Volume 423 New World: Chapter 130 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] san value Pinch!


What exactly is it……

Ceylon's eyes widened unconsciously, she didn't know what happened.The surrounding environment has not changed in any way, the wind is still the wind, the water surface is still the water surface - but, it seems that something is happening.

That was something she couldn't understand.

A salty smell that she had never smelled before began to spread, and the surrounding air was gradually becoming humid.

Ceylon gradually felt difficulty in breathing and her chest was heavy. She tried to open her eyes and looked at the water in front of her.

Under the clear water surface of the nearby beach, there is some invisible black shadow wriggling.

"Relax, it's just some fear fishes, oh, there's another big guy, but it's not Hai Si." Bai Ye casually said beside him.

Although his tone was quite relaxed, Ceylon could clearly see that there was no smile on the young man's face.

"Miss who doesn't know where she came from, I would like to give you a piece of advice. What happens next is not for you to intervene."

Bai Ye put his hands in his pockets.

In fact, he didn't know Ceylon, and he didn't know whose eldest lady would come to such a deserted place to have fun, and almost put on some exciting shows with the origin stone worm.

If he and Skadi hadn't rescued the scene in time, the kid would probably be fine, but he would become very, very embarrassed.

Acid source stone worms are like slimes in fantasy novels. Although they are not strong, they can erode clothes and equipment. They are the most annoying monsters for female players.

The clumsy and cute new female players will always send some welfare shots to their teammates when they encounter this kind of bug for the first time-of course, there is no guarantee that there will be some perverted gentlemen who pinched the shemale account and then deliberately go to give it to them .

The mentality of the latter is probably like playing a butter rpg that manipulates female characters. On the one hand, they want to complete the level, and on the other hand, they want to send it deliberately, so as to unlock more defeated cgs.

It's a pity that in the game, no matter how hard the player tries, they can't break through the barrier of the river crab god. Even if it is soaked in acid, the white piece of cloth still maintains its last stubbornness.

Cough, far away.

In short, Bai Ye's words distracted Miss Ceylon's attention and freed her from the strange and oppressive atmosphere.

At last Miss Ceylon could breathe again.

But in front of her and Bai Ye, the two deep sea hunters quickly switched identities.One second they were just tourists who came out to play, and the next second, they became hunters.

Skadi and Ghost Shark take up arms.

Ceylon can be sure that he has never seen such a fighter before, whether it is speed or strength, they are extremely amazing.Bodyguards recommended by relatives whom they are proud of may not be their opponents.

"Hahaha, it's been a long time, dirty bug." Ghost Shark raised the circular saw with a mocking smile on his face.

"I didn't expect them to be able to chase here. Could it be that the breath has leaked again?" Skadi was a little worried. She was sure that she should not have shed blood on the ground except for that night.

No, even if she bleeds on land, she should not be able to attract Hai Si with such a long distance from the deep sea.

"Skadi, you have become weak. Do you still remember the method of our deep-sea hunters? Fight first, and then confirm it in the fight." Ghost Shark once again showed a mad smile on his face.

The corners of her mouth were grinning. Although this expression would not make her face hideous, it was still enough to scare the children on Rhodes Island into tears.

However, for Bai Ye, such a mad nun has a little more charm.

Different from the madness in the previous fight with Bai Ye, the Ghost Shark still has light in her eyes at this time. She has not lost her mind, but her fighting style is just like this.

Those scarlet eyes were shining fiercely.

Groups of dino fish came ashore, and behind them was a monster with sliding tentacles. Its huge body was not bulky, and it could move quickly no matter it was on land or in water.

"That... what?" Ceylon looked at the strange species in front of him that violated the ecological laws of terrestrial organisms, and grew his mouth.

It was hard for her to imagine that such a monster would appear in her hometown—could it be said, who was conducting the abominable biochemical experiment?

This is definitely not a natural species.

"You haven't left yet, miss." Bai Ye sighed with affirmative tone.

"I...I can't walk..." Miss Ceylon pointed at her legs wanting to cry without tears. Her legs are weak now and she can't stand up at all, let alone leave.

"I see... don't worry about embarrassment, it's already great not to pee your pants." Bai Ye's teasing didn't make Ceylon feel better, on the contrary, she was too ashamed to speak.

Bai Ye did not continue to stand beside the girl, he took out his spare weapon, and also joined the hunt.

Using the skills he just learned from Skadi and the ghost shark, Bai Ye joined the battle of the girls like a deep sea hunter.

The sharp vacuum shredded the flesh and soft tissue of the Dreadfish, the hammer-like air column smashed their cartilage, and the invisible wind marks reduced the monster to pieces.

In the end, the three hunters gathered together and swung their weapons together to kill the last monster.

"You've learned well, Bai Ye, you're already a qualified hunter." The ghost shark talked a lot during the battle, and while she was talking, she sawed off the monster's tentacles, tearing off the wet and slippery skin, revealing the skin inside. Viscera with cartilage.

"good chance."

Bai Ye poured air along the wound, and then lightly shook it with the hand that did not lift the sword.Suddenly, the gas exploded in the monster's body.

"This is called... visceral crit?"

Bai Ye was a little unsure what the spell he used was, but compared to ordinary atmospheric spells, explosions seemed to be more effective.

There is no way, the suffocation, atmospheric pressure, and cutting that are fatal to ordinary people are nothing to monsters in the sea.Especially this huge sea monster.

"Of course, there are simpler ways."

Byakuya controlled the friction of the air to generate heat, and then threw the incendiary bomb towards the monster.

Under the scorching heat and the promotion of spells, the torn limbs of the sea monster quickly lost their vitality.

For now, the most effective way to deal with sea monsters is light and heat. This is how the Iberian judges fought monsters.

Unfortunately, in the deep sea, such a method is not applicable.

Even in order to prevent Haisi from continuing to evolve, the Agors can only use the most primitive methods to fight these monsters.

Under the scorching of light and heat, the monster died quickly, and the corpse quickly turned into lifeless tiny crystals, and then drifted away with the wind.

Image: "Egyptian Murals", Location: "Images/1668004887-100316598-109563810.jpg"

Volume 424 New World: Chapter 130 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] Surprised Ceylon


Bai Ye and the two deep sea hunters put away their weapons.

When fighting sea monsters, don’t think about cleaning them up. The remaining limbs and viscous body fluids after their death will quickly decay and decompose, and finally turn into fine crystals similar to gravel, and then blow up and disperse.

Leave nothing of value to the enemy who kills them.

Bai Ye walked in front of Ceylon, the eldest lady still had a shocked look on her face, obviously she hadn't recovered from the sudden change just now.

"Let her rest for a while... Speaking of which, she is considered lucky to be able to see sea monsters outside of Iberia and the deep sea."

It's not unreasonable for Bai Ye to say that the eldest lady is lucky.Normal land people will probably never see or hear rumors about the deep sea in their entire lives.Only among the bounty hunters who lick the snow on the tip of their knives are there rumors of horrors and strange monsters in Iberia.

As for Iberia?

This country implements a strict blockade, prohibiting outsiders from entering, and the Tribunal tried its best to eliminate the existence and influence of Haisi—rumours are prohibited in Iberia.

Those who saw the existence of sea monsters were either dealt with by the Tribunal, signed a strict non-disclosure agreement, or were simply recruited.


After a while, Ceylon came back to her senses. Looking at the calm water and clean beach in front of her, she couldn't help shivering.

In her opinion, the familiar scenery before her eyes began to become a little scary.

"Don't be afraid, there won't be a second time." Skadi comforted.

"Don't mention this, you should let her learn a lesson and stay away from danger in the future." Bai Ye rolled her eyes. Although Skadi looked cold, she was indeed a gentle person.

While complaining, Bai Ye looked at the eldest lady:

"Are you a tourist? You should be able to walk by yourself now? It's better to go back soon."

Bai Ye's words awakened Ceylon, she wiped her face, and then regained some of the calmness of the old lady, she saluted Bai Ye and the others, and then said:

"Ah...cough cough, thank you for whatever it is. Although it's late, please allow me to formally introduce myself."

"My name is Ceylon Dalkos. I graduated from the National University of Victoria, specializing in Originium research. I am also the daughter of the mayor of this city."


Bai Ye couldn't help letting out a soft sigh.

He didn't expect that the aristocratic-looking girl he met casually outside was actually a real young lady.

"Herman Dolkos is your father?"


Although Bai Ye had never met the mayor's so-called daughter, he had met the mayor a few times before.Xista City can be regarded as a novice village among novice villages, but because of its good environment, it is still quite popular with players.

The mayor, Herman Dalkos, is a very handsome middle-aged man. Because of his appearance and temperament, he is also loved by a certain group of uncle control players and has many fans of players.

Because of this, Bai Ye also came across posts about this person on the forum.

Looking carefully at Ceylon, Bai Ye soon discovered that the girl's hair was a pretty light pink color, which was almost exactly the same as that of Herman Dolkos.

As expected of father and daughter.

"Go back and have a good rest." Bai Ye shook his head, but did not change his attitude because of Ceylon's identity.

Now his vision and identity are different, even if he wants to talk about something, he will only talk to Herman Dalkos, and he has nothing to say with this young lady in front of him.

Speaking of which, Bai Ye always felt that there was something wrong with this young lady, why did she come here for nothing, looking for excitement?Not even a bodyguard.

Looking at Ghost Shark, Bai Ye also saw some mockery in her eyes.

Seemingly aware of the strange gazes of Bai Ye and Ghost Shark, Miss Ceylon hesitated and explained:

"Being an academic sometimes has to do some adventure and fieldwork..."

"For example... I detected abnormal vibrations and fluctuations in the waters here, could it be related to those monsters?"


After listening to Ceylon's words, Bai Ye didn't know how to answer.

So that's the case, no wonder this young lady appears here.

"The two have nothing to do with each other, and those monsters wouldn't deliberately make such a move..." After thinking about it, Bai Ye decided to explain truthfully:

"The abnormal fluctuations are due to... us. We were underwater before... well, playing in the water, so there was a lot of noise. This is just an oolong incident, so it's hard for you to come here and check it out."

"Miss Ceylon, you have worked hard."

Bai Ye was a little helpless. It turned out that the root of the matter was caused by the three of them.

That's kind of embarrassing.



Ceylon froze for a moment before realizing it.

It turns out that the movement was caused by these people in front of me?

Well, if you think about it carefully, taking their fighting posture just now as a comparison, it seems that they are indeed much stronger than ordinary people, and it is normal to make a lot of noise when playing in the water-what a ghost!

After the normal people played, the monster climbed ashore, how could it be possible.

But the monster is not an important matter, and from now on, it has been resolved.

Ceylon knew that there were more pressing matters to attend to.

Volcano, yes, volcano.

Now they are on a nearby beach at the foot of the volcano.

"I'm going to visit the volcano." Ceylon said suddenly.

"What happened to the volcano? Is it about to erupt?" Bai Ye asked casually.

However, Ceylon nodded seriously, obviously not joking:

"It's very possible. The samples and data I have now show abnormalities, but the monitoring site says there is no problem. I suspect that there is a problem with the instrument."

"..." Bai Ye raised his eyebrows.

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