Therefore, both Jia Kui and Yuan Haoyun knew that Chen Guorong was joking, and they didn't take it seriously. Even if Chen Guorong started to work hard now, when he reached the real core of the police force, he would be old enough to retire. Just a joke.

However, this does not hinder, Jia Kui and Yuan Haoyun teased Chen Guorong, anyway, it is between everyone, and they will not take it seriously when they are joking.

Just when the three of them were sitting slumped in the villa to recover their strength, some nearby Xiangjiang citizens had already chosen to call the police. After all, in the villa not far away, firing guns was like fighting a war. No one is a fool, for their own safety. , then of course you don't even think about it, it's best to call the police directly.

Therefore, as soon as the report was received, the Xiangjiang police force had already dispatched the police force, not to mention that this villa was still Zhuo Ziqiang's villa, which naturally made the Xiangjiang police force more cautious.

When a large number of people from the Xiangjiang Police Force arrived, they were all stunned by the situation at the scene. Although there were only a few people, the golden bullet casings all over the floor were densely packed with bullet holes on the wall. It can be said how tragic this battle was.

A police officer from the Xiangjiang Police Force broke into the villa, and immediately saw Jiaju lying on the ground, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong, three people covered in blood, disheveled, and the subdued Ji Zhengxiong and Ye Guohuan , Zhuo Ziqiang and three people.

Although Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong were a little disgraced, a messenger immediately recognized the three of them. After all, the three of them were well-known in the police force, so they immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said to the other end.

"Please call an ambulance. Some jobs are injured. Some jobs are injured. It's a few sirs from other districts. They seem to have subdued the three kings of thieves!"

The news in the intercom quickly reached the ears of the senior officers of the Xiangjiang police force through the dedicated personnel, and Wang Jin also got the news immediately.

Not long after, the ambulance arrived at the scene and sent Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong to the hospital for examination. Although they repeatedly emphasized that they were fine and just out of strength, the necessary examinations were still necessary.

As for Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan who were subdued, they were handcuffed and taken away by the police officers present, but the tragic scene of the three people still made the police officers present gasp , Whispering up.

"These officers are too ruthless! You can see that they have beaten each other into pigs' heads!"

"Bah! What are you talking about! The three chiefs fought well. The three kings of thieves have lost many brothers in these years. It can be said that they deserve it. I don't think it's bad enough to be beaten!"

"That's right, my original partner was beaten to death by Ye Guohuan. I can't wait to peel off his skin and drink his blood. I have long wanted to avenge my revenge, but this guy is so good at being a turtle. Years ago, no one knew where he was hiding, but this time he was caught by the three officers, it was a joy!"

"It's true to say so, but isn't it a little inconsistent with the regulations? After all, we in Xiangjiang also advocate human rights!" Someone said anxiously.

"Bullshit human rights, it's because of human rights, how many brothers does our Xiangjiang police force sacrifice every year, is it true that the lives of bad guys are lives, and the lives of our brothers are not lives!"

"That's right, that is, the officers arrested the three kings of thieves. Otherwise, if it was my turn, I would definitely shoot them all to death. These wastes are also a waste of food in prison!"

Someone expressed extreme agreement, and even said the words of the three kings of thieves who were about to be killed. This immediately aroused dissatisfaction from his boss, who gave him a hard look.

"It's fine to talk about these things around us, and you must never say them in front of outsiders. If it gets out and those media people know about it, our Xiangjiang Police Force will get into trouble again!"

"Yes, yes, I'm just complaining, sir! I won't talk nonsense!"

The messenger also knew that he had said something wrong, so he immediately covered his mouth and smiled awkwardly, a little embarrassed. Sometimes he just couldn't control his mouth and always liked to talk too much.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it! Clean up the scene, and then we can report this matter! By the way, there are also these drunk women, take them all back, and wait for them to wake up , Make a record, if there is nothing, after the fine, let them go back!"

The squad's temporary commander gave instructions to his subordinates.

Anyway, now Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong were sent away by ambulance, and Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan were also taken away, and there was no value left at the scene, at most there were still a few crooked It's just a woman who fell to the ground in a mess.

Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong have already told about the origins of these women, so everyone knows that these women have nothing to do with the three kings of thieves, but the procedure still needs to be gone through, so these women still have to be brought back. Yes, and these women's occupations also violated the laws of Xiangjiang. Although the problem is not serious, they still have to be fined. If there is no fine, they will have to stay in confinement for at least a few days.

Following the order of the team commander, the team that arrived at the scene also began to clean up the mess, and they were extremely busy.

On the other side, Wang Jin also got the news and rushed to the hospital, because he already knew that Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong had already been sent to the hospital for treatment!

When Wang Jin rushed to the hospital, asked about the ward, and walked into the ward, he also saw it clearly.

In the ward, these three beds were placed, and Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong had already bathed and put on hospital gowns, and their wounds had also been treated. At this time, the three of them were lying on the hospital bed Going to bed, accepting the nurse's inquiry, I feel very comfortable.

Seeing Wang Jin suddenly appearing at the door of the ward, the three of them also looked flustered, but Wang Jin didn't pay attention to them, but asked the nurse on duty, pointing to Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong.

"¨~ How are the three of them doing? Is it serious?"

The nurse at the hospital turned around and saw Wang Jin. The nurse on duty in the hospital had never seen such a masculine and heroic handsome guy like Wang Jin, especially at this time, Wang Jin was still wearing a police suit. Even though the nurse didn't know what Wang Jin's job was, the handsome and unrestrained temperament immediately fascinated the little nurse, and she didn't hear Wang Jin's question for a while, until Wang Jin again (Wang De After retelling it again, the little nurse came to her senses, blushing and hurriedly said.

"It's okay, it's okay, the physical examination of these three officers is very good, but they are a little tired, and they will be hospitalized for observation for a day, and they can be discharged if there is nothing wrong!"

"Okay, sorry to bother you! Can I talk to them now?"

Wang Jin's voice was very gentle, almost masculine, and he immediately fascinated the little nurse.

"Ah! Yes! Yes! Then I will go to work first! You talk slowly!"

The little nurse who came back to her senses ran away blushing.

At this time, Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong on the hospital bed started laughing when they saw this scene, but gradually they found that something was wrong with the atmosphere, because Wang Jin not only didn't smile, but also his face became more and more gloomy. Even those who are gloomy can drop water, now Zi Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong are afraid to laugh, and even feel a little panicked in their hearts.

"Laugh! Why don't you laugh! Didn't you just laugh happily? Show me the smile! You guys are so courageous! You dare to act privately, do you know what kind of discipline this violates the police force?"

Wang Jin picked up a chair and sat directly opposite the three hospital beds, and said to the three of them in a strange way.

As soon as Wang Jin said this, Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong immediately panicked. They really forgot about it. Temporary Chief, it's enough to remove them from their posts

At this moment, the faces of the three of them became bitter, and they couldn't smile anymore. Their faces were even longer than that of a donkey. They felt as if they had dug a big hole for themselves and buried themselves!

That's a pain! .

Chapter 41 Beating and Change!

In an instant, no matter whether it was Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, or Chen Guorong, they couldn't laugh anymore on the hospital bed at this moment. The three of them looked at each other first, then immediately changed their faces, got off the hospital bed quickly, and then approached Wang Jin's Beside, very flattering way.

"Wang sir, don't! Considering our previous friendship and the fact that we have made such a great contribution this time, can we just let it go?"

"That's right, Sir Wang! You also know how difficult it is for us to be in the limelight. If you just go online like this, then we will have nothing to do!"

"Wang sir, why don't you give me a chance for the sake of my old friend?"

Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong were either helping Wang Jin beat his legs, or helping Wang Jin pinch his shoulders and pour tea. Those who didn't know thought Wang Jin was an old landlord in ancient times, while Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong three Everyone is a boy who sells his body to work!

Seeing this scene, Wang Jin also smiled and said nothing, enjoying the supreme level of service. Although Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong are rough guys, they are also well-known figures in the Xiangjiang Police Force, let alone let them do it. Even if this kind of ancient maid's work is in the minds of many people, they dare not even think about it, but the real situation is happening right before their eyes, and no one can believe it.

Of course, in this matter, Wang Jin was not really angry. If he was really angry, it would not be the current attitude. Chance.

The three of them took down Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan. It can be said that they have made great achievements. It is impossible to justify without rewards, let alone deal with the three of them. There is no such thing at all. He just wants to take advantage of this matter. , beat and beat the three of them, lest the three of them are too lawless. Although the three of them have made great contributions, there is one thing that Wang Jin is not wrong, that is, the three of them violated the rules of the police force. The matter, that is to say, is replaced by Wang Jin, so they can not be held accountable. After all, Wang Jin has an extraordinary relationship with them. He can block this matter, saying that he took Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and 610 Chen Guorong. To exclude those sent out to do tasks, so there is a perfect excuse.

But there are some things that can deceive outsiders, but they cannot deceive themselves after all. Whether Wang Jin sent them out, or they made their own decisions, this matter is only known to Wang Jin and them, and this matter seems to be a big deal Big, not to mention small, it's easy for Wang Jin to pass the test, but it's not necessarily so if it's someone else.

After all, whether it is Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, or Chen Guorong, the connections are really a gang. If this matter is led by others, the three of them may not be able to get away with it. After all, the three of them have touched the police. If the discipline of the team is really on the line, Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong have no other choice but to accept it.

Although Wang Jin would not embarrass Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong in this matter, he also has his own little plan, which is to severely beat the three people's personalities, so that the three people's behaviors will be different in the future. Be restrained, otherwise, they may really have trouble in the future. After all, not everyone is Wang Jin. They have a good relationship with them and can help them smooth out this trouble. If they meet a boss who wants to punish them, Then they will be in complete trouble, and may even lose their job as a police officer directly. This is not a joke.

The crime committed by Jia Kui and the others is neither big nor small, the key depends on how it is defined. If the boss is willing to protect it, then this matter is completely reasonable and legal, and no one else can find an excuse to deal with it. Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong, but if there is no firm protection from their superiors, then Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong have violated the discipline of the Xiangjiang Police Force, and they are likely to be demoted for investigation. It is possible to be directly expelled from the police force. The key depends on the attitude of the boss, but you can't count on Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong. In the future, every boss will be like Wang Jin. Dealing with the beginning and the end, wiping the butt, will always let them meet a boss who is not in line with their personality. If they don't beat them and make changes, it will harm them instead.

Therefore, Wang Jin really worked hard, Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong didn't understand the tricks in it. They saw that they were all like this, but Wang Jin didn't let go. Some party.

They didn't expect that Wang Jin would go online on this matter. The three of them always thought it was a trivial matter, and it was precisely because of this that they acted on their own initiative to deal with Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan. The three of them thought that as long as this matter was done, they would be fine as long as they came back and told Wang Jin, because they thought that Wang Jin would not embarrass them in this matter, this is what they thought, But the development of the matter now runs counter to what they thought. Not only did Wang Jin not let them go on this matter, but now he is still holding on to this matter. This really makes Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong three people Did not expect.

"Wang sir, you are so accommodating! Everyone is so familiar, don't you think so! Why don't you wait for a while, the three of us invite you to a big meal?" Jia Kui was the first to speak, and his tone was quite Easy-going, it can even be said that it is not good enough. If Jia Kui's colleagues see this, they will definitely not believe that the person in front of them is Jia Kui. After all, Jia Kui's temper is notorious among them. , when did you see such a humble Guoju?

I'm afraid no one will believe it, but the facts are the same. It has to be believed in front of your eyes. Jia Kui is also a tough man. Naturally, he has his own reasons for his humble pleading, because he really He must not lose his job as a police officer, not only because of himself, but also because of his girlfriend.

Originally, the nature and status of his job was looked down upon by his girlfriend's parents. If he lost this job, the future between him and his girlfriend would be completely over. Jia Kui would never allow this to happen , because he really can't lose his girlfriend.

Jia Kui can be said to be the one who surrendered the fastest among the three, because he had a reason to surrender. Except for Jia Kui, neither Yuan Haoyun nor Chen Guorong had figured it out yet, because they believed that Wang Jin was still there. They joke.

But as time passed, they finally didn't think so, and their expressions became serious.

This is something that can't be helped. If it is really a joke, the atmosphere of the joke is almost the same now, and everything that is still over should be over, but at this time, Wang Jin still hasn't let go.

All of a sudden, both Yuan Haoyun and Chen Guorong's expressions changed. They looked at Wang Jin and asked in a serious tone.

"Wang sir, are you serious?"

"That's right, Sir Wang! Don't mess with us! We have made such a great contribution this time, not to mention the promotion, you can't mess with us like this! Even if the merits and demerits are offset! Seeing as our friends For the sake of the field?"

 (ceej) Yuan Haoyun was also a little flustered, because he never thought that the development of the matter would become so serious, and he didn't even think about what he would do in the future if he stopped being a bad guy. If Jin can't pass this level, they may really not even be able to be a messenger. This is not a joke.

"Okay, I'm not messing with you, but your actions, have you reported to me?"

Wang Jinhu pushed the few people away with a straight face. Since it was an act, he naturally had to finish the act to the end, teach the three of them a lesson, and let the three of them have the experience to learn from it. Otherwise, Wang Jin Isn't this play for nothing?

"Also, even if you don't report your actions to me, as your boss, you don't even tell me information about Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan. What does that mean? Do you take my boss as your boss? "

This time, whether it was Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, or Chen Guorong, the three of them stepped aside and became a little taciturn. At the same time, they felt a little embarrassed because what Wang Jin said was right. , They did something wrong. According to the formal procedures, they have made such a big discovery, and they need to report it to their superiors. Now, as their temporary boss, Wang Jin also has the right to know about this matter, but now Because they were greedy for credit, they did not report this matter to Wang Jin in time, which led to the current consequences. Wang Jin was not happy, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong and should be done if he wanted to deal with them.

Originally, they thought that their relationship with Wang Jin could be fooled by this matter. After all, Wang Jin and them are old friends, so it is not possible to go online in such a short time, right?

As long as they catch Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan, it's fine. Wang Jin, who will get the credit, will definitely not argue with them on this matter, and they think so too.

But unexpectedly, things changed completely beyond the expectations of the three of them. Wang Jin didn't care about the credit for capturing Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan, nor did he become happy because he captured the three of them. In this matter, they got on line with them, which Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong never thought of.

Of course, this is also why they didn't see through the essence of this matter. Would Wang Jin care about the little credit for catching Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan?

To be honest, Wang Jin didn't care at all. Although this matter was calculated by Wang Jin, even without this credit, Wang Jin is still Wang Jin. The previous credits cannot be erased. If you want credit, There will be opportunities in the future. As a place full of disasters and disasters, Xiangjiang can be compared with Gotham City, which is simple and honest.

No one can know what Wang Jin is thinking in his heart, Wang Jin is like a deep and boundless sea, no one can see through Wang Jin's thoughts.

What others think is what others think after all, not what Wang Jin really thinks, just like now.

For a moment, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong, and Jia Kui, who looked a bit ugly, were all in a state of confusion at this moment, staring at Wang Jin, and didn't speak, because they didn't know what Wang Jin was going to do!

Sometimes the unknown is the greatest fear!

Finally, Wang Jin spoke to the three of them, but what he said made the three of them feel like a bolt from the blue, and they were almost split apart.

"This matter, let's stop here for the time being, and the three of you should suspend your duties and investigate first! Introspect carefully, if you have done the introspection, submit a report to me, and I will see your introspection attitude. If the introspection attitude is good, I will I will give you a chance to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds. If you don’t reflect on yourself, then I’m sorry, let’s do business! Although you are all elites in the police force, the police force has its own rules. What we need is to obey orders. Talents, not self-assertive talents, the instructor told you that for the first time when he wanted you to join the police academy! Well, you all should rest in the hospital! Now you don’t need to rush Come back to work, let's take care of your body in the hospital! I'm leaving!"

After saying this, Wang Jin got up with a blank expression on his face. He didn't say hello to Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong. You can't contact more, so as not to show the flaws to the three of them.

And with Wang Jin's departure, Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong also became extremely decadent in their applications, and they collapsed on the hospital bed. They really did not expect that after going through life and death, the result they got was Completely inconsistent with what they thought.

"Did we do something wrong in this matter?"

Jia Kui sat paralyzed on the hospital bed with some dull eyes, his face was a little pale, and his whole body seemed to be emptied of energy and energy all of a sudden, which formed a huge contrast with the previous appearance

When Wang Jin first came, Jia Kui was definitely alive and kicking, but now he seems to have suffered an incurable wound, and the whole person has become decadent, and Yuan Haoyun and Chen Guorong are not much better, they have also become taciturn , was deeply affected.

The first thousand and forty-two chapters of the temptation from the upper!

Not to mention that Wang Jin beat Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong over there, which caused a slight change in the hearts of the three. It is said that after Wang Jin beat Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong, Wang Jin's He was also in a good mood. After leaving the hospital, his face, which was pretending to be serious and gloomy, now had a smile on his lips.

In fact, Wang Jin had no intention of dealing with the three of them at all. Not to mention that the three of them were originally elite figures in the police force. They were trump cards in their respective jurisdictions. Wang Jin was originally their temporary boss. Yes, even if Wang Jin is willing to deal with them, their original boss may not be willing. After all, Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong are the right-hand men of the opponent's boss. They are basically indispensable. Without them, the opponent's jurisdiction Who will solve the tricky case?

If it was dealt with, the bosses of the three would have dealt with it a long time ago, and would not tolerate Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong. How is the person, I just want to beat the three of them, so that the three of them can figure it out and restrain themselves.

If it can change the three of them, then naturally it would be the best!

Based on the relationship between Wang Jin and them, Wang Jin will not deal with them. Besides, the three of them have made such great contributions now. If Wang Jin deals with them, it will not be good for Wang Jin's reputation if it spreads. The hats of suppressing meritorious officials, being jealous of the virtuous, and then greedy for merit will definitely be put on Wang Jin's head-!

Who let Wang Jin occupy a high position at a young age, and there are many people who say that grapes are sour when they can't eat grapes!

Usually they don't have a chance to take advantage of Wang Jin, but if Wang Jin sends out this excuse and handle, there are probably many people who want to step on Wang Jin, and Wang Jin is not stupid, so how could he give away this excuse and handle? go out.

Wang Jin's goal is the first brother. If he wants to sit in this position, not to mention other things, there should not be too many disputes about reputation alone, otherwise the score will be reduced, which will make Wang Jin feel bad in the eyes of Xiangjiang's senior management. The change is not good. This point Wang Jin came from the era of information explosion. Even if he has never eaten pork, he still sees pigs running away. Many film and television dramas and books in his previous life have analyzed many things clearly. up.

Although film and television dramas and books do not truly represent reality, the sources are all reality, and some of them are very useful.

After leaving the hospital, Wang Jin didn't go anywhere else, but went directly to the headquarters of the Xiangjiang Police Force to meet Brother Yi.

After all, the task of Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan was assigned by the first brother. Now that it has been resolved and all three have been arrested, Wang Jin will naturally go to see the first brother to report the case. Yes, this is also the basic process.

Soon, Wang Jin came to the headquarters of the Xiangjiang Police Force. During the period, he also met many high-level officials of the Xiangjiang Police Force. They also received the news. After hearing that Wang Jin was coming, they rushed to see him. Too deliberate, they still pretended to be walking around in the building, met Wang Jin inadvertently, and then praised and thanked Wang Jin, saying how capable Wang Jin was, helping them solve the danger of their lives, etc. Wait.

Although Wang Jin was a bit dumbfounded, even if he didn't want to help them, this case still had to be solved. After all, Wang Jin didn't want to leave stains on himself, but now that the high-level officials of the Xiangjiang Police Force said so, Wang Jin couldn't help it. Refuting their good intentions, besides, Wang Jin's actions did save their lives, because if Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan continue to make trouble like this, no one knows who will die next. It might be one of them!

It is good to say that Wang Jin saved their lives, and Wang Jin also took this opportunity to chat with them. It is also good to have these people's gratitude. When Wang Jin wants to fight for the first brother in the future, he does not expect these people to speak for him. Standing on his stage, as long as he doesn't sing against the stage, he can be regarded as worthy of Wang Jin's kindness today.

After Wang Jin exchanged pleasantries with these big bosses of the Xiangjiang Police Force, Wang Jin finally escaped from their encounter and came to Brother Yi's office.

Boom boom boom!

When Wang Jin knocked on the door of Brother Yi's office, Brother Yi's familiar voice suddenly came from the office.

"Come in!"

Obviously, the busy first brother didn't know who was here, he thought it was a secretary or something, and there were any documents for him to review, this was also the daily life of the first brother, so he didn't care, he didn't even raise his head , just leaning on the desk and busy with his own affairs, he said casually.

"Wait for me for a while, I'll read the file after I finish what I'm doing!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

Wang Jin opened the door and came in. Hearing Brother Yi's words, he touched his nose in embarrassment, but he didn't bother Brother One. He just came to the sofa where he was waiting for guests and sat down. There came the sound of "rustling" than touching the paper.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the first brother finally finished the work at hand, and then he raised his head, ready to see what his secretary or his subordinates had to do with him, and when he looked up, he saw that sitting on the sofa seemed a bit awkward. Wang Jin, who had nothing to do, suddenly put a smile on his face and said bluntly.

"Well, you kid, why don't you talk when you come here? When did our great hero become so low-key!"

"Don't dare, dare not! What a great hero, aren't you afraid of disturbing your work, Brother Yi!"

...... 0

Faced with Brother Yi's flattery, Wang Jin certainly didn't dare to respond directly. It's one thing for a leader to flatter you, but it's another thing if you really take it seriously and take credit for it.

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