The Territory of the North has a secret inheritance, and it can be sacrificed to produce a legendary magic weapon in about 50 years. Therefore, it can be said that it is ahead of the outside world for weapons of this level.

But it's not as embarrassing as Fenmu's at all!

The snow near the city gate suddenly squirmed strangely, forming a humanoid ice sculpture, and the face of the ice sculpture quickly melted into the appearance of an orc.

Someone in the Beastmaster's personal guard said angrily with red eyes: "It looks like the villagers who were killed by 'Hoarfrost'!"

"This is really a bad idea. Frost Skeleton actually takes on the appearance of a dead person." Ed Shalan was slightly dissatisfied, secretly angry, but did not show it.

What happened in the Beastmaster's territory now may happen in her territory in the future!

"What is Shuangke?" Fenmu acted as a curious baby, without any sense of nervousness, and even secretly transmitted sound through the Kingdom of God, asking his companions in the hotel to find a safe place to eat melons and watch the show, and don't run out yet.

"You can understand it as the advance team of 'Hoarfrost', the enemies that the frost skeleton can't deal with, 'Hoarfrost' will officially come, looking for fun... This 'Hoarfrost' field is really terrible, it can slow down For the operation of spiritual energy, if the Beastmaster’s Territory is not based on physical strength, it will cause trouble in the level of Frost Skeleton.”

Ed Sharan clenched her fist, and a white mist came out of her white arm, which was the weak influence of the "Hoarfrost" domain on her.

When Fen Mu saw this, he knew that another chance for him to get close had come!

"Bai Shuang" or something, how can senior sister be so important!

His expression suddenly became solemn, like a craftsman who has a lofty pursuit of his works, but suffers from the lack of opportunities to experiment, and his slightly frowned brows are disheartened on his pursuit of perfection:

"Ed Shalan, would you like to try my baby warming sticker? I'll stick it on your calf to see if it can offset the effect of 'Hoarfrost'. You don't have to worry about it, I will stick it for you myself!"

Chapter 35 Chestguard!

Ed Saran didn't quite understand why Fenmu gave his work such a cute girly name, but after all, he is the creator, so it's not good for Ed Saran to talk too much.

"You only have a piece of warm baby, are you sure it can take care of your whole body? Where should you stick it?"

"One piece is really not enough, a few more pieces will be enough."

Fenmu took out a few pieces of ore, pinched them between his fingers, and squeezed them into thin slices, then gathered the spiritual energy at a point on the fingertips, and burned the improved version of the heat-gathering spirit pattern in a flying manner.

"It's done. Generally, it is enough to paste the limbs, but in order to make the whole body more balanced and comfortable, you can also paste one piece on the lower abdomen and the back."

Ed Shalan looked at Femmer's rough and freehand burning technique, and was very suspicious of the work he just produced. Even though he was very familiar with the spirit pattern used for heat gathering, "the spirit pattern burning is a delicate link in forging" but common sense.

She asked more tactfully, with higher EQ: "You can record it so easily, why did it take so long in the tavern?"

"Of course it's to look professional. If I do it casually, instead of praising me, Senior Sister, you will even doubt me. Now that we have a relationship, those time-wasting facades will be saved!"

Fen Mu put the two warm babies that had just come out of the oven into her hands. The female lord checked it and found that except for the slightly free (scribbled) free (scribbled) burning of the spirit patterns, the performance was similar to that of the tavern. There is almost no difference between the warm baby stickers.

So what are the blacksmiths and craftsmen raised in her territory like? ? ?

Why can he, a coffin-proclaimed junior, use his fingernails to make fine spirit patterns, while the group of blacksmiths in the territory can easily spend a whole day on making spirit patterns?

Fenmu gradually revealed his intentions, but the four characters of "artisan spirit" were still written on his face:

"In order for this thing to better attach to your limbs, mind if I look at the shape of your legs, I have to adjust the shape of the baby warmer."

Not far away, the orcs had already fought with Shuang Li, and the fight was quite fierce, with auxiliary skills such as cheering battle roars coming out.

Although Fen Mu had no intention of meddling, he fought side by side with them in his heart. He said urgently:

"The battle is really too dangerous. Ed Shalan also really wants to test the combat power of 'Hoarfrost', so it's even more necessary to be fully prepared."

Intuitively, Ed Shalan vaguely felt that this brat had other plans, but what he said was true.Fighting in the "Hoarfrost" environment, you must always pay attention to the impact of this unique cold, which can easily cause distraction in combat.


Fenmu first put the warm baby on her arm in a gentlemanly way, and asked honestly, "How do you feel?"

Ed Saran commented objectively:

"Very well, the coldness of 'Hoarfrost' will be dispelled by this iron sheet by itself, and it seems to be able to improve the control of spiritual energy a little bit. Unfortunately, I don't completely rely on spiritual energy now. Before the gods wake up, this Things will be worth more!"

"All right! Then I'll stick the legs on for you."

Fen Mu was so excited that he almost showed his ape shape. He squatted down and couldn't wait to pull up Ed Shalan's robe.

Under the robe, there is a pair of straight long legs wearing white high-heeled boots. The surface of the boots shows gorgeous and delicate patterns, like snowflakes and some kind of totem.

Why is it a boot... Isn't it impossible to see the skin of the legs?

Although it is very uncomfortable to expose the skin of the thighs in the severe cold of the snowy area, you can also use stockings!

"Should it be able to be directly attached to the boots?" Ed Shalan saw the change in Fenmu's face.

Embarrassment, hesitation, fear of offending.

"It should be possible." Fenmu felt a little regretful.

But now that the fighting has begun, it's fine if they don't support them here, and they still take off their boots and touch their legs, which is a bit unreasonable.

He suppressed the reluctance in his heart and stuck the baby warmer on his boots.

Ed Shalan said: "I can feel it, but it doesn't seem to be as obvious as the one on the arm. It seems that I have to find someone to test the effect of the leg again on you."

"No need, as long as it works, it's considered a success." Fen Mu declined.

What's the point if it's not for the lord's senior sister's thigh? If I want someone else to try it, don't I have a girl to try it on?No matter how bad it is, you can stick it on your own leg!

Ed Shalan took out a crystal clear ice bow, the bow was full of cold air, and the strings were made of psionic energy. It seemed that there were no strings, but in fact there were strings.

She took out a straight sword, which turned into a blue arrow the moment it hit the bowstring, but Edsaran stopped before the arrow was about to shoot out.

"Fenmu, is there any plate armor for the chest?"

"No, I seldom build armor." Fen Mu shook his head, "Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

The last time I made armor, it seems to have to be traced back to Hecate's "Tentacle Tights". I don't know if she still wears it now, probably not anymore.

Otherwise, I can give it to Casalia to wear, I guess she will like it very much.

"Sure enough..." The female lord was a little tangled, and finally said in relief: "Do you know what protective gear you need to draw a bow and shoot an arrow?"

Fen Mu was taken aback, he seldom studied bows and arrows, this kind of weapon is rare in the entire church city, not reckless enough.

After careful consideration, he soon knew the answer - chest protector! !

Chest protectors are a must for any female archer, especially those female adcs with tall breasts.

Otherwise, when the bowstring rebounds, it will scratch some indescribable places, and it is said that it is possible to scrape off that end.

Fenmu replied in embarrassment: "Chest protector, but I really don't have such a thing, and I can't rub one for you temporarily. This thing is different from Nuanbaobao."

"I didn't let you build it, cover it for me."


Fen Mu's eyes widened, and for a moment he thought that he had heard wrong, or that there was some difference in understanding in regional language habits.

But his body moved faster than his brain, and his brain was still hesitating. His hands had already climbed over to protect his senior sister, risking the back of his hands being scratched by the bowstring, and obliged to hold down Ed Shalan's swollen heart. Meat!

"Don't worry about me, it doesn't matter if you scratch my hand, just use your bow and arrow as much as you want!" Fen Mu said passionately.

Ed Shalan felt that she might have made a wrong decision, but Fenmu's hand was still honest and did not move, so she ignored it for the time being.


The arrow flew out, the arrow was small, but directly blasted a big hole in a giant frost skeleton.

The arrow turned back, and then went to hunt and kill other enemies.

Ed Saran continued to pull the bowstring, and in an instant, several arrows flew wildly in the sky.

The female beast king simply counted the arrows and said in disbelief: "You can still keep twenty arrows? Why is your strength not affected by 'Hoarfrost' at all!"

Chapter 36 What is that thing?

Needless to say, as a woman, Senior Sister Lord has a natural disadvantage in archery—too big!

Protected in the palm of the hand, full of full applause.

After firing twenty weapon arrows in a row, Ed Sharan retracted the ice bow and focused on controlling the arrows.

"Fenmu, you can let go of your hand, how long are you going to protect it?"

Fenmu let go of his hand reluctantly, reminiscing about the soft touch in his heart, and brought up a topic to ease the embarrassment:

"I, am I worried about Ed Shalan, are you preparing for the second round of shooting? I have a potion for improving mental strength for a short time. Would you like to try it? There are rose scented and orange scented ones."

The medicine to improve mental strength... Ed Shalan nodded: "Then give me a bottle of orange juice, oranges can't be grown in the Northern Territory, and the oranges shipped from the hinterland of Granville have arrived here It's not new either."

These medicines to enhance mental power were originally prepared by Fenmu to relieve the state of the sages. At that time, they often exchanged feelings with Rachel and the others for several years, and their minds were often muddy after regaining consciousness.

Afterwards, the super powerful spirit potion was prepared, but the spirit was tempered a lot, and the medicine was no longer needed.

Sure enough, this game is all practiced.

Fen Mu took out a bottle, served her home with proper service, pulled out the cork cork, and put the bottle between the female lord's red lips.

Except for the fact that Ed Shalan had never been fed by others when she was a child, it is absolutely impossible for this kind of shameful behavior to happen to her, but now her hands have to be swiped from time to time to help guide the arrows to fly, and there is no time to spare her hands take the bottle.

Now that the bottle was brought to her mouth, she was too lazy to be pretentious, and slowly took half a mouthful of the medicine.

At the moment when the fragrance of orange spread over the taste buds of the tongue coating, Edsaran found that the mental pressure was suddenly relieved.

The pressure brought by the twenty arrows seemed to disappear, and even the trajectory of the arrows became slow and clear in her mind.

"Just half a dose of potion has such a powerful effect? ​​Is this a strategic formula from Granville?!"

It's the drink I use to refresh myself after I'm done. The slightly medicinal ones don't work...

"Ah, yes, but not entirely, because I didn't popularize it in the Orthodox Church. I only gave it to a few people over there. It is used occasionally when doing something that consumes a lot of energy. It is an emergency."

Ed Shalan nodded, feeling a little puzzled by Fen Mu's secretive attitude, feeling that he seemed to be trying to cover up something.

Maybe he stole the recipe or something.

But I have to say that this little junior who joined the Kingdom of God a few years ago, did not expect to have the property of a treasure chest. It is not easy to take out all kinds of strange and practical things.

The arrows of Fei Shuo cooperated with the efforts of the Queen of Beasts and her subordinates, and all of Shuangke collapsed. Even the strongest of Shuangke could not survive the beating for half an hour.

The arrows turned into streaks of light and flew to Ed Shalan's fingertips, and were recycled into a private dream.

Beastmaster Heselon's expression was more serious than before. After signaling her subordinates to stay put, she walked towards Ed Shalan:

"Your realm hasn't improved much. Why is your combat power increasing one after another? It's strange that you can use twenty arrows normally at the beginning, and it becomes easier to control the arrows later on."

"If it's a secret, do you think I'll tell you? You have to be sensible when you inquire."

The tall wolf girl was stunned for a while before she realized what Ed Shalan meant.

She is now only here to help as a traveler, not the lord of the next-door territory.

Hetheren changed his tone: "The Beastmaster is willing to spend money to buy the secrets. I hope this traveler from afar can help us deal with the 'Hoarfrost' invasion."

Ed Shalan nodded, then pointed at Fen Mu: "Ask him, the decision rests with him."

Fen Mu thought that the senior sister of the lord, a lord with a desire to control, would help him make decisions, but she didn't expect to return the decision-making power to him. Now her reaction is probably because she feels unfamiliar.

Hey, really, they are all from Anastha, so what do you do when you see someone else?

My knowledge and my things are yours, and your beautiful buttocks are mine!

Heselon looked at this strange man suspiciously. Is there such a person beside Ed Shalan?Why have I never heard of it, and it seems that she still trusts this man.

He actually entrusted such an important matter to a man to decide.

The female strategist next to Hesselun stepped forward and asked on her behalf: "Hello, Your Excellency. This is Hesselun, the lord of the Beast King Territory. May I ask your honorable name?"

"Fenmu, it shouldn't be a big name, but the indoor heat-gathering array currently used by the leaders of the northern border is my handwriting, believe it or not."

Showing identity is the key to improving the right to speak. Fenmu himself had the idea of ​​extorting mineral materials, but he looked at Ed Shalan again, leaned over and asked in a low voice:

"How is your relationship with the Beastmaster? Will you give it to them?"

The female lord who turned her back raised her brows, the heat-gathering circle turned out to be Fenmu's handwriting!At the beginning, she bought a relationship to find out who created it, but found that no one in Church City dared to accept money, and she didn't mean to leak the news at all.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a junior in the Kingdom of God!

"The Beastmaster Territory and the Ice Emperor Realm have always had differences and conflicts, but the character of the Beastmaster is quite decent."

The first half of the sentence is the position, and the second half is the attitude, Fenmu can hear it.

He immediately took out five or six boxes of special spiritual potions, kicked them in front of Hetheren, took out a piece of iron to write and draw, and threw them into her hands.

"The inside of the box is spiritual potion, and the iron sheet is a kind of miniature armor. It can be attached to the body to prevent cold. You can find a craftsman to crack it yourself. I have simplified it a lot. The price of these two things, Beastmaster, you can figure it out. , I just need high-quality, rare minerals or materials, and put them in the church in Bingshi Town."

Now the churches in Granville are basically his delivery stations.

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