Wanting to attack Xiaoguan, there are 20 Qin soldiers in the field to restrain them, and wanting to drive out the Xuantian Jiawei, but they can't catch the opponent's figure.

The Huren Wang Ting immediately knew that the Qin people had changed their tactics, so Wang Ting split the main force.

A small force of 10 cavalry went after Xuantian Jiawei, while a large force of 20 wild soldiers attacked Xiaoguan.

"General Su, can Xiao Guan stop the 20 savages?"

Ying Ziye didn't know much about Xiaoguan's defenders, and didn't know how Xiaoguan defended in previous years.

"It can be blocked, but the savages will not concentrate their forces in Xiaoguan, but enter the pass to plunder at the weak point of the Great Wall. It is really difficult to stop 20 savages."

Su Lie frowned and said, in previous years, he would concentrate his troops and send people to ambush when the savages were about to make a detour.

But this year, half of Xiaoguan's defenders were sent out, and Su Lie didn't have a certain victory for me.

The royal court of the Hu people also has master masters, this time there may be shaman priests of the Hu people, those gods, gods, ghosts and ghosts, with strange methods, even he, a master warrior, sometimes can do it.

"It doesn't matter, Gu is sitting in Xiaoguan this time. If there are monsters and monsters, I will deal with them myself. You will lead the army and stop all the savages going south. This time, Gu will drag all the barbarians to death."

Ying Ziye's strategy this time is to exhaust the savages and use five thousand Xuantian armored guards to slaughter those empty tribes.

If the savages return to rescue themselves, the five thousand fine riders will keep kiting them.

If the savages plan to attack Xiaoguan and exchange tribes for Xiaoguan, winning Ziye will let them know what it means to be bloody.

Chapter 261 The barbarian and the savage

As the Prince of Great Qin, Ying Ziye does not have any superb tactics, nor does he have superb leadership skills.

He has always fought wars with a strong force, such as in the time of Baiyue.

Either the dexterity makes the enemy unable to catch the tail, in short, it is an upright method of using troops.

After hearing Ying Ziye's strategic conception, Su Lie felt respectful in his heart.

This prince is completely different from what he used to think of from time to time.

Prince, this is one way to pass all laws, to prove the way with strength.

Outside Xiaoguan, in the territory of the Hu people, under the leadership of Xiang Yu, five thousand elite cavalry were burning and killing left and right.

The savage tribes who were originally in various places asked the royal court for help.

"The people of Qin are cunning and even attacked the tribe behind me. Charge, ordered the tribe to advance at full speed and reach Xiaoguan as soon as possible. Only then can we wait for the tribe to survive. If we turn around to chase the mouse now, it is very likely that there will be no grass in this year's valley. gone."

In the endless army, the savage Wang Gou Moli sat on a one-horned black bull, looking at the black savages in front of him and behind him, his eyes looked around aggressively.

This time the savages came out in full force, ready to go south to harvest enough resources for the winter.

There is less drought in the northern mountains this summer, and less fruit is produced in the mountains and forests. 29

The grain grown by Yerenmen has completely failed, the cattle and sheep have no fat water plants, and the autumn fat has not grown.

There are various indications that there will be natural and man-made disasters in the Northland this winter.

In order to survive, the savages must go south and rob the Qin people of food to survive this winter.

And this year's Qin people are different from previous years, they didn't completely hide in the city wall.

Instead, cavalry was sent to raid the tribes behind them.

The Savage King understood that this was Changing Zi, if he turned around to rescue him, he might be dragged back, and countless clansmen would die this year.

Now he can only go forward bravely and use the fastest speed to break through the blockade of the Qin people.

As long as they rush over, the Qin people will give them countless food and slaves, and the lost tribes will be compensated at that time.

The speed of the savage army suddenly accelerated, and as many as 50 savages rushed towards the direction of the Great Wall.

Ying Ziye, the Xuantian Jiawei led by Xiang Yu, was not worried at all.

This overlord's combat awareness is top-notch, even if the savages return to defense, they can lead the armored guards away.

And when he saw the figure of the savage outside the pass, Ying Ziye smiled.

This battle is settled.

"General Su, let's watch your performance next."

Ying Ziye doesn't point fingers at the metaphors he is not familiar with.

I can lead my bodyguards to fight however I want, because I know how powerful I am.

But he was not interested in commanding the soldiers of Xiao Guan.

He has no idea about the combat strength of General Xiao Guan, who can lead the army, and who is good at what. This is of no benefit to the war.

Professional matters should be left to professional people.

Su Lie is old general Wang Jian's favorite student. Before the old general retreated, he handed over Xiaoguan to Su Lie. Naturally, it was because Su Lie was able to guard this place.

Even the first emperor didn't adjust Xiao Guan's layout, which means there is nothing wrong with Xiao Guan.

"Your Highness, just take a look."

Seeing the savage scouts appear outside the pass, Su Lie was also heartbroken.

Ying Ziye's strategy had guessed this step, as long as he could block these savages, the fine cavalry led by Xiang Yu could completely slaughter the savages behind them.

Even if the savages ran back, without women, children, and slaves, they would be unable to go south for the next year.

At that time, he will be able to lead people to the north, and maybe he will be able to kill all the savages.


"Report to the general, the Hu army of 50 has passed the Wanshan Pass!"

The report came every minute, and it was detected that there were 50 savages invading, Su Lie frowned.

How many years have not been invaded by 50 savages.

Did this savage king bring the whole tribe here?

Outside Guancheng, Gou Moli, surrounded by guards, stood on a small hillside and looked at Xiao Guan in front of him.

"The people of Qin call us barbarians, and we call ourselves saints. We have suffered hunger and cold for thousands of years because of this great pass. One day, I, Gou Moli, will lead my people to break through this great pass and enter the Central Plains. , so that my saints will no longer have hunger and bitter cold."

Gou Moli, the new king of savages, the savages in the north have been fighting endlessly in the royal court for the past two years, and finally competed for the savage king.

Last year, because the new king took office and rectified the various ministries of the savages, they did not go south to fight the grass valley on a large scale.

This year, Gou Moli has completed the overall planning of the entire northern savage tribe, gathered 50 savages, and plans to go south to make a fortune. In next autumn, the savages will have three years of cultivation, and they will face the Qin army head-on, and take down the Xiongguan in front of them in one fell swoop. .

At that time, the savages will be able to drive straight in and take over the northern land of the Qin people.

Gou Moli used to be a slave, traveled the Central Plains, and traveled to various places to study when he was in the Seven Kingdoms.

It's a pity that because of being a slave, it was difficult to learn the core knowledge. After wandering for many years, I returned to the court of the savage king to compete for the savage king.

Gou Moli is now 30 years old, a savage of this age has reached the last days of his prime.

So he planned to lead his tribe to defeat Xiaoguan and enter the Central Plains while he was still able to fight.

The army of 50 savages did not come to Xiaoguan.

What appeared here were only a small number of savages to attract attention.

Gou Moli also took people away after taking a look at this majestic pass.

Next, there will be 307 savages dealing with Qin Jun 40 at this pass. The purpose is to cover another [-] savages entering the pass at a weak point on the Great Wall.

"Strike east and west? The art of war is good. This is one of Sun Tzu's art of war. Could it be that this savage king has also studied in the Central Plains?"

Standing in Chengtou, Ying Ziye listened to Su Lie's introduction of the savage's movements, and said suspiciously.

"This savage king can be regarded as an outstanding person in the world. By unifying the entire savage tribe that is scattered like sand, he can gather 50 savages this year. If he doesn't restrain himself, he may dare to attack Xiaoguan next year."

Su Lie said with emotion that he is the guard of Xiaoguan, and he needs to keep an eye on the barbarian's movements, so he is naturally familiar with the wild man king.

"Hehe, if the sky wants to destroy him, he must first make him crazy. This is the last madness of the barbarians. He actually wants to exchange sons with Gu. I don't know where his confidence comes from."

Ying Ziye felt that he was short of a feather fan, otherwise he would definitely increase his intelligence.

The savages clamored at the gate, and Su Lie sent [-] infantry to fight against him, winning two games and losing one.

It should be said that the savages are really crazy. Many savages don't have suitable weapons, and they dare to attack the gun array with a wooden stick.

But it is this kind of bloody courage and madness that can suppress and even defeat the well-equipped Xiao Guan soldiers.

Ying Ziye looked at it and felt that they were human, but they lived up to the name of savages. No wonder they were able to reproduce and continue in such a harsh environment as Baishan Heishui.

Chapter 262 Each has his own plan, the Battle of Pine Ridge

After two battles, the gate of Xiaoguan was closed tightly, and there were soldiers guarding the wall at all times. As long as the savages dared to move forward, there would be a rain of arrows.

The savage tried several times, and there was no less arrow rain on the wall, so he didn't charge hard, but kept clamoring outside every day.

From time to time, he pushed a burning giant log to hit the city gate.

At this time, there was no Qin army in Xiaoguan except for the archers on the city wall.

How could the savage king's tricks fool veteran Su Lie?

The general of the Qin Army who played the art of war was the ancestor of the Savage King. I don't know if the Savage King really thinks that his art of war is superb, or he has confidence in his army of barbarians.

He actually took the east and the west as his strategic trump card, and launched a siege at a steep section of the Great Wall far away from Xiaoguan.

Songlingzi is a precipitous place far away from Xiaoguan.

The defenders here are weak, but the mountains are steep. After the Great Wall is built here, they dare not build it too high, for fear of crushing the mountain.

And the entrance chosen by the Savage King this time is here.

As long as a group of savages can climb the city wall, there will be a steady stream of savages going up.

After pushing to this city wall, you can go south to pass the customs.

Gou Moli's strategy is very good, and the location of his focus is also very good, but he met Su Lie, the place of fate.

Su Lie may not have made much achievements in open warfare, but he has never disappointed the old general Wang Jian in defending the city.

This time, the savages were attacking east and west, and Mingxiu plank road was secretly covering Chencang, all the tactics were not clearly seen by Su Lie.

In order to cooperate with the Savage King, Su Lie did not immediately increase troops to the Songlingzi city wall, but rotated it every day, keeping a thousand soldiers on the city wall to defend.

And the 20 troops he brought were lurking in Songlingzi Mountain.

On the city wall, Ying Ziye looked at the savages advancing in the dark.

I have to admire this savage king for having some ideas. If he hadn't come by himself, there would be no Xuantian armored guards behind to investigate the savage's reality.

Without Su Lie's understanding of the savage's tactics, the savage king's battle is likely to be a complete victory.

When 40 savages enter the northern part of Daqin, it will be a disaster.

"Your Highness, it's already getting late, you'd better go to rest, there is a general watching here, and I'll give you a good news tomorrow morning."

Su Lie respectfully asked Ying Ziye to rest, the prince has been constantly refreshing Su Lie's senses.

Not only has the ability to defend the subordinates, but also can see through the enemy's situation.

Now he can share joys and sorrows with the soldiers and stand on the city wall in the cold wind, what a prince it is, it is the great Qin's fortune.

Su Lie would sometimes think that if the crown prince became the Emperor of Qin, these generals would be considered blessed.

"With General Su looting the battle, I'm so lonely, I'll just wait for the general to win a big victory."

Ying Ziye didn't force himself to stick to the wall.

He is a prince, not a general. He has been able to boost morale by coming here. If he is always on the front line, maybe the soldiers will still be nervous.

Ying Ziye got down the city wall, and before he entered his camp, he heard screams in the night sky.

"Treading on the wolf smoke, looking north, holding the golden weapon, breaking the enemy, the horseshoes and the drums are endless, the sword shines on the prosperity..."

Humming a ditty, Jin Ge and Tie Ma fell asleep amidst the screams.

The next day was sunny.

Concubine Yu brought hot water, and Qianlong held a cloth towel.

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