"Sit down." Fen Mu patted the bed, signaling her not to stand.

"I, I just sit on the chair." Amanda pulled up the chair, and it would always feel a little strange if she was sitting on the bed with Fenmu.

"The chairs have been used before and haven't been cleaned. Although they are dry and can't be seen clearly now, by the way, those are the tables."

This "kind" reminder made Amanda's movements froze, she silently put the chair back in place, and then stood in front of Fenmu uneasily.

Amanda's reaction is very new to Fenmu. Among the people he knows, she is probably the most shy. Others are more or less a little bit strong, like Casalia is a very strong shy M The female knight is gone, and for no reason, he added a play to Fermmu, and even spread rumors that he wanted to stretch out his claws on her.

Fenmu became playful, he got up and supported Amanda's wasp waist with one hand, and hugged the dignified and plump married nun horizontally, letting her sit sideways on his lap.

The mature and plump nun struggled a bit, but Fenmu didn't let her break free.

What should I do if a serious villain speaks at this time?Generally, in this situation, it is mostly coercion.

Because of his lack of proficiency, Fen Mu spoke very slowly: "If you want to know about the Goddess of Learning, then listen to me honestly and do whatever I tell you to do. Now sit down obediently and don't resist. "

Amanda's eyes widened, and she looked at Fenmu in disbelief.

Although he had asked her to do very excessive things before, using her secretions as a drug primer, and dragging her into that strange field in the Styx Cave, he has kept that kind of blood for three years. The feeling was transmitted to her body and mind.

Because I stayed in the Styx Cave for too long that time, it has been a while since I came back to rest, but Amanda still has that illusion from time to time. In her sleep, she would dream that she was severely beaten by Fenmu... ... Then I woke up, washed off the cold sweat and the overflowing frankincense, and went to the prayer hall to confess to the goddess.

But generally speaking, Fenmu is still abiding by the rules, obviously there are many opportunities to kill her...but he never did it once.

Why did he become a different person this time? Could it be that he is showing his true colors now?

But he is using the goddess as a threat, what should we do?

Strange daydreams filled Amanda's mind, and her body reacted unconsciously. A lot of sweat flowed gracefully in front of her, leaving two dark marks on the nun's robe.

Fenmu inhaled the smell in the air through his nose, thinking that this Amanda is indeed a milk-flavored air freshener.

"If you give in obediently, wait a while and shout a little bit more to make me happy. After that, I will naturally help your diocese pay more attention to the Goddess of Learning. I will give you a chance to choose now. Do you agree or not?"

Amanda gritted her silver teeth secretly, and just as she was about to nod, Fen Mu suddenly smiled.

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously, even if you really give in obediently, I won't help you find it, hehe~"


The nun who was hugged was stunned.

Fenmu also told the truth: "To tell you the truth, I can't find the goddess myself. I don't know what strange rumors are circulating outside you, but the other thing is that she is returning from the gods and has nothing to do with me. Xingkong The whereabouts of the Goddess is her own initiative to send out the breath, let the dying old man in the parish divination, and then asked me to find her."

It's a confession, but seeing Amanda stunned, Fenmu didn't give up taking advantage of it, and continued to hug her smoothly, enjoying the beauty of this nun.

"If I really have something to locate the goddess, and then find the goddess herself, why don't I go and find the goddess Stranger? There's no reason to care about you first, and not about myself, right?"

"But the Star Goddess said..."

Sure enough, it was that stinky goddess who made me want to take a rest and continue on the road.

"It's just because when I sent her back, I didn't spoil her, and I spanked her a few times, and now she hates it. It's all rumors." Fen Mu felt that it was enough to explain here, and he put the topic aside Turning back to Amanda, "What about you, did you come here at the request of the bishop, or did you want to come to see me out of your own consciousness?"


PS: This is a supplement to last night.

Chapter 13 Mouth


The fact that Amanda came to Fenmu was largely requested by the bishop. The bishop saw that Amanda and Fenmu went to the forest of elves for so long last time, and felt that they were too familiar. He must ask her to go again. .

But the nature of going to Fenmu this time is a little different. This time, he sent followers to him. The status of these followers can basically be equivalent to the existence of a lifelong partner, and Amanda had a reluctant relationship before. marriage is more embarrassing.

Logically speaking, Amanda was not considered a Popu nun in the church, and she would never become a husband and wife with Dodd, who is really not suitable for her.

Amanda's husband, Dodd, is an outlying relative of the Carlog family, and the Carlog family has a vicar in the Diocese of Learning, with a high status.

The archdeacon had retired to his family in old age a few years ago, but at that time he was more protective of his family members, protecting the face of his family. At that time, the archdeacon of the Kalog family had conflicts with the high-level officials of the Redemption Diocese. The one from the Redemption Diocese mocked that the Kalog family had no successors, so it was fine to have a bunch of male descendants, and there were not many talented female descendants.

In order to protect the family's face, Vicar Kalog almost abused his personal power, forcibly rationed Amanda to Dodd, and personally presided over the marriage of the two.

In the eyes of other people in the diocese, this is simply ruining Amanda's status as a major nun, but the people of the Vicar Kalog faction are kind to Amanda, and they claim to be the descendants of the Diocese of Unity, and no one else can do it. Say what.

In fact, is the vice-bishop Kalog really friendly to the descendants of the family? Judging from the rumors circulating, not necessarily.

She usually ridicules and scolds the "useless" descendants of the family, but she regards the family's face as her own, and she will show this "protection" to the outside world.

Growing up in this kind of family, Dodd's disposition also became distorted, because he was looked down upon by the patriarch and abused in front of the whole family during the family banquet. He secretly sought ways to become stronger, so he was naturally regarded as a heretic Bewitched by cults, cultivate cults.As for Amanda, his attitude is not good, and he feels that it is because of Amanda's existence that outsiders will criticize him.

This is a marriage imposed on oneself, if there is a good result, it’s fine, but in the short time of getting along, even if it is in front of outsiders, it will try to show harmony, but when getting along behind the scenes, it is cold and silent, and Dodd Amanda's responsibility for the damage caused by the madness of beastization also fell on Amanda.

This is the malady of the nobles in the learned parish. The Carlog family has declined in the past few years, and the vice-bishop is also demented, but Amanda's experience is a foregone conclusion. She is already a married woman.

It was inappropriate to call her to follow Fenmu, and the Bishop of Knowledge did not insist, but he still hoped that she could use her relationship to introduce a younger generation to Fenmu.

"Amanda, I know it's not appropriate to call you over, but the Goddess is very important to the diocese, and Fenmu is not going to see anyone now, we hope you can lead the team to see if you have seen her." When he comes to Fenmu, let him strengthen the girls in the parish of learning."

And Amanda never refuses the affairs of the diocese, because she is a child raised by the diocese, just as she didn't mean to refuse the vice-bishop Kaloger before, this time she didn't refuse the request of the bishop of learning either.

It would be nice to be able to do something for the parish.


But this time the promise, probably she also has her own expectations in her heart.

...Maybe I can take this opportunity to meet Fenmu again?Amanda knew that Fenmu and her were not on the same road. He walked too fast and too far, and he might not see anyone one day.

It's good to see you again now.

Then, outside the overcrowded chapel, she thought that she would have no chance to see him this time. Fen Mu likes to be quiet, so he probably stayed behind closed doors this time.

As a result, Fenmu called her in by name.


"This is the meaning of the Bishop of Knowledge, don't... misunderstand." Amanda tried to get off Ferm's lap, but failed.

"Misunderstanding what?"

"I'm just here to lead the way for the young girls in the parish. You can go and see them. They are all kind children."

Fenmu knew what she meant. At first, Fenmu thought that the bishops were just here to send the little servants, and they would take care of basic necessities, food, housing and transportation. It turned out that the little servants also included bed warming services at night.

No wonder Amanda was so awkward after entering the door.

However, Fenmu actually didn't have much idea to contact the girls in the Diocese of Learning, probably because he had a little friction with the nobles in the Diocese of Learning, and I heard that many nuns in the Diocese of Learning are from noble families, which is even more impressive worried.

God knows if a young lady was found to offer it?Of course, it was impossible to make a confession. Those noble ladies dared to cheat in front of him, and Fen Mu counterattacked and gave them the full set of Casalia treatment.

"This needs to be considered, but I'd like to emphasize the business again." Fen Mu's hand fell on the nun's thigh, and she tasted the softness and sensuality of the thigh through the thin robe fabric.

Amanda gave a soft "hmm", and the sweat in front of her was even more, she replied calmly: "Okay, I will write it down."

"The first point is that you have to go back to the Goddess of the Starry Sky for the matter of the goddess. Now she is the only one who has the ability to find other righteous gods. And according to the information she mentioned, the Goddess of Judgment has returned, but she has been pretending to be an ordinary person."

"Second point, I don't know anything about the Goddess of Learning."

"The third point is that although I have reconciled with the Diocese of Knowledge, my impression is there. I have some complaints about the girl in the Diocese of Learning. You told your bishop that there is no need to send someone over. It is quite offensive." The third point is what Fenmu said on purpose. In fact, he is not as disgusted with the girls in the learning parish as he said.

As long as the skin looks good, just like how he treats many female villains, although her soul is evil, her sexy body is innocent!

Amanda felt a little pain in her heart when she heard Finmer's opinion of the parish of learning.

Does that mean that's how he's always thought of her...?

"It's almost three o'clock. In short, go back and let them deal with righteous things by themselves. Don't always think about looking for me. I'm also very busy. Let me think about what else I have to say?"

Fen Mu raised his head to look at the ceiling, and suddenly recalled it. He continued to act like a villain, and his fingers lightly ran across the side of Amanda's robe, cutting it into a high slit, exposing two thighs.

"Hey, Amanda, you made my room smell like milk again, and you're still sitting on me, making my limbs stiff. How are you going to solve it?"

The big nun's face was so red that it could bleed, she struggled for a long time, and whispered: "Mouth, is it okay?"

Chapter 14 The Sage

This is to try my following... How does the craftsmanship of the following noodles taste?

Putting his heart aside, Fen Mu really has ideas about Amanda, mainly because the unique talent of this big nun is quite a "practical weapon", and her body is also a "practical weapon", almost like a succubus in the human race configured.

But Fenmu really didn't have the idea of ​​further contacting her at a negative distance, mainly because he was too embarrassed to continue to harm the girls in the diocese, which was not reasonable.

If Fenmu really let go of his courage, it is estimated that the population of the diocese will double in a year, and one person will drive the prosperity of the delivery room industry.

Moreover, Amanda didn't seem to have such an idea before, and she suddenly expressed this, probably because of the moral coercion from the bishop and others.

"Did the bishop of your diocese force you to come? He just said something like 'the return of the goddess requires the contribution of you, a believer'." Fen Mu took his hand away from her robe and skirt, and said seriously.

"I said that, but I didn't force it. I brought the juniors out of my own ideas, and they also came out of my own will." Amanda didn't look at Fenmu, but the corner of her eyes fell on him. open hand above.

Fen Mu thought that this was absolutely impossible. It is really hard to say that the wishes of the believers are her inner thoughts, or the meaning of the diocese. Even if it is the spirit of dedication, it is not like this. It really sent me here.

"I don't think about other people's ideas. Do you know how I evaluate those church girls outside in my personal point of view?"

"I don't know." Amanda shook her head lightly, and then remained silent, waiting for Fenmu's explanation.

"To put it bluntly, I think they just use me as a tool to send love to their believers. They feel touched by how much they have dedicated to their goddess. Then the more respectful and considerate they are to me in words and deeds, the more they feel like a goddess in their hearts. Give a lot."

These words are ugly, and they demean those kind and loyal believers to nothing, and even make them very mean.

"..." Amanda couldn't help frowning slightly after hearing this, but she didn't dare to refute. In her heart, Amanda felt that what he said was too much. This was an insult to the piety of the believers, but she couldn't refute it forcefully. : "This is Your Excellency Fenmu's own opinion, and it is also Fenmu's freedom."

"And I prefer people who are of the same mind as me. Those girls outside may not have seen me, they just heard about me from rumors. Why do they follow me so enthusiastically? It's not those who think about things in the trial parish. A fool who can't turn a corner.

Amanda, you too, if it is really the high level of your diocese who forced you to come, in fact, it would be better to refuse, don't treat yourself as something of the church, just treat yourself as a member of the church. "

It turns out that's how he sees me... He regards her visit this time as the meaning of the diocese, and regards her as someone who the diocese can send everywhere at will.

Amanda stared at Fenmu with complicated eyes, and finally didn't speak.

Indeed, Fenmu's thinking is not wrong. I used to dispose of my marriage according to the wishes of the vicar because of the kindness of my caregiver. Now I don't have the confidence to say that I came here according to my own ideas. The explanation is almost like a cover-up.

She left without saying a word, this time Fen Mu didn't keep her.


[Don't you want to try it out?I can see that your body is thinking. 】

Anastasia continued to play the role of "Master Anna", she was a little curious about Ferm's reaction.

Regarding the experience of her apprentice piling all the way, Anasta has seen it in her eyes. Of course, she doesn't think it's a big deal. Her attitude towards this world is indifferent. Occasionally, some interesting stories will happen, but they are just stories. It's just a character in the movie, no different from Fenmu's venting props.

Watching Fenmu grow up all the way, Anasta felt that it is very rare for him to restrain and control his thoughts from the initial wanton indulgence to the present.

——But it is also possible that the number of times is too many and too long, causing the sage mode to run through into daily life.

"Don't do it, it's not good, Amanda is unwilling. The nuns in the church are more obedient to the upper echelon. If I give her a word, wouldn't it be the same as the upper echelon of the Diocese of Learning?"

[When you started to make trouble, I thought you would take advantage of it. Didn't you enjoy touching people's waists at first? 】

"That's different. You have to take advantage of it, but it's not appropriate to take it to the end. In fact, I have a good impression of most of the nuns in the church, so I don't want them to be coerced by the upper echelons in terms of faith. It's disgusting. Hey!"

Fen Mu let out a long sigh, not as if lamenting the mess and corruption of the upper echelon of the Diocese of Learning, but more as regretting something else.

[What are you sighing for? 】

"It's a pity. My soul is noble, but my demigod's body is quite obscene. It's a pity that it didn't taste the natural juice."


Anastasia felt that this guy was indeed a sage, and his symptoms were still unclear.

The footsteps upstairs disappeared, and the exclusive basement of Fenmu became quiet.

It seems that Amanda did relay what he meant, as long as she didn't shake off the exaggerated speech later, otherwise it would be embarrassing to meet people in the parish of learning in the future.

After resting for a day, Fenmu set off again, without saying goodbye to anyone, got a carriage at the post station in the parish of the trial, and left.

The carriage was bumping, and Fen Mu took the reins, pretending that he was leading the way seriously, but in fact, the horses automatically found the way throughout the whole process.

Two young women and elder sisters walked out of the carriage, and Nora and An Tang Shiranui squeezed into Fenmu's seat.

"Why? You also want to experience the feeling of driving?"

"Curiosity, it's about Amanda. I thought I needed another church companion." Nora looked at the scene flying by on both sides, and there was not much gossip and curiosity in her tone.

Fenmu shrugged: "Is there anything to be curious about, I feel that Amanda is quite reluctant, the parish of learning called them over, it should be for bed warming services, and in the end Amanda struggled for a long time before she was reluctant Wishing to have a good fortune once, it’s better not to force it.”

"Before, they were hard on me and the elf queen, so why are you cautious now?" Mrs. An Tang recalled the situation when Fenmu lost control at that time, and it really seemed that she was not going to give her a way out. Same, no time to rest.

"No one of you is ordering you. You decide on your own. If I help the Elf Queen, I am helping Ophelia to get rid of the demons. As a result, Xia Yina and you all want to get together, and you can't stop it!"

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