The woman with the bird's beak mask was stunned by Fen Mu. Even though she thought about thousands of responses, she never expected that his question would be answered with his "butt".

If it is not clear about the other party's innocence and ignorance, such rhetoric is simply insulting the totem god of her clan.

"I mean, the source of power... You and this witch are companions, right? The enchantment you used to kill the Tindalos tribe just now, and the spell used by this witch, the power is very similar to my tribe. .”

Fen Mu covered his face, although he knew that the bird-beak masked woman was unintentional, but this mouthful of a witch was simply stepping on Hekaty's thunder.

In the cave, the forbidden spell was instantly enveloped and suppressed, and the destructive thunder and dead energy rolled like a flood.

At this time, it was just now that the ninth-level battle should have looked like that.

"Who are you calling a witch? Don't call me that!" Hecate said in a cold voice, her words were like ice, and her icy eyes shot out from under the hood, without any intention of joking.

The bird beak mask woman didn't get it again, but apologized for it anyway:

"I'm sorry, so you don't like this title. Is it because the times have changed? It's a strange change. Is this title that symbolizes strength and status already a derogatory term today?"

Hearing this tone, he is an old guy.

Fenmu hugged Taivia from his face, comforted Hekaty, and said to the masked woman: "Speaking of business, is there any hostility? Just now I saw that you guys were fighting in full swing."

The woman with the bird's beak mask is a formal and reserved person, and her tone of voice has an ancient taste: "No, I came across here by chance, but I wanted to observe the memories of the old era, and then I was involved in a fight."

"Senior Sister Hekati, what's the situation on your side?" Fen Mu asked in a low voice.

"You don't need to call me Senior Sister, everyone is just a believer who has received the gift of the kingdom of God." Hekaty has a bad temper and whispers without suppressing his voice, but he softened his tone when talking to Fenmu: "I and Tinda The Ross family had conflicts, and when they were multiplying, they blocked my way, so I went to their breeding grounds and released the forbidden spell. Then I met them here and fought."

When other people are mating, you blow them up... This hatred is indeed quite big.

"It turns out there is a grudge, so why are you tied up when you fight?"

"I don't know where the teleportation array here is connected. It's not good to destroy it easily. It's much better to destroy it in the deep dream."

I'm afraid it's because I'm worried that the teleportation array will be destroyed, so I won't be able to find treasures in the future.

Anyway, after understanding the situation, it is confirmed that the woman with the bird beak mask was just passing by and was involved. She has a very obvious aura of deep dreams. It is hard to say if she is an enemy, but at least there is no hostility.

"My family believes in the God of Snake Ritual. This is an ancient belief. The miracle of the totem has never been cut off, but the true god has never appeared. I want to know if your power is in the same vein as mine?"

In order to prove her statement, the woman with the bird's beak mask squeezed out a dark purple magic ball, and a small snake transformed into energy circled and swam around the magic ball.

Fen Mu sensed that breath, and it feels the same as the Kingdom of God, maybe there is a little difference.

There is no need to discuss and confirm this kind of matter with the other party in detail, and Fen Mu directly asked "I".

"Master Anna, how do you say this, is this woman's religious god Anastas?"

[...Yes, it is one of the many incarnations, probably in the era when the world's torches burned out and disappeared, why hasn't the inheritance been broken? 】

Anastasia was amazed, her eyes could cover every corner of the world, but there would always be some places that she was too lazy to pay attention to.

The birth of this snake etiquette is purely accidental, and it is even more unexpected that it can survive in the deep dream. boy".

"How to deal with this relationship?"

[Whatever, the Snake Etiquette should belong to the ancient race. 】

The ancient race is also a human race, right?Is that the one with the butt?And this can be regarded as a non-staff member of the Kingdom of God.

Ignored him for several epochs, this master really doesn't care about human affairs, and he is too heartless.

It's like not allowing me to apply for privatization of her peerless buttocks.

"Ouch!" Fen Mu suddenly covered his waist, as if someone had pinched him for no reason.


Hecate and Taivia's concerns came at the same time, and they looked at him nervously, thinking that the snake-trained woman had done it.

While pulling out the axe, he began to chant the Great Forbidden Mantra.

The woman with the bird beak mask was dumb, with a few dots popping out from the top of her head.


Are you touching porcelain?I haven't moved at all!

"It's all right." Fen Mu took a few breaths, calmed down, cleared his throat, and said seriously: "Just confirmed, what you said about the mask girl is right, our powers are indeed from the same vein."

"Where is the god?" The woman's voice was bluntly surprised.

Over the long years, she has forgotten the way of expressing surprise.

"Unfortunately, we don't know either, so let's leave it at that, but is your Snake Ceremony an ancient race? Pull up some robes and skirts and show me."

Fen Mu wanted to directly ask her to show a good person to prove it, but she didn't know her well.

I have to be tactful.

"You can call me Yulia, it's the name I inherited."

After the masked woman finished speaking, she lifted a corner of her skirt slightly, revealing a section of snow-white plump jade legs under the gloomy black skirt, the strong color contrast was extremely impactful, perhaps the skin under the skirt had never been exposed to light before.

Like a mysterious monster exuding death, inexplicably stretched out a beautiful black silk leg, asking if you would like to take the initiative to die.

Yulia could understand Fenmu's strange request. It was just a way to judge whether she was a human race, to see if her legs were alienated.

That's all, it's a normal request.

"Okay, my name is Fenmu, this is Taivia, that is Hekaty, your legs are very white, I know you are a human race, then goodbye, I still have things to deal with."

Yulia: "...?"

You can’t fix it for me again. At the beginning, you said that you have the same beliefs, and then you asked me to verify your identity as a human race. As a result, after confirming the two important things, you just pretend that nothing happened and break up the team leave?

Yulia's logic can't understand this escape. Is this the current trend?

But this Fenmu has a strong aura of gods, and the snake god must be very concerned about him.

Follow him, maybe you can get more information about the snake god.

This is the last time she has obtained the whereabouts of the totem god in a long time, and Yulia can't give up.

"Is there something you need to fix?"

"Physiological needs."



Chapter 20 Do you want to enter the Kingdom of God?

It's really not used to having one more person on the road. It's embarrassing to make out with Taivia, and it's even more embarrassing to have a relationship with Hecate.

Yulia was wearing a mask, her whole body was tightly covered by a black robe, and she wore semi-light steel and semi-bone gloves on her hands. The skirt was long to her ankles, revealing the toes of her high-heeled steel boots. Only the skin on the neck can glimpse the whiteness.

At first glance, this dress does not look like a serious person!

For a good man like Fenmu, the windbreaker on his body is modified to the style of the parish, and there is an empty hook on the chest, which is specially used to put the parish badge.

For this reason, Fenmu secretly prepared the parish crests of the six dioceses. If in the future, if you meet a parish elder sister who needs to get close, you can directly buckle the corresponding crests and go to get close.

"Then what, it's useless for you to follow me. My current plan is not to find the gods we believe in. I just want to enrich my strength and find materials for refining weapons." Fenmu wanted to drive this person away.

It was a dark mass, and she would have been startled if she turned her head inadvertently.

"It's okay, I don't have a clear goal and clues for the time being. You and I have the same belief, that is, we are companions. You don't need to feel uneasy about it."

...No, I think you are preventing me from hooking up with Tavia!Are you being polite to me?

But this woman is also Anastha's follower no matter what, and her generations are said to be senior sisters, and there are more than just senior aunts and aunts.

Fen Mu didn't have the determination to tear his face and chase people away.

The so-called love house and black, even if Yulia doesn't believe in Anasta's beautiful buttocks, but she also believes in a certain incarnation of Anasta, and she can't provoke internal strife at will.

"It's not disturbing, it's just a little troublesome. Your attire is quite inappropriate in this era, and it's easy to be mistaken for a 'wicked person'. This will create unnecessary obstacles to my actions."

Yulia pondered for a moment, unable to see the expression under her mask:

"So that's the case, but as far as I know, in this era, the declining world is called the deep dream, and the creatures inside are regarded as the enemy. Then I am a 'wicked person'. If you understand my identity, those who have nothing to do with young people will naturally Retreat, if the remaining enemies are hostile, just kill them."

The truth is this, but now I am the image of Wei Guangzheng!

People like Yulia with strong self-will probably have their own world view, and the old human customs of the deep dream world don't know what it looks like, so it's not easy to force it.

Fenmu sighed: "It's still not right, let's not mention this for now, let's talk about God. What kind of existence is the snake god you believe in?"

"If you ask about the appearance, from the totem, the human face is half human, half snake god, watching the trajectory of the world, as if waiting for the end of time, but itself is extremely powerful, and can easily kill gods and kill the gods who disturb her tranquility .”

The woman with the bird beak mask felt that she did not speak in detail enough, and the energy in her hand changed, depicting the appearance of the snake god in the totem.

Originally, Fenmu still had a little expectation to see what Anastha's trumpet looked like, but he was really disappointed.

A totem is a totem, which records ancient beliefs, and the patterns are simple and rough.

It's pretty ugly to be honest...

It was simply slandering his beautiful master.

He asked in his mind: "Master Anna, why did she become like this, Master?"

[It was a whim, but in my inherent concept, that look is actually more natural, do you want to see it? 】

Fenmu followed his heart: "The half-snake body you mentioned, does it have buttocks?"

Anastasia:  …

I don't know how many years of training and my mentality has not changed, Anasta suddenly doesn't want to deal with this guy.

Yulia is not a talkative person, or not good at talking with others, but now she has a lot of doubts, so she asked:

"Then the god you believe in, what form does she appear in, and what is the Christian name left behind?"

"You know Church City, the most prosperous place in Granville."

"I know. I have watched it from outside the city. There was a demigod to god-level battle there, high in the sky. But specifically, I don't know about that city."

Gan!Could it be the time Master Tasia killed him to give him the mid-term exam?

So you were nearby at that time!

"Now the orthodox sect there is the Orthodox Church, which consists of six dioceses, but in fact there are seven gods. Among them, the one without a diocese is the Stranger Goddess, the goddess I believe in."

"The Stranger..." Yulia kept the name firmly in mind, and she grasped the key: "Why didn't such a great god leave his own parish?"

Fenmu looked at her eyes under the mask, thousands of thoughts surged in his eyes, as if he had experienced the bitterness of long years in the ebb and flow of mood.

Yulia waited patiently for his answer. There must be an amazing secret in it, and it may also be related to the snake ritual.

After being silent for a long time, Fen Mu said:

"do not know--"

Julia was taken aback by him.

I don't know, I don't know, why did you look so sad just now?Did it on purpose?

"In fact, strictly speaking, what I believe in is not the Orthodox Church, but the Hip Sect! That is the original teaching of the Orthodox Church, but it was incomprehensible by the vulgar eyes of the world, and it was finally forgotten. The original Goddess Church, with the buttocks In order of beauty, Stranger tops the list of goddesses with her peerless buttocks.

But why didn't heritage and parish orthodoxy remain?I guess it's because no one understands the true beauty of the Stranger, only craving vulgar power. "

"People in the world are not worthy, so there is no inheritance." Fenmu clenched his fists, and his voice suddenly became high-pitched: "And I am worthy! Whoops! Who hit me on the head? Is it Taivia?"

Tavia shook her head innocently.

Yulia was much more receptive this time.

As far as she knew about the sects submerged in time, there were those who used things like ears, fingers, and phalanges as tokens, so those who believed in the buttocks were naturally taken for granted.

The Snake God is flawless, so it is understandable to believe in her beauty.

It's just one thing to say, buttocks are indeed a strange belief.

Hekati listened to Fenmu flickering from the side, and almost thought that this was the case.

"Then, does your hip sect have many believers now?"

Fenmu knew that Yulia was about to take the bait, and he said solemnly: "It's okay, quality is the main thing, they are all people with big buttocks, every believer has a pair of beautiful buttocks, this is also the test to enter the kingdom of God !"

God, kingdom of God? !

Yulia was horrified that the Snake Ritual God had left a kingdom of God for this partial and evil sect!

No wonder there is no diocese, the God of Snake Rites doesn't even bother with organizations like the diocese!

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