"The messenger is also a human being, with one head, two arms, and two legs, so there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Get out for me. If you can break through the encirclement today, you will be rewarded with 30 Xiangjiang coins per person."

As the saying goes, under the great reward, there must be a brave man!

30 Xiangjiang coins, to many people, is already a lot, and it is worth working hard for.

What's more, even if they wanted to escape, they had no way out and had to fight the police.

"30! Brothers, we fought hard with the police. Anyway, they won't give us a way out. Just relying on the contaminated lives in our hands, it is a sentence. At least ten or twenty years, how many lives are there? For ten or twenty years, who wants to stay in the kiln for such a long time?"

"That's right, as long as you get out alive, you will have 30 yuan, no matter how old or young you are. With this 30 yuan, it's enough for us to be chic for a long time! Whether you want to fight with the poor guys or want to surrender, you choose yourself! But don't blame me for not telling me , Those who want to surrender, stand up now, I will kill him now, don't delay me making money!"

"Okay, let's fight with the messengers. Everyone is raised by their parents. I still don't believe that they are so good!"

"Yes, let's fight! The police don't let us have a good time, and we don't let them live in peace. The police want us to die, but we don't let them live!"


If one person takes the lead and wants to resist for the sake of money, there will naturally be more responses for the sake of money.

Everyone came out to fight their lives, not for money, now there is a sum of money in front of you, why let it go?

Of course, it is not without fear of death. Those who want to surrender to the police will be shot down when they hear that they want to surrender to the police. Who dares to stand up and say that they want to surrender!

Anyway, in terms of momentum and goals, many gunmen have formed a preliminary consensus.

730 is just how much combat power it has, which needs to be verified in the next battle.

"Sure enough, money is everything!"

Even Tan Chengcheng felt that the money was worth the money, and the morale was completely available!

The Xiangjiang police persuaded them to surrender several times in a row. When they saw the gunmen in the pier, there was still no response. No one chose to surrender. They immediately understood the mentality of these gunmen who wanted to resist.

The on-site commander in charge of directing the operation immediately issued an order.

"Send out the Flying Tigers, use the Flying Tigers as a sharp knife, suppress the assault fire, and ordinary policemen follow behind. Since these guys want to fight stubbornly, let's beat them down and let them see, our Xiangjiang police Why, it will be called the most powerful disciplined force!"

"Yes, the Flying Tigers promise to complete the task!"

The action captain of the Flying Tigers immediately saluted the commander at the scene and accepted the order!

The combat order was issued, and all the policemen performed their duties, followed behind the Flying Tigers, and slowly advanced towards the pier, compressing the space for the gunners to move.

The policemen go in a little, the gunmen go back a little!

Both sides had a tacit understanding and did not fire the first shot, because firing a shot would mean a fierce battle and a complete start! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xishawan Pier!

In the dark night, the policemen held .[-] guns in their hands, and the messy and chaotic footsteps formed a sharp contrast with the orderly footsteps of the followers of the Flying Tigers.

In the silent night, although there were two completely different footsteps, there was a dense crowd of people.

It still put a lot of pressure on the many gunmen, making them sweat profusely in the cool night.

【 Lantian】45634⑧7⒎0

Because the gunmen of the counterfeit banknote group were a little scared of the Flying Tigers, and they didn't dare to fire the first shot without authorization. Their range of activities was gradually becoming smaller and smaller.

From the height of the container, Wang Jin could clearly see that the gunmen were surrounded by the police from all directions, and were slowly compressed into a small circle.

It seems that the gangsters have gained an advantage, but the rabbits are forced to bite people, not to mention these gunmen with powerful firepower.

Trapped beasts are the most dangerous!

Once they are pushed to the limit, they will rebound from the bottom, and the gunmen who have no hope of survival will become even crazier, thinking that killing one will not lose money, and killing two will make money, there will definitely be many people around.

This situation of silence between the two sides is actually not a good thing for the messenger.

Wang Jin saw this, and he didn't want to cause unnecessary casualties to the policemen. He resolutely took out his .[-], trying to find Tan Cheng, but he didn't find Tan Cheng when he went around.

I don't know where this guy is hiding!

In desperation, Wang Jin could only find a random target, aim at the guy's head, and shoot.


The gangster who was shot by Wang Jin fell down immediately, and a blood hole left by the bullet was exposed on his forehead. Blood slowly flowed out of the hole, soaking the ground.

Wang Jin's first shot instantly detonated the entire battlefield,

When the gunmen saw someone fall beside them, their nerves, which had been tense before, completely collapsed.

Holding guns, they began to fire violently at the policemen.

Da da da....... bang bang bang......

The flames of the bullets suddenly appeared, and the person holding the submachine gun nervously pulled the trigger repeatedly, shooting wildly at the policemen, swallowing a series of bright fire snakes.

The policemen also did not expect that after a burst of gunshots, the gunmen would shoot directly, still so violently and crazily.

However, the police are always a well-trained and disciplined force, especially the Flying Tigers at the top.

This all-day training and combat experience, can be called the ace unit of the poor special forces.

They have experienced this kind of situation countless times, and they can deal with it calmly. They have countless sets of plans that can be implemented.

Flash bombs and tear gas bombs were thrown by these Flying Tigers for free.

Once a few gunmen are found, if they get together, they will unceremoniously drop flash bombs or tear gas bombs.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that the gunmen could not resist, knock them down.

As for whether to shoot and kill him or make him incapable of resisting, that is something that the Flying Tigers have their own hands on.

However, the gunmen of these counterfeit banknote groups are not so easy to deal with.

Seeing it together, they will eat the flash bombs and tear gas bombs of the Flying Tigers.

Immediately, the gunmen learned to be smart and spread out, taking advantage of the complicated environment of the pier to start a firefight with the Flying Tigers and the police.

For a while, because of the strong firepower of the gunmen, it was difficult to distinguish between the two sides.

Bullets flew randomly, and the scene was extremely chaotic and tragic.

From time to time, there are gunmen or policemen who get shot and fall down.

At this time, Wang Jin also sneaked away from the container after firing the first shot.

After all, after he fired the first shot, the position had been completely exposed.

Although it is a good position on the container, but also because of the condescending and particularly eye-catching relationship, it will easily become a living target for everyone.

Wang Jin, who left the container, mingled among the gunmen, using the cover of oil drums and shelves, like a ghost in the dark night.

He touched the backs of the gunmen, caught them off guard by surprise, and shot them.

Of course, killing these gunmen was not Wang Jin's main purpose. His main purpose was to find Tan Cheng, the leader of the counterfeit banknote group.

Wang Jin has completed three of the plans to kill four birds with one stone!

When the counterfeit banknote group was surrounded by policemen, his achievements this time were already confirmed.

The plot check-in was already completed when Wang Jin lurked at the Xishawan Wharf.

Just now, Brother Xiao Ma successfully got 500 million US dollars and left.

Now, there is only the last one left to get rid of Tan Cheng. As long as he can get rid of Tan Cheng smoothly, Wang Jin's plan can be regarded as a success.

However, when the first shot was fired, Tan Chengcheng disappeared, and Wang Jin's idea of ​​shooting and killing Tan Cheng fell through.

This also led to Wang Jin having to go out in person to find Tan Cheng.

Although the gunmen's firepower was powerful, it was useless to Wang Jin. He seemed to be walking in his own home, relaxing and taking out a gunman from time to time.

Even because he didn't need to reload the bullet, Wang Jin had time to light a cigarette for himself.

Smoking a cigarette and holding a gun, Wang Jin focused most of his attention on searching for Tan Cheng.

Hard work pays off, and under Wang Jin's search, he finally found Tan Cheng's trace. ,

At this time, Tan Cheng had already changed into a set of dark clothes, which blended well into the night.

Moreover, he was not exchanging fire with the policemen at all, but took advantage of the opportunity of his subordinates fighting with the policemen, he had already sneaked around, concealed his whereabouts, and retreated to the edge of the pier.

After walking a few steps (Zhao Hao), if Tan Cheng knows how to swim, he can jump into the sea to escape.

No wonder, Tan Cheng offered such a high price to make his subordinates desperately resist.

It turned out that he had already planned the idea of ​​jumping into the sea to escape.

When Tan Chengcheng saw many bad guys surrounded him, he knew that there was no way to break through.

Let his subordinates resist desperately, just want them to help him attract firepower and attention, so that he can escape smoothly.

Seeing that the police hadn't noticed him yet, and the edge of the pier had already arrived, and the sea water was already in sight, and he could escape into the sea as long as he took a few steps, Tan Cheng suddenly had a gleam of joy on his face.

"¨~Tan Cheng, Big Brother Cheng, Boss Tan! Where are you going~" No! "

A rather joking voice appeared in Tan Cheng's ear, making Tan Cheng, who had a hint of joy on his face just now, completely stiffen on his face.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The joking voice reached Tan Cheng's ears, and let Tan Cheng know his whereabouts, and he was finally discovered.

Although, the sea is not far in front of him, Tan Cheng can rush into the sea in just one sprint, only one second, but Tan Cheng dare not.

The sound of someone talking, but behind him, who knows if there is already a gun pointed at his head?

Tan Cheng, who expressed that he did not dare to gamble with his life, turned around with a stiff face, looked at Wang Jin's unfamiliar figure holding a gun, and asked Tan Cheng who was sure that he had never seen Wang Jin before.

"who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that Xiao Ma asked me to say hello to you! Besides, I arranged this time too! The messenger is also called by me!"

Wang Jin smiled, and didn't mind having a close relationship with Tan Cheng, because in his eyes, Tan Cheng was already a dead person.

Even if the dead knew a lot, they would not have a chance to speak.

"It's you! You designed all this, why? Do I have any deep hatred with you?"

Tan Cheng's face changed drastically, pointing at Wang Jin, he asked with an extremely angry expression.

"No enmity or resentment, if you want to ask why, it's probably just that 730 is not happy with you!"

Wang Jin spread his hands, and said indifferently, he did not have any grudges with Tan Cheng, but Tan Cheng had a grudge against Xiao Ma, at most he was just offering advice, other Wang Jin would not admit it.

"Since you have no enmity or grievance with me, can you let me go! Xiaoma has already taken 500 million dollars from me. If you also want money, I can give it to you, as long as you give me a way to survive! "

At this time, Tan Cheng finally stopped acting like a big brother, and begged Wang Jin in a low voice.

"It's impossible to survive, and I'm not too short of money. You owe Xiao Ma the money, and now you just have to pay it back!"

"Don't think too much, let's go on the road with peace of mind!"

After saying this, Wang Jin aimed the .[-] in his hand at Tan Cheng's head, and was about to shoot.

When the negotiation broke down, Tan Cheng naturally wouldn't sit still and wait for death. He frantically rushed to the sea, wanting to fight for his life.

As long as he rushed into the sea, even if Wang Jin wanted to kill him, his chances would be much smaller.

It's a pity, even if his body is swaying left and right, twisting wildly, but at such a short distance.

Even if Wang Jin closed his eyes and just listened to the sound of footsteps, the bullets could hit Tan Cheng's body.

What's more, Wang Jin still has his eyes open!

The influence of the night is almost nothing to Wang Jin!


The gun in Wang Jin's hand rang seven times in a row, and all seven bullets hit Tan Cheng's body.

As he was dying, what Tan Cheng thought about was not other things, but why his gun fired seven bullets?

Obviously it's just a handful of [-]!

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