With such unwilling thoughts and questions, Tan Cheng's eyes darkened, and his consciousness completely fell into silence.

"Finally it's a perfect solution!"

Wang Jin let out a sigh of relief, put away the gun, then lit a cigarette for himself in the cool sea breeze, and waited for the other policemen to come to clear the scene.

At this time, the gunshots not far away had become sparse, and only one gunshot could be heard from time to time.

After being dealt with by Wang Jin, those gunmen were no longer the opponents of the Flying Tigers and the gangsters.

It didn't take long for the Flying Tigers and the policemen to break through the defense line of the gunmen, and completely eliminated the scattered gunmen.

"Stay still, who! Hands up!"

A well-trained Flying Tiger team, a three-person search team, found Wang Jin's side.

Immediately, he found Wang Jin standing on the pier, and the body lying in a pool of blood.

The three of them formed a character shape and slowly surrounded Wang Jin. Because they didn't find that Wang Jin had a gun in his hand, they only (ceei) issued a warning to Wang Jin instead of shooting directly.

"Don't worry, my own people! I'm Inspector Wang Jin from the Wanchai Police Station! The head of this counterfeit banknote group is under my feet. He wanted to jump into the sea and escape, but I shot him dead!"

Turning around, Wang Jin hung his inspection card on his chest, then signaled that he didn't have a gun, and walked to the three of them.

The three members of the Flying Tigers used flashlights to take a look at Wang Jin's inspection certificate. After confirming that it was true, they immediately put down their guns and saluted Wang Jin.

"Wang sir, good!"

"Is it all resolved over there? If it is resolved, drag the head of the counterfeit banknote group away too! After the operation is over, we can withdraw the team!"

Wang Jin turned to the three of them and asked about the gunman's situation.

"Report, Sir Wang! All the gunmen have been dealt with. The three of us are members of the search team. We were sent to confirm that no fish slipped through the net!"

Faced with the officer's question, the three Flying Tigers searchers naturally answered the question seriously.

"Okay, then I will trouble you to work hard, and I will withdraw first!"

Wang Jin greeted the three of them, then turned and left.

Seeing Wang Jin's back disappear, the other two persuaded the last Flying Tigers who were not tall.

"Zhou Xingxing, just now that was Sir Wang of Wanchai whom you have always admired. Why don't you go up there and talk to Sir Wang?"

"Look at you now, you've all fallen into the search team, and you're about to be kicked out of the Flying Tigers! Go change careers and become an ordinary messenger. Don't you know that you don't cherish such a good opportunity? If Wang sir , If you are willing to accept you, you will be prosperous!"

"I can do it even if I'm an ordinary messenger! Why do you want to hug other people's thighs!"

A search member of the Flying Tigers known as Zhou Xingxing retorted stubbornly.

"Zhou Xingxing, you are too stubborn to end up like us! Our grades are really bad, and we can't be an elite member of the Flying Tigers. Your grades are among the best in every subject. If you didn't offend the officer , you have long been known as an official member of the Flying Tigers, can't you change your bad temper!"

"That's right! Zhou Xingxing, even if you are an ordinary poor guy, if you want to get promoted and raise your salary, you need someone to support you!"

"Okay, don't talk too much, I know you are doing it for my own good, but I know it in my heart, so hurry up and complete the task!"

Zhou Xingxing waved his hand, obviously not wanting to continue this topic.

The other two saw that Zhou Xingxing didn't want to talk more, so they stopped persuading them. The so-called people have their own ambitions. For a stubborn person, if he doesn't change himself, it is useless to persuade him.

The three quickly dragged Tan Cheng's body and returned to the team! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Xiangjiang's largest counterfeit banknote group has been cracked! The leader, Tan Cheng, resisted in a corner, was shot seven times in the body, and was shot dead by the anti-violence detective Wang sir!"

"A shocking case happened during the vacation, and the legendary life of the violent detective is deciphered!"

"Inspector Wang Jin, as the youngest inspector in Xiangjiang, once again solved a major case, added a lot to his resume, and won the award from the upper management!"

"With the anti-violence detective, the citizens of Xiangjiang~ are safe!"

"Crime buster! Criminals, you are miserable, and Detective Wang is your life-saving talisman!"


It's on fire, it's on fire again!

Since then, the Kowloon Police Station has cracked the case of the counterfeit banknote syndicate and brought all the gunmen and leaders of the largest counterfeit banknote syndicate in Xiangjiang to justice.

As the officers of the Kowloon Police Station, they naturally know that now is the time to establish a glorious image of the Kowloon Police Station.

A huge press conference is held grandly!

The senior leaders of the Kowloon Police Station were all present,

Under the spotlight, these senior leaders of the Kowloon Police Station first gave a basic introduction to the counterfeit banknote group, exaggerating the power of the counterfeit banknote group to the extreme.

With their exaggeration, the counterfeit banknote group led by Tan Cheng undoubtedly became the largest counterfeit banknote group in Xiangjiang.

Whether it is the economy of Hong Kong or the financial system of the entire world, it has caused huge damage.

After the counterfeit banknotes of the counterfeit banknote group are imported into the world, the world's financial system will lose a lot of money every year.

Anyway, these data, before the senior leaders came, they were all memorized by heart, and they came from their mouths.

No matter if it was a regular reporter or a paparazzi of a gossip magazine, they all listened mesmerized. They couldn't hear these high-level leaders at all, they were just bragging!

Of course, exaggerating the strength of the enemy is just to set off the greater self!

Afterwards, these leaders introduced how difficult the careful deployment plan of this operation was to wipe out the entire counterfeit banknote group.

At the same time, these leaders also praised everyone involved in this operation.

Among them, the most emphatic introduction is that in this operation, Wang Jin, who killed the leader, was killed.

Although Wang Jin was not at the press conference at this time.

But what was promised to Wang Jin would naturally be fulfilled.

After all, Wang Jin gave such a big credit to the Kowloon Police Station for nothing, if he didn't reciprocate, he would repay Wang Jin.

In the future, their Kowloon Police Station, in front of all the brother police stations, can they still have face?

Anyway, they just stared at Wang Jin, bragging about how resourceful and extraordinary Wang Jin was!

In this case, what kind of crucial role did it play.

Therefore, when the press conference was over and all the reports were published, Wang Jin became popular again, and it was still very popular.

The last time Wang Jin became popular was when he had just been appointed as a supervising detective. Most of the citizens of Xiangjiang knew of Wang Jin's existence.

But this time, Wang Jin is really on fire!

The news about Wang Jin was overwhelming, sweeping the entire Xiangjiang River.

Popular celebrities are no longer comparable to Wang Jin in terms of popularity and popularity.

At least, the scandals that many celebrities deliberately spread!Gossip!

Nothing can shake Wang Jin's headline position!

And this kind of enthusiasm lasted for several days before it slowly dissipated. Many popular female stars, for this reason, faked scandals with Wang Jin to gain popularity.

Even the Governor of Hong Kong heard the news about Wang Jin. In his Governor's Mansion, he praised his subordinates a few words, saying that Xiangjiang needs such talents.

Perhaps, to the governor of Hong Kong, these few words of praise are nothing, but they made Wang Jin's name in the hearts of those who cared.

At this time, Wang Jin didn't know that his name had already entered the sight of some bigwigs in Xiangjiang, and his future promotion path would be smoother and unstoppable.

In Gao Jin's villa, Wang Jin was watching the news about himself on TV, and complained to Gao Jin beside him.

"This bragging is too much, I didn't even know I was so good! There is also this female star, I have never seen it before, she said she had a tryst with me, and said she wanted to be my girlfriend for real. Outrageous!"

・・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・・・・・

"I asked the Kowloon Police Station to give me a credit. The credit they gave me is too great! I don't dare to go out on the street now!"

"Those women are really crazy. In order to get close to me, they even took off their high heels and came chasing me without shoes on!"

Wang Jin has always thought that being a star is a great thing, it can make money, and it has a lot of fans adoring it.

Who knows, now that he has truly become famous, Wang Jin has realized the feeling of being a celebrity.

Regardless of whether it makes money or not, Wang Jin has never seen a steel coin, anyway, he has definitely felt all kinds of troubles of celebrities first.

"Well, now I have a taste of being a celebrity! You should know why I never take pictures!"

...... 0

Facing Wang Jin's complaints, Gao Jin joked with a smile.

In terms of crazy fans, the God of Gamblers Gao Jin is famous all over the world, the number of fans is definitely hundreds of times that of Wang Jin, but he has never had Wang Jin's troubles, because no one knows what the God of Gamblers looks like.

Therefore, no matter where he goes, Gao Jin is very relaxed and without any pressure.

"Got it, got it! You really have the foresight!"

Facing Gao Jin's teasing, Wang Jin weakly gave Gao Jin a thumbs up.

Anyway, before this wave of heat dissipated, Wang Jin never dared to go out again.

For the next few days, Wang Jin nestled in Gao Jin's villa, like a salted fish, his own nest was comfortable, which was not as good as the big villa.

The big villa is fragrant!

During the period, Wang Jin also received a call from Brother Xiao Ma from abroad. He arrived abroad smoothly, and he had already found his younger brother Jian, and joined him.

The two brothers were having a heated discussion about what kind of business should be done for $500 million.

In the end, neither of the two could persuade the other, and when they couldn't make up their minds, they called Wang Jin, wanting to hear Wang Jin's opinion.

Wang Jin didn't have much else, but he had a lot of opinions. He gave the two brothers a lot of reference plans, and let them figure it out by themselves!

After all, the industry that suits them is the best industry!Long.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A month passed in an instant!

Wang Jin was looking forward to it. The fourth bronze treasure chest gave him a big blow and let Wang Jin know that there were not always very useful things in the bronze treasure chest.

In the fourth bronze treasure chest, Wang Jin was given a set of military ration pills, five in total.

One ration pill can probably cover Wang Jin's consumption for three days.

In other words, Wang Jin can be made not to eat for three days.

Junliang pills can be used in different ways, and it is said to be useful.

It is because of the army grain pills, one can go without food for three days.

It is very useful in some inaccessible deserts, or when a small boat is floating on the vast sea.

But Wang Jin didn't leave Xiangjiang, and went to some inaccessible places, so the army ration pills were naturally useless.

What's more, satisfying the appetite is also one of Wang Jin's great hobbies. If you don't enjoy delicious food, you will feel sorry for yourself!

Wan Chai Commissioner's Office!

"Director, my vacation is officially over, and I'm back to report!"

Wearing a casual denim jacket and soldier combat boots, Wang Jin stood in the director's office and saluted the director.

"Okay! Okay! The competent officer of our Wanchai Police Station is finally back!"

"You don't know, during your absence, the anti-mafia team is really in a state of distress. Chen sir has complained to me several times, wanting me to revoke your vacation and transfer you back, but I rejected them all! "

"I told him, Wang Jin has contributed so much to the police station, what happened to his rest? Didn't you see that he broke a counterfeit "[-]" banknote syndicate case while he was on vacation?"

"Such a hero, shouldn't he rest more?"

The director sat on the chair with a smile and talked to Wang Jin, but there was something wrong with what he said.

After thinking about it carefully, Wang Jin finally felt something was wrong.

"This old fox didn't take him because of the counterfeit banknote syndicate case. This old fox is not happy about it!"

Wang Jin thought about it, and it was really possible that the brother police station next door had made such a big splash this time that it completely overwhelmed the other police stations. It would be a ghost if the other police stations were happy.

If this case was solved by the Kowloon Police Station alone, then the director, an old fox, probably has no temper, but Wang Jin also had a hand in this case.

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