Fenmu can only follow the direction to find it.

"Master Anna, will the terrain here change?" Fen Mu originally wanted to talk about plate changes or something, but he was afraid that he would not understand, so he changed the term: "It is the changes of the earth at the level of sea dryness and rock decay."

[Yes, your situation exists, but it is definitely not in the territory of the northern border. This is a pool of stagnant water. 】

"How to say?"

[This is the place where the ancient ice-related god died, and the corpse turned into this land of ice and snow.And the situation you mentioned is probably limited to... the isolated area of ​​the unchanging world plane. Unfortunately, as far as the concept of the world is concerned, the land under your feet is constantly expanding. 】

"I don't understand."

Fen Mu honestly admits to being stupid, he seems to have vaguely heard Master Anna's helpless sigh.

[It means that other worlds will continue to wander here. This is the case in the North China Continent, and I am the same. After passing through the desert in the Extreme South, there is also a restricted area of ​​​​the Yan Prison. That place was formed by the corpses of gods wandering here. 】

Then maybe we will send young ladies of other races in the future. I hope they look like people. If there are no buttocks, otherwise the relationship will probably not be broken.

"So, how did the god of the Territory of the Extreme North die?"

[I killed...my body killed him, he tried to pursue me, his divine power couldn't hurt me at all, but the concept of ability to freeze everything would disturb my tranquility, so I erased his divinity killed. 】

A god who was slaughtered after being stalked... It feels a bit like my situation.

Fen Mu felt a sense of crisis for no reason. Isn't he just doing similar things now? Although he hasn't got the courage to bother her "old man", he is already preparing for stalking.

【Want to learn how to kill God?I can teach you. 】

"If you don't learn, it's tiring. And I found out one thing, this world is now rejecting the gods, the gods outside can't come in in a full state, but I have a martial arts, those gods come If you do it, you will be beaten by me, and if you don’t go to school, you will kill the gods.”

[Correct truth! 】

Anasta rolled her eyes.

Obviously seeing a wider world and broadening his knowledge, he should have a more sense of crisis and enterprising spirit, but after so long, this guy still hasn't changed his temperament of being lazy and fishing.

This kind of limitation of heaven and earth was regarded by him as a weapon for laziness.

"Huh? It should be here, there are fighting sounds!"

There was not much movement in this fight, most likely because it was blocked by an enchantment, most likely because it was afraid of attracting more "competitors".

Fen Mu slowed down his pace, and after being vigilant about the surrounding situation, he began to call the thugs.

"Master Tasia, do you want to warm up? There are ready-made ones here!"

Not to mention Anastasia, even Tasia herself was helpless. This guy was really lazy. It was obviously a good opportunity to accumulate combat experience, so he wanted to bring in a helper.

I didn't call her and Ghost King God very much before, mostly because I thought the enemy would be easy to deal with, and I wanted to show off in front of my sister, and I would get lazy when encountering troublesome enemies.

"Too weak, not interested!" Tasia's voice was full of displeasure.

The communication between Tasia and Fenmu is to directly transmit the voice to Fenmu's mind, which cannot be heard by others.

Taivia's pretty face was full of confusion, watching Fenmu talking to herself, she guessed that Fenmu should be looking for help, so she volunteered and said:

"Fenmu, I'll help you take the lead!"

After she finished speaking, she took out the ax and rushed in, so frightened that Fen Mu hurriedly hugged her back, and held it down obediently.

"Don't be reckless, check the situation first! Even the two orcs who barely reached the seventh level were only caught and seriously injured, and they were not killed, which shows that the enemy is not very powerful."

"Then why don't you let me go?" Taivia frowned, even more confused.

"The Territory of the Northern Territory is not an ordinary cracked area. There are not many intersections between the real world and the deep dream world here. The dream creatures that can come here must be intelligent and gangsters. Let's go around the periphery first. , See if there is any existence hidden in the dark."

After the two quietly entered the barrier, they secretly approached the cave where the teleportation array was located.

The battle was fierce, and it seemed that there were still three forces, each of which refused to accept each other and attacked whoever was close.

Fen Mu, who was hiding behind the stone, poked his head out quietly, and was about to take a close look at it, when a man in a tattered black cloak was blown away.

Moreover, the man in the tattered cloak was protected by a sensory barrier. Fen Mu didn't perceive the danger in advance, and was thrown by this man in the face as soon as he showed his head, and then he was "ridden on the face".

This familiar unfolding, this familiar temperature and softness, can't go wrong!

"Long time no see, Senior Sister Hekaty, your way of greeting is still so warm and heartwarming!" Fen Mu's voice was muffled because his mouth was blocked, but the surprise and excitement in his tone could be heard.

It's been a long time, and I didn't expect to meet here.

The witch Hecate was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect to be blown away by the accidental defeat just now, and ended up sitting out the junior brother again, which was also the same in the first impression.

Although there are thousands of reminiscing words in my heart, it is the most sensible to deal with the enemy right now.

Hecate reminded: "Be careful, that bird-beaked man is a believer in the Snake Ritual in the abyss of dreams, and his level is not low. The guy with a grinning mouth and a deformed face with many fangs is a guy from the deep dream, and he is a member of the same family." Warlord, if it wasn't for that bastard from the Snake Etiquette, this tooth-smashing dogman would have died a long time ago!"

This tantrum is really...

Before Fenmu could speak, Taivia became hostile to Hekati, and she warned coldly: "Get away from Fenmu!"

Fen Mu was afraid that Hekaty would fight among himself first if he didn't solve the enemy, so he quickly persuaded her to calm down, and Hekaty also understood the overall situation, and he didn't have the same knowledge as a nun, so he stood up and didn't continue to sit.

It's just that when she moved away and was about to pull the younger brother up, the nun with dull eyes sat down on Fen Mu's face.

Fenmu: "..."

Hecate: ?

"Start it up for me, this is the way I greet my junior brother, you nun go away!"

"Fenmu has eaten me like this." Taivia replied proudly.

Hekaty's sharp eyes moved to Fenmu's body in an instant, and Fenmu swallowed. Even though he was lying down now, his mood could only be described as sitting on pins and needles.

Fortunately, the enemy is still very strong in bad things, and the alien warrior from the deep dream will tear a claw mark.

Good to come!

Fen Mu did not reveal the excitement in his heart, and after yelling "Be careful!", he picked up Taivia and pulled Hekati to the side to dodge.

Chapter 18 Do You Believe in Buttocks?

This "guest" from a deep dream has many protruding bone tips on his body, and the distribution of texture is completely different from that of the human race. He can barely be regarded as hands and feet, but his head is a dog's head. The corners of his mouth are almost torn to the ears. Few teeth are turned outwards.

Judging from the strength of the claw just now, the peak of the eighth rank is half of the ninth rank, but because of the suppression of the blood of his own divine descendant, the combat power can be regarded as a normal ninth rank.

"There's more than that in the battle at Tier [-], how come it's like playing house?" Fenmu observed the situation while running.

But in fact, he couldn't observe much with his eyes, because... when he got up to avoid it just now, he pushed Taivia with his face and ran away.

Now Taivia's sensuality is still covering his eyes and blinding his vision.

"Because I don't want to destroy this large teleportation array. This kind of teleportation array that has been passed down from ancient times has undergone many repairs and condensed the closeness of several generations. It would be a pity to destroy it."

Hecate explained, taking the time to cast a spell, colliding with the ferocious claw strike, there was no violent roar, but the competition of strength shredded that space into a vacuum.

If they really fought with all their strength, not only would they be unable to hold the formation, but the ground within a hundred miles would be riddled with holes.

"Tayvia, don't hug my head so tightly with your hands, forget it...you should hug you tighter, so that I don't have to free my hands to grab you."

And it's strangely comfortable, for the touch of Taivia's thigh, Fenmu has been very satisfied since the day she entered the church city.

Not tired of playing!

Hecate glanced at the nun in dissatisfaction, and felt that it was necessary to settle the other side now, and then talk to the nun about the problem.

"Fenmu, please pay attention to that alien warrior. He should be the upper race of the Tindalos Hound, with great space ability. It is more difficult for warlocks to hit him. Give me the one from the Snake Etiquette."

It is not so much a negotiation as a direct division of labor.

The moment the voice fell, Fen Mu's hand holding the senior sister was empty, and the furious witch had approached in front of the Snake Ceremony in an instant, and the enchanting spell fell on her staff.

A sorcerer famous for forbidden spells is using his skull staff as a pop hammer at the moment, smashing and swiping the clouds and flowing water, cracking the hard rocky ground and flying stones.

It seems that this is the correct way to use the staff.

Seeing that the alien warrior was about to intervene in the battle between the two of them, Fen Mu wiped Sidney's blade with his hand, and the dark purple burning mist painted the blade.

Just by looking at the faint purple glare smoke of this image of death, one can tell that this knife is very refined,

Highlight a cool one!

The moment Sidney appeared on the stage, the dazzling light attracted the attention of the three who were fighting.

[Sidney, next time I will give you a whole colored light, the very dazzling one, it will probably be more domineering and imposing! 】

[I refuse, ugly. 】

Fenmu:  …

The alien warrior's expression changed, and horror and suspicion flashed in his eyes in turn.

When I was terrified, I thought, I said, what a cool girl!

When I was suspicious, I thought, I said, this weapon is by no means imaginary, this is the top legendary saber?

"Take this!"

While Fen Mu was sprinting, he slashed out a stream of sword radiance, the sword passed like a rainbow, and it was as powerful as a broken bamboo.

"Then I'll try your skills! But the premise is that you can hit me!" The foreign warrior's voice sounded from his abdomen, and he snorted coldly. The tip of the bone at the time blocked the drawing of the knife.

In the cave of the teleportation formation, there was a burst of cheers, and the cheers hidden in another space actually penetrated here!

"Even my bone spurs can't be worn away, your attack is not as powerful as when I polish my nails, heh!"

"That's because your lumbar intervertebral disc is too protruding. It's none of my business! But haven't you noticed that your barrier has been broken?"

Fen Mu's expression was calm, he didn't draw his sword again, but rushed in front of the foreign warrior, with the posture that he wanted to scratch the opponent before he died.

"Not bad courage, it can give you a chance to be a mausoleum guard, and you dare to die close by. It seems that the current situation is too peaceful, and the human race has forgotten how big the gap is between humans, gods, and divine descendants."

The alien warrior liked the weapon in Fenmu's hands very much, and planned to take it empty-handed, and use the most casual attitude to humiliate the efforts of this human race.

It's just that the moment his hand caught the blade, the blade cut through his palm like cutting tofu, and then went down, cutting off half of his body.

With a flick of the saber, Fenmu shook off the stain on the sword just now, and put Sidney away.

"Sure enough, as long as I draw the knife first, let the other party think I'm weak, and then slash through with the knife, it will be fine."

The truth is to let him play to understand.

Sure enough, what I learned from my senior sister will not be learned in vain.

Before the dog-headed alien was about to die, his eyes were tearing apart, and he looked at his injury in disbelief, with greed hidden deep in his eyes.

Excellent!That is a peerless weapon!

"Are you worthy to see my knife!" Fen Mu made another knife to him, piercing his heart and cutting off his life.

It's just that the vitality of the alien race is difficult to guess with common sense. The alien warrior's brain was "cracked" by Fen Mu, but his soul did not break the umbrella. He was trying to save his face, dying to fight back, dying struggle.

"Be careful, he's going to explode himself!" came the voice of the furious senior sister, and Fen Mu immediately knew what to do.

He bent down and stretched out his hand, grabbed the warrior's heart and threw it into his warehouse as a treasure. Then he looked down at the alien warrior whose body was broken into several pieces as if nothing happened.

Losing the heart of the core of power, the alien warrior's plan to self-destruct was immediately misfired.

"Come on, blow it up again for me to see."

Fenmu gently caressed the purple blade, the cold and smooth touch seemed to be stroking Sidney's skin, he said solemnly: "Do you still have treasures on you, things can't be taken away, I will help you realize the treasures on your body Use the value!"

Alien Warrior:  …

The situation of the battle can be said to be one-sided now. The believer of the Snake Ritual with the bird beak mask may no longer suppress his strength in order to survive, and no longer hesitate to send the consolation of the large formation.

No, you must not let this force destroy the formation!I have to kill it quickly!Maybe while it's hot... search for her treasures.

"Senior Sister Hecate, I'll help you! Help me control her."

Fen Mu was about to make a move, when he heard the follower of the Snake Etiquette say loudly: "Wait!"

This voice came from a woman, deep and majestic, just listening to the aura in the tone, it is probably a pampered superior.

"Let's talk about peace, not fight!" Snake ritual believers said hastily.

This time it was Fenmu's turn to be speechless: "Why didn't you fight?"

"Because of belief, our beliefs have similarities and may come from the same vein!" The woman with the bird beak mask spoke quickly, and she found that this thinking circuit called a man cannot be treated with common sense.

Fenmu's eyes were full of distrust: "You also look at ass?"

Beak Mask Woman: ...?

Chapter 19 Identifying a Good Person

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