They are all seasoned cops!

For a while, the exchange of fire between the several people started again, and as the gun battle continued, the bullets in the hands of the several people were finally exhausted, and by this time, Ji Zhengxiong and Ye Guohuan had also run out of patience, Immediately, he threw away the scrap metal gun in his hand, and shouted towards the outside of the villa.

"Zhuo Ziqiang, why don't you do it yet? When are you going to wait?"

"That's right, Zhuo Ziqiang, do you want to see the old men dead before you do it?"

The yell of Ji Zhengxiong and Ye Guohuan directly made Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong who were in the villa feel their hearts skip a beat, and they yelled in their hearts that it was not good.

They originally thought that Ji Zhengxiong, Ye Guohuan, and Zhuo Ziqiang were all in the villa now, and they were the ones who attacked the three gangsters, but now they knew through the shouts of Ji Zhengxiong and Ye Guohuan that Zhuo Ziqiang hadn't made a move yet. Well, it was only Ji Zhengxiong and Ye Guohuan who had been fighting against them just now.

"Change positions quickly!"

Jia Kui let out a cry, rolling on the ground like a lazy donkey, changing positions, and subconsciously blurting out the words in his mouth, greeting Yuan Haoyun and Chen Guorong, and he didn't have time to say anything unnecessary .

And as Jia Kui blurted out these words, at the gate of the villa, a figure suddenly rushed in, that is Zhuo Ziqiang, he had been hiding in the dark and observed the positions of Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun and Chen Guorong. He didn't do anything, he just wanted to wait until Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong were out of bullets, and then he took Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong in one pot...

I have to say that Zhuo Ziqiang's plan is really vicious. If Ji Zhengxiong and Ye Guohuan hadn't been exposed, maybe Zhuo Ziqiang would have realized this plan!

After all, when Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong had no bullets, if Zhuo Ziqiang came out to beat the three of them by surprise, Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong really had nothing to do.

It's a pity that Ji Zhengxiong and Ye Guohuan didn't trust Zhuo Ziqiang too much, and they were at the end of their rope. If Zhuo Ziqiang didn't take action at this time, they might really die here.

With their lives at stake, Ji Zhengxiong and Ye Guohuan naturally didn't want to die, so they could only be pig teammates once, which ruined Zhuo Ziqiang's plan.

At this moment, Zhuo Ziqiang was so angry!

If Ji Zhengxiong and Ye Guohuan hadn't suddenly exposed his whereabouts, he might have taken Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong. With preparedness in mind, Zhuo Ziqiang would naturally not be able to succeed.

Although Zhuo Ziqiang's bullets were fast, they did not hurt Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and the other three, because they also had a premonition when Ji Zhengxiong and Ye Guohuan spoke just now, and they changed their positions a long time ago. They didn't wait for Jia Kui to remind them, this is also the sense of crisis they have cultivated for many years as police officers, if they wait until they hear Jia Kui's shouts and hide, it will be too late.

Zhuo Ziqiang's sneak attack plan failed, and everything went back to the original point. Now the six people are facing each other, and it is another fierce gun battle.

Finally, as the gun battle continued, everyone's bullets were almost gone, and there were still some bullets in Zhuo Ziqiang's gun. After all, he was the last one to shoot.

For a while, the gunshots stopped involuntarily, but the six people were a little jealous of each other, anxious in their hearts, some were anxious about what to do if they ran out of bullets, and some were anxious, the next fight, How to fight!

Even Zhuo Ziqiang, who had a gun and bullets in his hand, was a little apprehensive, because he didn't know whether Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, or Chen Guorong had any bullets in their guns.

The situation was inevitably stalemate. In such a stalemate, Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong would like to see it on 4.9. After all, they are members of the Xiangjiang Police Force and the largest violent law enforcement department in the entire Xiangjiang. the biggest force.

In this place just now, the gun battle was crackling like firecrackers on New Year's Day. Although Zhuo Ziqiang's villa is remote, it is not true that there are no people living around it. Hearing the fierce movement just now, it must be Someone called the police, and now they only need to hold on, and a large number of people from the Xiangjiang Police Force will rush to support them in a short time. It's just that Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong are a little hesitant in their hearts. How should they hold back the three Thieves!

After all, there are no bullets in the guns in their hearts!

If they were asked to hold the three kings of thieves with their flesh and blood, it would be too painful. Even if they wanted to hold the three kings of thieves with their flesh and blood, they probably wouldn't be able to hold them back for a few seconds.

But Ji Zhengxiong, Ye Guohuan, and Zhuo Ziqiang actually have the same worries in their hearts. They are also afraid that people from the Xiangjiang Police Force will come to support them, and they will be completely finished by then, so Zhuo Ziqiang immediately opened his mouth and said

"Ji Zhengxiong, Ye Guohuan! Withdraw! We were deceived by them, there is no one outside, don't delay with them, run now, or it will be too late!"

"What, no one outside?"

Zhuo Ziqiang's words almost didn't piss Ji Zhengxiong and Ye Guohuan to death. It turned out that the messengers only came here. If they knew this, they would have already run away. Why would they wait until now!

It's also because they really thought too much, because they thought they were the three kings of thieves. When the Xiangjiang Police Force came to arrest them, how could only a few people come, which led to the current scene! .

Chapter 39 Head-to-head confrontation! (Finish)

Zhuo Ziqiang's news really made Ji Zhengxiong and Ye Guohuan want to vomit blood for three liters after they heard about it. They didn't expect that the three great thieves would be deceived by others. This is simply lost big face.

At this time, their faces were hot, and fortunately, apart from Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong, there were only the three kings of thieves, and some swaying companions who had already drank, Otherwise, the three kings of thieves would really be ashamed to throw them at grandma's house this time.

However, even so, they were all furious at this moment, wishing that Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong would die.

Previously, I didn't know that Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and other people from the Xiangjiang police force came. They were naturally eager to escape. After all, if they were really blocked by a large number of people from the Xiangjiang police force, Then they are finished.

In the final analysis, although their three major thieves are famous, they are only slightly more powerful than ordinary people. If they are really surrounded by a large number of people from the Xiangjiang Police Force, they may not be able to escape. It is estimated that it will end up sitting in prison, or being shot dead on the spot.

But now that they know that there are three people from the Xiangjiang Police Force, they are not afraid. In the case of three against three, will they still persuade the Xiangjiang Police Force?

If that's the case, why would they come out to be king of thieves? Wouldn't it be better to go back to the countryside earlier and farm the land honestly?

What's more, the actions of Jia Kui, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan earlier caused them to misunderstand and lose them. Now Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan are all ashamed and angry. If they don't find this place When they came back, they were extremely upset, although no one else would know about this matter even if they escaped now.

But the hurdle in their own hearts is hard to pass!

It is precisely because of this that the three of them were already thinking of breaking through. At this time, they subconsciously thought that they would go for a while, and they were not in a hurry to break through. Ju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong were killed and left.

Also let the Xiangjiang Police Force take a look at the fate of their three kings of thieves, and only send three people to arrest them. Is this contemptuous of them?

It's just that Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan didn't know that this was just the self-assessment of Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong. If they go up, it is definitely not just Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong, but a large number of people in their hearts.

After all, it was Wang Jin who was in charge of this matter behind this matter. Wang Jin was quite safe unless he took action himself, or he would not move Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan. If it moved, Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan would not be given a chance to struggle.

It can only be said that Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong gave Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan a chance.

For a while, another fierce battle broke out in the villa. Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan were the three kings of thieves, but Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong were not vegetarians. It was a real fight.

Suddenly the gun battle stopped, and there was only a rattling sound in the entire villa. Suddenly, several people in the villa were a little embarrassed, because they suddenly found that the guns in their hands were out of bullets.

Not only Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan have no bullets in their guns, but also Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong have no bullets. After all, Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and others came here on a temporary basis and did not bring Too many bullets, even if they have a heart to carry, they can't carry too many bullets.

After all, there is no way to explain this kind of thing, no, what do you want to do with so many bullets?

If you don't say something, I'm afraid you won't be able to get more bullets. After all, in the Xiangjiang Police Force, every time you go on duty, if it is not a particularly important task, there is a fixed number of bullets, just use one more bullet. If there is one bullet, then it is necessary to write an investigation report, report why an extra bullet was used, and where the bullet was used. The details must be clearly written in the investigation report. If the meaning is not clear, then this matter is not over.

That is to say, when it comes to a particularly important task, the number of bullets will be completely lifted, and no one will ask how many bullets were used. After all, once a major scene occurs, there will be many bad guys who sacrificed. Who would pay attention to how many bullets were used after a mission!

It is precisely because of this rule that Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong are also a little embarrassed at the moment. It's not that they don't want to get more bullets, but they really can't get them!

If they wanted to get more bullets, they had to report Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan's affairs, but if they reported it, it would run counter to their original purpose.

Their original purpose was to take the credit for themselves, so that they could be promoted. After all, each of them was not well received by their superiors. Although they were all very capable, they wanted to be promoted. Job, it is too difficult!

Unlike those guys who can get to the top just by relying on their qualifications, they are all troublesome people who are registered in the hearts of their bosses. If they want to be promoted, relying on their qualifications will not work at all. Can.

But the real achievement, how can it be so easy to get, if it is easy to get, they will not be still at the grassroots level now, according to their age, they should climb to the middle level, such as Chen Guorong, Chen Guorong's position, although they say It's not too high, but it's not too low either. It's much better than Jia Kui and Yuan Haoyun.

Moreover, Chen Guorong was about the same age as Yuan Haoyun and Jia Kui, but their levels were much different from each other, at least several levels apart.

This is also caused by the differences in the personalities and behaviors of the three. Although Jiaju Yuan Haoyun is good at solving cases, he is also good at causing trouble. In this regard, Chen Guorong is much better. The ability to do things is not very good, so he is naturally a good subordinate in the eyes of the boss, and it is not polite to promote Chen Guorong.

This is also the reason why Chen Guorong, Jia Kui, and Yuan Haoyun are about the same age, but they are much different in level, and in this regard, Wang Jin has done it to the extreme.

Look at how long Wang Jin has been in the police force, but he has already climbed to the top of the Xiangjiang police force. Why is all this?

It's not because Wang Jin has made great achievements, and Wang Jin never caused trouble for the Xiangjiang Police Force and his superiors. He dealt with everything cleanly from beginning to end. Even the superiors can get credit and fame as long as they lie down. Who doesn't like it, who doesn't want to tie such a subordinate by his side?

In the police force, how to make subordinates feel loved and cared for by their superiors is naturally to help subordinates get promoted.

This is also the reason why Wang Jin can soar into the sky. Not only is he very capable, he doesn't cause trouble for his boss, and he can even bring fame and fortune to his boss. Who doesn't like such a subordinate? It should be fast.

The rise of Wang Jin is like a shooting star. It not only caused a big stir in Xiangjiang, but also has countless admirers in the police force. It is not that no one thinks that they want to imitate Wang Jin's way to rise, but they are not after all. Wang Jin can't be as tight as Wang Jin.

Either the means to solve the case are not good, or the ability to deal with the first and last is not good. Anyway, many people imitated Wang Jin and made a lot of jokes, becoming a model for Dongshi to imitate.

In this way, Wang Jin's prestige in the Xiangjiang Police Force will become even more prosperous!

No way, there is only one talent like Wang Jin in the Xiangjiang Police Force!

Of course, let’s not mention Wang Jin’s matter for the time being, but let’s talk about the matter of going back to the villa. After Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, Ye Guohuan, and Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong were all out of bullets, they were also very embarrassed for a while. But this embarrassment didn't last long, because the eyes of Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan were fixed on the backpack not far from the fireplace in the villa, because Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan all knew that there was a backpack in that backpack. Inside, there are a lot of weapons and ammunition. As long as they get the weapons and ammunition, will they worry about not being able to deal with Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong?

But Chen Guorong, Jia Kui, and Yuan Haoyun are not fools, they have noticed it a long time ago. The eyes of Ji Zhengxiong, Ye Guohuan, and Zhuo Ziqiang are on the backpack not far away, although they don't know what is in that backpack. , but definitely not a good thing.

"Do it, don't let them get that backpack!" Jia Kui subconsciously yelled with the idea of ​​his honey and my poison.

And Jia Kui's yell also opened the prelude to the six-person death fight. Although Yuan Haoyun and Chen Guorong didn't know what was in the backpack, they felt that Jia Kui was right and Zhuo Ziqiang must not be let , Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan got the backpack.

For a while, the six people began to fight around the backpack in the villa. Although everyone has no guns in their hands now, there are still fists after no guns, and fists can kill people.

When it comes to unarmed combat, whether it is Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, or Chen Guorong, they are really not at all shy.

Unarmed combat is something that the police force must practice, and the three of them are elites in the police force, and their skills are even more extraordinary.

Not to mention Jia Kui, he has many enemies in Xiangjiang both openly and secretly, but if he can live to this day, one can imagine Jia Kui's ability, not to mention anything else, facing a dozen or twenty thugs, Even if you can't beat it, you can turn the opponent around.

On this point, Yuan Haoyun is not bad either. Although he has a hot temper, his skills are convinced by everyone in his own jurisdiction.

As for Chen Guorong, let’s not talk about it. He also worked as a police combat instructor in 610 for a period of time. Anyone who can sit in this position must have some strengths in the police force. Otherwise, I can't even sit in this position.

In unarmed combat, the three of them were all strong players, so naturally they would not be cowardly, and they found their opponents one by one.

Jiaju found Zhuo Ziqiang, Yuan Haoyun found Ye Guohuan, and the rest of Ji Zhengxiong was found by Chen Guorong.

For a moment, the battlefield was divided into three parts, whether it was Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, or Chen Guorong, all suppressed their opponents and fought fiercely.

At this point, Zhuo Ziqiang and Ye Guohuan were at a disadvantage. Zhuo Ziqiang relied on his brain for food, and his hands-on ability, except for his slightly better marksmanship, his unarmed combat ability was really a mess.

Ye Guohuan is also no exception. Ye Guohuan has always liked to use AK47 to crush his opponents powerfully, but this also makes Ye Guohuan's unarmed combat poor. When he doesn't have a gun, his strength can only be said to be compared to ordinary fighters. People are a little bit stronger.

Among the three, I am afraid that the one who is better is Ji Zhengxiong. Whether it is marksmanship or hand-to-hand combat, both are of a certain level. After all, Zhuo Ziqiang and Ye Guohuan are gangsters, relying on their numbers. And Ji Zhengxiong has basically been fighting alone all the time, only looking for people when committing crimes, and his suspicion is very serious, and he rarely saves people's lives. There are many, and if one person kills many people, it is naturally because of his rich experience and good fighting ability. Even facing the strongest of the three, Chen Guorong, he can fight back and forth for a while without losing the wind.

But it was useless for Ji Zhengxiong to force himself alone. After not many moves, Zhuo Ziqiang let out a scream, and then heard a heavy muffled sound. Go, Jia Kui has already dealt with the opponent, Zhuo Ziqiang lay on the ground, his eyes closed, he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

This also made Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong terrified and confused, and their shots were a little deformed. How could Yuan Haoyun and Chen Guorong miss such a good opportunity, and the offensive became more and more ferocious.

It didn't take long for Ye Guohuan to follow in the footsteps. Only Ji Zhengxiong was left who could persevere on the scene. This also made Ji Zhengxiong even more anxious. Unfortunately, he was entangled by Chen Guorong, so there was no Any chance, let alone defeating Chen Guorong, even if you want to escape, it will be difficult!

In the end, Ji Zhengxiong also failed to run away, and was besieged by three people and completely subdued! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Jia Kui, whose body was covered in blood and dust, immediately collapsed and sat on the ground with his back against the wall, not caring about the messy environment on the ground at all.

In the fierce fighting and fighting just now, whether it is Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, or Chen Guorong, the adrenaline is soaring. In fact, their physical strength has reached the limit, but they know that they must not relax. Otherwise, Ye Guohuan, Ji Zhengxiong, and Zhuo Ziqiang will definitely find an opportunity to take advantage of them. Not only will they not be caught, but the three of them will be in danger of life and death.

It is precisely because of this that the three of them have to be strong-willed, squeeze their potential and physical strength, and dare not relax in the slightest. Now that Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan are finally subdued by them, they can also Breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yeah! It worked! It's all over!"

Chen Guorong, who was also sitting paralyzed on the ground, panted heavily, and gave the two of them a gratified smile. Their actions this time can be said to be very dangerous. The three came to arrest Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan alone. People, it can definitely be said that it is a desperate action, and if you are a little careless, you will end up dead.

Fortunately, everything was successful. Although their trip was dangerous, the rewards were definitely big enough!

Who are Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan?

They were all well-known thieves in Xiangjiang, who committed countless major and important cases, which made countless citizens of Xiangjiang fear, and the Xiangjiang police force hated them extremely, because the poor guy who died at the hands of the three kings of thieves was really There are too many. Over the years, how many people have died at their hands, I am afraid it is hard to tell.

In addition, during this period of time, the actions of the three kings of thieves have killed many high-level executives in Xiangjiang. It can be said that the Xiangjiang police force absolutely hated Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan.

Now, Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong, relying on the strength of the three of them, have captured Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan. .

The three of them also knew in their hearts how much credit they had made, otherwise they would not have chosen to do it alone, and if they could not make ends meet, how could they have chosen to act alone.

For a moment, the three of them looked at each other and laughed involuntarily.

"How many levels do you think we can go up after we go back this time? And after the promotion, what are you going to do?"

Jia Kui sat on the ground with his back against the wall, took a few breaths, and after regaining some strength, he asked Yuan Haoyun and Chen Guorong.

Seeing Jia Kui asking, Yuan Haoyun and Chen Guorong shook their heads and didn't pay attention to this question, because they really hadn't considered it before, although the three of them acted together and chose to arrest Ji Zhengxiong, Ye Guohuan, and Zhuo Ziqiang. It's for great credit, but they really haven't considered how many levels they will be promoted!

"It's really hard to say how many levels you'll be promoted to. After all, it's a matter for the superiors to consider. No matter how much we think about it, it's useless!" Yuan Haoyun said with a sigh.

"That's right, this kind of thing is all considered by the big bosses above. No matter how much you think about it, it's useless. I want to be the director directly! Do you think it's possible?"

Chen Guorong rolled his eyes, and said directly to Jia Kui and Yuan Haoyun.

Immediately, Jia Kui and Yuan Haoyun were startled, as if meeting Chen Guorong for the first time, they said in surprise.

"Damn, I didn't expect you to have such big ambitions and want to be a big brother?"

"I'm going, it's really impossible for people to look good! I didn't expect Chen sir, you still have such big ambitions, I admire you!"

"Bah, you two guys, how dare you say that you have never had such an idea~‖?"

Chen Guorong was also a little embarrassed to be teased by the two, and immediately scolded them with a smile, he couldn't believe that Jia Kui and Yuan Haoyun had never dreamed of being a brother!

In other words, as long as you are a messenger, who hasn't dreamed of being a first brother?

It's just that, after all, there is only one position of the first brother, who is carefully selected among more than 3 bad guys. If you want to take the position of the first brother, you really have to pass five tests and kill six generals. It's very difficult, not everyone can be the first brother.

At least, neither Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, nor Chen Guorong basically have the qualifications to be the first brother.

They don't have the first requirement alone. To be a brother requires connections, and the connections of the three of them in the police force are really mediocre. Even Chen Guorong, who is in the best situation, in fact, apart from himself Apart from his immediate superior, Te didn't know many bigwigs in the police force.

And without the support of many big bosses in the police force, it is really idiotic to want to take the position of the first brother. The support rate alone is not enough, so how can you still be a fart first brother?

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