"It's not good to go on like this! We have to think of a way."

Chapter 68

The commercial street of the Ice Empire.

Even though it's freezing cold, for people who are used to it, this level can't affect normal activities.

On the most prosperous main road of the commercial street, there was a long queue in front of an inconspicuous small stall, and the line of people waiting to buy circled around several times before finally exiting the commercial street.

At the booth, a black-haired girl in a black dress sat on a chair with a blank expression. Her dead fish eyes hadn't changed since the stall was set up. She urged the big man in front of her:

"The queue is very long, if you don't want to buy something, leave quickly."

The big man in front of him is more than two meters tall, standing in front of the girl like a mountain, he is an adventurer from the outside world (beast king collar) of the White Lion Clan, with a fierce look on his face, he was embarrassed in front of the girl:

"Buy it! Can I give you more money?"

The girl didn't care about giving more and giving less. She pointed to the types of potions in front of her and said, "Whatever, say out loud which type of potion you want. If you don't shout, you can buy...forget it yourself." Let's see."

The black-haired girl was getting impatient, she patted the sign beside her, exhaled, and let the customers see for themselves, while she continued to stare at the line with her chest in her arms, supervising every customer to meet the purchase conditions.

The people in the team already know the conditions of purchase, but they still compare each other with their necks, wishing to raise their heads to see if there are any changes in the conditions on the signboard.

After reading the words on the signboard, the customers still sighed.

This stall is the most popular stall in recent days. The person in charge of setting up the stall is a little girl in black, who looks like a stranger.

But this is not important, the key is the medicine she sells, which is called outrageous.

The healing potion can instantly bring up the blood of the dying person, and it can also permanently improve the strength of the physique, and it has been verified by many parties.

Energy potion can restore the warlock who is deficient in psionic energy to its peak, and it can also faintly repair the slight injury of the psionic circuit. For those warlocks who practiced radically and were injured in the early years, it is simply a boon to the next level.

And then there is the hardening type of water, which can harden the body in a short period of time after drinking it. Warlocks can straighten their backs and allow knights to stab them twice. It is also excellent for exercising in the couple's room. Auxiliary drugs are a bit extravagant.

It's just that if you want to buy these potions, you have to meet one condition - shout out the name of the potion you want to buy, and the volume should be able to shatter the thin ice in the water basin.

The white lion man went all out, he was ordered by the lord to buy potions, so that he could take them back and let the people above advise the situation.

Although personal face is important, the lord's order is obviously more important. He cleared his throat and shouted loudly in order to shock the volume of the whole street:

"I'm going to buy 'The Pain Is Gone Potion', 'The Body's Psionic Energy Is Overflowing Potion', and 'My Favorite Hard Body Potion'—"

After a brief silence in the bustling commercial street, laughter erupted.

The white lion man turned his head and glared at the person behind him viciously, "Why are you laughing, you have to shout later!"

The little girl Sheba watched the white lion man's ugly behavior expressionlessly, threw three bottles of medicine to him, and then told him to leave.

She has seen similar situations so many times that she has become numb.The girl would only feel a little stupid, and that guy Fenmu was really wicked, so he couldn't figure out why he did this at all.

After the lion-headed orc walked away cursing, a mink hat merchant with a goatee came up, his cheeks were sunken and thin, and he showed a commercially flattering smile:

"Little girl, if I give you three times more money, can I buy all the potions here?"

As soon as his words came out, the people behind were blown up:

"What do you mean? There is a limit of one bottle per person per category, didn't you see?"

"Where did this stupid businessman come from? He doesn't like to follow the rules, right?"

Sheba continued his expressionless, indifferent attitude of "Dear customer, I am your father":

"No, hurry up and leave without buying."

"What about ten times?" said the goatee businessman, putting his hands in his pockets, pretending to take the money, while keeping his eyes on the girl, keeping an eye on her every move.

Any slight change in eyes, expressions, and movements will become a bargaining chip for businessmen in negotiations!

And with his hand in his pocket, he quietly twisted open a bottle that stores the scent. This bottle can temporarily "hypnotize" the other party, and the drugged person will become obedient to his words.

But the game play in his mind was suddenly interrupted, and he found that the world was spinning in front of him, and when he realized it, his face had already been smashed on the cold floor tiles.

Fen Mu grabbed the businessman by the hair and slammed it on the ground until his flesh was bloody. Then he took out the things in his pocket to show the public, and threw the businessman aside like trash.

"Who dares to play this kind of trick? I'll even dig up your ancestors' graves!" Fen Mu added a harsh sentence: "These medicines are the last batch. You don't have to wait in line tomorrow. When will it be opened?" Wait for the news."

For a while, there was endless wailing in the team.


Fenmu accompanied Sheba to sell out the medicines. During the period, she rejected some overtures from the sexy pharmacist sister, and closed the stall with Sheba to go back to rest.

Sheba found that the way Femmu took her was not the way back, and wondered, "Where are you going to take me? Are you going to stretch out your dirty hands to me?"

Fen Mu turned his head, his eyes seemed to be looking at a fool, he first glanced at Sheba... Naiko who still has a lot of room for development, and then walked behind her to look at the full potential , said hurtfully:

"I shot you because I couldn't think about it. What do you think I'm plotting against you? The clamp can't be clamped, and the file seems to be reincarnated. What should I do if I file off the skin? You can be confident about your own safety.”

Sheba's heart was pierced by his gaze, and he kicked his feet angrily: "What's so good about being so fat!"

"I don't care if I look good or not. I'm blind. The most important thing is that the actual combat effect is good!" Fen Mu stopped arguing with her, and put her shoulders on her shoulders to tell her to go faster: "Go, my senior sister's mount was accidentally exposed. It died in front of me, I was afraid she would be too sad, I just dealt with it briefly without telling her, now the soup is probably ready, I will take you to taste a few, it is a reward for your hard work these days."

"A robber!" Sheba scolded him indifferently, and muttered, "Besides, it's not because you're in the house all day not doing business!"

The girl in the black skirt has been setting up a stall for almost ten days during this period, and she has to go out to the market every morning to look at the stalls, and sometimes she has to work overtime until the evening, just to avoid suspicion.

Because of Fenmu and the women in his team, the style of life is too... shameless!

How could anyone proclaim yin in the room during the day by changing tricks all day long like him!

Chapter 69 Not Accepting the Air Force

When I first met Fenmu doing business, she was alone, and Sheba was walking nearby. After walking for a while, Fenmu didn't stop, and even a few more women joined her.

After that, I basically met him when he was doing serious activities, basically only the time when he was hungry and went out to find something to eat, and then when he returned to the room, he was messing around with the girls again.

Sheba had no choice but to take advantage of his plan to ask someone to sell medicine, so he ran out to avoid it.

The outskirts of Amber City are desolate and bleak, with dry grass growing everywhere. Once you leave the city, you will see a completely different scene.

After all, in this climate, people who are going to enter the city will finish the distance no matter how tired they are. When they just leave the city, they don’t want to rest in the suburbs. They just want to find a place to shelter from the cold. stay.

Fenmu set up the boiler here in advance, and there is no way to move his things during the unattended time.

He lifted the lid of the cauldron and smelled the aroma of the broth. The smell of meat was so strong that it whetted one's appetite.

"When I first came to the Ice King Realm last time, I wanted to try the local delicacies. Unfortunately, I was in a hurry and didn't have the opportunity to implement it. I didn't expect that Ed Shalan's mount would die suddenly in front of me today. In front of me, I can only do my best to collect the body of Edsaran's pony."

He didn't eat alone, he filled a large bowl of hot soup and handed it to the girl. The girl in the black skirt took the soup bowl and looked at the floating meat in the bowl with a complicated expression.

The incense is really fragrant, but that is the lord's mount!Fenmu, the robber, doesn't want her to be an accomplice so that he can find someone to take the blame with him in the future, right?

"Why do I feel that you secretly killed the lord's mount, and then used it as food to destroy the corpse?"

Fen Mu was taken aback, wondering in his heart, didn't this little girl have been looking at the booth, when did she leave her post to peek at the scene of his crime.

In order to create an alibi, he has been playing wild with Taivia and the others every day during this time, so that when others suspect him, Fenmu can say that he went to "Kun" with his sister, or "Tamp" to "Kun".

"You are misunderstanding me. I just make the best of it."

After being persuaded a few times, the girl in the black dress still drank the broth with worry. She had to say that it was really delicious, partly because of the meat quality, but because there were seasonings in it that she didn't know about.

Fen Mu is not greedy, he only ate half of the pot, packed the rest and put it in his private dream, and gave it to the girls when he went back.

Sheba thought she was going to go back after eating, but unexpectedly, she saw Fen Mu took out a fishing rod and sat by the ice lake to fish.

Light snow fell in the sky, and a layer of white snow piled up on Fenmu's body in a short while.

Sheba sat next to him and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Fishing, doesn't your cognition include fishing as a survival skill?" Fen Mu hissed, telling her to keep her voice down so as not to scare his fish away.

Although the girl was dissatisfied, she still did as he said, and muttered softly: "What's the matter with your tone of treating me like a fool? Of course I know it's fishing."

Fenmu didn't speak, and patiently looked at the fishing line floating on the ice cave. After waiting for a long time for feedback, he opened his mouth and said:

"I heard others say that the fish caught here are delicious, so I took some time to fish yesterday."

Sheba looked at him in disbelief, thinking he was lying.In terms of his schedule of breeding activities day and night, how did he manage to find time to go fishing?

"In the end, I waited for a long time, but no fish was baited. I couldn't accept the fact that I came here for nothing, and then I just happened to meet Ed Shalan's mount walking by the lake..."

The pretty girl in black skirt nodded, that's right, this is a robber!She said:

"Then you slaughtered the lord's mount and used it as a fishing harvest."

"Wrong!" Fen Mu corrected: "The dragon-scaled horse fell into the water and drowned because I couldn't think about it."

Sheba knew that he had to translate what this man said, and that dragon-scaled horse must have committed suicide reluctantly!

But the girl suddenly worried about herself.

If this bandit went fishing for another lonely one today, who would he target...?

Sheba looked left and right, not to mention whether there were any pedestrians entering or leaving the city, not even a single bird.

Not good!

"Didn't you arrange a lot of things before, it seems that you still need to find materials or something, don't worry about that?" Sheba tried every means to get him to stop fishing.

"Don't worry, whether it's the Furnace Town transformation plan in Dreamland of Eden or the potion plan, it will take time to spread to the Beastmaster's territory, and then I will wait for the Beastmaster to come to me. If I am proactive now, it will appear that I am very passive .”

While talking, Fenmu picked up the fishing rod cursingly, to see if he forgot to scrape the bait.

"Then, won't those older sisters worry about you?" What Sheba wanted to say was that so many of them shared you, and now that you ran away, wouldn't she be in a hurry to ask you to go back to Zhileng.

"I said hello. If they are in a hurry, they will help each other out first." Fenmu couldn't figure it out. As for being so wary of him, "I won't take it out on you even if I run out of fishing. Yes, take it easy."


The first impression of Sheba's appearance is that she is quite bad, most of them belong to the category of bad girls of evil forces, but after actually getting along with her, Fenmu thinks that this chick is pretty good, except for her stern face all day long Be wary of him, apart from not having a good figure, there is nothing wrong with him.

The girl sat beside her for a long time with her chin in her hands, and suddenly asked:

"I heard those sisters talk about the things in Eden's dream, don't you worry that I am some big shot in Eden? I lost my memory for a while, but after recalling everything, I suddenly turned back and became a villain. "

"Don't worry. If there is such a development, I think you should worry about yourself. After all, I have a reason to attack you. I still lack the divinity of Eden. Do you want to see the god of Eden?" How is sex squeezed out?"

Sheba felt a sudden chill, she felt that she had really recalled herself at that time, she had better stay away from this man, otherwise she would suffer a lot.

"No, it feels very scary." She shook her head again and again.

Fen Mu smiled and said seriously: "Just kidding, you don't have to have so much burden if you stay with me for the time being, as long as you don't cause me trouble, you can find yourself calmly as much as you want. If you really want to repay me, you can find someone in the future." As long as there are enough moist female angels to serve as my maids, that's enough."

Those pure and beautiful angels who are androgynous are exempted. Fen is not good at this, he is not interested in fencing, even if the other party looks like a girl.

Half a day has passed, and today's fishing plan seems to have failed again.

When Fenmu stood up depressed, looking around for something that could make him squeeze, he sensed the breath of the starry sky goddess!

Chapter 70 It's Good to Have a Friend Who Can Tell Fortunes

"I was thinking about whether to go to you, but you came here by yourself, not bad."

Fen Mu took out the fishing rod and small bench that had just been put away, changed to the lake, dug an ice pit and continued fishing.

He had thought that the Starry Sky Goddess was passing by here on business, and if he didn't hurry up to catch up, he might miss her, but he didn't expect the Starry Sky Goddess to come straight to him.

Miersi glanced at him sullenly, and found a place to sit next to him:

"I sensed a breath of extreme rank, as well as a strong breath of dream erosion, of course I have to come and take a look. You seem to be doing well, but you just changed your taste and found a little girl to take with you."

Sheba was trying to figure out who this woman was, she looked like a god but she wasn't a god. Hearing what she said, she became even more suspicious of Fenmu's character.

"Your friends despise your personal style!"

"It's none of my business. It's just Mierxi's own imagination. Why don't you blame her for her bad thinking? Everyone thinks she's a bad person?" Fenmu excused herself embarrassingly, and then acted as a middleman to introduce her to them. After a while, "This fortune teller is called Mierxi, and I am her savior. This little girl is called Sheba, and I am also her savior. You can repay me any way you want to communicate in private later."

The two girls looked at him with disdainful eyes, and Fenmu used his strong communication skills to quickly make Mierxi and Sheba have a common language.

"Speaking of business, what's the situation with the one I just mentioned?" Melxi ignored his interruption.

The erosion of dreams and the birth of a superlative are not things that can be ignored casually as a joke, and it happened in the northern territory adjacent to Granville, it is impossible for Melxi not to pay attention to this matter.

Fenmu didn't hide it, it's not something worth hiding anyway, it would be embarrassing to tell about the coffin of the highest rank, even if people with malicious intentions found out about the existence of the Ark of the Covenant, it is estimated that after those people got the coffin, they would at most be ashamed. The coffin board can only be removed and used as a shield.

"...That's the situation. By the way, aren't you a divination star? You can't even divination? You are a god!"

An exclamation point appeared on the head of the girl in the black skirt.

God of divination? !

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