-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Stand back, or I'll kill her!"

The gangster pointed a gun at the female hostage in his arms with a fierce face, and said to many policemen.

At this moment, both the gangster and the policeman were subconsciously stunned for a moment. They obviously didn't expect this scene to happen, but the gangster with the hostages in his hands was very clear-headed, and hurriedly said to the gangster who robbed the car for the money .

"What are you looking at, why don't you move faster?"

After being reminded by the accomplice, the other party also reacted immediately. Now is indeed the time not to be dazed, so all the movements in the hands are a little faster.

In addition, the officers of the Xiangjiang Police Force also reacted. Now is not the time for them to be dazed. The other party already has innocent hostages in their hands, and they must not act rashly anymore.

Immediately, the captain of Team A, who was in the center of the battlefield, quickly reported the situation to members of his team and other teams through the headset.

"Stop it all, hold on to me, now that the other party has a hostage in their hands, let's not act rashly!"

As soon as they heard that there were hostages in the hands of the gangsters, the team that had planned to continue the attack also stabilized.

Whether there are hostages in the hands of the gangsters will definitely have a huge impact on the police's action plan. If there are hostages in the hands of the gangsters, then the gangsters cannot choose to attack forcefully, because once the gangsters are cornered, then It is possible to make the gangster jump over the wall in a hurry and kill the innocent hostage.

This is definitely an ending that the gangsters are most unwilling to see, especially in the current situation, if the situation is not handled properly, if the innocent hostage dies, it will definitely cause huge trouble and influence to everyone.

In this kind of thing, no one would be willing to take the lead, because it takes responsibility to take the lead, and few people can take on this responsibility. Lu Mingzhe can't do it, but Wang Jin can, but he doesn't want to take this responsibility either. Because it was too troublesome, if the matter was not done well, it would bring countless troubles to Wang Jin, and Wang Jin was the person who was most afraid of trouble.

For a moment, the movements of everyone's hands stopped!

This is also a matter of no choice. After all, if the innocent hostages died because of the Xiangjiang Police Force, the Xiangjiang Police Force would naturally be responsible for this matter, and the person in charge of this case would run away. no.

Only by dealing with these people, whether it is the Xiangjiang police force or the high-level Xiangjiang, can the people of Xiangjiang be given an explanation.

If a satisfactory explanation is not given, if many people in Xiangjiang riot, it will be tantamount to a riot for the management of Xiangjiang. Not only will there be administrative losses, but also economic losses. .

This is something that Xiangjiang's senior officials absolutely don't want to see. Even if they know that some people are not wrong, they will deal with it seriously against their conscience, so as to maintain the stability of Xiangjiang's situation.

Some people in the Xiangjiang police force will become victims!

Is this the first time Xiangjiang's high-level executives have done this kind of thing? The methods are extremely skillful. , that is to be blamed.

There are not many bad guys who can take on such a responsibility, so negotiation is the most common method. Even if the gangsters are released sometimes, the innocent hostages cannot be harmed.

This is also the reason why the Xiangjiang police force is sometimes inefficient. The other party has hostages in their hands, and the police force dare not act rashly. Naturally, they can only watch the gangsters run away.

However, this also has an advantage, that is, it will not arouse public anger. As long as the safety of the innocent hostages is guaranteed, Xiangjiang's senior management will not be held accountable for this matter. .

If it was another commander, they might plan to give up the action, and then send negotiators to negotiate with the gangsters. Even if the negotiation fails, as long as the safety of the hostages is guaranteed, the gangsters can be allowed to leave.

After all, the Xiangjiang Police Force can catch the gangster if he escapes, but if the innocent hostage dies, he won't be able to survive.

However, Lu Mingzhe, who led the team this time, was not a person who gave up easily. After hearing this situation through the headset, he immediately gave instructions to everyone through the headset.

"Steady the gangster, don't act rashly, I will find a way to get around from behind!"

After saying this, Lu Mingzhe, who was driving the car, was originally planning to come to help, but now that this situation happened, he had to change to another place to take the gangster's back route. Only in this way can he save the hostages .

Thinking of this, Lu Mingzhe turned the front of the car without saying a word, and headed towards the center of the battlefield from another direction, that is, flanking the bandits from behind.

But what Lu Mingzhe didn't know was that not far away, the boss of the bandit also noticed this scene, he quietly put on a mask and started to take action.

Suddenly, a silver car rushed out from the road, and then the gangster boss sitting in the car rushed all the way to the center of the battlefield. The policemen who had surrounded the gangster suddenly saw a silver car The car rushed out, and the formation immediately became chaotic, because if they didn't dodge, they would be directly hit and killed by the silver car that rushed out like a wild beast.

But even if these gangsters dodged, it would not be of much use. Although they had already hid on both sides of the road, the gangster boss in the car was obviously not prepared to let them go. He pulled out a pistol, and unceremoniously aimed at the policemen who hid on the side of the road before they could find any cover and shot.

The real thing is to have no scruples, to hold a gun is to shoot indiscriminately. On both sides of the road, there are not only policemen, but also many fleeing people who have not come. At this time, they can only lean on the side of the road and hold their heads in their hands. Curled up, trying to minimize the exposure of the target, but the boss of the gangster didn't have a clear target, he just shot randomly with a gun.

It's best to be able to hit those cops, and it doesn't matter if you can't hit them, and he didn't think about killing those cops who were avoiding to the sides.

As for those people who hid on both sides and didn't have time to leave, in his eyes, they were the same as the rubbish on the side of the road, without the slightest value of existence.

If he didn't hit it, he was lucky. If he hit it, he could only say that his life was bad. Anyway, he wouldn't feel any guilt in his heart.

Otherwise, the gangsters are all ruthless existences!

They don't care about ordinary people at all. The only thing they have to do is to use any means to achieve their goals. Now the gangsters' goals have obviously not been achieved, so it is not time to retreat.

However, the gangsters can be ruthless, but it won’t work if you switch to the police. Their Xiangjiang police force is supposed to protect ordinary people. Now they see the gangsters shooting and killing people without any scruples. After many people have been implicated by them, Many policemen feel completely sorry, and choose to use their bodies to cover those ordinary people, because there is no shelter in front of these ordinary people. If this does not help them block the bullets, then If these people are shot by bullets, they will end up with a dead end (ceej).

Fortunately, these poor guys are all wearing bulletproof vests. Although they use their bodies as meat shields for ordinary people, they are not without protection, as long as they are not unlucky and get pierced by bullets in the head and neck , it won't be a big deal.

After shooting indiscriminately, the gangster's boss drove a silver car and came to his subordinates. Although the gangster boss didn't speak, through eye contact, the gangsters already understood what his boss meant.

That is, all right?

The gangsters were also a little embarrassed, and hastily sped up their actions. When they were in action, they had already planned everything. Who knew that the Xiangjiang Police Force was so difficult to deal with, and delayed their time, so that the boss would end in person.

Originally, according to their calculations, the boss didn't need to go off in person, he just needed to watch from one side, and then provide command and advice. The boss had no choice but to end the game himself. Strictly speaking, this operation was already a failure.

But unlike the Xiangjiang Police Force, even if the gangsters' plan failed, as long as their goals are achieved, their efforts will not be in vain. This is different from the Xiangjiang Police Force.

Just when several gangsters moved the money out of the deposit car, one gangster strangled a female hostage tightly with his arms, and at the same time put a pistol on the other's head, and used the hostage to threaten the police, telling the police not to Do not act rashly, otherwise, he will pull the trigger.

Faced with this scene, the officers of the Xiangjiang Police Force could only do nothing. They watched the gangsters move out the money that had been deposited in the car.

The silver car rushed all the way across the center of the battlefield, passed the beneficiary car that had become a pile of scrap iron, stopped at the front, and blocked itself with the beneficiary car that had become a pile of scrap iron body.


The boss of the gangster saw that his younger brother had already taken out all the money in the deposit car, and immediately greeted his younger brother. After receiving the greeting from the boss, the younger brothers also slowly moved towards the silver door. The car retreated, ready to get in the car and drive away. As for the car they originally drove, because of the firefight just now, the fuel tank was blown out, and it was completely useless.

Just when the younger brothers, carrying the stolen money, wanted to get into the car quickly, and the gangsters who controlled the hostages were fighting and retreating.

Suddenly, a car drifted handsomely, crossing in front of the silver car, blocking the way of many gangsters.

The man in the car took out a gun, pointed it at the cab of the silver car, which was the position of the gangster boss, and said.

"Release the hostages and put down the guns, you are already surrounded, don't try to make any struggle!"

After saying these words, the man in the car was also completely exposed. Wang Jin, who was standing not far away, saw his face and showed such an expression as expected.

Because, that face is at least four or five points familiar to Wang Jin. It looks like Liu Tianwang, one of the four heavenly kings. I knew I must have encountered a plot.

However, when Wang Jin arrived here just now, he just felt that the scene was a little familiar, and he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, there were eight hundred if not one thousand scenes of such a gun battle in his mind. It is not unusual to have a feeling of déjà vu , but now seeing people who look like Liu Tianwang know that if Wang Jin doesn't know that he is involved in the plot, he is really too stupid.

However, at this time, Wang Jin didn't have time to think about it. After all, the scene was so intense at this time, and it was not the time to think about it.

Just when Wang Jin wanted to see how this protagonist who looked like Liu Tianwang would play next, a scene that suddenly appeared directly broke Wang Jin's cognition, and a scene appeared in Wang Jin's mind. Weird thought.

Could it be that Liu Tianwang is not the protagonist in this plot?

Because, before the person who looked like Liu Tianwang could react, a black car slammed into the opponent's car, and the location of the collision was as if carefully calculated, without hitting the front of the car. , did not hit the rear of the car, not even the rear seat, it just went to the cab.

In an instant, the entire car door was completely deformed by the impact, and the person who looked like Liu Tianwang also spat out a mouthful of blood. His body was subjected to a severe impact. Fortunately, the door was relatively strong and did not completely lose its function.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that guy who looks like Liu Tianwang can go to the west completely.

A guy who looks like Tianwang Liu still wants to struggle, but his car has been knocked aside long ago, and he can't block the road at all. In the silver car, the boss of the gangster gave the guy who looks like Tianwang Liu , a mocking look, and then greeted the younger brother to get in the car.

As for a certain hostage who was left behind, she was in a state of panic at this moment, because a gun was already pointed at her.

It turned out that the gangsters didn't want to save the life of the hostages at all. They just wanted to restrain the policemen. Now that the hostages are useless, they can be killed naturally.

Chapter 51 Rescue!

"Stop! Stop me!"

At this time, even though the man who looked like Liu Tianwang was trapped in the car and kept struggling, he also saw the scene of a gangster pointing a gun at a hostage. It was shaking the car constantly, trying to struggle out of the car and save the hostages.

But yes, he can't do it, the twisted car door seems to have become a piece of firmly welded iron, it doesn't move at all, and it blocks this man who looks like Liu Tianwang, making him useless no matter how hard he struggles, as if being trapped Like a bug trapped in amber.

The only thing this man, who looked like Liu Tianwang, could do was to watch the gangster, took out his gun, and pointed at the hostage's head. His roar was full of pain and unwillingness.

At this moment, he felt extremely regretful in his heart. If he hadn't pretended to be aggressive in the car just now, but had directly chosen to get off the car, now that he is agile, he might still have a chance to kill the gangster and save the life of the hostage, but Now trapped, he can only watch all this helplessly, powerless.

At this time, he really hated himself extremely, it was him who underestimated the enemy!


A gunshot followed, this man who was still struggling just now, who looked like Liu Tianwang, was no longer struggling, and closed his eyes in pain, with an extremely decadent expression, as if he had aged ten years all of a sudden generally.

The reason why he closed his eyes was that he didn't want to see an innocent hostage die tragically in front of him, because this would become his future nightmare, and maybe he would dream of such a scene every day when he slept, although He is a bad guy, and he is destined to experience many such things, but first of all, he is also a person with his own feelings.

After all, he was powerless to do anything about the death of others, but the innocent hostage in front of him obviously didn't have to die, but because of his negligence and planning, he died tragically in front of him, how could he feel better?

But a few seconds passed, this man who looked like Liu Tianwang didn't hear the voice he should have heard, instead he heard the panicked voices of gangsters.

"Damn it, get in the car! He's dead, don't look at it!"

Fear and panic came from the gangster's voice, which made the man who looked like Liu Tianwang a little puzzled, what happened?

Aren't the gangsters still unusually calm just now?

Their goals have been achieved. According to the normal situation, the gangsters have become more rampant and arrogant!

Why is there such a frightened and flustered tone now?

This made the man who looked like Liu Tianwang extremely puzzled, and subconsciously opened his eyes, wanting to see what was going on!

Then, he saw the hostage who had already become a corpse lying on the ground. At this moment, he was covering his ears and squatting on the ground in a daze. fell to the ground.

This situation made him inexplicably taken aback.

"What's going on, who killed this gangster?"

His heart was full of doubts. He wanted to know who shot and killed the gangster. He struggled to see the situation. Unfortunately, he was trapped in the car and could see nothing but his limited vision. He couldn't see it, so he had no choice but to give up.

And after the gangster died, he seemed to be scared out of his wits, and got into the silver car. Under the control of the gangster boss, he slid straight away, and the tires rubbed against the ground to emit a burst of smoke. He left with a roar.

After a few seconds, they completely lost track. Many policemen drove up to chase them, but found that they couldn't even see their taillights. What's the point of chasing them?

Therefore, these poor guys had no choice but to rush forward to rescue the man who looked like Liu Tianwang, and soon surrounded his car.

"Lu sir, are you okay! Do you need to call an ambulance?"

"Lu sir, wait, we will rescue you right away!"

"Lu sir, do we still have to chase now?"

A group of people frantically wanted to help Lu Mingzhe unload the car door, but how could the deformed iron door be unloaded by manpower?

After someone found that the door could not be removed, he hurried to find tools.

The other police officers surrounded the black car that hit Lu Mingzhe's car, and then pointed their guns at the man in the black car.

"Get out of the car! Now I suspect that you are related to a robbery, please go back with us to assist in the investigation!"

The faces of the gangsters were all very ugly, and their tone was cold. They had already obtained information on this mission. If this black car hadn't appeared just now, they might have caught the criminal, but It was because of the interference of the black car that knocked Lu Mingzhe's car aside, which opened a way for those criminals to survive.

Otherwise, how could those criminals, surrounded by more and more policemen, have a chance to escape?

Therefore, these policemen have reason to suspect that the man in the black car is also related to the robbery this time, so they have to take him back for investigation.

"Don't do it, don't do it. The car accident just now was just an accident. I didn't even notice that there was a car stopping here."

The man who got out of the car was tall and thin, with a crew cut, but his eyes were a little cunning and smart. After he got out of the car, he was pressed on the car hood by a group of policemen, but he didn't care. Looking not far away, Lu Mingzhe, who looked like Liu Tianwang, had some inexplicable taste in his eyes.

A group of police officers were busy rescuing Lu Mingzhe and escorting the man who crashed the car just now, and even the police officers had already started to clean up the scene and deal with all follow-up matters.

This is also something that can’t be helped. This time the police made such a big fuss, and there was a fierce gun battle on the street, which affected many civilians. This needs to be appeased. In addition, many cars , was shot by bullets, and these must be recorded for compensation. If the compensation is not in place, those Xiangjiang citizens will definitely go to the police station to make trouble.

But Wang Jin was not idle, he put his pistol into the holster, then walked to the side of the hostage, patted her shoulder lightly and said.

"Miss, are you alright!"

Wang Jin's light touch seemed to turn on some kind of switch, which woke the other party up suddenly, and then the hostage began to cover her ears with her hands, and screamed loudly while holding her head.

Even Wang Jin was a little bit hurt by the huge decibel scream, Wang Jin quickly helped the other party up, and only then did Wang Jin see the other party's appearance.

The girl has a beautiful appearance and a hot figure, which is different from the oval face of ordinary beauties. The beauty in front of her has a typical oval face, with a little baby fat. Her small face is round and very cute. A pair of There were tears in the agile eyes, obviously frightened.

Wang Jin quickly embraced the other party in his arms, patted the other party's back lightly and said.

"It's okay, everything is over, don't be afraid!"

I don't know if Wang Jin's consolation worked, or the other party reacted, the girl quickly got out of Wang Jin's arms, and asked with a blushing face.

"Did you shoot and save me just now?"

Wang Jin nodded and didn't say much. He was indeed the one who fired the gun just now and killed the gangster. If he hadn't killed the gangster with a precise shot, the girl in front of him would have died under the gun of the other party. , because apart from Wang Jin, no one can do this step in time.

After all, the person closest to this girl just now was Lu Mingzhe. Unfortunately, Lu Mingzhe was already trapped in the car and had no way to make any moves. Apart from Lu Mingzhe, even the nearest messenger, It was also 50 meters away.

At this distance, the general bad guy's marksmanship is not sure that he can hit the gangsters, because the gangsters are not fools, they will dodge, which increases the difficulty of hitting, that is, Wang Jin. With his strength and confidence, he was able to accurately shoot a person in the head with a pistol from tens of meters away, and then save the girl.

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