On the way back, I have already accepted the system task

【Expel Hulu】

【Three prize draws】

The task is very clear, and the lottery is very attractive. So far, Ying Ziye has formed his own team relying on this lottery system.

This time, he wanted to find a method that he could practice for himself and his subordinates. Being trapped in the realm of heaven and man for a long time made him feel a little tired.

On the third day after arriving in Xiaoguan, Ying Ziye began to get together to raise his account.

Liutong drums sounded, and all the generals in the army gathered in the prince's tent.

"Generals, I came to Xiaoguan alone in order to expel the Hulu, so I need the underlings of the generals."

This time Ying Ziye didn't have the arrogance to think that with his own personal guards, he could kill all the barbarians outside the pass.

Outside the customs is not a land of Baiyue.

Baiyue Mountain is densely covered with forests, poisonous miasmas are everywhere, and there are swamps that eat people.

There are great restrictions on the cavalry of the Qin army, but there are also restrictions on the survival of the Baiyue people.

The tribes of Baiyue can only build villages on the few mountains, which is also the reason why Ying Ziye was able to drive into the mountains with five hundred Xuantian armored guards.

But it's different outside the customs, with vast land and sparsely populated areas. Finding barbarians is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

And if you find the barbarian king's court, you may have been surrounded by hundreds of thousands of barbarians.

Among those savage-like armies, and their shaman masters, Ying Ziye didn't think he could break out of the encirclement.

In the final analysis, he is a stronger person in this Heavenly Human Realm.

Even if he brought five thousand great masters, he still couldn't defeat hundreds of thousands of savages.

Therefore, it is still necessary for Xiao Guan's guard to lead the sergeant to hold the line for him.

This time it was still the main battle of Xuantian Jiawei under his command, and Xiao Guan's soldiers swept the formation.

"The last general dares to die for the prince!"

With a loud reply of loyalty, Xiao Guan's officers and men were completely convinced by this prince who had brought them [-] armor.

No one doubted the prince's determination to fight against the barbarians, and at the same time, they didn't think that the prince would be defeated. As long as the five thousand masters were not made of mud, they would be invincible.

"Okay, Gu Ming will go out of the customs, and you can raise troops to follow, and serve as my tail, and all the spoils will belong to you."

Ying Ziye was very happy, these generals understood his thoughts.

On the second day, six thousand cavalry left the customs early in the morning. This time, the Xuantian Jiawei was still the vanguard, and the Ghost Yewei was the scout.

As the ghost night guards came back one by one, the movements of the barbarians in front of them became clear.

"The whole army, charge!"

This was the first time that Ying Ziye led five thousand cavalry to charge. In the past, there was no such excitement as a thousand cavalry marching into battle.

Five miles ahead is a gathering place of barbarians. The barbarians here are all soldiers who are going to go south to fight grass valley this autumn.

There are no old and weak, no women, all are barbarians with weapons.

When Da Qin's iron hooves shook the valley, the Hu people also discovered the danger.

The screaming barbarians don't have their own language yet, so they can only express their meaning with howls of unknown meaning.

At least 5 Hu people are resting in the valley.

This is already a large group of people, and the Hu people are savages living in tribes.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????????????

When the royal army did not appear, it was difficult to gather too many people.

Xuantian's armored guards were prepared, and the Hu people rushed to fight.

Although it is ten times the barbarian, the result is obvious.

War is never a contest of numbers. Fifty thousand barbarians are in disorder in the valley.

When the Great Qin Cavalry appeared at the end of the valley, the Hu people had not yet organized into a battle formation.

The patriarch of the Hu tribe also wanted to organize his tribe to resist the iron cavalry.

The Xuantian armored guard had already rushed over with a long sword in hand.

War horses and iron swords cut off heads like rotten wherever they pass.

At the first charge, the Hu people were already defeated.

When the [-] barbarians were running around in the valley, the ones in front wanted to run backwards, and the ones behind wanted to kill them. The barbarians who were in a mess stopped the five thousand cavalry for a while.

... 0 ......

After all, these horses are not tanks, and they will subconsciously slow down when they see obstacles ahead.

If there is only one obstacle, he can overcome it, but seeing fifty thousand obstacles, the iron cavalry can only slowly slow down, and finally the cavalry turns into infantry.

Fortunately, Xuantian Jiawei still has the cultivation level of a great master even if he is fighting on foot.

He is already a good fighter in battle, so he is naturally able to handle the wildlings who fight without any rules.

Five thousand against fifty thousand, massacre, one-sided massacre.

Xuantian Jiawei is a group of executioners without emotion, the iron sword in their hands is so strong that it can cut off mountains and rocks.

Naturally, it would be effortless to cut on the wildling.

Despite the support of the realm, there are still many armored guards whose iron swords are bent and blunt, and they have to grab the weapons of the savages to continue fighting.

The battle lasted for an hour.

This is already a very fast speed, even if it is [-] pigs, it is not so fast to kill.

In the end, the barbarian's heart was broken, and he ran for his life frantically.

A lot of time is wasted on hunting.

After the valley calmed down, Ying Ziye entered the valley on the white tiger swallowing gold beast.

This mount of white tiger blood can already be ridden for a short distance, and this time I brought him to the Northland to let him adapt to the environment.

The learning that is full of the valley has gathered into news, flowing out of the valley.

Ying Ziye slowly controlled the White Tiger Swallowing Golden Beast to a ground that was still in a hurry, and reached out to pick up a wildman's weapon. This was a leg bone, which should be a cow's leg bone, and it had already formed a patina.


Chapter 260 Victory in the first battle, the barbarians invaded

In Daqin, Hu people are generally called by the officials, but the folks refer to them as savages.

These savages on the northern ice and snow wasteland are burly and powerful, much stronger than the Central Plains people.

But because of civilization and civilization, the Hu people did not form a very advanced culture.

Whether it is textile forging or construction, the Hu people are like a group of savages who have just escaped from the cave.

These savages live together in tribes, some live in mud houses, some live in grass nests, and the living conditions are extremely difficult.

This is why the Hu people go to the Central Plains to hunt grass and valleys every now and then.

In the concept of the Hu people, go to the Central Plains if you have no food, go to the Central Plains if you have no clothes, and go to the Central Plains if you lack anything.

This does not mean that Hu people are completely ignorant and irrational savages. Hu people also have their own culture, and Hu clothing, riding and shooting are also the original skills of "Mo Hong" in their killings.

Using animal skins as clothing and animal tendons as bows and arrows, the fighting power of the Hu people is not weak at all.

Of course, those are the elite royal court of the Hu people, and the ordinary Hu people are still like savages.

Ying Ziye was lucky this time, and ran into a group of barbarians who had just assembled.

These barbarians came from various tribes, and they had just joined forces in this valley.

Before he was assigned a task, he was overwhelmed by the Qin army.

The blood of fifty thousand barbarians dyed the valley red, and it also dyed the armor of Xuantian armored guards red.

These armored guards who have gone through four kills have evolved from sharp fighters who can fight well to killing machines.

Ying Ziye took great pains for them, and opened up various tonics.

There are medicated baths every day, and there are also medicinal soups to take in the wild.

This made Xuantian Jiawei, who had practiced the little dragon elephant's magical skill, reach the pinnacle of his physical body.

"Congratulations, Your Highness. One battle was successful, and fifty thousand barbarians were wiped out. This is a rare feat."

Su Lie rode up from behind and looked at the barbarian corpses all over the valley, dumbfounded in shock.

Looking at Xuantian Jiawei who was making up the knife, his eyes seemed to be hooked.

No wonder the crown prince dared to lead [-] cavalry to lead the battle. He would dare to give such a master cavalry to him.

"Bury these barbarians in the fields outside to prevent the plague."

Ying Ziye didn't think it was a great achievement to kill [-] savages.

Take a look at the equipment of these savages. None of them have armor, and few have iron weapons. Most of them are stone axes or bone hammers.

Just such a savage, even 10 Xuantian Jiawei can kill them all.

5 people died in a valley, that scene was really like the Shura battlefield.

After a brief look, Ying Ziye took the girls and left the valley. The Xuantian armored guards had assembled in front, and the valley can be handed over to the guards at the rear.

There is no such thing as mercy in wars. Having killed 5 people just now, Win Ziye is not satisfied and is ready to find his next target.

Outside Xiaoguan, the hills are undulating, the mountains are mostly gentle, and there are many open flat lands.

This kind of place is suitable for riding horses, which is why Ying Ziye is not sure that he can kill all the barbarians with 5000 people.

The Hu people also have war horses, and the horses of the Wangting regular army are even better than those of the Qin army.

With the progress of the wrong, from time to time you can see a group of tribes gathered, this is the tribe of the Hu people.

Hu people, men, women, old and weak, are all warriors. Except for babies, anyone who can lift a stone can go to battle and kill the enemy.

Because of this, Ying Ziye ordered the massacre every time he met a tribe.

Without mercy, without kindness, the barbarians and the common people in the Central Plains have an enmity as deep as the sea.

Among these tribes, Ying Ziye found slaves of the Qin people more than once.

In the past, when the Hu people were digging grass valleys, they would capture the Qin people they saw, who were Yan people.

When they got outside the pass, the Qin people had nowhere to run, so they could only be trapped in the Hu tribe as livestock.

Often a healthy Qin person would die of illness and starvation after living in the Hu tribe for two or three years.

Every time Ying Ziye saw a tribe of Hu people, he would attack the tribe. If any Qin slaves rescued them on the spot, all the Hu people would be executed.

This era is like this, there is nothing to say about life and death.

In this way, Ying Ziye had been active outside Xiaoguan for more than ten days before returning to Xiaoguan due to insufficient supplies.

The exit this time was just a rehearsal, except for beheading the [-] barbarians, there was not much result.

But the next action is no longer a small fight, Ying Ziye is going to lead the Qin army like Xiao Guan, and the people of Jianghu will be wiped out in one battle.

This is not an idiot's dream. After another trip outside the pass, he has already figured out the general situation of the Hu people.

It is late autumn now, and the Hu people gather their troops to go south every year at this time. The 5 people before were the Hu people who were preparing to gather troops and wait for the army of the royal court to go south...  

But now, after knowing that Ying Ziye led the Qin army to conquer various tribes, the Huren Wang Ting accelerated the pace of the army and came towards Xiaoguan.

For the Hu people, it was difficult for the Qin people to stay outside the pass for long. As long as their own army is together, the Qin people will hide behind the tall city walls.

This is the rule every year. If the Hu people don't come to the Qin people, they will go out to sweep up the customs, and the Hu people will gather troops and the Qin people will hide in the city wall.

But this year the Hu people are destined to pay for their carelessness.

Winning Ziye's five thousand Xuantian armored guards came out in full force, and the rear army of 20 Qin soldiers led the formation.The tribes that specialize in looking for barbarian massacres.

Wherever they went, dogs and chickens did not stay, which made the main force of the Hu people exhausted.

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