At the same time, in the midst of the tranquility that shattered the sky, a giant female angel suddenly appeared and fell from the sky.

Holy flames exploded from the huge straight sword in his hand, and the masked archangel spread out half of his black wings, locked his eyes on Fenmu, and slashed at him with the flaming sword.

The long-awaited Fenmu held the knife with one hand to resist her slash, and the dull blade resisted the flames on the huge weapon.

"I killed you, will you give me another hand to do it? Rachel seemed to suffer a lot from your distraction at the beginning, so it's okay for you to pay off the debt?"

Fenmu still had some spare time, took out the angel human flesh, and squeezed the exquisitely crafted thigh.

The big-winged birdman in the sky seemed to have been touched on his thigh as well, and the movement that was about to launch another offensive charge was interrupted.

Fen Mu's eyebrows twitched, catching the archangel's reaction.

If Sheba hadn't been here, he wouldn't have used some righteous means, and now this angel would have to suffer from a different kind of pain.

The archangel noticed the little girl behind the man, and asked in flame language from under the eyeless gray mask: "Sheba? Are you Sheba, but why did you degenerate into a mortal light slave?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, but you know me?" Sheba looked up at her with lingering doubt in his eyes.

Fen Muxin said it was wrong, he hadn't finished his friendship with the little girl yet, why did he start to recognize his relatives?

Convince this angel first, and then choose some information.

He put the little angel doll back into his private dream, and secretly ordered the little broken knife: Sidney, when I fight her later, you can mess with this doll depending on the situation. If she responds, interfere Touch her.

Sidney got the doll, "Okay, can you just poke this doll a few times?"


PS: I accidentally overslept in the evening, orz

Chapter 57 I just don't want to be a cruel person

Some things just don't feel normal anymore after the tone was set a long time ago.

Fenmu obviously didn't convey the idea of ​​"embarrassing this bird-man angel" to Sidney. It was simply to interfere with the angel's actions so that she would lose quickly.

And Dao Ling girl has preconceived that Fen Mu is trying to repeat the old trick.

She searched in Fenmu's private collection and found a tendon of a rare monster. This tendon has the characteristic of deepening the opponent's injury, but because the owner of this tendon is not a particularly powerful monster, the effect generally.

The actual effect that can be exerted is probably to make others a little more sensitive.

Sidney took out the massage technique used by Femmer, and used this tendon to wrap the angel doll in circles. The rope passed through the middle seam of the doll's fat and round pectoralis major muscle, and tightly strangled it.

Then find out the bucket of Meimei potion that Fenmu prepared in advance, and throw the doll into it to soak.

"Fenmu also told me to poke it a few times." Sidney didn't forget this, but he didn't have any small sticks, sticks and the like in his collection.

As a last resort, she had no choice but to pick up a piece of plasma ore nearby, and cut the ore with lightning power into sticks.

After activating the psychic power, lightning flashed on the stick, and Sidney aimed the electric shock stick at the angel doll's vitals.

Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke!


In the apocalyptic dream of Huangsha, Fenmu stood on the ground holding the shadowless blade with one hand, facing the huge and holy angel in the sky without a trace of wavering.

In terms of size alone, the comparison between the two is like a tree of regret, an ant. The giant angel seems to be able to smash him to pieces as long as it steps on the silver boots.

Fenmu was secretly happy, it had been a long time since he had encountered such an enemy who was so forceful and full of special effects that his actual combat power was so weak that he could fly.

Just enough to show a wave of mighty posture, show his most glorious side to the little girl over there, let her know how powerful the man in front of her is, and earn a lot of heroic favorability points.

"When Rachel was at the sixth level, I could kill you like a chicken. It's your misfortune to show up in front of me now. Just work hard and let me experience the fun of crushing equipment!"

Fen Mu raised the knife and pointed at the bird-man angel, but in the blink of an eye, the angel who was still clamoring just now showed a panicked state.

The huge and moving body fell to the ground, and yellow dust rose up from the ground, but the dust still failed to stain her body with dust.

so fierce? ! ——The black-haired girl was taken aback. Just when she was about to say this, a painful and chaotic moan came from under the dull mask of the angel.

The half wing that symbolizes strength seems to be covering her own ugliness, curled up tightly, but unfortunately she only has half of the wing, and there are very few places that can cover it.

In a fit of convulsions, the gray-white mask on the huge angel's face shattered, revealing a pretty but groggy face underneath. It completely lost the power to resist, and fell down on the barren land, muttering hatefully. I don't understand words.

"What did you do?" Casalia stared at the angel dumbfounded.

Did Fenmu swing a knife just now?It should have just raised a knife and shouted a slogan. When did you attack the angel, I didn't see it at all!

Moreover, the effect of this stabbing didn't hurt the angel at all, but it made her fall to the ground and screamed again and again. This, this is too exciting!

"I don't know either, it's very unfair."

Recently, a strange thing happened. He Fen was the first object of suspicion of his teammates. It's really a bit problematic!

He asked Sidney about it, and just got an answer from Sidney.

[I shocked her with an electric shock stone, and soaked her in your potion to shock her, and now I am poking her according to your wishes. 】

Good guy, are you still getting electric shocks so exciting?

"Stop, stop, stop, if you continue, my reputation will be lost."

【Fenmu can try to see if he can use this doll to take in the angel outside. This doll is equivalent to half of the angel's soul. 】

Fenmu took out the doll silently, secretly removed the hair on it, pretended nothing happened, and then stuck the doll on the angel's forehead.

After a burst of strong light, the angel's body disappeared in the blown white wings, and the surrounding white ** seemed to have faded a lot.

Fenmu wiped the doll, put on a look of defeating the enemy aboveboard, and returned to the team.

It's just that what greeted him was Sheba's even more contemptuous and vigilant eyes, obviously seeing him as the biggest danger here.

"So perverted!"

"Girl, pay attention to your words." Fenmu still thickened his skin, and simply defended himself: "I used to be a cruel executioner, treating the prey, beheading, stripping and skinning the prey, and then simmering the bones , now it’s just suppressing my cruel side in other ways, and I have no other choice.”

Sheba has a vague intuition that can distinguish lies, and she is surprised to find that Fenmu is not lying!

Unexpectedly, this giggling man would have such a past.

If that's the case, his current methods seem to be much more reasonable and warm in comparison.

"What did the birdman say when his mask shattered just now?"

Sheba thought for a moment, and added a bit of information he had just recalled: "She said... the virtue of restraint should not leave her, please continue to forgive her sins of lust, that expressionless The gray and white mask is a symbol of forgiveness and redemption, I just remembered, but I don't know more about it."

"You remember it like squeezing toothpaste, you can only recall it after seeing a little bit?"

Fen Mu said so, but he thought in his heart: the crime of lust?Is it possible that this big angel big sister has a rustling side?

Sheba said dissatisfied: "What can I do! Where did you take the angel just now, show me again."

"That won't work. There must be some kind of power behind that angel. What if you fall into the trap? I have tried to fumble with things before and was sent directly to a strange place. Be careful. If you can't grasp it, I will first Hold it for you."

Fenmu sat down on the spot, and his consciousness escaped into a private dream. When he took it back just now, he was still a doll in the state of a doll, and now he has turned into a gray-and-white angel lady with human body size.

"Sidney, why did you rape him again?"

"She wanted to resist and destroyed some of your materials, so I poured your bucket of potion on her to subdue her."

Fen Mu caught a glimpse of a trace corroded by white light on the fire-biting giant tree, and his heart ached like a knife.

"Well tied!"

The angelic woman bit her lower lip, stared at Fen Mu with her pupilless gray eyes, and said viciously, "Kill me!"

Chapter 58

"You're right, why do you make me look like some big villain?" Fen Mu moved a treasure box from the side, sat next to her, and was going to explain the reason to her.

After getting closer, Fen Mu just realized that this angel bird is unusual. This race seems to have no body. Her current state is a soul, but it is also a substance.

But it doesn't matter, Ghost King God can fight to be promoted to God of War. There are so many races in the world, it is not surprising that there are strange talents.

The angel birdman was tied up, and the tender and soft flesh of her body was strangled by the ****, but it didn't stop her from saying harshly:

"You ruined my most important thing, accept my most merciful and generous advice, if you don't kill me, it means that you are laying the groundwork for your own death, and I will try my best to use your life to offset my the sins of the body!"

In my impression, shouldn’t the image of an angel be a gentle big sister, even if she does something too much to her, she will accept it, and then in the repeated conflicts and shocks that go straight to the soul, she will be tattooed with a pink mark of humiliation, Completely depraved.

It should be such a plot!

"You are an angel who scolds me more fiercely than an ordinary person, but why do I feel that you are slandering Lao Tzu's innocence? I didn't touch you, and I didn't do any penetrating attacks on you, destroying the most important thing of your hammer. "

Fenmu didn't want to chat for so long with an excellent skinny who was cursing, so he took out another bucket of Mei Na medicine as a bargaining chip.

If you don't speak well, be careful I will splash you.jpg

The purple-haired Dao Ling girl said, "It's useless, I just poured her with a funnel and poured it, it doesn't work."

No wonder this angel has such a big resentment.

The angel still didn't intend to explain anything, let alone have any conversation with Fenmu, so he closed his eyes and remained silent.

Fen Mu shrugged, there was not much to do with her.

As the saying goes, what kind of play is the fairy rolling around, a person who is not afraid of life and death, who doesn't even pay attention to any medicine in a bucket, and Fenmu has nothing to do.

He could only think about the solution while observing the newly captured angel.

When she just flew in the sky, her appearance was no different from that of an angel in the traditional sense. Her long golden and silvery hair was full of nobility and holiness, and her silver armor was solemn and sacred. The gray mask with no eyes and no expression was a little strange.

When the mask was shattered, the whole body of the big sister angel turned gray and pale, and her hair was no longer a sacred figure. Although her skin was still soft and smooth, she also lost her rosy beauty and turned gray. .

After losing the mask, he immediately turned black and depraved.

"How about asking Master Encyclopedia for help?"

Fenmu scratched his hair depressedly, this is indeed the most convenient way, especially since he has asked for help a lot, and he wants to give himself a break once in a while.

That's a little bit of a sense of accomplishment.

"Sheba seems to have suffered a lot from energy medicine not long ago. This angel should be of the same race as her. Try it, anyway, there are many medicines!"

Considering the angel's majestic posture and such a huge body just now, Fen Mu felt that he couldn't fool her with ordinary things, so he hurriedly scooped up some raw materials and made a new bottle.

The final finished potion was an eerie pink.

"What do you call... ignore me? It's okay, please drink something."

Naturally, the angel refused to drink, she kept her mouth shut, but how could she refuse the enthusiasm of Fen Mu, pinching her smooth and tender cheeks, pinching open the dark gray lips, and pouring the energy potion into it. into her mouth, forcing her to drink it.

"Ahem... what did you feed me!" the angel glared at him through gritted teeth.

"Energy potion is the kind that improves your output efficiency."

Fenmu saw the strange blush gradually appearing on the face of the angel, as well as the more aggrieved panting, and knew that the energy potion had indeed produced the strange effect of Sheba on her body: "How, do you feel it? "

The angel took out the silent policy just now, trying to survive with his own perseverance.

Fenmu was not in a hurry, and sat next to him chatting with Sidney. After a few words, the angel figured it out and spoke.

"Give me the antidote!"

The Fenmu villain said proudly: "There is no antidote for this thing. This thing is similar to an ordinary healing potion. You can't say that you have an antidote for the healing potion. What is it called a self-harm potion? There is no such thing. "

The angel felt desperate. She was similar to Sheba in that she had the ability to roughly perceive whether the other party's words were true or false. This was the privilege of members of Eden.

Therefore, the angel knew that Fenmu was not lying. He almost took a very common medicine, which caused her body to have such a strange reaction. This medicine is definitely Eden's natural enemy!

"Let me vent... divinity... so uncomfortable..." Angel lost the initial momentum this time, and his tone was a little bit more, asking for due courtesy and patience .

"Don't worry, answer the question honestly. I'll give you a chance to vent. Although you have hurt Rachel and are still so aggressive towards me, I'm not a heinous person. What's my name?" Fenmu raised her legs .

"My, my crime is called... lust for insincere nature."

"I don't understand the situation in your place. That's what you're called? Why is it a crime?" For the first time, Finmu felt the cultural conflict so strongly.

This is almost a custom that deviates from common sense. No matter how you ask her name, you can tell her the crime.

"This is the rule of the Lord of Eden. People are born with sins. Everyone will be sent to the priest to be baptized and screened at the age of one year after birth. My crime is the sinful lust of nature. This is also my name. ...Let me vent, the divinity is so uncomfortable!"

What kind of broken rules are you born to sin?The girl is only one year old, and she probably just stood up and walked. Does this make her a prodigal woman?

This made Fenmu feel embarrassed to treat her like this, but thinking that she was once Rachel's enemy, Fenmu's position became clear again.

However, it is estimated that I can't press the question for too long, so I can ask a little bit.

"Please explain the matter a little more, what is the relationship between the mask and you?"

"That's the qualification for atonement. Put on a faceless mask, become a servant of Eden, and atone for your own original sin..." After speaking, the big sister Angel couldn't utter a complete word.

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