Ye Guohuan's AK can make the messenger drink a pot, and after the three of them gather, the firepower of the weapon is obviously not the same as before, because the three of them are not short of money, they are well enriched Take a look at your arsenal.


There are quite a few submachine guns alone, and there are also grenades, explosives, etc., all of which were made by them, just to prevent tough battles with bad guys, so if you are going to be tough, the three kings of thieves are absolutely not cowardly.

With such firepower, if Wang Jin's gang of policemen ran into Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, Ji Zhengxiong and others head-on, they might suffer a big loss, but Wang Jin didn't remind them.

As the saying goes, if you suffer, you will gain wisdom. Some losses are destined to be eaten, so as to help yourself grow. The relationship between them and Wang Jin is neither close nor old, why does Wang Jin remind them?

Sure enough, things happened as Wang Jin expected. Although they went out with arrogance and arrogance, they also followed Chen Guorong's way. They wanted to set up traps to ambush Ye Guohuan, Ji Zhengxiong, Zhuo Ziqiang and others, but they didn't expect The three of them had already made preparations.

After an encounter, when Wang Jin saw them again, they were all remnants and defeated, almost all of them were killed.

Even the bravest Jia Kui and Yuan Haoyun suffered gunshot wounds, but they were not serious. They were either shot in the arm or in the leg, neither of which was fatal.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Wang Jin looked at the people who came in. Many places on their bodies were covered with white bandages, and many white bandages even faintly seeped blood. They looked like they were completely defeated soldiers.

Seeing this scene, Wang Jin really wanted to laugh but couldn't. In fact, he had already expected such a result in his heart, but Wang Jin didn't expect that they would lose so badly, almost everyone was injured. Although there were no dead people, it was actually not much different from annihilation of the entire army.

At this time, the people who came in all lowered their heads and looked downcast, especially after seeing Wang Jin, they lowered their heads even lower, wishing to press their heads close to their chests, it's better to be thick-skinned , I was just embarrassed to look at Wang Jin, but those thin-skinned people turned red in an instant, as if they were sitting on the crater of a volcano.

"May [-]" really had no face to face Wang Jin. Before, they had blown the air and pretended to ask Wang Jin to invite them to celebrate their achievements, but now they have no face to ask. This is it.

There is also celebration wine!

If it wasn't for their luck, they would have their share of funeral affairs, and they would be able to invite people to drink at that time, but what they drank would be their funeral wine.

All the policemen limped back to their seats. This didn't look like a meeting of the case handling team, it was clearly like a meeting of the disabled.

Even Jia Kui and Yuan Haoyun, who were usually the most active, became taciturn and stopped talking.

Wang Jin also had no choice but to find Chen Guorong, who was the least injured and calmest, to find out the situation!

Coming in front of Chen Guorong, Wang Jin sat directly opposite to Chen Guorong and asked curiously.

"Chen sir, are you going to fight? Didn't you say you were going to set up a trap to ambush the black hands behind the scenes to take revenge on the police force? How did you make it like this?"

Hearing this, Chen Guorong was also a little embarrassed, with an unstoppable shame on his face.

"Wang sir, this matter is my fault. I did not stop them and let them go their own way. If I knew this was the case, I would definitely try to stop them no matter what!"

Chen Guorong sincerely apologized to Wang Jin. Wang Jin is the leader of this group. If something happened to this group, Wang Jin would be responsible. Fortunately, although everyone was injured, no one died. The impact is not great.

"Okay, I don't blame you, Sir Chen! Tell me carefully what's going on!"

Wang Jin waved his hand and hurriedly stopped Chen Guorong from apologizing. Chen Guorong thought it was his own fault that made his brothers hurt, but he didn't know that all of this was within Wang Jin's expectations. Chen Guorong's apology was out of guilt. Although Wang Jin was thick-skinned, he was not so thick-skinned. It was obviously his fault, and Chen Guorong kept apologizing to himself.

"Yes! Sir Wang!"

Chen Guorong saw that Wang Jin stopped his apology, although he still felt a little sorry, but when he heard that Wang Jin wanted to understand the situation at that time, Chen Guorong temporarily put down his thoughts of apologizing, and began to slowly tell the story of the incident.

It turned out that after their actions, they didn't disperse to act, because Chen Guorong's idea was that it is best to act together. If they were dispersed, even if they could meet the culprit who attacked the high-level Xiangjiang Police Force, they might not be opponents.

As soon as Chen Guorong said this, he immediately got the approval of many people, because they also believed that those who dared to attack the high-level officers of the Xiangjiang Police Force would definitely not be too weak, otherwise, the other party would not dare to be bold enough to attack Take revenge on the top police force.

After everyone agreed with this proposal, how to find the murderers who took revenge on the high-level police force, this is really very difficult!

Because, no one knows where the murderers who shot at the high-level police force are, and there are many high-level police force officers. In addition to these high-level police force officers who are at the headquarters every day, there are still many high-level police force officers around Xiangjiang. .

No one can tell which high-ranking police force those murderers will attack, and the other party's attacks seem to have no rules at all.

This is what makes all the bad guys have a headache, but as the saying goes, three cobblers beat Zhuge Liang, one person may not be able to think of a solution, but with so many bad guys together, if everyone brainstorms, they can still think of a way .

This is not due to everyone saying something to each other, and collectively thinking of a way, I really thought of a way, that is to lure the snake out of the hole...

Don't those people want revenge on the top of the police force?

Although, I don't know why these people did this, and they don't know where they are hiding, but since they can't find anyone, let Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, and Ji Zhengxiong come to find them.

As long as Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, Ji Zhengxiong and others are thoroughly irritated, they feel that the group of people secretly will definitely pay attention to the current situation of the Xiangjiang Police Force. Since the other party is secretly paying attention to this matter, they can let People do something to completely anger Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, Ji Zhengxiong and others in the dark.

After having this idea, all the policemen started to act. They used the power of the case handling team to find a high-level Xiangjiang police force to cooperate with this matter.

Of course, it is said to be cooperation, but it is actually acting. On the surface, this high-level Xiangjiang Police Force made various speeches on TV, absolutely uncompromising with all kinds of criminals, and will be severely punished. This move is to secretly anger some People, draw someone's attention.

But in the dark, this high-level Xiangjiang police force was strictly protected. Except for appearing on TV, he usually stayed in one place, and the case handling team found another policeman of similar stature to replace this The high-level officers of the police force are ostentatiously trying to attract Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, Ji Zhengxiong and others to take action.

In fact, their plan to lure snakes out of the cave on 4.9 really succeeded smoothly. Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, Ji Zhengxiong and others didn't realize it at all. Then I was ready to attack it, never thinking that this might be a trap.

However, although Zhuo Ziqiang didn't realize that it was a trap, for some reason, he felt a little uneasy. Under this uneasy situation, he brought a lot of powerful weapons and ammunition, and then a fierce gun battle broke out.

The policemen are hunters who set traps, but in the end, because of the huge gap in firepower between the two sides, the positions of the hunter and the prey have undergone a huge change. It's too late! .

The first thousand and fifteenth chapter hits the nail on the head, lacking in the overall situation!

The powerful firepower of Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, and Ji Zhengxiong was simply not something that the gang could match.

Just a few submachine guns are enough to overwhelm many policemen, unable to hold their heads up. Even if all the policemen are elite figures in the police force, there is no other way but to borrow Dodging hastily under cover.

Among the crowd, only Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun, with their bravery, could raise their heads from time to time and fight back with the .[-] in their hands.

Of course, the final result wasn't all that good. Although the injuries all over the body didn't involve life, they were quite tragic.

As for the others, let's not mention it, not to mention that they didn't eat the hairy pig, and even caused a commotion, which is really lamentable.

After the two sides exchanged fire for a while, Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, and Ji Zhengxiong stood out from the encirclement. The three of them were not stupid. After knowing that this was a trap set by the messenger, there was no need to stay.

However, Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, and Ji Zhengxiong also got angry after a gunfight. Before leaving, a grenade 24 was given to Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and others.

Fortunately, Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and others were very agile and quick to react. When they saw the grenade being thrown, they yelled at the crowd to avoid lying down, and then the others, He also quickly found a cover or lay down, so he didn't suffer too much trauma during the explosion. Although the others reacted a little slower, but with the reminder from Jia Kui and others, they hid quickly and didn't get grenades Too much spillover.

If Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and others hadn't reminded them quickly, I am afraid that there will be a reduction in staff in this operation.

After listening to Chen Guorong's narration, Wang Jin couldn't help being silent, he really didn't know what to say.

Said that all the gangsters were careless, and that's why they were beaten so badly?

Even though he had set enough traps to ambush others, the well-arranged net was violently torn apart?

I also feel sorry for this operation, at least there are three brave generals, Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong, otherwise, the result and process will be too tragic. Although the other poor guys are also the elite of the police force, they are obviously compared to Chen Guorong. Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun and others were a bit weaker in strength, whether it was reaction speed or bravery.

Wang Jin really couldn't speak against his own conscience, it was caused by the carelessness of all the messengers, even if they were not careless, under the strong firepower of Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, and Ji Zhengxiong, they would not be opponents , the ending will not change in any way.

This is the power of banknotes!

Money ability, but the ability to occupy a place in such a terrifying world as Marvel and DC, after Wang Jin's normal world at this time, money ability has become even more terrifying.

Except for a few rogue countries, where the ability to make money has no way, the rest are actually as long as you have money, you can do anything. Wang Jin really understands this, because Wang Jin is also a rich man.

A bunch of ordinary bad guys, against the capable Zhuo Ziqiang, Ye Guohuan, Ji Zhengxiong and others, isn't that courting death?

If the three of them have a way, I'm afraid they can buy planes, cannons and tanks. With the firepower of the three of them, the only ones who can really fight each other in Xiangjiang are the Flying Tigers.

Before the Flying Tigers were dispatched, it was too much to think back and forth with Zhuo Ziqiang and the three of them with those small broken guns. If the three of them were not in a hurry to leave, they were afraid that there would be more With the support of the police force, I am afraid that everyone except Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong could be beaten to death on the spot!

Don't think it's just a joke, but it's the truth!

Seeing that Wang Jin was silent there, Chen Guorong was not very disturbing, so he could only stay silent together. Who made Wang Jin the team leader of several people now!

After a long time, Wang Jin was finally no longer silent, but looked at Chen Guorong, stretched out a hand and patted his uninjured shoulder lightly, as a way of comforting him.

"Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. It has existed since ancient times. As long as there is no accident, it is fine. After there is no accident, there will still be opportunities!"

"Besides, you think you are well prepared, and you didn't take the other party seriously, so this happened. To you, it's not a bad thing. This will allow someone to teach the lesson of this incident to the dead. Keep it in mind, and you will naturally be more considerate when doing things in the future!"

"If you had contacted the Flying Tigers instead of making your own decisions and thinking that you could rely on your own strength, then the result would definitely be different!"

What Wang Jin said was heard by Chen Guorong. He thought about what Wang Jin said carefully, and it was true!

This matter is because they didn't think carefully. If they ambush and surround first, and don't rush to collect the net, they will wait until the Flying Tigers arrive to collect the net.

Even if the opponent's firepower is strong, the Flying Tigers will not be inferior in the slightest, and they will not let 577 people run away!

After all, the Flying Tigers are here to eat professionally. Not only are they extremely well-equipped, but also their usual training basically simulates various actual combat environments as much as possible. They do everything possible to make the Flying Tigers stronger. In this way, more dangerous environments can be dealt with.

Facing this kind of Flying Tigers, not to mention the bandits with powerful firepower, even all kinds of special forces can't say that they can win the Flying Tigers.

There is such a powerful department that does not use it, but instead only uses a group of people in the group itself. If there is no suspicion of corruption among them, it is unbelievable to kill Wang Jin.

However, there is no need for Wang Jin to say some things directly, and what he said would be a bit of a suspicion of hurting people. How can these people be in the same group as Wang Jin now, and they are on the same boat.

Wang Jin's criticism immediately made Chen Guorong a little ashamed. Although he also persuaded him at the time, he didn't consider so many things. No wonder Wang Jin was able to sit in such a high position at a young age, and he Otherwise, there is still something lacking in the overall view! .

In this regard, Chen Guorong was still very humbly asking for advice, and hurriedly asked Wang Jin.

"Wang sir, what should we do next?".

The thousandth and sixteenth chapter guides Mingjin and revives the glory!

"Then, sir, what shall we do next?"

Chen Guorong was also not ashamed to ask, and he didn't think there was anything wrong at all, even though Wang Jin was much younger than him.

But there is a saying that is good, don't judge the level by age, the master is the teacher!

Although Wang Jin was young, he was mature and stable with a big picture, and his methods and abilities were extraordinary. It is not shameful for a person like this to ask for advice.

What's more, Wang Jin's rank is the chief division, and when it comes to status, he is several ranks higher than Chen Guorong!

Chen Guorong had just climbed to the top of the middle ranks of the police force, and when he was working too hard towards the top ranks, Wang Jin had already successfully entered the top ranks, and his status in the high ranks was already not low.

What others need to complete in a lifetime, but in Wang Jin's place, it is completed in a short period of time.

For this point, it is worthy of Chen Guorong's careful consultation.

Wang Jin also did not expect that Chen Guorong would ask him about this matter, which made Wang Jin a little stunned, but then Wang Jin reacted, because in Wang Jin's view, it was like Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong. The well-known policeman in the city has his own set of rules and methods for handling cases, so how could he lower his social status to come to him for advice?

Although he is the team leader of this group, it is fine to issue orders, and Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and others will not interfere, but when it comes time to perform tasks, it is Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and others who perform the tasks.

To judge others by himself, Wang Jin would not want someone to intervene in his own way of handling cases, or someone would directly deny his own way of doing things, and then use the method provided by others to act.

Thinking of such a possibility, Wang Jin would feel overwhelmed, unless it was an order from his superiors, when he had to do it, Wang Jin would obey it.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, Wang Jin has his own way of doing things, and it is precisely because of a lot of consideration that Wang Jin thought of whether Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong would not want others to intervene in their own way of handling cases, so Wang Jin did not intervene in this matter too much and specifically.

Instead, let them do it themselves according to their ideas. Anyway, generally speaking, Chen Guorong's previous method is quite good. At least if Wang Jin participated, he would also agree to use this method, but everyone's consideration is not rigorous enough. , and this is where the error occurred.

Seeing Chen Guorong asking him for advice, how did Wang Jin say that he was also named as the team leader now, and if a team member asked him for advice, then he should talk about it, and it was not something secret that could not be said.

"Then let me tell you, for your reference~‖!"

Wang Jin didn't think that Chen Guorong, Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun and others would definitely adopt it after he just shared some of his ideas, but it doesn't hurt to talk about it! "

"Since your actions have already scared the snake away, the next group of people will definitely not be easily fooled. If you want to find opportunities and catch them, it will be even more difficult!"

"When they choose their targets, they will also be more casual. There is no standard, which makes you uncertain of their context!"

"Wang sir, you are right, but how can I find them?"

Chen Guorong nodded in agreement. He had considered what Wang Jin said. After all, if he was a gang of criminals, he would become more cautious when he knew that there was a gang of policemen tracking him down.

After a pause, Wang Jin continued.

"This matter seems to be unsolvable, but in fact it is not without a solution. They will definitely attack again, just to whom. This time you have lost the initiative. Even if you are provoking them, they will not be fooled. , After suffering a loss once, they will definitely not suffer a second time!"

"However, you can think of a solution from other ways. Haven't you already fought against them? Do you have any impression of their appearance and figure?" Wang Jin asked.

"I don't have much impression. They all wear headgear, and their bodies are extremely ordinary. There is nothing worth noting!"

Chen Guorong thought about the scene of fighting with those gangsters in his mind, and recalled carefully to the three of them, but he did not find anything, so he immediately told the truth.

"Since you don't have any clues in this regard, then you should check their firearms and ammunition. This kind of thing doesn't come out of thin air. If you want to get arms in Xiangjiang, you will definitely not be able to pass the hurdle of arms dealers. You guys If we pursue this clue, we might gain something!"

"Even after chasing the arms dealers, if there is nothing to gain, there may be some news and rumors! After all, colleagues are enemies. These arms dealers have more powerful intelligence channels than we imagined! Those The weapon in the hands of the murderer is so powerful, there must be a lot of stock, such a big deal, who can not be jealous?"

"¨~Maybe there are arms dealers, jealousy, maybe you know the news about those criminals!"

Wang Jin's words directly made Chen Guorong's eyes suddenly light up, and then he slapped his thigh and wanted to jump up and applaud. This is really a good idea, but the excited Chen Guorong obviously forgot that his body still I'm hurt!

He slapped his thigh all at once, and directly slapped it near the wound on his thigh, and directly grinned at Chen Guorong in pain, so he didn't jump up, and his legs went limp.

Originally, Chen Guorong, Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun and others were remnants and defeated generals with low morale. Now they couldn't think of any solution. They were really confused for a while. Now with Wang Jin's guidance, everything is different, at least everyone (Li Zhaozhao) This time, I immediately had a goal.

He will no longer randomly ram in like headless chickens. At this time, Chen Guorong really wished that the injury on his body would be healed as soon as possible, so that he could investigate the case.

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