Moreover, at the press conference a few days ago, Wang Jin was blown away by several senior leaders of the Kowloon Police Station.

Those who didn't know thought Wang Jin was from the Kowloon Police Station!

Anyway, now Wang Jin has become a popular fried chicken in Xiangjiang, and his whole person is purple.

Two days ago, many movie companies found Xixili's phone number from somewhere, and called Xixili and said that they wanted to invite Wang Jin to make a movie.

He didn't even think about it, so he was rejected by Wang Jin.

Are you kidding me? How can he make a movie if he is such a bad guy?

Isn't this unprofessional!

If the boss above knows, he quits his good job and goes to make a movie. If he has an opinion, how will he hang around in the future and how will he be promoted?

Therefore, the matter of making a movie was all shirked by Wang Jin.

Unexpectedly, although the matter of the movie was evaded, the director seemed a little unhappy because of the counterfeit banknote syndicate case.

The director probably felt that if Wang Jin cooperates and informs the police station, then on the day of the press conference, he should be able to show off together with the senior officials of the Kowloon police station.

After figuring this out, Wang Jin knew how to deal with the director.

"Director, the case of the counterfeit banknote group just happened to happen. I didn't do much, and being praised like this really makes me feel uneasy. In the next work, I will definitely do my best to break the A bigger case will win glory for the police station!"

Wang Jin slapped his chest loudly, and said to the director.

As an old fox, the director couldn't understand the hidden meaning in Wang Jin's words.

Wang Jin said clearly, I haven't even done my part in the counterfeit banknote syndicate case, and the Kowloon Police Station has such a glorious scene. When I put in a lot of effort and solve a bigger case, the director, are you still worried? When is it beautiful?

Immediately, the Director's originally smiling face became more ruddy, and he encouraged Wang Jin.

"Well, this is just like our police officers, work hard! I am very optimistic about you!"

"The director, there is nothing wrong, I will withdraw first!"

Wang Jin smiled at the Director, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Oh! By the way, wait a minute, there is something else I want to tell you!"

Just when Wang Jin was about to turn around and leave, the director stopped Wang Jin again, which made Wang Jin turn around in doubt, not knowing what else the director had to do.

"That's right, you are also a supervisor now, and you have the power to manage cases independently, so you should have a group of people under your command!"

"I have already held a meeting with everyone to discuss, and everyone agreed! In addition, I have also told your chief, Sir Chen, that you will be appointed as the deputy leader of the anti-mafia team, and then you will recruit another group of people to dispatch for you. You can handle it yourself, you can draw from the anti-mafia team, or you can apply from other places!"

The director called Wang Jin back and told Wang Jin the decisions made in the police station in the past few days.

It is a great thing to mention myself as the deputy team leader and get the power to reopen a team, and it also proves that Wang Jin's autonomy has become greater.

"Thank you, Director!"

Immediately, Wang Jin straightened his body, saluted the director, and then asked a little tentatively.

"Director, can my manpower be transferred at random in the police station? If other police stations have the manpower I want, can I also transfer it?"

Wang Jin still needs to ask these questions clearly, because it will concern him, the elite level of his subordinates.

"Are you still thinking of transferring people from other police stations? Is the manpower in our police station not enough for you?"

The director was also dumbfounded by Wang Jin's question, but he still answered Wang Jin's question.

【空 白】⑥⒐⑧9⒉5⑧5O 內部群:⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐

"In the police station, except for CID, whoever you want to transfer, as long as the other party's chief is willing to release him, in principle, you can."

"As for transferring people from other police stations, it's not impossible, but the other party needs to apply voluntarily and the other party's superiors must approve it. The procedure may be troublesome. I don't care about it. As long as the other police stations agree, I will I approve it all for you!"

When the director said this, Wang Jin probably understood in his heart.

Those who can be transferred at will are all crooked melons and cracked dates. To put it nicely, they are grassroots bad guys, and to put it badly, they are cannon fodder.

If you really want elite personnel, you need Wang Jin to find them himself.

Although the procedure will be very troublesome, but in order to form his own elite team, Wang Jin is not afraid of trouble!

Wang Jin, who is familiar with all kinds of Hong Kong movies, really knows a few of those who are really capable in the police force but should not be reused.

As for more, it has to be discovered by Yu Wang Jin.

After leaving the director's office, Wang Jin went straight back to the anti-gangster office.

Seeing Wang Jin coming back from vacation, his figure appeared in the office. Lu Guanhua, Li Weile, and Guo Zichen immediately greeted him.

"Inspector Wang, your one-month vacation is so cool! I have long wanted to go and play with my daughter, but I have never had time! I have been working for so many years, except for marriage leave and my wife's maternity leave, I have never had more than seven days Yes, you won't be approved after seven days, your one-month leave really makes my mouth water!"

Guo Zichen thumped Wang Jin's chest and said enviously.

"I wish Sir Wang would not come back on vacation. You see, as soon as the young and handsome Sir Wang comes back, the girls from the police station will immediately surround him! I have no chance!"

Li Weile saw Wang Jin's figure and compared himself with himself, and found that Wang Jin seemed a little more handsome, and suddenly felt a little sour.

"Okay, you two stop complaining here, first let Ah Jin go to see Brother Zhong, and now that Ah Jin is already a supervisor, you should respect the chief when you see him, you know?"

What Lu Guanhua said was quite normal, but to Wang Jin's ears, it also had a sour taste.

"Does this mean that I am promoted too fast?"

Wang Jin touched his nose, feeling a little helpless.

It's different from those old men who have been working for decades, relying on time to climb up.

His promotion was like riding on a rocket. In fact, Wang Jin didn't want to be promoted so quickly and be separated from the masses.

It's a pity that Wang Jin's ability is like a firefly in the dark, shining brightly, and it is impossible not to attract the attention of others.

After giving Wang Jin a period of time, Guo Zichen, Lu Guanhua, Li Weile and others may not even be able to see the taillights of Wang Jin's position...

Of course, these are all hypocritical thoughts in Wang Jin's mind. If there is a chance of promotion, Wang Jin will definitely be the first one.

After chatting with the three of them for a while, Wang Jin went to Chen Guozhong's office.

The door was open, so Wang Jin walked in without knocking.

When he entered the door, he saw Chen Guozhong lying on the boss chair, staring at the wall.

On the wall is a map of Wanchai, an enlarged version.

In every bustling and lively area of ​​Wanchai, there is a small black flag, which looks densely packed on the entire map.

『空 白』⑥⒐⑧9⒉5⑧5O内部群:⒉⒉0⑤23①4⑨

Wang Jin didn't know what these little black flags meant, so he didn't speak indiscriminately, but just stood there quietly.

Finally, Chen Guozhong, who was lying on the boss chair, spoke.

"Ah Jin, what do you think when you see these little black flags?"

It turned out that although Chen Guozhong was lying on the boss chair with his back to the office door, he already knew that it was Wang Jin who came in.

"It's densely packed, it's very uncomfortable to look at, and these flags are inserted on a good map, destroying the entire map!"

Wang Jin didn't know, what Chen Guozhong wanted to ask could only be answered from an aesthetic point of view.

"That's right! It's a good map, and these black flags are stuck on it, which completely destroys the beauty. Then you say that if the places with these black flags represent a society, how much will it do to us in Wanchai? What about the destruction?"

Chen Guozhong finally explained the significance of these small flags.

Wang Jin couldn't help but see that the places where these little black flags were planted were indeed consistent with the locations of some associations he knew.

However, Wang Jin did not expect that there would be so many associations in Wan Chai.

If the places where the small flags are located represent a community, then there are dozens of them densely packed on the entire map.

Even Wang Jin couldn't help but gasped. Although he knew that this era was extremely chaotic, and it was almost an era when clubs were kings, he didn't expect the situation to be so bad.

"In Wan Chai, there are so many clubs? Don't you care about those big clubs?"

This is where Wang Jin can't figure it out. There are at least seven or eight large clubs in Xiangjiang, not to mention many.

Xiangjiang is such a big place. For all the big societies, there are already too many wolves and too little meat.

How can there still be, the living space of a small community?And still so many!

"That's how smart they are!"

"If everything is unified, the target of our messengers will be on big societies like them!"

"Keep these small associations 4.8, are these small associations capable of resisting? Don't you still submit to them, not only will the money be collected and the days will be taken care of, but these small associations can also protect them from the wind and rain!"

"Once something goes wrong, they will throw these small societies out to take the blame. Even if it's us poor guys, there's nothing we can do about it!"

Chen Guozhong sighed a little, and also mentioned the difficulties of the messenger. The messenger must follow the rules and evidence in doing things.

Without evidence, what if you know who does what?

We can only let him get away with it!

It's no wonder that Chen Guozhong will be so unscrupulous when dealing with Wang Bao in the future, because it is almost impossible for him to avenge his brother if he follows the normal path of the messenger.

"Indeed, these associations are like leeks. Once you cut off a stubble, it will grow again in a short time. It will never be cut. If this is the case, we will not cut it and let it grow. In fact, it will grow again. that's it!"

Wang Jin's idea was very novel, and Chen Guozhong asked about it with interest.

"What do you mean, specifically?"

"We are the anti-mafia group, and we are attacking their crimes, not their associations themselves!"

"Besides, as long as there are people, the society will always exist!"

"Since this is the case, why don't we let those who are obedient, send them off, let them take the position, and kill all those who are disobedient!"

It was in front of Chen Guozhong that Wang Jin would say such a thing, because Wang Jin knew that Chen Guozhong was also a bad guy who didn't stick to the situation.

If he met a boss who was jealous, Wang Jin would never say that.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It's interesting, let's sit down and talk!"

"Then who do you think is suitable to send them to the top, and who needs to be eliminated!"

At this time, Chen Guozhong had turned the boss chair around, instead of looking at the map of Wanchai, he sat up straight, asked Wang Jin to sit down, and passed Wang Jin a cigarette.

Afterwards, the two lit their cigarettes and continued to chat.

"The ones who are suitable for the upper ranks are naturally the ones who don't sell fans or do illegal business!"

"Red Star was originally a good choice, but they are a big society with deep-rooted influence, and they don't like small resources like us!"

"What's more, whether Red Star will be obedient or not is still unknown, so we have to make arrangements, and we must also arrange for our own people!"

"It's a good choice to be undercover agents who are no longer suitable for the poor in those ages. As long as these undercover agents still have their own bottom line, we can talk to them and support them to the top!"

"As long as you are not a fool, I think everyone will agree!"

"Think about the scenery of being a big boss, a lot of money every day, it's not much better than us hard-working poor guys!"

"Besides, we stand behind them. As long as we don't fall, their position will become more and more stable. At the same time, they can also help us collect some information that we can't find, which will make our position more and more stable." The higher it is, this is simply a win-win cooperation model!"

Wang Jin's point of view really caught Chen Guozhong's eyes.

At this time, Chen Guozhong was not too old, and he still had the ambition to climb up. What Wang Jin said just touched him.

He was able to climb to his current position, half of which was due to time, and generally due to merit.

Chen Guozhong, who has no background, naturally knows how difficult it is to get promoted. Not everyone is like Wang Jin, and promotion is like riding a rocket.

It can even be said that someone like Wang Jin is unique in the entire Xiangjiang.

24 "Originally, the director said that he would refer you to the deputy team leader. I was worried that you were too young and inexperienced. If you led a group of people yourself, something might go wrong. But according to what you just said, I believe you will definitely Can do it well!"

"This plan of yours is very feasible. I will find candidates as soon as possible, and you should also hurry up to complete your team. If you like someone in the anti-mafia team, just tell me, and I will transfer it to you." past!"

There is no one who does not want to be promoted. Wang Jin's plan made Chen Guozhong see the hope of promotion again. At this time, he is naturally full of energy.

Even, he became more enthusiastic towards Wang Jin, and directly told Wang Jin, whoever took a fancy to the anti-mafia group, just said directly.

"Let's talk about other people! All I want are elite soldiers and strong generals. There are not many people, as long as they are capable. I do have a few targets, but none of them belong to our police station!"

"The director said that they can be transferred even if they are not from the police station, but they have to apply for it themselves. I have to find these people! See if there is a chance to take them down!"

For the time being, Wang Jin doesn't have too many ideas about the most grassroots police officers. At present, the main thing is to deal with a few elites.

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