This is unrealistic. After all, the crime is just around the corner. There are so many policemen from the Xiangjiang Police Force here, and even in the surrounding streets, there are countless onlookers who saw this scene. If the operation does not continue, I am afraid that the next day The reputation of the Xiangjiang Police Force will be rotten, because many people will think that the Xiangjiang Police Force is afraid, so they choose to retreat.

This will not only deal a huge blow to the Xiangjiang police force in terms of reputation, but also arouse the desire of many criminals to commit crimes. At that time, Xiangjiang, which is already chaotic, may become even more chaotic.

Not long ago, Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, Ye Guohuan and other big thieves were caught just now. The Xiangjiang police force has raised a wave of fame in front of the citizens of Xiangjiang. They all puffed up their chests, proud of it, although they didn't solve the case, but as police officers, they also felt extremely honored.

The deeds of the three kings of thieves are well known in Xiangjiang. Speaking of the fear of the three kings of thieves, the citizens of Xiangjiang even feel that the danger of the three kings of thieves is even higher than that of various associations. Fear.

Although Xiangjiang's associations are also harmful to a certain extent, Xiangjiang's associations, as a group, have developed and grown in Xiangjiang. They also have certain rules and abide by certain rules. For example, if you pay protection fees, I will not Move you, and even provide some protection, so that some people can do business safely.

It is precisely because of this balance that although the citizens of Xiangjiang are mostly afraid of the association, they are not too afraid. After all, the members of the association are not lunatics and will not kill people at will. As long as you don't provoke them, they won't It will move you. People's associations pay attention to interests, and they are informal groups built around interests.

It is said to be an informal group, because this kind of group is in name after all, and there is no way to be recognized, just like a company group, it can be registered, and it can go to the public, but Xiangjiang, a society, will definitely not recognize it , and will not register you, so the association can only play side-by-side, using the name of the group and the company to gather its own strength.

It is precisely because the association wants to develop stably in Xiangjiang, it must act according to certain rules, otherwise once some big bosses in Xiangjiang are angered, I am sorry, no matter how big you are, there will be The risk of being busted in a short period of time.

Who can become the leader of the society is not a shrewd person, and it is precisely because they know this that they always stick to certain unknown rules and do not provoke people who should not be provoked. The arrogance of the society, More between the community, and some ordinary people.

Ordinary people are afraid of the association, and they don't have the courage to face the association. The association mostly focuses on intimidation. Unless there is an unshakable hatred, the members of the association seldom take action against ordinary people, because once something happens, The police come to investigate, the murderer will definitely not be able to escape, even if you find someone to take the blame, once or twice is fine, if there are too many times, the police will not accept this...

Therefore, the arrogance of associations is more for hostile associations, because hostile associations will encroach on their interests, and ordinary people will encroach on their interests?

Obviously not, which also led to the fact that as long as you don't go too far to find people in the community, in fact, there are not too many conflicts between ordinary people in the community.

But for the gangsters like the three kings of thieves, the citizens of Xiangjiang are very afraid, because people like the three kings of thieves really have no scruples. They never need a reason to kill, because they will not The development of Xiangjiang, their purpose is to run away with one vote, so what does it matter if more people are killed?

As long as they can run away, when they have money, they can go to other places and continue to be unrestrained. Even if the Xiangjiang Police Force wants to catch them, they are powerless. This can be seen from the fact that Ji Zhengxiong and Ye Guohuan have been wanted for many years. come out.

The action of the three kings of thieves never cared whether you were a citizen or a policeman, anyway, as long as you were in the way, you would kill them all.

Over the years, apart from bad guys, countless civilians have died at the hands of the three kings of thieves. This is why the rewards of Ji Zhengxiong 4.9 and Ye Guohuan remain high, because the methods are too bad, and it is impossible not to offer a lot of rewards. Nor can it express the attitude of the Xiangjiang Police Force.

The previous three kings of thieves had just been arrested. If Lu Mingzhe directly ordered people to withdraw in front of countless Xiangjiang citizens, I am afraid that the reputation of the Xiangjiang Police Force, which has just risen, will completely fall to the bottom. After considering this point, Wang Jin did not choose to contact Lu Mingzhe again, because the matter could not be changed.

But this does not prevent Wang Jin from joining the battlefield. Others may not have the ability to change the entire situation of the battle. They can only watch Lu Mingzhe and many bad guys fall into the opponent's trap, but Wang Jin is one of the few. There are many people who are enough to change the situation of the battle! .

The first thousand and forty-eight chapters protect the calf!

No one knows how powerful Wang Jin is, because anyone who sees Wang Jin's strength is either dead or belongs to Wang Jin's faction. As people from Wang Jin's faction, they are naturally They will not disclose Wang Jin's information to others. After all, Wang Jin is their boss, and revealing the boss's information is an extremely taboo thing.

No matter which race, country, or force it is in, it is a betrayal to expose the news of one's boss for no reason.

As long as it is an intelligent creature, it does not like to be betrayed. Animals are like this, and humans are also like this. Even human beings are always more cruel and ruthless to traitors. Betrayal because of trust often makes people lose their minds.

Not to mention Wang Jin, a big boss with terrifying strength, who dares to betray at will, isn't he afraid of having his head cut off when he sleeps at night?

Even under the protection of a powerful army, he may not be able to guarantee [-]% that his life is not in danger, because no one has seen what it looks like when Wang Jin makes a full-strength attack.

The unknown is often frightening, and so is the unfathomable Wang Jin, so few people know how strong Wang Jin is. They only know Wang Jin's achievements, and they don't know the process. 24 Chu.

In fact, it is not that there are no high-level officials of the Xiangjiang Police Force who tried to understand the process and the inside story, but those who knew the truth either died or chose to shut up. Under such circumstances, it is not Wang Jin You can say whatever you want, make it up as you want, and no one knows whether it is true or not!

If no one is curious, it's all fake, but Wang Jin is just using that set of nonsense to fool you, even if you know it might be fake, there is nothing you can do, because there is no other evidence, Wang Jin Jin said it was true, it was true, and no one could refute it.

Therefore, after a long time, no one pays attention to those things before Wang Jin. Firstly, the things have passed for so long, and there is no evidence or answer at the beginning. Now that such a long time has passed, it is even more Don't think about it, it doesn't make any sense.

The second is that as Wang Jin's status is getting higher and higher, if you still inquire about these things, you will be prying into Wang Jin's privacy. You can go to court, but as a place that has been impacted by foreign thinking, Xiangjiang still absorbs the good culture of many countries, such is the right to privacy!

This point has gradually gained more and more attention in Xiangjiang. The other is that Wang Jin's status is getting higher and higher, and his power is getting more and more important. Almost no one dares to spy on Wang Jin.

After all, if such a boss is easily offended, then the other party may crush a person to death as easily as crushing an ant.

Even if some people have powerful support behind them, I am afraid that they will not have a huge conflict with Wang Jin just because of one person, because it is not worthwhile!

The final result is that the people sent out to spy will be completely abandoned, for Wang Jin to vent his anger and resentment.

This point, as long as it is not a person with a brain problem, he can figure it out by himself. No one would make such an easy temptation and lose his life.

Therefore, as Wang Jin's status became higher and higher, fewer and fewer people wanted to spy on him, because they couldn't afford the huge price.

The previous Wang Jin only represented Wang Jin himself, but now Wang Jin has become the core of the Xiangjiang Police Force and is qualified to express the Xiangjiang Police Force. Peeping at Wang Jin represents provoking the Xiangjiang Police Force No one dares to take this responsibility lightly. Unless there is a country behind it, is Xiangjiang's 3-strong police force fake?

When he came to the edge of the battlefield, Wang Jin casually grabbed a policeman who was at the back and was wearing a body armor. The policeman who was at the back of the crowd was holding a gun, and he was extremely nervous when he saw someone holding him back. , immediately shouted.


Afterwards, he turned his head and saw Wang Jin. He saw Wang Jin's whole picture at first glance, but he didn't care, but then he saw the ID card hanging on Wang Jin's chest, and his pupils flicked. Shrinking, he took a short rest and stood at attention, straightened his chest, saluted Wang Jin, and said with a very respectful attitude.

"Wang sir!"

"Well, how is the situation ahead?"

Wang Jin waved his hand, signaling to the other party not to be too polite. He saw that the other party's ear was plugged with a headset, so he knew that the other party must have a connection with the person in front of him, and he might even have a connection with Lu Mingzhe. That's why Wang Jin asked the other party the cause of the situation.

This policeman also did not expect that Wang Jin, the highest official in the Central District, would appear at the scene of the operation. He was still a little nervous, but also faintly excited. As a low-level policeman, although he also had the opportunity to meet Wang Jin , but it may be just passing by when commuting to and from get off work. Normally, he is not qualified to see Wang Jin. Now he suddenly sees the highest official in the Central District. Naturally, he is excited, but for Wang Jin's After asking, he still didn't dare to omit anything, and told Wang Jin everything.

"Wang sir, the situation ahead is more complicated now. The brothers in front have already fought against the opponent, but the opponent's firepower is very strong. There are four or five gangsters at the scene. Are there more gangsters? Awaiting confirmation! They have already got the valuables in the deposit car and are ready to evacuate! However, Sir Lu is already a large force, and they are surrounded by all sides!"

Hearing these news, Wang Jin nodded. He also heard the fierce gunshots coming from the front. There were only four or five bandits. Wang Jin glanced roughly, and roughly estimated that there were hundreds of messengers dispatched, which is not a small scale.

"How many brothers were injured?"

Compared with catching the bandits, Wang Jin is more concerned about how many people were injured in this dispatch. After all, they are all his subordinates. If there are too many injuries, it will be troublesome. Losing Wang Jin's face, that's why Wang Jin pays attention to this issue.

"A dozen brothers were slightly injured and four were seriously injured! The ambulance from the hospital is on their way!"

After hearing this, Wang Jin's complexion was a little ugly. More than 100 people were mobilized, and the opponent was only four or five people, and there was such a serious battle damage, it was simply incompetent!

Of course, although Wang Jin was furious in his heart, he also knew that not everyone was himself, and the opponent's firepower was strong. It was good to have such a situation. At least no one had sacrificed, which was considered lucky.

However, Wang Jin is also ready to make a move. If he doesn't make a move, there may be a bad guy today. If he wants to die here, it is definitely not allowed by Wang Jin, even if he catches the murderer in the end, so what?

Can those who died come back to life? .

The first thousand and forty-nine chapters jump over the wall in a hurry!

Wang Jin is not a soft-hearted person, even if he is cold-blooded and ruthless, once Wang Jin makes a decision, he can do it, but there are some things that are different.

At Wang Jin's current position, he has already become the highest officer in the Central District, and he can't follow his own temperament in some things.

If Wang Jin wants to go further in the future, it is best to minimize the impact of some things, such as the immediate thing, if someone dies, although it will not affect Wang Jin, but there are always people in this world. Some people can't understand Wang Jin's desire to add obstacles to Wang Jin.

If no one died, they naturally couldn't find any excuses, but if someone died, even if it had no effect on Wang Jin, people's impression of Wang Jin would be reduced.

Perhaps, this small matter will not have any impact, but when Wang Jin competes for the first brother in the future, if Xiangjiang's senior management lowers their impression of Wang Jin because of such a small matter, then Some of the gains outweigh the losses.

It is precisely because of this consideration that Wang Jin made the move. Of course, another reason is that Wang Jin himself is the highest officer of the Central District. As the undisputed boss of the Central District Police Force, these people are all his. Under his command, he naturally wouldn't just watch this group of people die at the hands of the gangsters.

It would be fine if he didn't rush over, but since he did, if someone died, it would be an insult to Wang Jin, which Wang Jin would never allow.

"Let all the brothers who don't have bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets get rid of them, even if they have bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets, find a good cover for me!" Wang Jin directly ordered the messenger next to him.

"This... Wang sir, it's a bit uncomfortable! After all, Lu Sir is directing this operation!"

Hearing Wang Jin's order, the policeman next to him, wearing bulletproof vest, bulletproof helmet, and holding a submachine gun, suddenly said in embarrassment.

After all, the commander-in-chief of this operation is Lu Mingzhe, and now he suddenly conveys other orders. Doesn't this mean that he has seized Lu Mingzhe's command right?

There is nothing wrong with Wang Jin coming to do such a thing. After all, Wang Jin is the highest official in the Central District, and even Lu Mingzhe is regarded as Wang Jin's subordinate. It seemed too much to convey Wang Jin's meaning. Even if Lu Mingzhe obeyed the order, he must still be extremely upset.

At that time, Lu Mingzhe won't be able to deal with Wang Jin, can't he also be able to deal with him as a little guy?

What if he wears small shoes?

Therefore, after hearing Wang Jin's order, the messenger seemed extremely embarrassed, and even had a sad face, but Wang Jin did not withdraw his order because of the sad face of the other party. Instead, he turned cold and questioned.

"Why, Sir Lu's order is an order, but mine is not an order, is it? Is it because what I said doesn't work anymore?"

Wang Jin's face turned serious, and his whole person became extremely serious. Suddenly, there was an inexplicable majesty on his body. This kind of majesty is often felt only by people in high positions. The poor man was too frightened to speak.

In the past, Wang Jin had this kind of majesty, although it was there, but it was very weak, and it can be said to be negligible. The majesty of his body is also unconsciously increasing.

It's just that Wang Jin can't feel it himself. In fact, this thing is the same as murderous aura. It's something that can't be explained clearly. It can be said that it doesn't exist, but it really exists. It can be said that it exists, but it can't be seen or even touched. things that can't be explained at all.

"Yes, yes, I will notify~‖!"

Shocked by Wang Jin's majestic aura, the policeman couldn't even speak clearly and stammered, but he didn't dare to disobey Wang Jin's order, so he immediately used his headset to notify everyone on the channel .

"Brothers in each group, brothers in each group, now convey an order from the supreme officer, that is, all brothers who are not wearing bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets, all stand back, step back to the second line, and those who wear bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets , and find a good cover!"

After conveying this order through the headset, the messenger looked at Wang Jin pitifully, because after conveying this order, he might offend Lu Mingzhe. If Wang Jin didn't keep him, he would Maybe it will be difficult to be a bad guy in the future.

Regarding this point, Wang Jin was also a gangster in the police force, so he was very clear about it, and immediately patted the opponent on the shoulder to encourage him.

"It's okay. After this case is over, just come to me and report it. If someone gives you small shoes, you tell me. I'd like to see. In this central district, is it me, the highest officer, who has the final say, or someone else? Calculate!"

"Thank you, sir!"

After receiving this guarantee from Wang Jin, the poor man was also a little excited. After all, Wang Jin is the highest official in the entire Central District. It should not be a problem if I caught Wang Jin's eyes, and after that, I will just hang out honestly and climb up slowly, right?

The poor man was thinking so much, but he didn't even notice that Wang Jin on the side had already walked away from him. When he came back to his senses, he found that Wang Jin was already holding a gun and slowly moving towards Walked to the center of the battlefield, where the police force and gangsters exchanged fire most intensely.

After the messenger came to his senses, he hurriedly trotted all the way to follow Wang Jin, in order to protect Wang Jin's safety. After all, Wang Jin didn't have a bullet-proof vest or a bullet-proof helmet. The attack has yet to help Wang Jin block the gun. Of course, the more important thing is to perform well in front of Wang Jin, the highest official, so that Wang Jin will remember himself in his heart, because only in this way can he stand in front of Wang Jin. I have a deep impression in my heart that when he gets promoted in the future, he will pass it more smoothly.

It has to be said that no matter who it is, when their own interests are involved, their minds will become extremely clear.

Wang Jin cast a glance, followed behind him cautiously, and even the messenger who was looking left and right didn't care at all. As for the other party's plan, Wang Jin also roughly guessed a little bit, after all, if it was him, he would do the same, So Wang Jin didn't drive the other party away.

It's just that Wang Jin wanted to laugh at the opponent's move to protect himself. This kind of small-scale gun battle is not a big deal for Wang Jin today, even if he is thrown into the chaotic and fierce battlefield in the Middle East , Wang Jin is also confident that he can survive, and he is still alive. After all, there is a system in his body, and the gun battle is not a big deal for Wang Jin.

Not to mention that Wang Jin himself has the skill of danger sensing, even without this skill, with Wang Jin's current physical fitness, he can even see the trajectory of the ballistic clearly, as long as it is not dozens of submachine guns, facing Wang Jin madly without blind spots Sweeping, Wang Jin is sure that he can dodge the opponent lightly, so whether the bulletproof vest or not is of no use to Wang Jin today, it is completely a burden.

Of course, if you just pretend to be aggressive, you can still wear bulletproof vests on board. After all, after wearing the bulletproof vest, you are handsome and sassy. Extra points, you can fill up the gorgeous sense of pretense!

But all of these are not very applicable to Wang Jin. At his level, it is meaningless to continue to actively act aggressively, unless it is unconsciously acting aggressively.

No matter how good Wang Jin pretended to be, how could he still be promoted?

Wang Jinke had just been transferred from the New Territories North to the Central District, so there was no chance of him continuing to move. Even if he wanted to move, it would not be possible within half a year.

It is precisely because of this that it doesn't matter to Wang Jin whether he pretends to be aggressive or not. His purpose of joining the battlefield is not to pretend to be aggressive, but to save people from death, that is, to save the lives of his subordinates.

Perhaps, people who are familiar with Wang Jin will complain. Could it be that Wang Jin's personality has changed?

Of course not, it's just that as the saying goes, the ass determines the head, and what kind of position you have, you should worry about what kind of thoughts.

In the past, Wang Jin was naturally busy fighting for power and profit for himself, and striving for a higher position, but now Wang Jin's position is basically as stable as Mount Tai, and no one can shake it. Climbing up, under such circumstances, it is normal for Wang Jin to shift his target and want to do something.

It's not difficult to understand, just like many corrupt officials and eunuchs in ancient times, even if they are greedy and their reputation is bad among the people, once they reach a high position, they will still think about doing practical things for the common people or for the stability of the regime Yes, it's not a complete disaster for the country and the people, it's useless at all.

For example, the well-known Heshen is the money bag of Emperor Qianlong. The emperor always looks for him when he has money. Even if he is a big corrupt official, he still manages the court and the people in an orderly manner, and even the prosperity of Qianlong appeared.

But what happens after He Shen dies?

The big corrupt officials were eliminated, but instead of prosperity, the national power plummeted. Why?

The same is true for Wei Zhongxian in the Ming Dynasty!

In the later period of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty was already on the verge of collapse, but because of the appearance of power eunuchs like Wei Zhongxian, the Ming Dynasty was strong for many years. Wei Zhongxian seemed to form a party, attack scholars, and give power to the government and the public, but he also did a lot of practical things. For example, suppressing rebellion and so on stabilized the regime of the imperial court. On the contrary, after Chongzhen came up, he killed Wei Zhongxian, eradicated the eunuchs, reused scholars, and then the Ming Dynasty completely died.

Speaking of He Shen and Wei Zhongxian, aren't they big corrupt officials and power eunuchs?

As long as you know the two people, you won't say that they are good people. The hat of treacherous ministers must be put on their heads, but it is precisely because of their fall that the regime is not stable?

So, what does this say?

Just like two people, although they made mistakes, all the failures were not entirely their responsibility. After reaching their point, they also made a lot of efforts for themselves, the court regime and the people, but they The way it is done is hard to comprehend.

Perhaps, they did a good job, but because of their trashy reputation, they couldn't be treated fairly and washed clean.

On this point, at least Wang Jin did a good job, because his reputation is fair, and there are not many people who know his methods and cruelty. They are all dead, or they dare not speak, or Wang Jin The people here in Jin.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Jin's reputation has not been damaged, so now that Wang Jin wants to do something, no one will think that Wang Jin (Wang Liaohao) is going to do something bad. The benefits of fame.

As Wang Jin stepped into the center of the battlefield, he finally saw everything clearly. There was at least a kilometer away just now, even Wang Jin's eyes could only see a general situation. It was relatively blurry, but as Wang Jin approached now, he was already 200 meters away from the center of the battlefield. At this time, everything was clearly displayed in Wang Jin's eyes.

Under the viaduct, there was a deposit car, which was thrown to the ground on its side, and a big hole had been broken in the back door. Several masked gangsters in black clothes and masks were really leaning on their backs. The truck was in a firefight with the police.

The sound of rattling was continuous, and the flames of bullets were spraying everywhere. The fighting situation was extremely fierce, and the troops of the Xiangjiang police force were also exchanging fire with the gangsters with the help of the surrounding bunkers, and they had already vaguely killed the gangsters. The gangsters surrounded them, because behind the gangsters was the seaside, and if there was no boat below to pick them up, the gangsters would definitely not be able to escape.

It is precisely because of this that the Xiangjiang police force did not rush to surround them, but just wanted to compress the living space of the gangsters.

The gangsters also saw that their situation was not good, and then they made a decision instantly, because there was a red car behind them, and there was a woman in the car. At this time, she was already caught by the situation in front of her. Completely freaked out.

The gangster saw that it was difficult for him to retreat, so he dragged the woman out of the car without saying a word, and then threatened all the policemen.

"¨~ Back off, or I'll kill her!"

The gangster pointed a gun at the female hostage in his arms and said fiercely.

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