Mi Erxi frowned, didn't take Fen Mu's slightly mocking words to heart, and said calmly:

"It's possible, but divination at different levels has a huge impact, such as divination at the highest level, and dreams with relatively high levels, my divination will be like a star in the dark night, attracting some strange eyes .”

Instead of causing such a big commotion, it is better to open the door and go to the door to see what happened.

Finmer accepts this statement, and at the same time is thankful for her career choice.

Fortune tellers are a bit useless, and there are too many inexplicable restrictions...

"All the stars will tell me about your slanderous thoughts in front of me. You don't want me to help you find something?"

Mi Erxi's threat was gentle, but it also hit the nail on the head. Fenmu apologized repeatedly, but she was not sincere enough, and she didn't even put down the fishing rod.

"Just kidding."

Mi Erxi smiled but didn't laugh, hehe said: "Just kidding, you just pretend to help me up, and then push weird things over me, right?"

Sheba instantly understood what it meant, her face flushed slightly, she hated and admired Fenmu, a rogue and robber, even a god dared to be a rogue.The girl looked at Fen Mu with disgust:


You stinky girl, you say you have lost your memory, but you actually know more than anyone else.

Mi Erxi, the elder sister of the fortune teller, looks mature and shy, but she is actually an old maid.

Sheba knew the summary of the previous situation without knowing it at once.

Fen Mu blushed without heartbeat, and changed the subject bluntly as if nothing had happened:

"Milxi, help me divination what is going on in this lake, not a single fish will be baited."

Mi Erxi stood up and glanced at the icy lake covered with snow. Ordinary people would not be able to see the lake under the ice even if the snow was swept away, but in her eyes, there was no hindrance.

Fishes that are not afraid of the cold winter swim in the space under the ice, but they just avoid the hole dug by Fem.

Compared to just catching a big fish casually, Mi Erxi thinks that in this kind of icy lake, there are only a few people like Fenmu who can't catch fish.

She caressed the fortune-telling gown that protruded from her plump buttocks, and slowly sat back on the stone. The curves reflected by her waist and hips were sexy and charming, and the side slits of the skirt revealed lace stockings.

"You are being targeted. It's a bit like the breath in Eden's dream. It's not malicious, but it's very strong. The fish are scared."

Fen Mu was stunned, but he was relieved again, and the depression of not being able to catch fish was swept away.

It turned out that it wasn't that I was unlucky, but that someone played tricks on me.

Of course, Fenmu has no way of knowing who it is, but this is good news for him-this shows that there are still other existences of the Eden forces that have not appeared.

There will be more people who can continue to be arrested in the future.

The divine ability of Eden poured out the ultimate coffin, and I am afraid that it can also produce other extreme levels.

One ark has used up the divine output of the holy angels who have been used as milk cows for half a year, and he needs more milk cows.

Mierxi was thinking about the angel that Fenmu had just described, and suddenly remembered a mysterious group that she met by chance in the last era.

"I have seen angels with black wings, using black lightning as a weapon. Unfortunately, I was not strong enough at the time to confirm their information. I don't know if they are similar to Eden."

Fenmu rolled his eyes, as if the slave owner had discovered a new cotton field, with wicked expectations surging in his eyes, he gave Milxi a thumbs up:

"The black angel, could it be a fallen angel or something? Even holy angels are so bad. This fallen angel is fine. I will meet him in the future, so I can only uphold justice. But right now, I would rather I want you to help with the divination of the ore mutation at the Beastmaster's Territory. I think there must be a secret.

Has this level of divination affected you? "

"Not sure, you have to show me the real thing. But didn't you think my divination inheritance was useless just now?"

"Who said that! If anyone dares to say that in the future, just tell me. I will regard the enemy as helping you out." Fen Mu hurriedly flattered her to make amends.

If the enemy's body curve is in place, it will not be as simple as being tall. If this does not teach her a deep lesson, Fenmu will feel ashamed.

"But in terms of real goods, you have to wait. I guess in the next two days, someone will take the initiative to come over and give me ore. The beast king's collar is really too passive. I thought it would be enough to lick Ed Shalan for three or four days." It's almost there, Heselun couldn't come over, which caused me to lick it for so long, if she doesn't take the initiative, I can only sell the legendary grade as cabbage by the catty."

"You are quite loud." Melxi wanted him to go back to the church city to sell the legendary Chinese cabbage first.

"I can't help it. The artisan's dream has been transformed, and the legendary level will no longer become rare and hard to find. I have to give full play to my current monopoly position and make a lot of money first. Melxi, why don't you help me first?" Sheba counts her fortune and sees her background?"

Chapter 71

Mi Erxi's professional attitude became perfunctory, and she gave a conclusion without looking at Sheba with her deep and beautiful eyes:

"It can't be seen, her trajectory is blank, you can understand that she is a newborn little girl, so it is easy to understand that she can't remember her life experience?"

Fen Mu pulled the girl in the black skirt over, patted her face, and turned her body to pat her small buttocks. Although she hadn't reached the peak of development yet, her green and tender elasticity was still wonderful.

"What are you doing!" Sheba complained a lot, and took it out of Fenmu's arms in a panic, clutching his body full of hostility.

Fen Mu ignored her protest and continued to say to the star goddess:

"Like a newborn?"

"Don't always think of birth as dropping a baby. Birth is just a stage of ending pregnancy, but who knows how long this pregnancy cycle is?"

Fen Mu understands what she means, that is, stay in Xinshou Village until the world is invincible before leaving the customs. Corresponding to the situation of Sheba, it is almost like she was not officially born until she was conceived into the appearance of this slim girl.

But it still doesn't feel right.

"Then what is the situation with her memories that pop up from time to time? It's not a memory, but the mastery of certain skills and knowledge."

"This is also easy to explain. Do you know the bloodline talent? Some races are born with talent. Even the human race cannot be said to have no racial talent at all."

Fen Mu's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that he had racial talent, which he had never felt before.

"What talent?"

Mierxi suddenly sighed sadly, and this kind of sorrow pointed more towards Femmu:

"Of course it's something to do. Even if no one can emphasize how important doing that kind of thing is to the reproduction of the race, the men and women of the human race will always secretly explore this knowledge with similar curiosity, and acquire All sorts of weird poses and tricks."

Is this counting as changing the way to scold him for being so shy and shameless?

If it weren't for Sheba's presence now, Fen Muke would have to exchange feelings with the Star Goddess in this wilderness.

Fen Mu pretended not to understand: "Really, then why did you only realize how many times I contradicted you so late?"

Mi Erxi gritted her teeth: "It's just that I'm not used to this body and my body perception is slow. How could there be something I don't understand! Don't always talk about that stupid thing!"

Although Sheba understood, he didn't bother about how many women Fen Mu had relations with, because that was meaningless.

She felt that wherever Fenmu went, he would meet a few women who were related to him.

"Mirxi, can I just call you Mierxi? You mean, I'm only less than one year old, so can you see who my gestator is?"

"How can you be less than one year old? Age itself is a very vague term. Different dreams have different calculations for time. For the current situation, you may be hundreds or thousands of years old."

Mi Erxi quantified a mediocre fishing rod with her divine power, and caught a few big fish to show off in front of Fenmu. She continued to say in a good mood:

"As for the gestator, it's not something I can casually divination, because there are too many cover-up techniques, but under normal circumstances, think about which high-ranking person Eden still has, and just let the rogue Fenmu go over and the rogue will be able to ask Arrived."

Not being able to learn further information about his life experience, Sheba was a little sad:

"......All right."

Fenmu is used to bearing the darkness of this world, willing to do bad things and be a bad person for his friends.He felt that the proposal of the rogue Lord of Eden was acceptable.

"Sheba, it's okay, leave it to me. If the Lord of Eden is a woman, I will let her deeply know that she is a woman. If the Lord of Eden is a man, I will make him regret why he Not a woman."

The black-haired girl took away Femur's hand on her shoulder, but still walked beside him:

"Don't use this kind of rogue speech to comfort me, as if you are going to be a rogue just for me!"

While talking, Mi Erxi caught a few more fish in front of Fenmu, and then released the fish in a bored manner to continue fishing, sighing secretly in a voice that Fenmu could hear, "How can fishing be so simple? boring!".

She gave Sheba the fishing rod, and the young girl in the black dress soon caught the fish too, which made Fenmu a little embarrassed.

"These small fish are boring, I only catch big fish that are difficult to catch, ahem!"

Mi Erxi didn't bother to expose his blunt mask, looked at the Amber City Palace in the Ice Emperor, closed her eyes, and said:

"It seems that the people from the Beast King came to look for you. Well, they brought a box for transporting ore. Unfortunately, they were caught by Ed Shalan's people. Don't you care about her asking for someone?"

"Don't worry, I'll fish for a while and ask the Queen of Beasts to send a few more people over to be arrested. It took me so long to come and win me over. After two days, I'll help Ed Shalan improve the brick-burning process of the city wall, so that The Beast Queen is jealous again."

Mi Erxi thinks that Fenmu's small belly is quite interesting: "Then you go to find the Queen of Beasts?"

Fenmu looked at her inexplicably:

"How is it possible? Her people have sent the ore here. It's my stuff. It's just temporarily stored in Ed Shalan's place. What are you going to do with the Queen of Beasts? Next time I go to the Beastmaster's Territory and blackmail the Queen of Beasts." A wave."

Mi Erxi was silent, why is she not wicked enough to have this kind of thinking...

How did Goddess Strangers cultivate such a No. [-] robber? When Fenmu was still active in the parish, his reputation was "humble, kind, generous, and a friend of women". Why did he become what he is now?


In Ed Sharan's study.

This is the place where Ed Shalan works daily, and it is also the place where he usually discusses decisions with his subordinates.

Today, the military strategist of the Snowy Owl clan who was supposed to be hibernating appeared in Ed Shalan's study. This military strategist is a person whom Ed Shalan trusts a lot, and his race has the reputation of the wise race in the northern territory.

Except that the hibernation time is a bit long, and the weather is cold enough to feel that it is time to hibernate, everything else is fine.

"It's rare, Donna. I heard that you have been sleeping in hibernation since the extreme cold this year. I didn't expect to see you with dark circles under your eyes like this."

Ed Shalan asked someone to bring her a glass of ice water to wake her up.

During the hibernation period, Donna's mental outlook can basically be described as "sluggish", as if she will fall asleep on the ground in the next second.

"Master Edsaran, when I woke up intermittently...huh? Where did I just say, let me think...Oh! I heard about your man named Fenmu The matter of the guest, and his recent contribution to the Ice Emperor."

"Well, what's the matter?" Ed Shalan gave the foolish strategist enough tolerance.

Donna took a sip of ice water to refresh herself:

"This guy is a bit dangerous. Whether it's medicine, forging or other abilities, it's too much. You can't let him come into contact with other forces, and you can't even let him leave here... Otherwise, you're on Him, let him stay here obediently?"

Chapter 72

This sleep-deprived military strategist of the Zhizu suggested that although it was outrageous, he was really thinking about Ed Shalan.

There are many regional powers on this great road, and Granville has all the advantages. It is impeccable in terms of geographical environment and other aspects. Places like Sen to rank up.

But if the time of this ranking is put into the present, Donna doesn't think that Ice King's Realm will be much worse than Granwell.

Aside from the huge coffin that has no specific function yet, the two legendary weapons produced in New Furnace Town alone are enough to make Granville red-eyed with envy.

The key point is that New Furnace Town is still in the state of a campsite. In Eden's Dreamland, a bunch of blacksmith stoves were built, and the place to live is just a rough tent.

It is under such conditions that two low-tier legendary ranks have already emerged, so the overall strength of the Ice Emperor Realm will be a big step above others, but it will only be a matter of time.


At present, all of this is based on the operation of Fenmu. Sadly and bluntly speaking, it is not the Ice Emperor that gave Fenmu this opportunity to show his talents, but Fenmu gave the Frost Emperor to achieve the impossible. Reasonable opportunity for breakthrough.

If he can help the Ice Emperor to rise up, he can help the Beast King lead the way. One day he will be invited by like-minded dwarves to visit the dwarf territory. Maybe the dwarves will never be a harmless craftsman clan. Big clans elsewhere.

While dozing off while fishing, Donna analyzed Ed Sharan clearly and gave a conclusion:

"Lord Edsaran, although I don't know this man named Fenmu well, and I don't know what relationship he has with you, but he has done so many things for our Ice Emperor for no reason, without putting himself first. With his ability as a bargaining chip to negotiate a deal, it can be judged that he is probably a person who doesn't like to use his brain to think.

By controlling his lower body, he naturally controlled his upper body! "

Donna talked a lot, but after condensing and summarizing, there was only one meaning left—slap him quickly, and then lock him in the small dark room, absolutely not letting him run around.

Ed Shalan also wanted to explain to herself, the military adviser, what kind of relationship Fenmu has with her, so that Donna would not feel at ease in hibernation.

In the end, before she could explain, Donna had already fallen asleep standing on the spot, and fell asleep peacefully.

Ed Shalan didn't see it, and called the servants to carry the military division away:

"Come here, let Donna's family take her back to hibernate."

Ed Shalan was the only one left in the study room again. She got up from her seat and stepped forward with her slender and strong legs. Although she walked slowly in front of the collection cabinet, every step of her legs was full of strength and passion. The beauty of conquering.

There are very few books in her study, and most of them are ancient fragments unearthed in the ruins of the northern border, and the rest are the spoils of war after she hunted down powerful monsters.

Ed Shalan was thinking about this little junior who came from afar and couldn't figure out what was going on in his mind.

Ability does not favor fools, Ed Shalan knows that Fenmu has traveled to many places, and basically every time he goes to a power, he just goes to cause troubles to his heart's content, solve the troubles, and then give all the treasures he can take away like locusts crossing the border. Take away.

Only when he came to her territory, he calmed down, showed his construction ability that he hadn't shown in other places, and didn't cause any trouble yet.

This should be a silent flattery to her, even the bandit temper can be restrained.

When the woman's thoughts gradually arose, the arrival of the subordinate interrupted her trance.

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