Fenmu's straightforwardness in giving things really caught Hetheren by surprise. She thought that there would be a difficult and tit-for-tat negotiation, and maybe Edsaran would get in the way.

Ed Shalan was also depressed, why does this junior feel that he is the type who is particularly prodigal, and he makes such a deal?

With the destruction of the frost skeleton, the rightful owner of "Bai Shuang" will follow.

In the mysterious crack in the sky, a strange blizzard from another world blows, and the breath of divinity rushes into the territory of the north along with the blizzard.

Edsaran's face changed, and she quickly reminded: "Hesselen, open the barrier of your territory!"

Hesselen recovered from the surprise of harvesting the potion, and hurriedly ordered his men to go down to open the barrier.

But Fenmu stopped him: "Wait a minute, don't be nervous, I won't be able to see clearly after opening the enchantment."

Ed Sharan, Hetheren: ...?

Suddenly, two beams of light flashed across the crack, and the existence of the two god ranks went up against the storm and rushed into the blizzard in the crack.

Before "Bai Shuang" came, they went to find each other first.

The crowd in Langya City waited for a long time, but nothing came.

Hetheren had mixed feelings: "What is that, the enemy in 'Hoarfrost'?"

Chapter 37

On the side of Tasia and Ghost King God, the battle ended extremely quickly.

All that was left on the scene were pure white feathers scattered all over the place, and the wreckage that disintegrated into fragments of stone statues. These wreckages quickly turned into ashes and disappeared in the storm.

But in the eyes of others, this battle is actually quite fierce, but unfortunately there are no so-called others.

"It's a little boring, even more boring than the expected minimum. These guys are similar to those frost skeletons, and they are also puppets." Tasia was very dissatisfied.

This kind of feeling is like those who just had fun with a man for a while and became a little bit sexual, but the man was fine in three seconds.

Both Tasia and Guiwangshen are war-thirsty types. Although it is interesting to watch Fenmu mess around, deep down in his heart, he is also looking forward to this guy meeting some interesting enemies.

To relieve their boredom.

After finally meeting a group of enemies who seemed to have some energy, they died before they had enough fun.

The ghost king stretched out his hand to draw a spell pattern in the air, and the spells exuding a strange luster flew towards the surroundings of the space in the eye of the storm, forming a frozen frame.

Those wreckages that were rapidly weathering and disintegrating came to a standstill as if they were called to pause, and the remaining ash flying in mid-air also stopped their trajectory.

Just like the vision brought by "Hoarfrost" from the outside world.

The tall woman with ghost horns for the first time walked to a wreckage and observed the enemy's corpse.

The enemies in the eye of the storm are a group of races with white wings, some wearing bone masks, and those without masks. Their facial features are handsome like statues, and their expressions are sacred, just like the figurines of the guards enshrined in the temple.

These guys have both masculine and feminine features at the same time, with long blond hair and handsome androgynous women's faces, high breasts, and "hidden weapons" hidden in their skirts.

What can identify the power they belong to may be the golden tattoos on their backs.

This tattoo, which is not much different from the slave pattern, is located at the bulge of the waist-hip transition, and you can't find it without pulling down the skirt.

"Tasia, what kind of power is this?"

The purple-haired woman didn't even walk over, she just glanced at her and said, "I don't know, I only care about my bad mood and my fighting knowledge."

The ghost king didn't know what she meant, so he didn't ask, because this woman's temper was very bad.

But judging from her background, she should be quite big, why doesn't she even know the power in her own land.

While wondering, another purple-haired woman came out from nowhere, and the ghost king looked astonished as if he had seen a ghost.

She instinctively felt the strength beyond common sense in this woman, but she couldn't perceive her approach. The key was that she looked the same as Tasia.

But without Tasia's murderous intentions, it looked very peaceful.

Anastha had no intention of introducing herself. She walked up to a relatively complete wreckage, and bent down to observe it. The proud plump breasts drooped with the movement, and the weight was heavy.

"This is the light plague infected person in the Garden of Eden. I haven't seen these guys for a long time. It turned out that I found a lost dream to be a parasite."

Tasia looked at Anastha, and asked impatiently: "Then where is their real master? These are puppets after all, where is the manipulator?"

"Of course it is in the Garden of Eden, but there is no entrance here. Let's see if there will be any other 'Hoarfrost' appear in the future. I feel that Eden has hidden a path to become a god."

Hearing this news, Tasia didn't make a choice, and immediately thought of Femme, "Then let Femmo get the track. At his current fishing speed, when will he make progress?"

"Then find an opportunity to talk to him, but he is now going on a strange path, and there is a high probability that he will not care about Eden's trajectory."


In Langya City, the people who were still waiting for the enemy to descend almost let down their vigilance.

"Has 'Hoarfrost' been dealt with? Will there be follow-up revenge?" asked an orc.

Fen Mu didn't know them well, but he still calmed down and said: "Probably there are none."

In his heart, what he thought was: it might be better to have follow-up revenge, at least there are more enemies.

Seeing the eager speed with which Ghost King God and Tasia rushed to find someone to fight, it was as if they were afraid of being robbed by the other party.

With that posture, Fen Mu recalled the sad days when he was trained by Master Anna.

But judging by the speed at which the "Hoarfrost" vision dissipated, Tasia probably didn't enjoy it to its fullest.

I hope that when she comes back, she won't find me to vent the second half.

"Who are those two beings?" Ed Shalan asked in a low voice.

Fenmu thought for a while and explained: "I'll hug the thighs, anyway, those outrageous enemies will be dealt with by them, we only need to be responsible for dealing with those they don't like."

Fenmu is quite proud of this status quo.

It's fun to beat a strong enemy by jumping up the stairs, but it will affect the happy communication time between him and the girls.

He can only reluctantly give up the joy of defeating a powerful enemy to others!

The situation in Langya City is almost over. Fenmu walked around the area briefly, but he didn't find any local products to take away, which is a pity.

He explained to the Beast Queen about the payment of the material, and then took the girls on the road to visit Ed Shalan's territory.


Thanks to Edsaran's teleportation stone, it didn't take much time to get to the Ice Empire.

As soon as the stone is pinched, the portal opens, and if you step in, you will directly arrive at the capital of the Ice Emperor, Amber City.

Because the landing point of the portal was set up in Ed Shalan's room, it saved the troublesome reception work.

"Then I have time to spare now, why don't you introduce me? There should be members from the Kingdom of God here, right?" Ed Shalan said to Fenmu.

When Fen Mu called his companions to prepare to leave Langfang City, Edsaran paid attention to his companions, and she recognized "Fury".

The tone of speech is too similar, and the style of action.

"Yes, I didn't expect that the senior sister of the lord has already recognized it. That Casalia, can you call Xiluen out?"

"It's calling, it's calling."

After a while, Casalia's body was shrouded in a purple-black mist, and Xiluen appeared in the mist.

Silune didn't speak, but just exchanged glances with Edsaran.

"Actually, I also met with the samurai and the ninja senior sister, but those two didn't come over, let's introduce these people first..."

After Fenmu introduced all the members one by one, Ed Shalan was filled with emotions.

"In the past, the members of the Kingdom of God kept secrets and distance from each other, and tabooed interaction and temptation. As a result, you, a junior, have completely broken the rules of the Kingdom of God and brought everyone together not long after you joined.

How long have I been busy with the territory, the kingdom of God has changed. "

Xi Luen smiled darkly and said: "Not only that, when Fen Mu publicized the Kingdom of God, he changed his flag and banner. What sect is it called?"

"Nothing!" Fen Mu flatly denied.

Although it is true, he has only been in contact with Ed Shalan for a short time, so he can't leave a strange impression on the other party when he first met, which is not conducive to the subsequent development of goodwill!

Chapter 38 The Dream of Offering Weapons

Although getting along for a while, most of Fenmu's hobbies will be exposed. He is self-aware of this, but at least he can't be exposed so quickly!

"Back to the topic of weapons, Ed Shalan said earlier that you want to wear a sword, but I don't think your attack method looks like using a sword, turning the straight sword into an arrow and shooting it out?"

It was the first time for Fenmu to see such a way of using a weapon.

Moreover, the ice bow in Ed Shalan's hand is at least a high-ranking legendary level. It is rare to see other forces running around with such an expensive weapon.

There is also a legendary staff in the elves' forest of all things, but they are all offered as treasures, and Fenmu has never seen them take them out.

As far as the church city is concerned, apart from the great sword that Fenmu helped Evewell repair later, there are also legendary weapons there, but they are also hidden as tributes.

"I used to use a sword before, but I switched to a bow to adapt to the weapon. The special feature of this bow is that it can contract weapons and turn other weapons into arrows, and the arrows will have the characteristics of those weapons themselves. .”

Edsaran took out the ice bow and threw it into Fen Mu's hand to show him.

Fenmu doesn't pay much attention to the legendary level, but it is someone else's property after all, he continued cautiously, and said: "You are too generous, and there is no such thing as throwing weapons at will."

The female lord was bold and frank: "You can take out a legendary weapon like an ice cube, which is enough to prove that your own forging strength is not weaker than this."

Hecate paid attention to some strange places: "Shouldn't it be described as Chinese cabbage? Why is it using ice cubes?"

"Chinese cabbage is an expensive food in the Northern Territory, and ice cubes are the least valuable."

It seems to be the case.

It makes sense for Fen Mu to listen to him, maybe he can talk to people like this in the future

——This dish is good, but it is a bit ordinary, as ordinary as the legendary weapon I made casually, lacking ingenuity, it is a pity to eat it without taste and throw it away

"This bow seems a little special...why can't I feel the thoughts and will left by its creator?" Fen Mu wondered, this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

In the past, when [Appraisal] was used for ordinary weapons, as long as the forger put a little emotion into it, more or less traces would be left, and even the idea of ​​leaving a name on the weapon would remain in the weapon.

But this ice bow is not, it is blank, except for its characteristics and quality, no other information can be found.

Ed Shalan stared at Fenmu, and was even more convinced that this guy was extraordinary in forging.

It can be seen at a glance that this bow is not made by human hands!

She explained: "Because this weapon was conceived from a dream in the Northern Territory, weapons will naturally be born there, but weapons need to be sacrificed.

Every year, the Ice Empire and the Beastmaster Territory will invest a lot of manpower to forge weapons, and then throw them into that dreamland to nurture them. "

Nora was very surprised by this rumor. She had never heard of such a place in the Northern Territory before. I am afraid that no outside force knows this secret.

Is this woman too generous to tell such an important secret directly?

Fenmu is very interested in that dream, which is a bit unreasonable. As long as the blacksmith makes a large number of weapons and throws them in for "feeding", can he "feed" legendary weapons? !

"Then you must have a lot of legendary weapons."

Ed Shalan didn't know whether this guy was showing off in a weird way, or if he really had this doubt, and replied:

"How is it possible, there is a need for 'offering'. The previous lord of the Ice Emperor threw hundreds of relic-level weapons and armor into it, gambling on a future possibility. It was not until my generation that a legendary-level weapon was bred."

Xi Luen imitated Fenmu's work style, and joked: "Fenmu, I think it's time for me to change to a super-high-ranking legendary weapon, please feed me one, and I will love you a lot later ~"

"You obviously snatched it, right! Hundreds of relics, if I'm a little lazy, it will take me several days!" Fenmu said seriously, "With this time, why don't you go to the stomach in one step? Take a few hundred legendary grades to feed a peerless weapon?"

It was originally a joke, but Fen Mu's answer left the girls speechless.

"I always feel that Fenmu's common sense in forging is not on the same level as ours, like a monster." Ando Shiranui, who was the leader of the Morenliao, sighed with emotion.

"The key point is that when everyone thinks they are joking, only Fenmu is serious, and the fact that they are serious is even more outrageous than our joke." Nora deeply agrees.

To put it simply, we dare not brag like that.

Just kidding, Fenmu was really interested in that dream.

Probably no craftsman would not be curious about this kind of place.

Just when he was about to ask if it was convenient to go in and visit the place, there was a knock on the door.

It's Edsaran's maid: "Master Edsaran, are you back?"

Ed Saran knew that she had something to deal with, so she had to temporarily put aside the "Under the Line Ji" of the Kingdom of God.

"I have to deal with the backlog of things in the past few days. You can rest here for the time being. A maid will take you to your respective rooms later, and I will entertain you well later."

Taivia walked to Fenmu's side, "Then I will share a room with Fenmu."

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