"Yes, yes, yes!" Nora said angrily. At that time, she wanted to fight for progress, but she fell into the trap.

However, Nora still thought about Amanda's affairs in her mind. After all, she was also a queen before. Even if she was only close to the Trial Diocese, it would not mean that the other dioceses had never heard of any news.

Nora has heard about Amanda's marriage.

The current atmosphere in the Diocese of Knowledge is much better than before, and the current Bishop of Knowledge will not call a widow to be a follower.

Amanda had her own volition when she came here. Afterwards, when she walked into Fenmu's room in front of so many people, she mustered up the courage to take the step she chose, but it was a pity.

If Fenmu had been tougher at the time, maybe Amanda would have obeyed him after half-pushing and half-pushing. Who would have thought that Fenmu would be a sage right now.

Chapter 15 Return to the Territory of the North

Arriving at the extreme northern border again, the environment of Bingshi Town is quite different.

The floating population is much more than the last time I came, the square is busy with people, and there are many people setting up stalls against the snow and ice. Even bards can get drunk and sing poetry.

It's just that the style of singing is a bit wild, a bit like cursing, and behind every beautiful poem, there will be a few organ swear words mixed in.

...The key is to sing poetry or write about women, it's very tough!

Because I had a familiar face last time, it was much easier to find a place to rest this time, and I used the family named Darren last time.

"Brother, I have to disturb your peace again this time. We may borrow here for a few days. These are the rent."

Fenmu took out a few Holy Mother coins and put them in Darren's hands. Darren's hands were rough and chapped due to farm work, but he could feel the strength of the laborers!

The money was returned by him, Fen Mu was taken aback, thinking it was not enough.

But it doesn't make sense to think about it. There are not many Holy Mother coins, but even half of the Holy Mother coins are not needed for a few days of stay.

"Mr. Fenmu, don't misunderstand, you are too polite. The small heat-gathering circle you left us last time was of great help. If it weren't for that magic circle, everyone in the town would probably have left. No one wants to live in such a cold environment for a long time."

"You said that thing. You don't need to thank me for that thing. The church has already thanked me. If I take a thank you gift from you again, it will be disrespectful to the church. How about it, please be sure to accept the rent Next, make us some more hot dishes tonight."

In the end, the middle-aged old farmer Darren accepted the huge sum of money for the room, and led Femme to the room where they lived last time, and then went out to buy, and arranged for a sumptuous dinner tonight.

"This is my first time here, how did I hear that the living environment is very bad?"

Nora, wrapped in a thick velvet cloak, stood by the window curiously looking at the novel snow scene outside the house. She breathed towards the window glass, and a layer of ice fog immediately condensed on it.

"It's very bad. I still remember the first night I stayed here. It was extremely cold, and it all depends on body temperature!" Casalia lamented that this is not what it used to be, and this is actually the change brought about by Fenmu.

Wherever he goes, he can make some noise.

"However, if the words of respecting the church just now were heard by people in the church city, they would probably be pissed off. Fenmu really changed his rhetoric when he changed places." An Tang Shiranui still wanted to see if those people in the church knew about Fenmu. After what Mu Fangcai said, what expression will he have?

Fenmu was not happy, it made him feel sorry for the Orthodox Church: "Isn't this for better integration into the local area, besides, I am still very good to the church, and I don't give less weapons or anything."

Taivia felt it was correct: "That's right."

"Taviya, go back and meet Mrs. Jenny now. I guess she doesn't want to recognize you anymore. It's rare for the trial parish to find such a stupid girl like you." Cazalia couldn't hold back her complaints.

It is rare but not uncommon to withdraw from the church. After some merchants and aristocrats have made a fortune, they want to leave the control of the church and experience the feeling of being a superior. They will choose to quit the Orthodox Church and settle down in distant cities.

Of course, many of them were severely beaten in reality, and ran back to the stable area managed by the church in desperation, trying to continue to be a prominent nobleman, but the church refused to recognize them.

However, the people who judged the diocese basically did not voluntarily withdraw from the church, and looking at Taivia in front of him, his body had already returned to Fenmu, and his faith had become his shape.

"Fenmu and the trial parish are very close, Madam Jenny has no objection." Taivia stood next to Fenmu.

After settling down, Fenmu led them around Bingshi Town, and it took almost two hours to finish the town, which is indeed a small place.

Nora saw a few adventurers who came back from the silver-capped snow forest, and they came back with trophies, and couldn't help but yearn and plan.

Now I have reached the bottleneck, simple cultivation and meditation alone are not enough to support my progress, I have to experience the use of power in battle.

She offered to propose: "Fenmu, what are your future plans?"

"Go to the Territory of the Northern Territory to find materials for refining weapons. I have searched so many places now, and that is the most likely place for whereabouts."

"The Territory of the North is a place I have never been to."

Nora was a bit reluctant to give up the opportunity of "tourism and visitation", but with her years of experience in the queen's reign, she was able to weigh and make choices clearly.

Without the background to support yourself, the momentary enjoyment now may make you regret later!

She made a decision: "The environment there is too harsh for me now, and most of the time I go there can only stay in the Kingdom of God to watch a play. I want to take advantage of this time to practice here on the border."

"Going to practice alone? But there is no need for the low-risk area near the church city here. Monsters that can survive in the extremely low environment of the Northern Territory are not fuel-efficient lamps." Fenmu was a little worried.

If the various adventure areas are ranked according to the level of danger, the Territory of the North is almost the only area with deep dreams, and it is also a low-to-medium depth deep dream.

"I can stay here with Nora." Ando Shiranui volunteered.

"Hey, I'll stay and protect my useless mother." Casharia sighed and raised her hand.

Nora was very angry when her daughter said it was useless: "Who are you calling useless, you char siu daughter!"

"I'm going to protect you sincerely, why are you talking so much!"

If Ando Shiranui and Casalia were there to protect him, there would be no problem. Ando has ninja background, and it is not difficult to kill monsters instantly in a sneak attack, and Casalia is also top-notch in taking charge of the beating.

"Okay, if you have anything to do, just hold on first, tell me the situation with the Kingdom of God, and I will rush back at any time!" Fen Mu felt that it was time to prepare some tonic potions for them to use for self-defense.

His thoughts were disturbed by the noise in the distance, and five or six people came back carrying several seriously injured companions.

"Where's the priest! Where's the pharmacist! My companion is badly wounded!"

The violent Sister of War yelled: "Are you the ones who just came yesterday? The wounded are sent to the church first. Are you putting the wounded here to keep them safe and refrigerated!"

Fen Mu looked at the wounded over there, frowning slightly.

Why do their wounds seem to have the breath of a deep dream? There should be no cracks in the deep dream, right?How did you get hurt?

Go check it out.

Fenmu was standing at the door of the church, hesitating whether to go in, when he heard the nuns of the war parish "sentencing" the wounded.

"It's hopeless, wait to die, these wounds are abnormal, not caused by the monsters here, we don't have the corresponding knowledge to deal with these wounds."

"What's the matter with you, aren't you from the Orthodox Church! Are you just watching my companion die like this?! The people in the Redemption Diocese! They are good at this!"

Seeing that the situation was about to start a fight, Fen Mu stopped watching, and now he was waiting to do autopsies on those adventurers, so he patted the onlookers blocking the door.

"Let me go, I'll go check on the wounded."


PS: Xiba, the investigations have been so frequent recently, almost every day for a week.


Chapter 16 Failure to pull business

The companions of the wounded were orcs from the Northern Territory, and they did not seem to be a race in Granville.

Hearing the sound of a man being rescued, the muscular woman with a pair of white bear ears sized up the speaker, and subconsciously felt that this was an act of bravado.

In the field of healing, the Diocese of Redemption has a good reputation, and among the healers, the identity of women is definitely more reliable than that of men.

Now is the period of the return of the gods, and the recovery of all things. After several years, a few men have reached the sixth level, but there are really only a handful of them, and none of them are inherited from the healing system.

"This is my life-and-death companion, not a guinea pig to increase your treatment experience, understand!"

The white bear girl's voice was deafening, her eyes glared, full of distrust towards this man.

Fen Mu understood her anger, but he didn't accept it. He smiled mockingly, made a "please" gesture, and said cheerfully:

"You do what you want, there are no people from the Redemption Diocese here, and there are few who are useless. Your companion's injury is left by a dream creature, and it has the breath of a deep dream. You continue to shout loudly. I still have custom orders here. For the coffin business, I can give you the whole BGM, and I just found a pit to bury your little friends at night."

Deep dream?The white bear girl with a strong body froze for a moment, and turned her gaze to the nuns in the parish of war.

At present, there are more believers stationed at the border, and the two nuns of the War Parish, Jamie and Katda, who have been stationed here, naturally became the team leaders of Bingshi Town.

The arrival of Fenmu surprised the two of them, but after Jamie greeted Fenmu with his eyes, he first answered the bear woman's question:

"My friend from the Beastmaster Territory, he is right. Katda and I followed the church team into the deep dreamland in the early years. The claw of this wound is indeed a dream creature, and it belongs to the kind of relatively pure blood. Don't say it There are only people from the Parish of War here, even if the priest of the Parish of Redemption is here, there is nothing he can do."

"How could it be...then how can we cure her, this is my companion who has been through life and death for many years!" The bear woman was hit hard, and she knew the horror of the deep dream.

"Generally, only people from the trial parish will heal such wounds. They are very experienced, and the gentleman you yelled at just now is a very famous person in the trial parish. According to the news from our war parish, the trial parish Every girl listens to her." Kateda praised Fenmu.

Fen Muxin said that you are wrong, how can you say that the trial parish is my backup bed warming personnel selection parish.

"What, what?"

Xiong Rennu was dumbfounded, even if she heard the news from the two of them, she couldn't believe it.

But Xueyuan's race naturally has a bold and straightforward character, and the Xiongren girl simply bowed deeply and apologized.

"I'm sorry for offending you just now, please treat my companion, we will try our best to make up for the medicine."

Fenmu doesn't dislike this straightforwardness, and admits mistakes.

It is much more comfortable than those people in the church city who have made mistakes and struggled with face for a long time, and don't have to worry so much.

"Okay, get out of the way."


The treatment process was quite bloody, almost using a knife to cut off the contaminated flesh, and then assisting a bunch of medicine to repair it.

Not only the people from the Beastmaster were worried, but even the two war nuns who had met Fenmu earlier frowned and avoided, wondering if Fenmu took the opportunity to vent his anger and revenge.

After almost a meal, Fenmu completed the operation on the floor of the church hall.

The wounded who was on the verge of dying gradually regained consciousness, his tone was flamboyant, but his complexion returned to ruddy.

"It hurts, it hurts."

"Did I have my organs stolen..." A half-human female wolf clutched her fur, worried about something strange.

Seeing her companion wake up, Xiongrennv burst into tears with excitement: "Great, you're all right! I'm almost going to take away your property and cremate you!"

What do you mean?Would you rather be cremated than generate income for me and increase my performance?It seems that we can develop the columbarium business in the future.

Put some dazzling spirit patterns on the body of the jar, and you can see the sparkle under the ground every night.

And the adventurers who watched the whole process outside were stunned.

"Oh my God, what kind of technique is this? The technique like dismembering a corpse really cured the seriously injured? Isn't it a partnership to act and cheat?"

"I think it's those medicines. The technique is really like the style of the trial parish. My brother is a centaur. I heard that the nuns there have never seen a centaur. They think it is the root of the body mutation. Five legs were chopped off by him. There are only two left."

"Isn't the parish of this trial the weakest and most insane apart from the natural parish? Why does it feel that its status is extraordinary?"

Hey, five become two, this method of eliminating the root of the disease is really true.

It seems that Tyvia was kind to me back then!

Fenmu clapped his hands, interrupting their touching reunion: "Stop, tell me, how did you get this wound?"

The people in the northern race are less sinister and calculating, especially the adventurers in the Beastmaster Territory, the bear woman has obeyed this time, and Fenmu is kind to them now, saying what she knows.

"It's a mysterious cave, or a mysterious mountain. There wasn't that mountain there before, but it popped up suddenly a few years ago, and there was an extra layer of enchantment."

Listening to this description, why does it sound familiar?Could it be the teleportation formation leading to Santu Chuanlin and the others?

"Just last night, when we were camping near there, we suddenly heard movement in the cave. We thought that a baby was born there, so we followed it."

"What about after that!" Fen Mu asked eagerly, wouldn't this dismantle the teleportation formation?

"We were injured after that, and we could feel that there was a fight going on in the cave, but we couldn't see who it was."

"Okay." Fen Mu didn't make things difficult for them anymore.

The most urgent task now is to quickly check the situation of the teleportation formation. Don't let the aftermath of the battle destroy the formation. Even with the almighty Master Anna around, it would still be troublesome to restore it!

He threw down a few medicine bottles: "These medicines are used to relieve pain, promote wound healing, and treat external injuries and internal diseases. I am in a hurry now, and I don't have time to explain to you how to drink them. You can drink them yourself, and no one will die. "

After the words fell, Fenmu's figure was gone, only the bear woman holding the medicine bottle, and the two companions on the ground looked confused.

These days, the wounded take the medicine by themselves "looking at it"?Can't you really eat something wrong?

Wouldn't you just hang your life and leave after drinking the medicine?

"I'm strong, so I'll test the medicine for you first." The bear woman was apprehensive, and comforted herself, "Most likely there will be no problem."

Chapter 17 Mud Zoukai, Let Me Come!

Fenmu still remembers the direction of the large teleportation formation very clearly, but the snow field is really a terrain that affects the recognition of the way. Different snow accumulations and snow thicknesses will cause huge obstacles to the recognition of the way.

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