The Kingdom of God is a domain that symbolizes one god, and it is also the highest hall for believers. The Kingdom of God is also irreproducible, and it is the only one!

The God of Snake Rites left the Kingdom of God to this sect, what a privilege!

For the Snake Etiquette, she only left behind the inheritance of power.

"Can I enter the Kingdom of God?" The breath coming from under the bird's beak mask was a bit rapid.

"Yes, yes, but you know, you have to follow the rules. This is my irresistible creed as a believer! It's okay, you don't have to be so tired by lifting your own skirt.

I'll do it myself! "

Chapter 21 People ran away?

The deep dream and the real world can be said to be two worlds, and time runs through the two places, but basically they can be said to be two eras.

But even with the age gap in language, Yulia still heard the meaning of Fenmu's words.

"Could it be that you want to blaspheme in the name of the Kingdom of God?"

Fen Mu couldn't deny it, but he was also very puzzled, this excuse was tried and tested in the beginning, when he formally met with Senior Sister An Tang Zhenli, he used this excuse to fool her.

Before exposing the relationship at the level of the kingdom of God, he had successfully observed her buttocks up close.

"Faith is pure, how can it be called blasphemy? That is my lifelong pursuit. If you don't believe me, you can use the technique of doppelganger, or hide in the crowd. Let me tell the difference just by looking at the buttocks. recognize you."

Yulia was still skeptical, but he had a point.

It is very difficult to recognize people by their buttocks alone, and it is almost impossible to recognize people unless they are assisted by marks such as tattoos, moles, scars, and birthmarks.

It is indeed possible to use this method to consider whether the butt sect in his mouth is true or false!

It is related to the inheritance of the kingdom of God left by the God of Snake Ritual, and it is worth testing him. If he is just using the gift of God of Snake Ritual to deceive, then he has no choice but to eliminate the traitors for the God of Snake Ritual.

Fenmu took Taivia and Hekati back to Icestone Town, only to find that Yulia was gone halfway.

"Why did that black ball disappear?" Fen Mu was puzzled, and he didn't notice her departure at all in his consciousness.

"Huh? I just felt that she was following me." Hecate was a little puzzled, but considering the other party's mysterious strength, it was acceptable.

"It's fine if you don't see me, so Fenmu doesn't have to be restrained all the time."

Taivia hugged Fenmu's arm generously, and her plump, round buttocks rubbed against Fenmu from time to time while walking.

Fenmu knew that she didn't do it on purpose, but now that buttocks are getting fatter and more provocative, and the coquettish twisting while walking can always arouse the evil fire in Fenmu's stomach.

Now besides clothing, where is the nun's appearance.jpg

"Speaking of which, did Taivia and Hekaty meet? Probably not, why don't you seem to be very curious about seeing each other?"

Hecate walked aside, slightly dissatisfied with Tyvia's behavior of clinging to her junior brother, but looking at her eyes, she knew that this nun's soul and spirit had been eroded by deep dreams, so she didn't care too much about her.

Fenmu has the protection of the kingdom of God, and if the parish nun has a stronger ability to "teach the gods", it is natural to get close to him.

If this is as knowledgeable as this stupid nun, it will insult her Hecate's temper.

"I met once. It was the time when Fen Mu suddenly disappeared. I caught many people who were proficient in divination to predict your whereabouts. I followed the clues to find the Forest of Everything, where I met a nun and a succubus. "

disappear suddenly......?

Is there such a thing?It seems there is, but Fenmu can't remember clearly.

Life is urgent for everyone, and time is the biggest reminder, relentlessly urging those who explore the truth to the end of their journey, and ruthlessly urging a sexy lady in her prime into old age without J8 Fading dusk.

However, after obtaining the body of a demigod, Fen Mu intuitively felt that time flowed slowly on his body, and many memorable things became dispensable.

After searching my mind carefully, the memories placed in every corner are related to the beautiful and straight buttocks.

There are those of Anastas, Master Anna, Master Tasia, Sidney, and Taivia. The value of these memories is above everything else.

"Rage and Rachel almost got into a fight, but Rachel couldn't beat Rage at that time." Taivia remembered that Fen Mu had instructed not to call this person a witch.

Taivia remembered every word Fenmu said.

Hecate snorted, feeling a little complacent, feeling that the nun was more pleasing to the eye:

"Of course, even if the succubus stays at the sixth level for a long time, it does have the corresponding inheritance to realize the transformation from power to combat power."

"It's fine if there's no fight. Has Hekaty seen Rachel in the deep dream? She just went to the deep dream a while ago."

"No, the deep dreams are very large, and there are constantly destroyed lands falling there. The dreams of each depth are growing endlessly, with a vast territory, and the lifespan of a demigod can't go through a depth."

That's it, forget it.


Back at the station in Icestone Town, Kashalia and the others had already rested in the host's hut first.

Nora and Ando Shiranui, two mature women, placed a large bathtub in the open space of the room, and bathed comfortably in it.

There is a layer of ice petals in the bathtub, which is very emotional.

But putting ice petals in a hot water bath is like throwing a few pieces of ice into it.

Is this thinking of Ice and Fire? Two Heavens?

Fenmu said hello to them, then introduced Senior Sister Witch, and asked Hekati to sit casually, then asked in doubt:

"Hey, why did you come back sooner than us, didn't you go to practice?"

"Fenmu didn't think about it again, did he? Look at the corner."

Nora proudly pointed to the corner of the wall, where there were trophies such as animal horns and teeth, and they were all from monsters with decent strength. She said:

"Of course the answer is that the experience is over."

An Tang Shiranui sighed: "Actually, there are other reasons. It was just a warm-up battle. Unfortunately, before we could go deep into the snowy forest, a blizzard started, so we had to go back the same way."

Snow forests are much more dangerous during snowstorms. The temperature is extremely cold and the vision is unclear. There may be fierce beasts hiding in the storm in the university.

And the cold storm in the Northern Territory is really not bragging, it can directly affect the operation of spiritual energy, the temperature is so low that even majoring in physical strength and inheritance of combat skills can't bear it, let alone healing and warlocks.

Hearing the reminder, Fenmu finally realized: "It's really getting colder, and there is no one in the square. I just forgot how good my physique was when I came back all the way."

This is probably Versailles, no way, the body of a demigod is really easy to use, and the advantages of resistance to beatings are secondary, the key is to be strong enough and durable (referring to the physical strength during battle), and the time of a sage is equal to nothing.

But the disadvantage is that when encountering someone as forceful as Master Anna, the physical exertion can be considered to keep up with the squeeze.

"The windows are all frozen. When I came back, I saw a few people wandering around the square sporadically, but now they are all gone."

"Yes, Fenmu, look at the northeast corner. There is a woman wearing a black lady's dress sitting on a stool, or is it an ordinary stone sculpture?" Taivia followed and moved to the window.

Fenmu took a closer look.

Isn't that woman Yulia? Where is she doing in such a cold day?The black sexy dress she was wearing still had an open back, from the neck to the buttocks.

Chapter 22 You will embarrass me like this!

On the square shrouded in ice and snow, a woman sat quietly on a frosted stone bench with her back facing Fenmu.

There is a totem tattoo on her fair and beautiful back, and the black lines present a sense of spiral in the mysterious pattern. This black tattoo is attached to her spine and winds, like a snake spiraling up along the bone totem.

Although she couldn't see the front, the unique temperament on her body had already explained her identity to Fen Mu.

Yulia made such an absurd and abstract move, verify the authenticity of what Femmu said before.

He claims to be able to identify people by identifying their buttocks, but Yulia doesn't believe it, unless he is using the slogan of looking at the buttocks on the surface, but actually recognizes people through the breath.

But in that case, is this still a belief in the buttocks?

"Why hasn't he moved yet? I've already sensed his gaze." Yulia said to herself, quite depressed.

She was sitting alone in the snow and cold wind, to be honest——

Kind of stupid!

Fenmu, Taivia and the others stood by the window and stared there for a long time.

Even though the wind and snow obstructed her vision, Fenmu had already recorded her unique round curve through the thin skirt.

Fen Mu said gloomyly: "The ass is a good butt, but it's a pity that there is a will to destroy inside."

Evil buttocks, wait for me to take it and seal it with a seal!

"Isn't she cold?" Tavia asked.

The window was right next to the bed, Fenmu was tired from standing, and had a cancer attack, lying on the bed and continuing to secretly observe Yulia in the square.When Taivia saw that Fenmu was lying on her stomach, she also lay on the bed, but she was lying on Fenmu's body, with the plump beauty's soft peaks resting on his head, and her arms were around Fenmu's neck.

Seeing her, Casalia also came over to join in the fun, lying on Taivia's body, also using her ass to rest her head.

"Casalia, your plate armor is so hard, it hit my head." Taivia Gujing said calmly.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'll just take it off." Casharia took the light armor back into her private dream.

Seeing this, Nora next to her said, "Daughter of char siew, stay on the ground," and jumped on it.

An Tang sat at the side indifferently, looking at this pile of "hills", not knowing how to evaluate it.

"For a moment, I wanted to jump up too. Is Fenmu all right at the bottom? Will it be heavy?"

Heavy?If it doesn't exist, a few more will be able to withstand it.

Nora relieved the heavy burden on her chest, laid it comfortably on top of her daughter's head, and said: "It's not heavy, Fenmu is a demigod, besides, he didn't press us once or twice before, and occasionally It's okay to come here."

Hecate has a habit of emptying his mind to meditate every time he arrives in a new environment, feeling the spiritual energy in the regional environment, and analyzing the subtle differences.

She opened her eyes, and saw a scene like a layer cake: "Are you still children, why are you still pressing down on Fenmu like this?"

"It's okay, Hecate doesn't need to worry about it, it's just a joke."

Fen Mu laughed, and didn't say that he was quite comfortable under the pressure of several beauties.

It's a pity that I didn't seize the opportunity to experience the feeling of driving a big car (referring to driving a big carriage) while I was young. Now I don't have the chance.

"Why don't I go out and see what Yulia is doing, and sit a little longer, I'm afraid her buttocks will be frozen on the stool."

The nun continued to hug Fenmu reluctantly: "I want to lie on Fenmu's back for a while longer."

"The next time I hug you, how about I put you on it, but it will take a little effort for you to do it automatically." Fen Mu reached out to touch Taivia's hair, her head was resting on his shoulder, Fen Mu Mu can kiss her pink face by turning his face sideways.

"Okay." Tavia nodded.

"What's so good about being fully automatic..." Casalia whispered contemptuously.

Fen Mu didn't give her face: "Indeed, Casalia likes to be led away."

The female knight's face froze, and she retorted with red cheeks: "You are talking nonsense, I am not that kind of person!"

I still can't face my heart and enjoy the fun of following my instincts, Fenmu thought.


Maybe Casalia is so awkward because she enjoys the joy of struggling between instinct and dignity.

As expected of you, I have always underestimated you!

Fenmu supported Taivia's slender waist with his hands behind his back, and held up all the beauties lying on his back steadily in a posture that was difficult to exert strength, and then pulled out from under him with a rather unreasonable movement , and finally put them back on the bed gently.

Even the fifth-level people may not be able to understand the muscle power technique used in this movement alone.


Fen Mu walked out of the room, and the moment he opened the door, the cold wind rushed in, messing up his black hair, but he was used to being lazy, and this messy and sloppy hairstyle became part of his temperament.

Even if he walked in the imperial city of etiquette and dogma, no maid would think that his hairstyle was inappropriate.

No way, who made the former royal family belong to him?No one dared to make irresponsible remarks to him.

"Huh? Is it a phantom that only Taivia and I can see? Where is this leading me?"

Fenmu muttered, there were a few pedestrians running past in the heavy snow nearby, reminding Fenmu to go back to the house to avoid the storm by the way.

But these people seem to have not noticed Yulia's existence.

He stretched out a salty pig's hand, trying to respond to the call of the evil hip with touch.

The moment he touched it, Yulia's body turned into burning embers and disappeared.

"Tsk, I'm out of shape, I should have looked at her face from the front just now."

The wind and snow did not stop, but the embers flew against the direction of the wind and snow and flew into the building lanes of the town.

But Fen Mu stood still, not following Ember.

The ember flew a few steps away, then froze.

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