Fen Mu knew that he had several thighs that could be hugged, so he desperately stretched his hands into the white light. He felt a strange feeling on his arms, and the white veins quickly spread from his fingertips, but when they expanded and occupied his wrists, a wave of The purple-black power vibrated in his body, and the white light no longer dared to get close.

"You're too courageous, aren't you afraid of accidents?" Casalia said reproachfully, and quickly pulled his arm back. Seeing that there were no traces left, she breathed a sigh of relief: "How do you feel? I just saw white cracks start to appear on your fingertips."

"It's a good feeling, like putting your arm into the pile of fluff, it's soft and soft, as if something is touching it. I want to put my cow in it and let this white blind girl touch it. "

The originally serious atmosphere was instantly rendered speechless and pained by Fen Mu.

Hekati sighed and shook her head, lamenting that her junior brother was really courageous, she warned:

"If you really feel something touching you in the white light, you should be more careful. It is difficult for you to be charmed at this stage. Basically, even the gods can't charm you, so what you feel in the white light is not good. It will be a mental illusion, but something is actually touching you."

"If there is something, it is insidious. Touching your arm is just like confusing you and making him plunge into the light, but if you show any weakness to others, I'm afraid it will directly destroy you."

Mrs. Antang followed Hecate, and by the way, she really put on the process of "abolishing Fenmu". First, she made an astringent movement of putting her hands up and down against the air, and then twisted it hard, directly


Even with the body of a demigod, it will take a while to be psychologically disturbed by being screwed up like this!

Fen Mu imagined it personally, and suddenly shivered, his legs felt cold, and he quickly put away that "bold idea" just now.

He said to the little black-haired girl: "What do you say now, are you going to go back and look for it? I recommend you not to act rashly. This strange light can eat people. It should be quite dangerous to you, right?"

Sheba still had doubts about Fenmu, but now he put down a little vigilance and said, "Can you hear the voice in the light?"

Fen Mu saw that none of the girls in her companions had any intention of answering, so she responded to save the little girl from embarrassment: "I can't hear you, what did the voice say?"

"The construction period is not enough, you can't cross the river, you can't go to the blessed land, and the angel of judgment is about to come after you... The voice that can be heard said so, the other voices are not clear, but the content pages should be almost the same. "

Not enough time limit?Could it be related to the ability to switch weapons in this dream?

"Speak in Eden Flame Language?" Fenmu asked.

"It should be, but I don't know if the language I know is the Flame language of Eden you speak." The girl with long black hair was very puzzled, "Don't you all know that I speak Flame language? Can’t hear the voice in the white light? Why does it seem like you understand a little bit of everything, but you don’t understand it completely.”

She felt that the current predicament was not staged by these mysterious people, they belonged to the same boat, and she had something in her hands, but she couldn't give any useful clues at all.

Fen Mu was not in a hurry, she got up first.

Sister Witch Hecate is not afraid of this strange white light, and her strength does not allow her to have an accident here, but she may be smothered by this strange system.

That would be very annoying.

She guided: "You don't need to deliberately avoid or meditate deliberately. Some things are engraved in your instincts. You have an unusual relationship with this place. Try to respond to this with your instincts and see what happens."

Fen Mu watched silently from the side, and even sent a cup of tea that tasted bad, so that she wouldn't be so nervous.

He is very suspicious now, whether this girl will suddenly become a female angel of light, mainly because it is really suspicious.

And the next scene was beyond his expectations. Hecate guided Sheba according to the witch's meditation method. Sheba was instinctively mobilized. A hole was blasted.

This hollow in the white light is like an isolated island in the ocean, but it was indeed blown out by Sheba.

Nora and Fenmu also had similar guesses, but now seeing the place where Sheba was blown up just now, she whispered: "From the perspective of this girl's strength, it seems that she is in conflict with Bai Guang, she is not from the same group!"

Fenmu didn't lower his voice to avoid Sheba, and directly discussed: "At that time, the place where I picked her up seemed to be guarded by angels. Now that I think about it, that stone angel is probably watching Sheba?"

"Spy on me? Does it mean that I am hostile to these white light forces, the angelic forces you mentioned?" Sheba ignored the exhaustion after a round of power burst, and looked at Fenmu panting.

"Maybe. Generally speaking, the memory will slowly emerge after using the power a few times. I have some medicine here. After drinking it, you will be able to throw skills energetically. Do you want to try it?" Fen Mu lost A bottle of medicine passed by.

The girl was also very cautious. She uncorked the bottle and sniffed it: "Energetic... full of energy? It can't be a strange medicine!"

The little girl knows a lot, but it's a pity that you still can't grasp the life in deep water.

Fenmu comforted: "Don't worry, I want to make sure you don't rely on the medicine, it's all done by force, you just drink it with peace of mind."

Chapter 55 Finally something came to trouble me.

After Fenmu's heartwarming comforting words, the little girl Sheba became more suspicious of his character.

Which is better, a bad guy who is doing bad things openly or a bad guy who is doing bad things secretly?

Neither is bad, and neither changes the essence of being a badass. ,

The girl stared at Fen Mu cautiously, and with her eyes tightly locked, she looked around the suddenly changing environment, and finally drank the potion.

"How is it? The taste should be good, but the effect of the medicine may be a little stronger."

Sheba's reply to Fenmu was silence, and her face gradually flushed, the power in her body surged uncontrollably, her body responded with a strong desire to vent, and the excess energy accumulated more and more in her body.

The girl in a black dress ran to the open space next to her, followed her increasingly unbearable body, and radiated the dark energy that could annihilate the white light all around.

Before one shot hits the ground, the other shot has already been thrown out. It has a sense of sight like a brat throwing firecrackers.

Excessive drug effect is a kind of load on her body, and this way of spraying the dark energy ball is a kind of hearty relaxation, because the load is so strong that every time the girl throws the energy ball, there will be subtle gasps of pleasure.

"What the hell is this potion, you definitely mixed something strange into it!"

Taivia and the others all looked at Fenmu in unison, thinking that he threw something into the medicine to tease the little girl.

Fen Mu also scratched his head in wonder, this is really wronged.

"Don't be bloody, I drank too much of this medicine, and I used it for Ed Shalan and the Beastmaster not long ago, why are you all right!"

This scared him so much that he thought he had given the wrong medicine, so he quickly took out the real "women special attack" bottle of medicine to confirm.

Isn't it still in your pocket!

"You have it!" Sheba was so ashamed and angry that tears were about to come out.

She wanted to stop this madwoman-like embarrassing and disrespectful way of casting spells, but the long-delayed effect of the medicine made her body uncomfortable, but every time she threw the energy ball, the congestion that was crowded in her body suddenly emptied Pull it out, and the whole person relaxes.

This kind of relaxation lasted less than a second, and the effect of the medicine would induce the body to mobilize energy, and the body was crowded again.

Fenmu was silent, the medicine must have gone bad, right?

Realizing that the explanation seemed futile, Fen Mu turned to his sisters for help: "Do you all bring extra skirts, change one for her later, the thighs are dripping to the ground with sweat."

Fortunately, there is Hecate, an expert in the field of warlocks, and she guessed: "It may be the little girl's own problem. Her body naturally knows how to release energy, but there is no reasonable way to guide it. The effect of the medicine has no effect on her. The impact is a little off."

[Ghost King God: It is very difficult for the human race to have this kind of thing happen. Look at the way she casts spells. There is no trick at all. It just throws out the energy in the body, which means that the human race needs to learn to drive it out. Yes, after learning, I know how to drive power, no matter how much I take medicine, this kind of thing will not happen. 】

Fenmu probably understood what they meant.

Other spellcasters do not have this kind of talent, and need to learn the reasonable way to use power, and use the most efficient way to mobilize the power in the body, but this girl mobilizes power instinctively, and this mobilization process may be inefficient. It is easy to block the strength in the body.

In short, this kind of trouble is caused by people with racial talent.

"But this doesn't look like the psionic energy we are used to. Is it another energy?" Fen Mu calmed down and accepted the fact that he was not responsible.

Hecate stared at Sheba for a while, finally lost interest, and shook her head in disappointment, "It seems that she has really forgotten the skill of using power in her system. Her casting process is rough, and she simply throws out energy roughly. , there is no way to tell her identity, you can ask Xi Luen if she knows, she is an old thing."

Casalia's eyes suddenly turned crimson, and her long brown-blond hair was slightly blackened, but it didn't change completely. This was Xiluen's call.

She said angrily, "You're an old man. Based on my age when I died, I'm much younger than you!"

Hecate was not in a hurry, and countered with a clear mind: "The way to calculate age has always been to subtract the year of birth from the current year. According to you, if I sleep on my birthday, it means I haven't had a birthday. One year younger for no reason?"

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business, do you have an idea about this girl's situation?" Fen Mu acted as a peacemaker.

"No, I hadn't heard of Eden back then, let alone seen this kind of energy."

Seeing that he was scurrying around like a headless chicken, seeing that he couldn't find the key to breaking the situation, Anasta worried for him.

It can't be said to be anxious, it's simply boring.

【What do you think is the relationship between the power of that girl and the white light of Eden? 】

As soon as he heard Master Anna's voice, Fen Mu's eyes lit up in an instant, and Master Anna spoke, it was a joke!

"I don't know. If I knew, I would have dug up Eden's grave a long time ago to see if there are any treasures in it. But I guess it should be hostile."

[Wrong, the meaning of white light, light, and holy light to Eden is actually nothing more than the power of the Lord of Eden to parasitize believers with the plague belief. Light and darkness are not equal in Eden, but a suppressive relationship. That The dark energy in the girl is equivalent to the slave master of the Holy Light. 】

Fenmu was a little surprised, especially since he was used to stories about the triumph of justice like "Thunder smashes the darkness", or at least it was a story about the struggle of "the power of light and dark, the battle between light and darkness".

So there is still a darkness controlling the light?

"Wait, isn't Sheba the high-ranking person in Eden?" Fenmu suddenly came to his senses, although he felt that it was useless after he woke up.

Sheba is now in a state of amnesia, or it is more accurate to say that her soul is blank. Just by looking at the way she rolls her eyes and launches energy balls, she knows that she does not know about Eden.

"That's it again, Master Anna, where is Eden? Sheba said there was a voice in the white light, and he wants to go to the Gospel of Eden or something."

[I don't know, Eden hides it quite deep, and it's troublesome to find it.But I guess it appeared soon. It is estimated that this dream of raising weapons has existed for so long, and something should have been conceived. Maybe that little girl appeared here because of it. 】

"There's a joke. I'm taking advantage of the fact that Sheba doesn't know anything, so I can check her favorability. As Eden's upper class, maybe she can show me the treasure of Eden in the future!"

Anastasia was depressed, what was going on with this guy's brain, she had been yelling for so long, she didn't have any clever response.

【We've come to this place that is so closely related to Eden, why don't you take out that doll and ask the little girl? 】

"That's right, I was only thinking about Eden's baby, and I forgot that I still have such an angel figure." He hurriedly took out the angel doll, and the moment the doll just landed in his hand, he was stunned for a moment, and then The smile on the corner of the mouth became rampant.

He felt like he was being followed by a line of sight!The moment the angel doll was taken out!

Chapter 56

In the sanctuary hall in the void, a cold and beautiful woman stood up on the throne and said angrily:

"Where is my daughter! Who took my daughter away, her 'breaking the cocoon' has not been completed yet, which bastard interrupted her in the dream of raising a sword!"

Anger manifested behind the woman as a black gloomy flame, and the burning holy light faded to dim. The holy and flawless temperament of the woman on the throne was filled with a dictatorial evil charm, and the darkness that dispelled the white light faded with her mood. Down, it turned into a milky soft glow again.

"Kill all the bugs, and still hide your whereabouts? It's interesting, it's not a small skill."

The woman can get a little memory of the light worm before it died. The man has a clear goal and is not procrastinating.

There was no hesitation in the whole process, and being able to appear in the crack after it was closed, the goal was too clear.

But who is this?She has no impression at all that she has such a No. [-] enemy.

"Huh? How did the sleeping Spirit Palace Guard wake up? Has she found her incomplete soul?" After a moment of silence, the woman ordered a few light worms to help.


"Stop for a moment, Sheba." Fen Mu walked over and poured the much diluted sedative potion into her small mouth.

"What did you drink... again?"

Sheba's rebellious words hadn't finished yet, and the effect of the medicine took effect.

For a moment, she felt that everything was indifferent, and she who was subtly immersed in the pleasure of releasing energy just now was even more stupid, and she should not have become obsessed with such low-level happiness at this time point.

In the indifferent and calm state of mind, it quickly turned into annoyance that he was so useless, and he didn't even resist this low-level pleasure.

Releasable energy is low-level happiness, so what is high-level happiness?

She fell into a deep quagmire of herself, couldn't figure it out, squatted down, and drew circles on the ground with her fingers, feeling that life was nothing more than this.

Looking at her state, Fen Mu once again had doubts about his dispensing water bottle, "It's numb, why did the sedative potion turn into a sage potion again when it came to you."

The general sedative potion is used when the patient is irritable and has a considerable degree of pain. It has a certain paralyzing effect on the body and mind, but I have never seen a direct sage.

It doesn't matter, just calm down, otherwise when I really release the energy ball later, I roll my eyes on the spot, lie on the ground and stick out my tongue while twitching.

In pain, he took out the blanket that the Beastmaster had just given him, put it on the black-haired girl's shoulders, and wrapped her body:

"There is no need to force yourself. There is nothing you can do if you can't remember. There are three questions in life. It is very painful not knowing where you came from and where you are going. But don't worry about those things, just focus on the current things."

The girl just looked at the naked white light in the distance, and remained silent, not knowing where the focus of her eyes fell.

Fen Muxin said that it would be good if this girl didn't continue to tease her, then he would continue to be a chicken soup mentor for the soul, and he generously stuffed a grilled lizard meat into her hand:

"This string of light lizard meat is delicious, the basic feeding needs of living things, one bite, happiness is nothing more than that, and this blanket is comfortable, I sent my girl to go to the deep dream world to experience, and accompany her to hunt dreams before parting Creatures, made of trophies, one was given to her, and the leftovers are this one, full of commemorative meaning, many things are so simple and plain, but full of their own meaning.”

But even though Sheba was in the sage mode of depression and few words, she still slapped him. She took a bite of the lizard meat, but her tone softened a lot from the bottom of her heart:

"This weird 'smell of light' doesn't taste good to me, it's true that the blankets are comfy, but my gut tells me you're making up a story and that liars will be judged."

Can you detect lies?Why the hell didn't you say it earlier, I won't pretend to be with you if you said it earlier.

Fen Mu scratched his lush hair for his stupidity, and he said: "I feel that danger is coming, something is staring at me, he may be affected later, go to the side and hide, be careful not to get hurt .”

"Take a look? Is there something hostile here?"

During the process of casting the spell just now, Sheba felt that these lights were no different from her servants in her eyes, and she was not even worthy of touching her servants. That's right.

"Yes, you, a poor little girl, are disgusting. Don't force me to take care of you after you are injured. Wait until the medicine has a strange effect on you, and it's up to me."

The moment the voice fell, hoarfrost floated down from the sky.

The hoarfrost outside has a clearer appearance in this dream. These are feathers that radiate light, but they don't know that the year of deterrence looks like frost and snow in the Northern Territory.

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