"It seems that we can only stop here for today. By the way, if you meet a female mage with a bad temper and indifference, you can try to communicate with her. She is also a member of the Kingdom of God, but be careful not to call her an asshole." 'Witch', when it comes to identity, just call her 'Rage'."


Rachel verbally agreed, but her heart was on Femmer, and she didn't remember what he said clearly.

After leaving the Kingdom of God, she became confused, shouldn't she be called a witch, or should she not be called violent?Anger is a bad character, so you shouldn't call it angry, right?



Leaving from the familiar basement, Fenmu heard the noise outside, went out and walked around, and found that the old guys from several big parishes came to greet him with their own girls, and the posture was similar to that of the seventh aunt. It's the same as a aunt introducing a blind date.

Fenmu guessed that it was probably the honest nun Amanda who took the initiative to hand over the knowledge that Fenmu gave her to the parish after she returned to the parish.Considering her devotion to the Goddess of Knowledge and the fact that the knowledge Fenmu gave her is related to the Goddess of Knowledge, it is understandable that she handed it in, but from Fenmu's point of view, this is really too selfless.

There is something wrong with this academic parish, so just give it and let other parishes know.

But I have to say that the female believers in the diocese are really good-looking, but unfortunately the buttocks are not found in the right way, and there is no one comparable to Amanda.Fen Mu immediately said that he was not close to women, and drove them all away.

"Why don't you hurry up and find the place where the shadow man is stationed, but I was in such a hurry that I forgot to ask Ophelia if there was any result of the interrogation. It would be embarrassing to go back now."

Fen Mu sighed, it seems that the treasures on the side of the shadow people can only be kept by them for me.

He found Jenny, the assistant bishop of the trial diocese, but maybe she should be called the vice bishop now. Time carved the wrinkles on her face deeper and deeper, and old age appeared on her body, but fortunately, her health did not leave her and go.

"Long time no see, Vicar Jenny!" Greeted Fenmu.

"Long time no see. Master Fenmu is looking for me to ask about Evewell?" The old man didn't believe that Fenmu came to greet me specially.

"That's right." Femmer admitted without pretentiousness, "By the way, I would also like to ask if anything interesting has happened in the parish recently."

"A year and a half ago, Evewell went into a deep dream after ensuring that a considerable number of sisters understood the knowledge given by Master Fenmu. However, she said that she left a thank you gift for you. You can go to her from the hut."

"Oh! I just got back to the parish to receive the gift. I'm so happy. Then I'll take the time to get it." Fenmu nodded expectantly. She didn't expect that besides Evewell's underground secret vault, she had hidden other treasures for her. He is a gift!

Sure enough, there are still many good girls in the parish of the trial!

Jenny knew that ordinary big things might not be of interest to Ferm, and because of her age, her thinking slowed down. It took her 10 minutes to sort out her thoughts, and Ferm patiently sat beside her for 10 minutes.

"An archbishop in the Starry Sky Diocese who failed to retreat has passed away."

"I'm sorry to hear the news." Fenmu sighed.

"But the archbishop was ecstatic when she was about to die, because she could no longer worry about life expectancy and backlash, and she could do divination to her heart's content. At the end of her life, she divined the whereabouts of the goddess in the Starry Sky Diocese, and at the same time, she also divination When it comes to the information you want to know in Fenmu, you should go to Xingkong Parish to have a look."

"The information I want to know was also divined by the deceased archbishop?" Fenmu became interested. Could it be that he had divined the information about Anastha?

"She got it through divination, so I think it's better for you to go to Xingkong Parish now than Eveville."

"Okay, from what it means, most likely they want me to help with the matter of the Star Goddess, that's why they did a fortune-telling for me."

Divination of the stars

Chapter 1 will also have strange female knights

"[Dust-free Barrier], it seems that Evewell is also a lazy dog, and she doesn't clean it by herself." Casalia followed Fenmu and walked into Evewell's private cabin .

[Dust-free Barrier] It’s not a special magic barrier, it’s simply to keep the space in the barrier in a fragile static state for a certain period of time, dust will not fly in, and snakes and insects will consciously avoid it, but if someone Entering will automatically break.

"Casalia, what are you doing here? Even Taivia stayed in the chapel to take care of the little nun. As a senior, you don't have to go?" Fen Mu walked into the room and looked around, but did not find Eve. A gift left by Val.

Casalia walked around the inner room curiously, but she didn't enter the small room rashly, which was the minimum of respect.The house is very tidy and clean, the bedroom is clearly usable, but the bed is placed in the living room, making it look like a simple and simple hotel.

"Tayvia went to lead the singing team. She sang very well since she was a child. I can't. The old nun who taught me before said that my voice is suitable for shouting a few times to increase momentum when fighting with others."

"This is a bit too much. When I carried your big white legs on my shoulders, it obviously sounded very nice, and it was very tactful, from the low to the high pitch."

"Hey! Your consolation is a bit too much!"

"Isn't that telling the truth!"

Too much is too much, but Fenmu feels that the trial parish is very friendly to his own people, and it is rare to see a situation where a little nun is scolded. At that time, Casalia was said to be so miserable, most of which made the old nun so angry Not light, but also a talent.

Fenmu crawled on the floor to look under the bed, opened the drawer again, but still didn't find anything that looked like a gift.

"Huh? That's strange, why is there nowhere? Could it be that the vice-bishop Jenny remembered it wrong, Casalia, based on what you know about her, where would Evewell put things?" Finmu Depressed, he still looks forward to what Evewell's temper can come up with as a gift.

The female knight was sitting on a chair, her overlapping feet were not wearing knight boots, she only wore a pair of cool high-heeled sandals, her toes were white, tender and rosy when she hadn't been exposed to the sun much, she put aside the knight's attire, Even without a gorgeous and noble dress, Casalia is still very princess-like.

"I'm sorry, Evewell and I are actually not familiar with each other. We don't have much contact with each other, but we are both people from the trial parish, and our personalities are actually similar. Wherever Taivia may be placed, Evewell may be Wherever you put it, you have learned about Taivia so many times, you should know this, right?"

Is this a counterattack to my "comfort" just now...Fenmu is silent, because he really doesn't know where Taivia will hide her things, at most, she only knows that her private dream is under the skirt .

"Shallowness! Every girl in the parish of the trial is unique, not even the same ass, how can the personality be the same! I think she probably put things in the basement."

Casalia was too lazy to complain about Femmer's strange metaphor. She was more interested in the basement mentioned by Femmer, so she stood up immediately: "There is still a basement? Walk around and show me."

Seeing Casalia's high spirits, Fen Mu sensed something was wrong, he suddenly remembered that this guy hasn't been sick for a long time, is the M-shaking habit cured?

But after taking a closer look at her top, this idea was immediately dispelled.

Casalia's black blouse is a silky navel-baring tights, which are usually worn by knights under light armor. It is breathable and light, and perfectly shows the graceful curves of the figure.

"Did you hear the basement and thought I was hinting at something?" Fen Mu reached out and poked her.

Casalia blushed immediately, covered her chest and backed away, and warned sternly, "What nonsense are you talking about, who is thinking nonsense!"

"But when you first came in with me, the lines on your clothes were round and smooth. Just after I finished talking about the basement, you... it's hard to convince me."

"It's none of my business whether you believe it or not, it's just a random reaction, it's just hot!" Casalia denied it.

"Really, I don't believe it."

Fen Mu scratched his head, didn't worry about it any more, put his arms around her and carried her into the basement.Kashalia was full of resistance, saying something like "Don't pull me so hard into the basement, you pulled me, I don't want to go in at all", but her feet did not cause resistance to Fenmu at all, and she was pulled very cooperatively. He hugged into the basement.

After Fenmu helped Evewell tidy up last time, the basement is now empty and very clean.

"Huh? There are no wooden horses, mouth balls and other instruments of torture, are they hidden?" There was a hint of disappointment in her tone, the basement obviously had traces of blood and the smell of dream creatures.

There must have been some torture and torture happened here, so naturally there must be some tools, right?

"Ah~" The female knight suddenly made a strange voice, she covered her mouth, and asked Fenmu, "Why are you teasing me!"

Fen Mu ignored her protest, and said to himself: "So it's really hidden here."

"What? Instruments of torture?!"

Then, Casalia saw black handprints appearing on the wall one after another. These handprints "climbed" from the wall of the stairs that the two of them walked down just now, until they climbed up to the wall in front of Fenmu, pointing their fingers at one of the bricks.

Fenmu patted the brick, and the illusion on it disappeared, revealing its original appearance—it was a wooden box with a piece of paper inside, and the handwriting on it should be Evewell's.

Normally, one should check the contents of the note first, but the contents of the box were so shocking that Fenmu didn't pay attention to the note at the first time.

"Why is it a set of hollow vest underwear with sexy design, and some lace panties with holes? What is this, a dog leash?" This made Fen Mu completely confused.

"It turns out that Evewell is this kind of person... I didn't know her earlier." Casalia felt that she had found a like-minded person.

Fenmu was speechless, and looked at the note calmly.

[Evewell: Thank you Fenmu for repairing this sword for me, it is very good, I like it very much.I wanted to give you some gifts as a thank you, so I went to the elders of Xingkong Parish, but for some reason, I got these things through divination, because I believed in the blessings of divination, so I prepared these gifts for you, so you like this kind of thing ? 】

I'm afraid Casalia will come with me after divination, specially prepared for Casalia...

Femme picked up the unique gift in the box and put it in front of Casalia: "Casalia, do you want the lady's vest on the left, or the pet necklace on the right?"

"What are you talking about, I'm not the kind of..."

Her voice became smaller and smaller, her beautiful eyes were gradually stained with longing pink, she lowered her head embarrassedly, and grasped the two things in Fen Mu's hands at the same time with both hands.

Chapter 2 Crystal Ball

Star Parish.

Obviously there was no notice in advance, but when Fenmu came here with the blushing Casalia, there were already nuns in the starry sky waiting here in advance.

"How did you know I was coming?" Fen Mu was curious.

Most of the young nuns in the head are the best of the younger generation. The modified nun's robe is quite eye-catching, like a cheongsam. When walking, you can see two big white legs. There is also a hollow pattern design near the navel, which seems to be a metaphor. with a star map.

Except for the old guys like the bishop, the clothing of the younger generation has basically formed the habit of "the more powerful the person, the more revealing the clothes".

Good civilization!

The red-haired nun bowed and greeted Fernmo: "Guidance from the starry sky, let us wait here in advance. My name is Micah, and I am the nun who came to receive you. In fact, before this, we didn't know It is Your Excellency Fenmu who is here."

"Okay, you don't need to hang so many honorific words, just use a more casual tone." Fenmu waved his hand to make Mika feel more relaxed.

Mika then turned his attention to Casalia: "Casalia, long time no see, are you used to wearing...wrapped stockings now?"

"After all, a lot of things have happened, and it's normal to change some habits occasionally... Long time no see, Micah." Kathalia showed a subtle smile.

She does not usually wear tights that cover her hips. Her strong and strong legs are often covered with knee-high stockings, which are also used to reduce the friction of the steel boots on the skin of the legs.

And the hip-wrapping socks she is wearing now are just to cover up some inconvenient traces. It would be bad if someone found sticky sweat dripping from her thighs.

"Since you have met our arrival, you should also know the purpose of my visit. Please lead the way, Sister Micah." Fen Mu helped Casalia take cover.

"Okay, please follow me." Mika and his companion led the way for Fenmu.

Fenmu took only two steps before being held back by Kashalia. She said with her mouth in embarrassment: "It's about to flow down, walk slowly!"

What can Fenmu do? You put on the socks that Taivia threw in his private dream, so you can't just find a dagger for you to use as a plug...

"How about you advance into the Kingdom of God?"

Casalia was a little confused. She originally wanted to come here to see the world, but the current situation is not optimistic. In addition, it is easy to attract divination inspiration in the Starry Sky Cathedral, so maybe her ugly appearance will be divined out. …

Seeing her nodding, Fenmu smiled and touched Kashalia's dog's head, and then sent her into the kingdom of God.



Star Cathedral

Fenmu had been here before, and he didn't feel anything at that time, but when he entered here again this time, Fang felt a feeling of being watched from time to time.

It was not a human gaze, but more like the gaze descending from the stars.

"Could it be that this is the feeling of being divined by someone?" Following the instinct of repulsion, Fen Mu flicked his hands, like driving away flies, and the gaze disappeared immediately.

At the same time, several young nuns nearby trembled, their faces turned pale, and then they looked at Fen Mu apologetically.

An old woman in a red robe came over with a staff and said softly, "Please don't blame those children, this is just an unintentional introduction of divination."

Fenmu didn't take it seriously:

"It's nothing, it's the first time I feel the feeling of being watched, and I just brushed it away. It turned out to be your divination, so what is the unintentional introduction?"

His indifferent attitude shocked Bishop Xingkong's heart. He was able to expel the power of Xingkong at will. He has grown to a level far beyond this era.

"Those children are just practicing meditative divination. Divination in an aimless state will make the power unconsciously swim to the most dazzling star nearby, so you just feel their divination prying, because here you are the strongest Big." The old woman explained, and then motioned for Micah to take the believers out of here.

"Okay." Fenmu waited for the outsiders to leave before he said: "Let's be honest, did you divination about the reincarnation of the Star Goddess, but you can't deal with it, and you want my help."

Bishop Xingkong nodded: "It seems that Fenmu and Xingkong also have a good compatibility, and fate will push you to the answer."

Fen Mu doesn't really believe in such mysterious things. Isn't his speculation just now a probabilistic judgment? What does it have to do with fate?

[The power of the starry sky can be understood as inspiration. Some people have inspiration in everything they do, and this is the shelter of the starry sky. 】

Here comes the question, getting inspiration from the buttocks for the enemy's weaknesses, is this the inspiration from the beautiful buttocks, or the guidance from the starry sky?

This time, Anasta didn't bother to pay attention to him, but what he thought was not unreasonable, the boundary of star power is the most blurred.

"Tell me first, what is the reward I can get, I am very interested in your divination results." Fen Mu asked for a baby, and almost opened his pocket to let them deliver it.

"A location coordinate. The race there is mysterious people with black miasma all over their bodies. They are mainly male, hidden from the world, but they often cause troubles. The breath of the star goddess is there. Before our elders died, divination When I arrived at Fenmu, I longed for that place, but I didn’t know the location.”

Come on, Fenmu understands, this is a dungeon to save the goddess, and finally get a reward.

It's just that you have to search for it yourself for the reward.

"Yes, I can help you with this. I'm planning to give up on the shadow people. It's a good thing to go to them if I have the opportunity to raid them. Tell me the location coordinates. By the way, how to find the star goddess. I will start now."

[Most of them will ask nuns to guide you. In fact, the Starry Sky Parish can provide crystal balls to guide you. 】

Master Anna said so freely, probably because he didn't want him to take a girl along the way.

Also, Micah's looks are good, but it's a pity that the buttocks are a little plump-this person can't get along, and the characters don't fit!

Just as Bishop Xingkong was about to call Mika over and asked her to find a chance to get acquainted with Fenmu, Fenmu raised his hand to stop her before she could speak.

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