"Yes, anytime! I can go to see her anytime."

"Cheers, let's go now! That friend of yours must want to see you too."

Hey, is that friend you mentioned yourself?If you think so, tell me frankly that it’s over if you don’t!

"Cheers, cheers!" Fenmu clinked glasses with her excitedly, and drank the strong wine in the wooden wine glass. He said with a smile, "Actually, that friend of mine is the owner of the Beastmaster Territory, the lord of this place."

Ed Sharon's eyebrows became serious immediately. Is his friend the wolf girl?No wonder he has such deep affection for the Beastmaster Territory, but he has no affection for the Ice Emperor Territory.

I should have thought of it earlier, so it seems that I have to lure him outside the city and do something to him.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the tavern, and the guard shouted an order: "The beast king is back!"

Fen Mu was taken aback.

"Huh? Beastmaster is back? What do you mean?"

Who is this beautiful woman next to me?

Chapter 33 Misunderstanding resolved.

This is not right, shouldn't the lord of the Beastmaster Land be by his side?

This kind of SSR-level plump buttocks, this level of strength, and the place where it appeared in this special period can only be the supreme commander here.

Fenmu couldn't figure it out, could it be that the Beastmaster outside is a substitute or something?

From the change in the expression of the man next to him, Ed Shalan noticed a turning point, and thought:

The person he is looking for should be the wolf girl Hetheren, but judging from his expression, it seems that the matter is not simple.

Selfishly speaking, Ed Shalan would never want to get close to the Beastmaster, as it would be extremely easy to be discovered.

She didn't think that her strength would be weaker than that of the Beastmaster wolf girl Heselun. In fact, Ed Shalan was at the mid-ninth stage, but this was the Beastmaster's territory, and it was someone else's territory.

The cohesion of the territory is a blessing for the commander here. Hetheren can even explode into a god-level combat power at any cost.

Ed Sharan doesn't really want to have a conflict here, or a conflict with Hesseln.

It's just... this man's ability is worth her risk, maybe she can take him away.

"The person you are looking for is the Beastmaster, let's go out and see her together."

"Well, that's fine." Fen Mu nodded, and after drinking the rest of the wine in the glass, he strode out of the tavern.

The pace is hurried, with a little urgency.

After putting on the hood, Ed Shalan suppressed her aura of strength and followed the man out after making sure everything was safe.


The beast king collar, just from the name, we know that it is related to the beast race

Ice can't extinguish the blood of the snowy orcs, the ruthlessness when hunting and lurking and the boldness when fighting, two completely different temperaments are completely integrated in the snowy orcs.

Residents of the Beastmaster Territory who heard the news near the city gate came out one after another, and instead of paying formal respects, they cheered with a cup of steaming spirits.

Fenmu looked at the orcs pouring out, and heard the battle-cry-like cheers, and felt inexplicably that he might have entered the den of bandits.

A woman riding a huge ice wolf slowly walked in from the city gate. The first thing Fenmu noticed was the long gray hair of dead wood, and then her buttocks and legs leaking from the side of her Warcraft velvet skirt.

This side of the buttocks is a bit impressive, but with just such a quick glance, Fen Mu felt an unparalleled sense of domineering oppression.

There are many aesthetics of the buttocks, and different people have different aesthetic definition rules. Fenmu tends to accept "slightly fat models".


And how should I describe this model of the female beast king... It is much more expensive than the muscular sister in the war parish. The female beast king is just a kind of strong woman.

Back then, there were many such women in the tribes in the reef area, and they all liked Finmu.

However, the female Beast Queen's aura has a strong oppressive force, so that Fen Mu wonders if she will get a painful lesson if she rashly... shoots at this person.

If it was done on the Beastmaster like the kind of rubbish he did to the goddess of the starry sky, Fenmu might end up in a fuzzy end.

Anastasia was overjoyed. In the past, this kid had no taboo when looking at his buttocks purely with his eyes. He dared to go and see people, ghosts and corpses. Now that he has awakened that strange perception and inspiration, it has brought disadvantages instead.

Some domineering bloodlines will have some spiritual impact on his "watching".

[Injury in dreamland will not affect your real body, nor will it hurt your soul. Next time I give you special training, how about I use a little bit of strength to pinch steel bars?Clamping you down in dreamland, you should be able to train more without distractions. 】

Fen Mu panicked, and quickly said in his heart: "Don't! It will leave a psychological shadow! I will be afraid of cultivation!"

Master Anna's chuckle echoed in his mind, it seemed that he was just teasing him.

Ed Shalan didn't react when he saw this man, knowing that things had really turned for the better!

"It seems that the person you are looking for is not here? There may be some mistakes in your information, why don't you follow me outside for a stroll, I may know who you are talking about."

She has secretly pinched a rare teleportation stone that is priceless and can forcefully teleport several people to the place where the formation is set in advance. She is ready to send this man into her underground prison at any time, so that she can receive him.

Fen Mu heard the meaning of her words, as if she was going to ask him to go outside to confess his identity, nodded and said:

"Yes, it seems that there is something wrong with the information, so please correct me."

After Heselen walked a few steps away, Ed Shalan led Femmo out of the city gate.

It's just that a barrier blocked her way. This is the barrier of the beast king. It was opened by the king of beasts himself.

Ed Shalan's heart sank, "It's impossible for this Beastmaster Barrier to be open all the time. It seems that it was discovered from the very beginning."

In the distance, the woman who was leisurely riding a snow wolf turned back and approached Fenmu slowly. Following the pace of the female beast king, her southern hemisphere jolted.

These pectoral muscles are quite shameless!

"You are really bold. If you dare to come to the Beastmaster Territory at this time, you might think that I am so weak that I can't even notice you appearing in my territory."

Heselun jumped up from the back of the wolf, and when he landed, he already had a sword and ax in his hand.

This sword and ax is a serious weapon category, but it is relatively rare. It is similar to a two-headed dragon, with a sword on one side and an ax on the other.

Fen Mu appraised this rare weapon of hers after a long distance, and had an evaluation of its quality.

Upper relic level, rubbish!

Ed Saran didn't pretend anymore, and took off her hood, and in her hand was a quaint straight ice sword.

Even higher than the upper relic level, it is also garbage.

Of course, what Fenmu wants to say most now is, Miss Ailan, since you are ready to fight, you might as well take off your cloak, and I will hold it for you temporarily as a younger brother, and take a look at the shape of your buttocks by the way.

Wait a minute, isn't that right, you hit a hammer?Senior Sister Lord, isn't this your territory?

Could it be that he was acting for him?

With this layer of guessing, Fenmu calmed down. Although he didn't know why, he was right to follow along and prepare.

Ed Shalan said: "Do you have this idea and want to fight? I am willing to accompany you, but before that, do you know this little brother? Have you ever had a human under your command?"

The wolf girl Heselun sneered, and said, "Are you so worried that you started talking nonsense? How could my bodyguard have human race? If you want to change the subject, find a more plausible excuse."

"I'm relieved with your words."

Fen Mu heard something was wrong, he interrupted and asked loudly: "Wait a minute, who is the senior sister of the lord?"

The female beast king looked at the male human race with silly eyes.

And Ed Shalan recovered from his senses, and looked at him dumbly.


"Yes, I knew it was you, Senior Sister Lord. Well, are you in the territory of the enemy now?"

Ed Shalan wanted to die, how did this misunderstanding come about!

"Now shut up and follow me."

At this moment, the snowflakes in the sky stopped falling, and it was frozen by another force.

"Hoarfrost" came quietly, pointing directly at the capital of the Beast King.

Chapter 34 How many do you have?

This vision means the arrival of the mysterious enemy. In the face of greater conflicts, the short-term differences between the two forces have to be put behind.

"It looks like you have guests at home."

Ed Shalan smiled, and pointed to somewhere in the sky.

In a corner of the sky, the clouds shattered and the sky opened, and the original blue sky suddenly became "colorful", red, purple, black and other colors with a sense of disaster gathered together, and a spiral hole was broken in the center of the chaotic colors.

It was a huge portal, an array system that had never been seen before, and through that gate, a howling blizzard could be vaguely seen.

"Maybe I will be a guest at your place next time. When I think about it, whether I want to pay a visit to your place as well." The wolf girl snorted coldly.

She jumped down from the giant wolf below her, and the ice wolf with several tails turned into a phantom and clung to Hetheren's back.

Behind the beast king, the gaze of the wolf flashed from time to time.

This scene reminded Fenmu of the black mist of Granville's old royal family, and it felt like a similar inheritance.

"Is your partner still here? Tell them to leave together." Ed Shalan had the idea of ​​retreating, not wanting to stay in the Beastmaster Territory for a long time.

"Sister Lord, just leave like this, don't you need to help them?" Fen Mu took advantage of this topic, pretending that the previous misunderstanding did not exist, and directly started a relationship with her.

Ed Shalan shook her head, she was so calm and cold-blooded, she said:

"No matter, the Northern Territory has its own rules, don't meddle in other people's business, unless the other party asks for help. This is especially true when it comes to the two forces. If you help others to solve troubles casually, sometimes there will be residents of the territory who are against the other side ' Such a possibility."

Instigate rebellion...

If one party uses "helping others to solve their troubles" as an excuse to go to other people's territory to do things casually, seemingly under the moral banner of helping others, it is actually interfering in the other party's territorial sovereignty.

Fenmu has never been in that position, and has never had this kind of thinking angle before.

The ghost king's voice sounded in Fen Mu's ear: "These guys came at the right time, I have to meet 'Bai Shuang' for a while."

Master Tasia's voice was filled with the joy and desire of fighting: "Same."

Hey, isn't it just to stay and help?

We are just passing tourists, come here to experience the local customs, see beautiful buttocks in exotic places, and occasionally encounter local troubles, so it doesn’t matter to help.

"Senior Sister Ailan, can you take a step first? You have a special status, and there are indeed a lot of inconveniences, but since I have seen such troubles, I can't stand by and do nothing. This is not in line with my principles!" Fenmu said generously, eyebrows raised The spirits in the room were full of enthusiasm.

Ed Shalan did have the idea of ​​leaving. As a lord, if any accident happened here, it would be irresponsible to the territory. Besides, she had to go back and raise her guard against "Hoarfrost".

But this Junior Brother Shenguo who came here specially to look for her wanted to stay, and she couldn't sit idly by.

"My name is Edsa Lan." Fengyun Pingting's woman introduced herself again, she put on the hood, and took out a toy-like mask from her private dream, "But now it's Alan, just treat it as my own Find out the details of the enemy on the site, you said you are here to deliver the goods, where are the goods?"

The lord is going to fight hard as a passerby.

"Actually, you don't need to care about the fight. Let's just watch. Someone will fight for us." Fen Mu said in a low voice.

Ed Shalan was puzzled, and sent a few question marks to Fenmu with his eyes.

What does this mean, you want to stay and help the Beastmaster lead, and you don't go to the battle to help but just watch?

Judging from the traces left by the previous "Hoarfrost" transit, these enemies are definitely not idlers. Who else will fight for this side?

It was difficult for Fen Mu to explain the reason. He took out several legendary straight swords.

Because the materials used are not particularly top-notch, and there is no specific characteristic idea when building it, so the grade can only be regarded as a legendary level, but the appearance is definitely dazzling enough!

"My name is Fenmu. Let's not talk about that, Ed Shalan, let's check the goods first, you can see which one you want, they are all legendary! This one is from the Wuying series of Stranger, my little one The broken knife is quite similar, I haven't named this one yet, let's call it the Great Sword for now, the golden light and shadow effects are very handsome, it's easy to say if you are not satisfied, we have other things."

Fenmu has quietly omitted the honorific suffix and called her by her first name.

Ed Shalan noticed this, but now she can't care about these trivial things at all.

Her eyes were completely attracted by those straight swords. Are these really legendary? !

Is this guy selling it as a Chinese cabbage? How can he easily take out so many legendary grades!

"This, this is really not a disguised skill?"

"No, the samurai and the ninja agreed after using it. I built it myself. I'll make do with it first, and I'll refine it for you later."

Fen Mu was afraid that she would not believe her, so he put these swords in her hand with a single mind.

Ed Shalan fell into a deep silence, and somewhat doubted whether her common sense was correct.

Are legendary weapons such random things?Why didn't he care about it at all.

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