Now, he and Laurentina, the ghost shark, are watching Skadi in action as they move on to their next lesson, underwater combat.

The previous ones are all auxiliary, but this course is the most important.

"Skadi, you're slowing down." Ghost Shark thoughtfully looked at the girl wielding a huge sword in the water.

Her sword is supposed to cleave the sea, stir the tides, and raise the waves.

But now, her movements have begun to become sluggish. Although to ordinary land people, this is already quite terrifying, but to deep-sea hunters, they can detect the obvious gap.

"It seems that those of us hunters who survived will be more or less affected..."

There was no threat or danger on the land, and after meeting Bai Ye later, Skadi unknowingly relaxed; as for Laurentina herself, her body was infused with extremely high-purity source Therefore, he became a person infected with ore disease, and his physical attributes were weakened.

In the words of Ghost Shark, "The body becomes bulky and the reaction is slow. If you leave the white night for too long, those crazy thoughts that have been suppressed will flow out from the bottom of your heart again."

Compared with this, it seems that Skadi is more embarrassing, after all, it is her own problem that she becomes weak.

Of course, Skadi originally had a chance to super-strengthen, after all, there was a newborn head in her body, if activated, she would immediately upgrade to a new sea god.

After ignoring the disappearance of Skadi's own consciousness, this existence is no longer the fundamental problem of Skadi, the grown-up individual can be regarded as a wave of epic strengthening, and there is nothing wrong with it.

It's a pity that Bai Ye blocked the opportunity to strengthen the epic level...

Of course, Bai Ye will not regret it.


Through [Thinking Acceleration], Bai Ye began to reproduce the fighting method of Skadi and Ghost Shark in the sea.

Their battles are similar to dances, with graceful movements and graceful postures, as dazzling as elves in the sea. Despite the killing intent during the battle and the chill brought by the weapons, Bai Ye was shocked by such beauty.

It is not so much Wu as Wu.

Before crossing, he had seen too many special fighting methods, such as solemn knights, huge steel steam armor, the Ursus phalanx marching silently, and the sharp and sharp Yan Company, but he did not witness it with his own eyes. How hunters in the deep sea fight.

Before, he thought that Skadi was already very eye-catching on land, but unexpectedly, their main battlefield was actually in the deep sea.

This is their full form.

In the water, their bodies will no longer decline due to lack of water. Even without other blessings, they have already surpassed their combat effectiveness on land.

Perhaps Skadi and Laurentina, who have been on the shore for too long, don't have such an obvious feeling, but if a deep-sea hunter just came out of the water, then she must feel very uncomfortable and enter a rather serious "deficient" state. Hydration" status.


After collecting the battle posture of the deep sea hunter into the brain as a data record, Bai Ye also entered the water and started naval combat training.

Although Bai Ye was not used to not being able to use the original breathing system at first, because breathing is a very important part of the battle.

One of the first skills players need to learn if they want to go from novice to combat master is breathing rhythm.

This point is also a very special part of "Tomorrow's Ark Online". After all, other full-stealth games rarely achieve this level of simulation.

Some games don't even simulate pain, they just limit the player with red warning popups or other visual barriers to achieve the equivalent of pain.

In other games, the players are still unaware of being hacked and bloody. Players who are similar to Khorne believers will still be fearless in "Tomorrow's Ark Online", but they will still choose the most cautious fighting method to deal with the lowest level. degree of pain simulation.

More importantly, learn to breathe.

In this way, Bai Ye began a slow adaptation process.A few times he made a mistake and even inhaled the lake directly.

He didn't want to experience that feeling any more.

However, the newborn imprisoned in his arms and the talents he bestowed are quickly making Bai Ye adapt to this feeling.

Even Bai Ye had an illusion, as if he was supposed to live in water, not a land creature.

Three, ah no, two and a half deep-sea hunters made a lot of noise in this uninhabited water. They created huge waves on the surface of the water, created vortices under the water, and the reefs on the shore were cut open , the sinking rock at the bottom of the water was shattered...

The inhuman horror was finally noticed by others.

The daughter of the mayor of Siesta, Ceylon Dalkos, received a report from the volcano monitoring station.

"The sample data from the volcano monitoring station has been called out... The people there said that the temperature of the sample has not exceeded the maximum temperature of this year. And it is much lower than the peak temperature in the past three years. The steam condition is also normal. So monitoring Standing over there judged that there is nothing abnormal about the volcano, and rejected your announcement request again..."

Ceylon frowned immediately after receiving the communication. This conclusion obviously did not match the conclusion of the sample in her hand.

She knows that the volcano is currently in a very dangerous state, and natural disasters may occur at any time, but now the entire city is full of tourists from all over the world.

The city government has not issued any risk avoidance announcements, which is quite a scary thing.However, she was unable to find tangible evidence to prove the problem with the data of the volcano monitoring station. The current phenomenon cannot be explained by the professional knowledge she has learned.

While thinking, the report on the other end is not over yet.

"Ah, one more thing..."

"Huh? Tell me." Ceylon sat up straight again.

However, after listening to the report from the staff at the other end of the communication, Ceylon opened his mouth wide:

"You mean, the monitoring instruments actually detected abnormal activity in the waters around the volcano?"

"Yes, the source of the tremors has been identified, but the monitoring stations are understaffed to conduct field visits."

Hearing this reply, Ceylon couldn't help covering her forehead.

This excuse is simply insulting the IQ of others.


Judging from the intelligence, the waters over there are not too far from the island of Siesta, let alone the monitoring station.

I don't want to send people to investigate at such a distance. The problem with the monitoring station is very serious...

Volume Four New World: Chapter 422 Chapter 130 Seven Encounters

"I know, I will make a move..." Miss Ceylon finally made a decision.


"I mean, I'll go and investigate it myself." Ceylon pressed her brows in distress, blaming those strange undead active in Victoria, which made her speak strangely.

But his subordinates were different. What surprised him was obviously not the way the young lady suddenly changed her words, but the young lady's decision.

"Are you sure you want to be alone, why don't you call your bodyguards together?"

"Hmph, for such a small matter, I alone is enough, so don't bother with it." Ceylon shook her head.

In fact, she doesn't even know where Hei is now, and she has no time to spend time looking for Hei.

Although from a common sense point of view, in such a peaceful place as Kiesta City, it is almost impossible to encounter any danger.

At least, Ceylon thinks so too.

In my hometown, what terrible enemies will there be?

However, this land cannot be measured by common sense. If there are no accidents, there will always be accidents.

For example, after Ceylon left her residence and went to the beach around the abnormal water area, she was attacked by Originium worms...


Bai Ye and the two deep-sea hunters had already stayed away from the beach area with many tourists. After all, they made a lot of noise, and it would be bad if they caused panic among others.

Therefore, after the rest, Bai Ye took Skadi and Ghost Shark away from the waters that were close to the tourist area, and came near the volcano where there were almost no people.

The waters here are clearer and have a more complete ecosystem.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the layout of Kiesta. The city is built on an island. The east side of the island is the Kiesta Volcano, and the city is built on the other side of the island, some distance away from the volcano. .

Therefore, there are very few signs of man-made destruction here, and it is more in line with Bai Ye's impression of a "natural ocean".

After being familiar with and mastering the fighting style of the deep sea hunter, Bai Ye began to practice fighting with Skadi underwater.

The two figures shuttle back and forth under the deep water. It is not an easy task to swing your arms and weapons in the water, so a deep-sea hunter with strange power usually will not waste his power in vain.

Their attack is usually based on piercing, and for the huge and strong sea scorpion, scratches on the surface are far less lethal than piercing and cutting.

Therefore, the deep-sea hunter either penetrates the enemy's flesh and leaves deep enough scars, or swings the weapon with explosive force to cut off the enemy's tentacles.

'It seems that all spells are not applicable underwater...'

Although the nitrogen armor is still effective and can also block sea water, some long-range wind blades have lost their effect.

Bai Ye is trying to manipulate the trace gas dissolved in the water to achieve the effect of water control, but he is still in the state of research and has no specific results.

In addition to Skadi, Miss Ghost Shark also joined in to compete with Bai Ye.

Her weapons are not suitable for underwater combat. This chainsaw made by Rim Billiton does not seem to have waterproof function, and when the circular saw is turned underwater, it will cause water splashes and air bubbles. The first thing to block is herself Sight.

Bai Ye and Skadi are about [-]-[-], while the unarmed Laurentina is slightly inferior to Bai Ye and Skadi.

There is no way, the weakened physical attributes are flawed...

"Buying Wanla!" Once again being held down by Skadi in the water, Ghost Shark muttered helplessly, and then floated to the surface.

Bai Ye and Skadi looked at each other, then laughed at the same time.

Sure enough, the sober ghost shark in this state is cuter.

The original appearance was a bit too depressing.Not hysterical madness, but a calm silence, yet more stressful.

She was too quiet, or muttered and bowed her head in prayer, giving people a chilling feeling.

In contrast, it looks much better now.


"Hey, did you hear any strange sounds?" Laurentina who surfaced suddenly turned her head to look at Bai Ye and Skadi.

Skadi blinked, then turned to look at the beach, and nodded slightly.

"No wonder I can hear strange noises underwater... Is that someone calling for help?"

Although there is not much air underwater, the gas dissolved in the water is still connected to the outside atmosphere, so even if it is weakened, Bai Ye's detection ability can still detect the situation above the water surface when underwater.

"Do you want to go and see? I don't care." Ghost Shark shrugged.

She is relatively indifferent to the existence on land, and there are quite few people who pay attention to it.

"Go and see."

Bai Ye and the two deep-sea hunters swam towards the beach, and saw a very interesting scene.

"Come on! It's just a few bugs! Look, I'm here to clean you up!"

"Damn it, the hem of the skirt is stuck... Uh, no! Why are there so many Originium worms here?! No, don't come here! Someone help me!"

A pretty girl in a dignified dress was surrounded by a group of Originium worms, and the clothes on her body were also eroded into a mess by the acid sprayed by the acid source stone worms.

Bai Ye could see the fair skin under the girl's clothes through those irregular holes.

"How weak, to be forced to such a degree by the bugs on the ground? It's unbelievable!" Ghost Shark looked at the embarrassed girl in front of him, and couldn't help but comment sharply.

"Indeed..." Skadi nodded in agreement.

Bai Ye found it funny:

"Wearing a skirt and running into the wilderness, where did this lady with no common sense come from? Skadi, help her."


Skadi nodded, not even intending to use the weapon on his back.

She jumped up, and then fell into the ground like a meteorite, falling in front of the girl.

The surrounded insect swarm was directly blown away by the impact of Skadi's landing.

Although it looked a little manic, the Origin Stone Worm still sensed the threat, so it retreated by itself.

"It's really embarrassing."

As Skadi said, she stretched out her hand and pulled the girl on the ground up.

"Huh—thank you... you guys?"

The girl tidied up her messy clothes a little, then looked at Bai Ye and the others who suddenly appeared.

Just when she was about to continue to say something, Bai Ye suddenly turned her head to look at the lake.

At the same time, the expressions of the other two deep sea hunters became serious.

"What's wrong?" The girl was at a loss.

"Don't talk, something is coming ashore."

PS1: Investigator Ceylon ()

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