Basically, this volume is to recover some foreshadowings left before, such as the existence of Mebius mentioned repeatedly, and Naxida who is looking for Chen Luo, etc.

In fact, it was originally planned to expand Xinhai and Teresa's dark sea adventure into tens of thousands of words, but in the end I still felt that this part could be omitted, so I didn't describe it in detail, and directly described the upgrade Afterwards, Xinhai and Teresa were released.

The description of Corrosion Herrscher as the BOSS of this chapter is actually a temporary decision. It is better to say that the plot of the entire Sumeru chapter was finalized after the island activities started. After all, it was at this time that Nashida was really the first In the first appearance, all the plots in this volume are also completely based on the original god's island and the setting concept shown in the preview PV and the ending chapter of the collapsed paradise.

Some related plot ideas are still discarded, such as the two big treasures that erode and control the desert rainforest... (mainly I feel that the fighting power of the big treasure is not strong enough)

The setting that erosion is almost invincible in the data space is retained, and Judas' cheating method is needed to destroy his body.

It's a pity that Higokumaru, the eroding Herrscher, was not allowed to appear in the Paradise Chapter. In other words, Jizo Yuhun and Hiyumaru were hidden by snow like this.

(Ah, it would have been nice if it hadn't been postponed for a month. After finishing the main storyline, I now have a new idea about the plot of this volume)

Speaking of which, after finishing the plot in the past two days, I always feel that the first generation of great sages who founded the Academy of Teaching Orders is Otto, and the previous generation of tree kings is probably Karen ()

About Judas→I came up with the idea only after seeing the power of the grass god on the island. Of course, there are also reasons why I started playing Erbengzi recently...Making Judas, okay.

About the traveler → I finally had the opportunity to throw the master out. Let her go through the water and fire countries that the protagonist will not go to. It was decided very early that the traveler will participate in the final plot. However, it may be in an unexpected way...

About the harem group→Duckling Yaya and Xier were active in the previous volume, and Xinhai and Teresa were active in this volume. Basically, we still want everyone to play a corresponding role and role , rather than a pure vase, the setting also gives some room for upgrading... The subsequent plots will also implement this idea, and each of them will play a corresponding role in the ending chapter.

Because I have been very busy at work recently, I have exhausted all the manuscripts I saved some time ago, which leads to the lack of polish in the plot of this article. In the past few days, the code words have been dizzy in the middle of the night. , some parts of the plot are rushed, please forgive me.

The beginning of the next volume will be the ending, after all, it’s already the solstice (laughs)

In addition, I would like to thank all the readers for their support. This book has finally reached the original writing goal, which is 500 uniform subscriptions. Hey, it is really not easy. Next, I should write it down and give my protagonist and old girls a good time. ending.

In addition, back to Naxida, I have a very important characteristic about her, which will play an important role in the ending chapter. You can guess~

In the end, I have been saving water and waiting for the full life of Naxida, and it seems that I have to wait for two versions...

Saving, saving, I am the super saving water king.jpg

Chapter 1 Beginning of Solstice Journey

The country of Zhidong, the country located at the northernmost border of the entire Tivat continent, has always been shrouded in a veil of mystery.

The fools belonging to Zhidong spread all over the continent, but those who came to Zhidong from the other six countries were rare.

On the one hand, Zhidong's reputation outside is not very good, and on the other hand, it is naturally the reason for Zhidong's severe cold climate with snow all year round.

Just like Mond who was shrouded in ice and snow storms in the era of the Demon God War, although the environment in the Winter Kingdom is not as exaggerated as Mond at that time, it is really not that good.

"...By the way, it's obviously summer now, so is it also the same in the Winter Kingdom that snows all the year round?"

Approaching the border of the solstice, Chen Luo could already see the snow-shrouded country in the distance.

"Those are the tears of Her Majesty the Empress."

As the key person responsible for leading the way, [Girl] Columbia was naturally in the marching team, and when she heard Chen Luo's question, she explained in a low voice.

"It wasn't like this originally, but since 500 years ago, the Winter Kingdom has been shrouded in ice and snow."

Fortunately, Chen Luo had already made preparations, and changed himself and the girls around him into seasonal costumes.

Although he and they are not afraid of such a severe cold environment at all, it is better to respect nature to some extent, at least to do some superficial work.

Of course, not all of them came out—

Xinhai still hasn't returned from Haizhi Island, and Prometheus, like Nasida, is intensively making certain preparations in the Domination Theater.

As for Teresa...

Well, just like what Prometheus said, Teresa was so angry that she refused to talk to him for a while after seeing the special effects of Chen Luo's newly developed [Hengkai Armed Model 666 Deli Silly Virus]. Staying in the theater with Prometheus can't come out, so it can be regarded as helping Duckling.

It is said that these two guys plan to build a Homu Paradise in the theater together in their spare time... It seems that Teresa has been assimilated by Prometheus.

In short, besides Columbia, the leading party, only Lei Dianzhen and the two Xier appeared in the real plane for the time being.

"I always feel like I haven't walked like this with you for a while."

The purple-haired girl was humming a ditty for Inazuma, and happily strolled on the land that was gradually covered by ice and snow.

"Is it... well, it seems to be the same."

Since the separation in Haiyuan City, this is the first time that Chen Luo has continued to embark on a journey to a new country with Zhen.

Chen Luo once asked Zhen in private, what kind of god is the Queen of Ice in Zhidong Kingdom, but Zhen could not give an accurate answer.

After all, all she really knows is the one she was 500 years ago. Whether she still upholds her own heart after her temperament has changed drastically is hard to determine. It is better to let Chen Luo witness and judge by herself.

"Brother Chen Luo, look, that building over so magnificent."

On the other side of Chen Luo, the two Xi'er, who had changed into winter clothes, were commenting on the scenery along the way, and now they pointed to the largest building within sight.

"Is it big? It feels similar to the badminton room."

Hexi Jiji interjected from the side.


Naxida's back suddenly appeared in Chen Luo's mind, uh, it's really vivid.

Ahem, Chen Luo shook this disrespectful thought out of his mind.

"... By the way, you two are really energetic. You have been busy in the rainforest of Sumeru for several days."

After saying goodbye to Ke Lai at Huacheng Guo that day, the two Xi'er did not return directly to Sumeru City. It should be said that they were cut off on the way back.

They met a woman named Lana in the rain forest and helped her solve the plight of being besieged by monsters.

At first, I thought it was just a small matter of helping others, but I didn't expect that the two Xi'er followed Lana on a long fantasy fairy tale journey, and the warm-hearted Bai Xi'er naturally helped until the end.

"Xie'er actually doesn't feel tired, and those Lannaluos are so cute."

"Xier, as long as you like it...By the way, Columbia, is that the Ice God Palace?"

Just as Xier pointed at the largest building, Chen Luo also asked about Columbia.

Although there must be other names according to the naming rules of Zhidong, it is definitely no problem to call the palace where the Ice God lives.

"...Yes, I will take you to that palace, and that is the end of our trip."

"However, the God of Ice doesn't seem to be in that building."

Chen Luo had a thought, and used the power of the law of consciousness to sense the consciousness in a wide range. The consciousness of the demon god level is quite conspicuous, but there, in that palace, although Chen Luo felt a few consciousnesses with good intensity individual, but it is far from the level that a demon god should be, and the god of ice is not in it.

"The empress seldom comes out, and she has more important things to do, so most of the time, [Harlequin] Piero is leading the crowd of fools."

Columbia explained.

"So, you will take me to the presence of the queen?"

Chen Luo planned to go directly to see the Ice Queen, and didn't plan to do any more devious things.

Columbia nodded.

"But if you want to see the queen, you still need to go to that palace. Only with the power of the executive officer can you wake up the queen and open the passage to where she is."

All the executive officers of the Fools were endowed with a part of the power from the Ice Queen, and that power gave them the highest authority while enhancing their own abilities.

"... By the way, you should have one too, you are the third seat."

"But, my power has been taken away by you."

Columbia said ruthlessly.

"……All right."

Columbia's power is indeed still preserved in Chen Luo's body, and now she is just a weak girl without any abilities.

Of course, Chen Luo can use the power he won from Columbia, but... It seems that it would be nice to meet those foolish executives, especially Piero the Harlequin.

The leader of the fools, the head of the eleven executives is also the first executive.

Before possessing this identity, he was once a member of Kanria and a competitor of the [Golden] Rhine Dort.

Because the talent and learning cannot be compared with that woman, they failed to win the favor of the king of the Black Sun Dynasty, and they failed to prevent them from tearing the sarong of deep sin, causing a frenzy of wrath, destruction and delusion.

Such a person related to Kanria or Rhinedot is still worth contacting.

So, under the leadership of Columbia, Chen Luo, Lei Dianzhen and Shuangxi entered the territory of Zhidong and stepped into the gate of the Ice God Palace together.

Chapter 2 Are you a group favorite?

Standing at the main entrance of the Ice God Palace were two soldiers of fools holding weapons. When they saw the return of Columbia, who was the third seat, they immediately stood up to salute and bowed to her.

"Master [Girl], you are back."


After a brief response, Columbia led Chen Luo and the others into the inner hall.

This place was originally used by fools and executives to meet and discuss—although they are often separated from each other and have almost no chance to get together.

In the past, the hall was silent and empty, but now it was filled with several people wearing cloaks like Columbia, as if they had been waiting for their return.

In all their shapes and forms, there is no doubt that they are all members of the Fools' Executors.

This is natural, after all, Chen Luo swaggered back with Columbia on the right path, and the news of his coming to Zhidong must have already spread among the executive officers.

Chen Luo glanced roughly, and it seemed that [Doctor] was not here.

Among the many new faces, there is an old acquaintance, [Young Master] Dadalia, it seems that after Liyue's mission failed, he returned to Zhidong to return.

Dadalia even waved his hand enthusiastically, and greeted Chen Luo, a "friend" who had met once.

"Columbia, you're back."

An old man with glasses and a figure like a dwarf leaned on a cane, welcoming the return of the third seat.

"Mayor Puccinera, I'm back."

Columbia nodded slightly.

"The return of our dear Columbia is something worth celebrating, but... Are the guests you brought back friends or enemies?"

Another black-haired man—【Rich Man】Pantalone said so.

"Pantalone, they are the people Her Majesty the Empress wants to see."

Columbia explained softly.

"'Them'? . . . only him, I suppose."

Pantalone narrowed his eyes, looking at Chen Luo and the three girls behind him.

"If it's Her Majesty's order, of course he can go there, but they have to stay here."

Needless to say, the implication is that if something unpleasant happens to Chen Luo and their queen in the depths of the secret realm, the three who stay here will become hostages and pay the price.

——Although Chen Luo didn't think they had the ability to restrict Xi'er.

"What if I have to take them in with me?"

"Then I can only ask my colleagues to help me and keep them here."

Pantalone pondered.

"...Didn't you do it yourself?"

Chen Luo complained silently in her heart.

"Shut up, you two rich businessmen and politicians who will only hide in the solstice of winter."

Pantalone's "threat" was interrupted by another woman with a hint of black highlights in her white hair.

[Servant] Arechino, Chen Luo always wonders if she has something to do with Yula's Lawrence family, after all, she looks like a dark version of Yula...

"Since it is the guest brought back by Columbia, it should naturally meet your request, have to explain why Columbia's breath is so weak?"

Arechino's unique pupils stared at Columbia, her power was taken away by Chen Luo and has not been returned, so at this moment her breath is as weak as a mortal.

"It's just the result of a transaction, I wish you what you want."

Chen Luo shrugged.

"Since you can take away Columbia's power, does that also can take away Her Lady Queen's power?"

... In a sense she was right.

However, this speech seemed to be worried about Her Majesty the Empress, but Chen Luo could feel that she was not worried at all, but instead was trying to gain advantage by taking advantage of both sides or how to take Chen Luo's ability as her own. Some abacus.

"If it's possible, I don't really want to have any fights with your lord empress."

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