind the scenes to take revenge on the top police officers! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I have to say that these guys are really confident. Before they got in touch with Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan, they boasted to Haikou and waited for Wang Jin to invite them to a celebration banquet.

Don't you know that random blffs can sometimes lead to big troubles, not to mention the presence of Wang Jin, the biggest undercover agent, whether their actions can be successful or not depends on Wang Jin's mood, even if Wang Jin doesn't intervene Whether they can fight against Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan is another matter.

After all, Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, and Ji Zhengxiong are quite easy to provoke. Otherwise, there are so many people in Xiangjiang who commit various cases every year, why it is not their turn to become the king of thieves?

It's Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, and Ji Zhengxiong who are called the king of thieves?

This matter naturally makes sense. Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, and Ji Zhengxiong are not only ruthless, but also cunning and cunning. They each have their own personalities, but they have one thing in common - that is common.

That is, the three committed various crimes but were never caught by the police. Even though the police set up various traps, the three of them were either not fooled at all, or relying on hard power, they survived. - out of the trap.

For example, Zhuo Ziqiang, this guy's head is much more sensitive than others, he can turn faster than others, and thinks more. It is really not easy for Zhuo Ziqiang to get into the trap The matter, the police force tried many times, but they didn't let Zhuo Ziqiang get tricked. Later, they stopped playing tricks on Zhuo Ziqiang, but instead tracked and monitored Zhuo Ziqiang to see if Zhuo Ziqiang would be in daily life. In the middle, what deeds were exposed.

Compared with Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan is much simpler and more straightforward. His AK is well-known throughout Xiangjiang. Half of his title of Thief King was obtained by relying on the AK in his hand. The human life in his hands is also full of bones.

When Ye Guohuan fought with the poor, he didn't care whether there were other people around him. In his eyes, anyone who stood opposite him was an enemy.

Therefore, when Ye Guohuan fights with the police, he will accidentally injure many Xiangjiang citizens, which makes it more difficult for the police to arrest and kill Ye Guohuan, because the places where Ye Guohuan committed crimes have always been densely populated Once Ye Guohuan is completely driven into trouble, and he has the mentality of dying with many Xiangjiang citizens, then the good days of the Xiangjiang Police Force will come to an end.

The ensuing pressure from fishing boats will completely overwhelm the Xiangjiang Police Force. After all, although the Xiangjiang Police Force is the largest violent law enforcement department in Xiangjiang, the most people in Xiangjiang are ordinary citizens. Only the safety and interests and property of some Xiangjiang citizens have privileges!

Once the Xiangjiang Police Force loses the trust of the people, not to mention a complete collapse, but it is definitely a street rat, and everyone shouts and beats them. When the Xiangjiang Police Force wants to carry out any work, the resistance will be quite large.

It is precisely because of this that the Xiangjiang police force is most afraid of Ye Guohuan, because Ye Guohuan's behavior undoubtedly shows that he will become a bloodthirsty lunatic at any time, and such a person is also the most difficult to provoke.

The Xiangjiang Police Force is willing to let Ye Guohuan rob, and does not want Ye Guohuan to cause a complete blow to the bloody incident, because goods are measured by value, but human life cannot be measured by value. If many ordinary citizens in Xiangjiang die all at once Well, I'm afraid that Xiangjiang will become famous in the whole world, and it will also be a huge blow to the reputation of Xiangjiang police force.

This kind of huge prestige blow is unbearable to the Xiangjiang Police Force, and it is better to let it go. This is why Ye Guohuan has always behaved arrogantly, but he was not arrested.

As for Ji Zhengxiong, that's another one. Although Ji Zhengxiong does not have Ye Guohuan's arrogance and madness, the threat Ji Zhengxiong displayed is no worse than Ye Guohuan's. , and concealed it very well. Few people know Ji Zhengxiong's true identity. Most people know that it is a temporary nickname that Ji Zhengxiong took. Changed to a nickname, and never stayed in one place for too long, so Ji Zhengxiong didn't have any real friends, and there were not many people who knew him well!

These three people also had their own reasons, which led to their great reputation in Xiangjiang and became the king of thieves that caused a sensation in Xiangjiang. They have not been arrested and brought to justice so far.

Now, among these guys, Yuanshan Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, and Ji Zhengxiong are ruthless people without any precautions. Wang Jin is very worried about them. If so many people go out, will so many people come back.

After all, the three kings of thieves are not good men. They really dare to fight the poor guy if they are in a hurry, and the weapons and equipment of the three are also much stronger than the poor guy.

Just relying on the small . [-] pistols of the policeman to threaten ordinary gangsters is still somewhat effective, but it is useless to deal with gangsters like the three kings of thieves.

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