The record of the direct battle with the Herrscher of the End is also very precious information, and this is the only battle record Chen Luo currently knows about the Herrscher of the End.

He is afraid that one day he will face to face with Final Yan. This is an inevitable thing that will come, so it is very important to know the opponent in advance.

"...This is true, I will transmit the simulated image of that battle to your mind."

Kong Kong Wanzang nodded, and entered the information of that battle into Chen Luo's mind.

The Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire—more precisely, the Eight Heroes of Chasing Fire. After all, several of them had already fallen before the final battle, and there were still a few who were not suitable for landing on the moon.

Even the strongest fighters and scientists in the world could not cause effective damage to the Herrscher of the Last End. The strongest blow of the strongest fighter Kevin, coupled with the overload of the Moonlight Throne, could not be consumed. That's 30.00% of her Honkai ability plus just twelve hours of downtime.

[Invincible], [Invincible]... Such concepts first came into Chen Luo's mind.

He shook his head, dismissing the idea.

The Herrscher of the End is definitely not invincible. She must have a way to be defeated. After all, Honkai is only for assessing civilization, not for destroying civilization. A question without an answer is meaningless.

However, Chen Luo was also keenly aware that the eight warriors rushed to the moon to die did not seem to be really aiming at the end, but more like buying time——

Buy time to carry out many plans for the continuation of civilization.

Planning for the future, planting the fire for future generations, this time may indeed fail, but it planted the seeds for the victory of the next life.

Sacrifice is to achieve the best of both worlds in the future.

...just like the help Chen Luo has received along the way.

Immediately after asking a few more questions to Kong Kong Wanzang, Chen Luo initially had a plan in mind.

"Relying on the layout left by the predecessors has saved me a lot of things... But I can't always rely on them."

Chen Luo pondered.

Istaru, and Alice, a strange person, Chen Luo couldn't erase the help he got from them during his journey, but in order to meet the coming end, he also needed to make some plans in advance.

"Well, let's start with this thing first."

Chen Luo took out the core of the Herrscher of Corrosion that she had obtained not long ago.

Unlike other Herrscher powers that can be used directly, the power of erosion is quite special, and the power of erosion Herrscher in Chen Luo's hands is more like a [prop].

He can use it to erode electronic information, control mechanical actions, and project consciousness onto dead objects, but that's all. After all, the essence of erosion is to use viruses to exercise power. Chen Luo is impossible and will not Becoming a viral life form like Herrscher of Corrosion.

So the power of erosion... For Chen Luo, it is a power that does not belong to him, or in other words, it is more like an existence like the God's Key, an external thing that can be driven by the power of the Herrscher.

That's right, Chen Luo's next plan is to turn the core of the Herrscher of Corrosion into a different kind of God's Key.

By extracting many records about Weiwei and Dr. Mei from the data of Void and Wanzang, Chen Luo is already familiar with how to forge this God's Key.

With the opinions of three Herrschers of Reason and one God of Wisdom, the target of this special God's Key is not an ordinary enemy... but the Herrscher of the End.

After a period of discussion, several people have come to a preliminary conclusion regarding the efficacy and ability of this special God's Key.

And just like Alice can turn the virus created by Jizo Yuhun into Duduke, Chen Luo can also define the virus created by eroding power, including ability, function, and... appearance.

"...Having said that, I feel that if Teresa sees the virus you made, she will definitely not let you go."

Prometheus looked at the prototype virus in front of him, and said quite speechlessly.

"It's not bad, I think it's quite...cute."

Nashida pursed her lips and smiled.

"Well, that's it, [For the Houkai Armed Model 666]."

With a wave of Chen Luo's hand, it was decided.

"Speaking of which, do you need to give it a special startup password? After all, the functions you set for it are quite...uh, strange."

Nashida said curiously.

"You're right, um... Let me think about it, just..."

With a thought, Chen Luo added an activation password to this special virus.

【Wisdom is the enemy of the God of Wisdom】

Chapter 62 The Promise Between the Sun and the Moon

It was another full moon night, and Chen Luo met the young god alone at the edge of the rainforest.

She was exercising the stargazing technique under the moonlight, and when she sensed Chen Luo's arrival, she also stopped her movements.

"You came."

"The matter has been dealt with almost on Sumi's side, and it's time to leave for Zhidong."

Chen Luo said.

That [girl] Columbia is really patient, and she hasn't urged him even once these days.


Nasida asked softly.


Chen Luo also sat down on the sand, beside Naxida.

"I'm leaving soon. I want to say goodbye to you. After all, our little auspicious grass king hasn't taught me how to watch the stars yet."

"The fact, there is not much value worth observing, after all, this sky is false."

Even if she is in power like her, it is just a puppet whose fate has long been carved on a false curtain.

"Nasida, do you want to stay in Sumeru?"

"Well, it's been like this for 500 years, and I'm not in a hurry for this moment."

The girl nodded lightly. After all, she is still the God of Grass in Sumeru, and shoulders the responsibility of protecting the subjects.

Moreover, some arrangements can only be prepared outside the frontal battlefield.

"However... I do want to go to other worlds after everything is over."

Through the huge knowledge base of Void and Wanzang, she has seen too many scenery that does not belong to this world. Unfortunately, she has never even stepped on Sumeru in the past 500 years, let alone those magnificent and beautiful worlds.

Just like a child imagining the beautiful world outside with a picture book of fairy tales in his hands, Nasida is probably at this stage, full of curiosity about the outside world.

"Like Alice did before?"

Chen Luo asked with a smile.

The great adventurer who has crossed many worlds, the omnipotent great witch, it is probably okay to say that Alice is the freest person in the entire Teyvat.

"Well, just like Alice, I also want to... set foot on the land of those worlds, witness those beautiful scenery, and walk among the real stars."

Nasida said with some longing.

"Well, I promise you."

"I'm very happy... But, this isn't the first time you've made an appointment with someone, isn't it?"

"...It's true."

Nashida smiled lightly, her expression became a little serious.

"If you want to fulfill the agreement, you have to come back alive."

The goal of this solstice trip is the God of Ice, the Queen of Ice, who has been trying to subvert the existing order of Tivat as a whole.

I am afraid that between Chen Luo and her, there is no way to live in harmony like the four countries that have experienced the governance of the four countries. If they want to win the core of the Herrscher from the hands of the Queen of Winter, it will inevitably require a battle.

And Ying and Paimon, the travelers who have already arrived at the solstice, don't know what role they will play in this solstice journey.

Chen Luo always had a feeling that Zhidong would be his last stop on this Tivat continent.

"The God of Ice... I don't know what kind of god she is now."

As a nascent god, Nasida actually didn't know much about her. The only information Chen Luo knew was that she was once a demon god who loved her, until her temperament changed drastically after the Battle of Kanria.

After that, the God of Ice made it his main idea to resist the laws of heaven, so he gathered the army of fools and began to search for the heart of God on the Tivat continent.

Unfortunately, Chen Luo had already messed up the plan of the three fool executives. From this point of view, the Queen of Ice might not have a good attitude towards him.

"Will the journey come to an end one day...?"

Chen Luo couldn't help sighing.

"These days I've heard you tell your past stories, it's really a very beautiful adventure, for your last journey, although I can't be by your side, but... I will use my method to watch you .”

Naxida blinked, recalling the scene of helping Chen Luo heal under the dream tree, she couldn't help but blush.

"Because of... the reason for helping you heal before, my origin has been injected into your body, so even if I don't use the projection of consciousness to observe, I can still see the scenery you experienced."

Compared with Zhongli, Lei Yingying or Wendy's gifts, Naxida poured more essence into Chen Luo's body.

As a demon god who was born 500 years ago, her power is far from being comparable to those of the three old fritters who survived the cruel war of demon gods. The enchantment hurts the mind and body.

In a sense, Chen Luo and Naxida are now in a state of soul symbiosis, and they can naturally communicate with each other.

"When necessary, don't hesitate to ask me for help. The knowledge of [Grandpa] and I can be used by you at any time."

Chen Luo reached out and rubbed the girl's hair, and said with a smile.

"Compared to Zhidong... let's prepare a plan to deal with the end according to what we discussed in the library before."

No matter how strong the Ice Queen is, she can't be stronger than the maintainer of the law of heaven, and besides, he may not necessarily fight against that god, well, he will adapt to the situation when the time comes.

It would be great if he could directly persuade her to give her Herrscher's core to him... Of course it would be better not to fight, but if he had to fight, he wouldn't know the God of Void Ice.

"Different from me who is just the moon, you... want to be the sun, right?"

Naxida was used to Chen Luo and Lei Dianzhen's ravages on her hair and face.

He has become Nasida's sun, but obviously, he doesn't want to stop there.

After all, the sun's light will not stay for one person and one grass, and the light will shine on a wider world.

"Ahaha... Actually, I didn't have such lofty ideals at the beginning."

Chen Luo shrugged his shoulders.

In the beginning, he just wanted to turn into a human form to live on the Tivat Continent. Who knew that as he began to investigate the core of other Herrschers, he stepped into this irreversible path of his choice step by step.

"But you've done a lot, and . . . will continue to do so."

"It's all come to this point, and there is no way to back down."

"That's why you are admirable."

Nasida couldn't help but think of a poem that was once circulated among the people of Sumeru.

"Your Majesty said so, Zhao Zhao has a belt of thousands of roses.

However, where is the rose from yesterday?

This early summer season that brings roses,

It also made Jiang Yixi and Kaike Baiti go away and never return. "

In the future, that will be... the dawn brought by a thousand roses.

end of book

Add a final remark about this volume.

Xumi had a lot of fun playing, so the recent updates are not very timely. I have to say that Xumi's map production and plot have reached a new level. Mi Huyou, my superman...

Having said that, because this volume about Sumeru was written before the opening of Sumeru, it has been backstabbed a lot by the official settings until now.

For example, it turns out that the little auspicious grass king is not a flower god at all...

Sumeru actually has three fucking gods...

And the Flower God's Birthday Festival, which is famous in other countries, actually the Holy Order doesn't want to do this kind of thing at all...

Ahem, it's not a big problem, it's not a big problem, after all, the main enemy of this volume is not the Holy Order.

Regarding the appearance of the God of Grass, the relevant preparations have been made a long time ago. At the beginning, the God of Milk Grass was the Tivat version of Stargazing, and he even arranged for Otto's face grandpa. Now it seems that there is no difference It's too far away, so to speak, Naxida's appearance is really not comparable to Yue Huang's, only exactly the same.

In this way, I feel that the selection of the god of water is basically a certainty. The first and second generations of water gods correspond to Bai Xier and Hei Xier respectively. As for the god of fire, there is no need to say...

Because this Naxida has the help of the "grandpa" Kongkong Wanzang, the life of Naxida in this volume is not as good as in the game, and she has not stepped out of her small house for 500 years.

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