"There is no need for someone to lead the way. Your parish has a crystal ball to guide the way. Just give it to me. There are things I want in the shadow man's territory. It would be inconvenient to bring more people, and it would slow down my progress. "

Bishop Xingkong was heartbroken, and his heart was bleeding. Looking at the parish of trial and the parish of learning, they sent their own girls to Fen Mu one after another. After receiving so much care from him, he was rejected before he even spoke. .....

However, Fen Mu could know the existence of the guiding crystal ball, and it is very likely that the reincarnation of the starry sky goddess is giving him instructions to guide him to go to the rescue as soon as possible.

Maybe this is a distress signal!

"Okay, I'll get it to you right now."

Chapter 3: Teaching Some Experience

Long-distance treks are indispensable for the drought-resistant and hard-working means of transportation such as the lizard dragon car. Unlike the barren wilderness outside, the interior of the car is full of spring.

Fen Mu sat cross-legged on the soft blanket in the carriage, and Nora and An Tang Shiranui hugged him next to him, enjoying the rare tranquility—meaning that no young girls disturbed him.

The mature and lovely young woman Ninja was next to him, her face was filled with satisfaction after the fact, and the hair curled up at the temples was a little wet, one could imagine that she was dripping with sweat just a moment ago.

"It's rare, Fenmu, you didn't let Taivia and Casalia follow you, but stuffed them into the Kingdom of God."

Fenmu played with the guiding crystal ball, and said: "This is not a chance for you to gain experience from killing monsters, and Casalia and Taivia have experienced for so long, what is needed now is a little meditation and feeling, and It’s not about continuing to chop people around.”

There is no such thing as increasing the experience bar for killing monsters, but fighting can indeed enhance the understanding and perception of cultivation. Ando Shiranui and Nora lack this kind of experience now, especially Nora.

Her current level is steadily at the beginning of the seventh level, and she basically relies on the bed to communicate with Fenmu to learn and improve her realm. She is not very solid. If she stabilizes her foundation, she may really be able to catch up with Casalia's progress, but Nora now has the idea of ​​bringing up the warlock inheritance, and it is estimated that it will stagnate for a while.

"Are you really looking for the goddess of the starry sky now? I didn't expect to see the goddess with my own eyes in my lifetime!" Nora was deeply moved when she thought of the goal of this trip.The queen of Granville has changed so many roles, no one dares to say that she has really seen a miracle, and she not only witnessed the drastic changes of the times, but also had the opportunity to see the goddess herself, which is really unimaginable.

But no matter how magnificent those things are, it is not as real as enjoying the quiet time of the moment, especially since her bastard daughter was thrown into the Kingdom of God, it made her even more gratified.

The exhaustion of her delicate body makes Nora's hands and feet rippling with a lazy style. She is lying on Fenmu's body like a plump and plump beauty snake, her cold and slippery beautiful legs are crossed and entwined with Fenmu's left leg .

Fenmu couldn't help touching her snow-backed skin, as if he was playing with an exquisite work of art, he said:

"Nora, do you still remember the Hephaites female blacksmith who haunted the church city back then? She should also be a member of the protoss of a certain god system. In fact, you have already seen the goddess."

"Really?" Nora was surprised.

"Yes, so when you see the reincarnation of the Starry Sky Goddess, you may be very disappointed. She probably doesn't have a sacred and noble aura on her body, even in her prime. She may be regarded as a beautiful passerby when she walks on the street. "

But such a passer-by may bring unimaginable disaster with a wave of his hand.

"Many of the gods in my hometown are arrogant. Some of them are moons, some are mountains, and some are thunder. According to legend, when they get angry, it will be a disaster for innocent creatures." An Tang Shiranui sighed, envious of Ge The case of Ranwell.

Walk with God, have God's protection, and even God comes from man.


After chatting for an unknown amount of time, during which time they hugged and took a nap, Fen Mu suddenly noticed a change in the guiding crystal ball.

In the middle of the crystal ball is a star map, the stars are connected to form an arrow-like shape, and the direction pointed by the arrow is where Finmu is going.

It was always pointing to the east before, but now it suddenly disappeared, which means that the destination has been reached.

"Why is there no astrology chart inside, is it broken?" Nora knew that she was going to get out of the car to check the situation, so she got up and got dressed.

"It should be that there is something wrong here. The whereabouts of those shadow people are so secretive. I can't find much information after asking everywhere. Their station must be hidden very deep."

"Could it be hidden by some formation, or in the underground of this desert Gobi?" Ando Shiranui guessed based on his own experience.

After the three got out of the car, they conducted a simple inspection of the surrounding area, but found nothing.

In addition to the Gobi desert, it is still the Gobi desert. Looking around, the blue sky and the bald sand dunes are connected at the horizon, and the dry curly balls are rolling with the sand wind.

Nora and Ando Shiranui meet again next to the Lizard Dragon Chariot, and the first time they meet they shake their heads to express that there is no gain.

Fen Mu stared at the crystal ball, thinking about countermeasures.

If the shadow people's lair is really nearby, then they will definitely haunt them. As long as someone shows up, they can catch one and lead the way. This is a very safe way.

But there is a problem, the time efficiency is not guaranteed, what if these shadowy people come and go only once in a few years?

The most direct way is to ask Master Anna, but Fenmu has already confronted the shadow man several times, and now he is standing at the door of the other party's house, but he can't find a way to get in. To be honest, he is very unconvinced.

"Let's observe here for one night first, if we still have no clues, then find another way." Fen Mu made up his mind.

An Tang didn't know what the fire was. She immediately built a hidden formation nearby. As long as she didn't go out, this formation could even create a camouflaged visual effect, making them invisible to the naked eye.

After waiting quietly for six hours, the night was still there, and there was still some time before dawn, so Fenmu gave up.

"Master Anna, look here...how did you find the territory of the shadow man?" Fen Mu was cheeky and eager to learn.

【The place where the light of the stars cannot touch will invalidate the guidance crystal ball, you will find out after a while. 】

Do we have to wait... Fen Mu chooses to believe in Master Anna. At the same time, he thinks about the reminder just now. Could it be that the place where the stars can't shine is underground?

Nora no longer needs a normal work and rest to maintain her spirits, but the whole night of waiting still made her very bored and tired. She rested her chin on Fenmu's shoulder and sighed repeatedly.

"Fenmu, can we wait for the result? People in the Starry Sky Parish said that the reincarnation of the Starry Sky Goddess might be dangerous. If we wait any longer, will we be able to wait for the next reincarnation of the Starry Sky Goddess?"

Fenmu now has a score, copying Master Anna's answer, the old god said on the ground:

"The guiding crystal ball will fail, mostly because the place it guides is beyond the reach of the light of the stars. Wait a minute, I have a hunch."

Nora was very skeptical. She was used to his lazy appearance, and suddenly saw him pretending to be mysterious. She suspected that he was joking.


"Of course!"

Dawn was coming soon, and the earth suddenly trembled.

Nora opened the curtains of the carriage, and found a huge sandworm swimming in the wilderness in the distance, and the dry and cracked ground became as sticky as mud at this moment.

"Sure enough, you are on the ground. You enter the Kingdom of God. I will let you out later." Fenmu took the lizard dragon car and two beautiful mature women into the Kingdom of God, and then grabbed the scales on the sandworm. , let it sneak into the ground with itself.

Chapter 4 Are you still going to vote me in vain?

"It's really a surprise, I didn't expect that there would be a 'container' of righteous gods among the random captives!"

"The last defeat has always made me worry about it. The theory of fate has always been regarded as rubbish by me, but now it seems to be very good. At least this time, fate is on our side!"

In a ruin, seven or eight black shadow men surrounded the place, and the black miasma in their hands gathered their power at one point, and started a tug-of-war with the starry sky barrier in the ruins, constantly trying to erode and break through the star-shining barrier .

In the center of the ruins, a group of women and children hugged each other. They were dressed up as villagers, weeping in fear and praying to the gods for rescue.

These villagers didn't know what happened at all, and they were living peacefully as before, but when they woke up, they found themselves in an unfamiliar ruin, surrounded by a group of mysterious and terrifying shadow figures.

Among this group of women, a young woman about 20 years old is sitting on a boulder with a calm demeanor, dancing the mystery of the astrology chart with her fingertips, and her simple dress is charming with her mysterious and elegant temperament.

"It's really unlucky. I just woke up and encountered this situation. After divination for so long, I didn't expect it to be so embarrassing this time, hey!"

The woman has long chestnut hair, which is simply tied up with a hair tie and placed on one side of the shoulder. It is a very dangerous hairstyle for a wife.The current trouble made her calm a little more embarrassed.

Before recovering his power, just after waking up, he was taken away as a sacrifice by the former enemy.

Melxi once thought that these guys had mastered the divination technique that could capture the trajectory of the gods, but the facts were wrong, they were purely lucky.

"Auntie, are we going to die?" A little boy who was crying so much that his nose was spraying out approached Mi Erxi, her calmness made the boy think that there was a turning point.

I'm only a few dozen months old, so you call me auntie?

Mi Erxi helplessly spread her hands, put away the indifference on her face, put on a tense and desperate lament, and said: "Yes, we are all going to die, it seems that they especially like young boys, look at those shadow monsters, They're all staring at you!"

The great enchantment of the starry sky blocked the voices of the shadow people. These innocent people in the enchantment didn't know what happened, they only knew that they were staring at him, and they vaguely felt that they were muttering something.

Those shadow people were all staring at Milesy. After hearing her words, the boy turned his head to look over, and found that those black monsters were indeed staring at him, and burst into tears.

Mi Erxi was very happy to play tricks on the little kid who called her aunt.

"You really have this leisurely spirit, your enchantment won't last long, and soon your old friends will come one by one, crush your 'turtle shell', and take away your righteous power!" Leading the team The black shadow man laughed, he adjusted his breath, and tried harder to attack the barrier.

Mierxi could hear what the shadow man said, but she still didn't care. She put her arms on her knees and her chin with her palm: "You've been talking harshly for so long, aren't you tired? It's time to be a turtle!" It must have been hard work for so many years.”

The black shadow man snorted coldly: "Heh! I look forward to your desperation and embarrassment... Wait, you are not waiting for rescue, are you? Don't think about it, this place is specially designed to guard against your divination. Established, where the stars cannot touch, who can you expect?"

"Ah, it seems that the Goddess of Judgment has already woken up, but can she sense your presence now? Obviously not, your power can only expand a turtle shell enchantment here!"

After a while, cracks appeared in the enchantment. The female fortune-teller looked at the star map in her hand and yawned sleepily. She didn't know who she was talking to:

"Hey, don't you plan to show up after watching it for so long? My strength is about to run out."

Fenmu, who had been observing in secret for a long time, was startled. He thought he hadn't been discovered. Should he be said to be worthy of being a righteous god known for divination?

——But he chose to continue to hang on, and he could hang on for a while.

When the shadow man heard Mi Erxi's words, he only thought she was putting on airs on the surface, but secretly and cautiously sensed the surrounding situation, and did not find the so-called "rescue".

He was so happy, he laughed out loud from the bottom of his heart, and even wanted to record this moment and project it over the church city in the future, so that the believers there could see the tragic state of the Star Goddess, and she was reduced to a pathetic bluff!

"You once used divination to harm me. You have been calm and calm for so many years. Have you ever thought of where you are today? Hahaha——hmm!"

His laughter was stuck at the peak, the shadow man looked at his chest in disbelief, a long knife pierced his body, the long knife was smeared with various sword oils, and even enchanted a familiar strength.

"You are......!"

"I'm your father." Fen Mu kicked the shadow man's body and kicked him away from his knife, "I knew that although drawing a knife can only smash your miasma, but a direct knife Just poke it in, and all the shit will be gone."

To be honest, after being deflated for so long, Fenmu finally realized that his way of using Sidney might be wrong, but no matter how wrong it is, she is also of the highest level, equivalent to a god among practitioners, and she directly strikes, No matter what, it can be pierced through.

After giving the black shadow man just a stab, the miasma on his body disappeared, revealing his true face. He is a man with ordinary facial features. His complexion is so pale that it is almost like powder, and it is a little transparent, which is disgusting.

"How is it possible that No. [-] was stabbed to death?! He is the elder of the previous era!"

"Don't worry, you have to die too." Fen Mu cleaned up the remaining shadow men without saying a word.

There is no one that cannot be solved with one knife. If there is, it is two knife.

After a while, these corpses turned into a wisp of thick black air and flew up, rushing towards the depths of this space.

Fen Mu didn't go after them, anyway, sooner or later he would have to meet them head-on. He walked towards the ruins, circling around the reincarnation of the Star Goddess like a monkey.

"A new super weapon? You still have the aura of the goddess Stranger on your body." The woman who had a lazy face just now became serious after seeing Fen Mu, and looked at him.

"You're very knowledgeable, are you the starry sky goddess?"

"You're quite sensible, are you going to pay your respects?" She replied casually, secretly using all her remaining power in divination, trying to capture the existence of the Stranger Goddess, but to no avail.

"I saved you, do you plan to reward me with any mission?"

"No, you go to the Starry Sky Parish to search."

"No?" Fen Mu's attitude changed drastically, and he suddenly became contemptuous, and said: "Then lift up your skirt."

"Why?" Mierxi was alert.

"Show me your buttocks, and I'll help you get free depending on the quality." Fen Mu looked directly at the other party, very confident.

Chapter 5

If he had found someone more free, he would have lifted her plain skirt by now and forced a wave of rewards directly.

In terms of appearance, Mi Erxi is impeccable. Even this peasant woman's dress can't suppress her beauty and temperament. Stockings, I'm afraid it will be more charming.

Originally, Fenmu Nian thought that the goddess of the starry sky and Anasta were both in the God Sequence, so there should be some unique temperament feeling, but now it seems that there is no such thing, maybe it is similar to the goddesses I met on the Argo.

Although he knew it a long time ago, Fenmu had to sigh with emotion again. As expected, Anastasia was a special existence among the gods.

"I know you're probably comparing me with the goddess Stranger, but I'm just relying on the container. That god who may have never slept from ancient times to the present is very different from us!"

Great, can you guess what I'm thinking? !

Fen Mu kept his face paralyzed, showing a fussy expression casually, which would actually make him appear short-sighted, and he was at a disadvantage in the conversation.

And Mierxi heard what he was thinking again, and yawned boredly: "You have the protection of the goddess Stranger on your body, I can't hear your heart, but I can guess what you are thinking based on experience." What's the matter, no matter how much you keep your face paralyzed, it's useless."

emmmm... I have a feeling, this subtle sense of arrogance is indeed a goddess, the Argonaut goddess of beauty also has the arrogance of a god, but she is the kind of arrogance that is exposed to the outside, And the goddess of the sky tends to be a kind of arrogance that intellectuals despise illiteracy.

Now that you can guess what I'm thinking, then you can guess it - quickly lift your skirt, I want to see your ass, see your ass, see your ass, see your ass!

Mierxi didn't know what Fenmu was thinking, but a terrifying inspiration that had been licked by evil desire spread all over her body, and finally gathered at her fleshy buttocks under her skirt.

"What the hell are you thinking about!"

Anastasia's reaction to Mirsey was quite speechless. This apprentice of hers was no longer a simple weird fetish.

[The Goddess of the Starry Sky has not recovered to her full strength now, but she naturally has a keen inspiration. Those high-level strong crises and ideas can be turned into her inspiration, making her body feel uncomfortable. The closer your ideas are to the rules, The more intense the 'chill' she can feel. 】

Fen Mu vaguely understood what Master Anna meant, he restrained his mind, recalled Anasta's supreme beautiful buttocks in his mind, and then quickly turned that impulse into a "knowledge desire" for the star goddess.

—Beautiful buttocks!

Mi Erxi's body froze, and the high-heeled shoes that were hanging leisurely on her toes fell off, her face was stiff but blushed with embarrassment and anger, and she clutched her skirt tightly.

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