Ever since Fenmu went back to borrow the Ark of the Covenant, Taivia and Casharia tried to get out of the Kingdom of God, but they were blocked by Fenmu, who "imprisoned" them in the Kingdom of God in disguise.

He himself is quite an exit from the Kingdom of God. If Fenmu enters the light curtain later, and Taivia, a disobedient girl, runs out desperately, then Fenmu will probably have to keep a psychological shadow.

So I can only let the senior sister of the lord pick them up on their behalf.


Fenmu confirmed with his own eyes that the entrance of the mine was sealed bit by bit, and there was a dead silence in the mine, and the torches on the wall occasionally splashed sparks, and every step of the way, the sound of footsteps could echo in the bottomless darkness of the mine.

Fen Mu walked to the Ark of the Covenant, lifted the lid, went in and lay down, closed his eyes and recalled it, it felt a little bit like sleeping in a coffin back then.

Accustomed to the hustle and bustle around him for a long time, and suddenly being alone, Fenmu felt as if he had returned to the night when he ran away from the tribe.

Also accompanied by a coffin.

The scene of saying goodbye to the succubus maid at that time came to mind again.

"I'm a bit unaccustomed to being alone alone."

Fenmu poured his divinity into the Ark of the Covenant, activated the huge coffin, then closed the lid, and slammed forward from the inside.

The Ark of the Covenant directly smashed through the light curtain and rushed into the strong wind from the first era!

Chapter 84 Settlement

After completely sealing the exit of the mine, the group did not leave immediately, but stood outside and waited.

If there is an attempt to attack the enchantment inside, the Star Goddess can know. If Fen Mu suddenly changes his mind and comes up with it, then he can just be picked up, and then he can laugh at his determination.

Otherwise, it is difficult to calm the dissatisfaction in my heart.

There are many valleys in the Beastmaster's Territory, and it can even be compared to a maze when it is foggy. The terrain of such canyons also makes the cold wind occasionally stronger. The cold wind mixed with ice makes the female lord's long hair flutter, and the cloak flutters.

Ed Shalan stood by and accompanied them in this meaningless wait, but she didn't intend to go back first, she sighed:

"I don't think Fenmu would choose to come out now. He has a strong determination to find Wuhan Bingjing. He has been looking for it for the first time since many years ago when he first came into contact with it in the Kingdom of God gathering. So many years have passed. Still looking, even he has been on the way to find those materials..."

Now that he finally found a more definite clue, it should be impossible for him to give up.

Hecate was noncommittal, and his tone was so heavy that he couldn't lift his spirits:

"I understand the truth. He wanders everywhere, and when he waves to the samurai and ninja, he can find ways to run back and continue to surf. A dangerous situation with the wreckage of the first era probably can't help him. It's just a little long, I don't know how much it will take. time."

A high-level cultivation realm brings about a constantly deified body and a gradually changing concept of time.

It doesn't matter if you wait for a day or two, it's acceptable for a month or two, and it's okay to endure it for a year or two, but it's not suitable for any longer.

Sheba looked at Mirxi, she is the only god here, "Mirxi, I don't understand the concept of time, after you become a god, have you become able to disregard time?"

"How is that possible? The more you go up, the more you find that there is still a place to go, but you haven't found the way yet."

Not long after, a strong fluctuation hit the barrier from the mine pit. This was definitely not the "knocking" of Fenmu, but probably the breath of the first era.

Heselun sighed somewhat, thinking that something had happened, the bastard Fen Mu took the slate, and hadn't made a new enchantment for her yet.

"Ed Shalan, who of you will reimburse the enchantment, and then how will the guard work at the entrance of the mine be arranged?"

The latter question was a bit funny, and Ed Shalan couldn't help but look sideways when he heard it, his eyes were surprised.

The enemies in the monastery have not been dealt with, and the exposed barrier is not safe, and guards are definitely needed.

It’s just that the mouth of the mine is the territory of the Beast King, and it’s her job to guard the garrison, but now she’s saying it as if she’s asking, “Ed Shalan, do you want someone to come over and watch?” and ask the lord next door to lead someone to station, No matter how you look at it, it's not Hetheren's style of doing things.

But Hetheren's thoughts are not unreasonable. The situation in this mine is now completely beyond her estimation. It is tricky and potentially dangerous. It is a bit tricky for her to deal with it alone.

In case the slate barrier becomes loose in the future, there will be no corresponding barrier master on the Beastmaster's side to block it back. If there is anything to do, it will take time to go to the next door to find Ed Shalan.

For the entire Beastmaster Territory, there is only danger left, but no benefit at all.

Not suitable.

Ed Shalan took over this troublesome matter, at least it was Fen Mu's business:

"I'll take a look after I go back, and I'll call someone over to help guard this place. By the way, I have to be wary of the monastery you encountered. They will definitely come to look for the dragon's treasure again."

In fact, Hesselen had some insidious plans. Since the dog organization of the monastery coveted the things inside so much, he would lure them in.

When they opened the barrier and felt the breeze greeting from the ancient era, they were the ones who had the accident, which was simple and worry-free.

But this kind of plan will also let the terrifying aura inside affect the beast king's collar.



Among the believers of the Kingdom of God, the only other person who can control the Kingdom of God is the female lord Ed Shalan.

It's not that Anasta is partial to her, it's just that she has this ability, and her training in the field just happens to be able to get in touch with this aspect of knowledge.

For many people, knowledge is a kind of burden. They can't learn it at this stage, and without the blessing of that talent, they can't learn it no matter what.

For example, the goddesses of Zhengshen Diocese failed to grasp the method of constructing the Kingdom of Gods immediately after they were promoted to the rank of gods, otherwise they would have left more wealth to Zhengshen Church.

On the way back, Hecate recovered a little from the calm atmosphere, and she said to Ed Shalan:

"Did you forget something, Fenmu asked you to bring Kashalia and the others out."

Of course Edsaran remembered this incident, but what she thought was that if she released people near the barrier, it might make the girls in the Kingdom of God not feel right.

Especially the nun, although she was gentle and gentle by Fenmu's side, Edsaran felt that Tyvia was similar to the fanatics he had seen before.

That mental state is too similar, she has a crazy obsession with things of belief, but Fenmu played a role of a stabilizer in her identity before.

It's not very good to do something to her, so the best way is to go back to the Ice Emperor Realm, stay away from the barrier of the Beastmaster Territory first, and then explain the situation to them.

Ed Sharan has considered all these, but she didn't want to explain it, and simply said:

"Forgot, let's talk about it when we go back, and you will be responsible for explaining to them later?"

"The amount of work seems a bit big. Why did Fenmu provoke so many girls along the way, damn it." Hekaty cursed, then just sighed, and said with a headache: "I have to go to the Kingdom of God to explain to them in private. Row."

They can choose to go back faster, but they walk very slowly, and it takes a little time for the brain and mood to sort out the status quo.

After an unknown amount of time, the Ice Emperor was ahead, and the dazzling Amber City stood under the snowy sky.

"Hecate, what are you going to do next?"

The witch tightened her hood, and helped Sheba brush off the snow on her shoulders: "Go to the gate of the enchantment and wait for the beasts of the monastery, they will definitely find them."

Ahead, a group of soldiers saw the lord returning and were about to come over to pay their respects, and asked if they would like to take the carriage back to the palace. Ed Shalan shook his head at his subordinates from a distance, signaling not to disturb.

She continued chatting with Hecate: "What about after squatting them?"

"Wait for a few years to see when Fenmu will come out. If there is no sign of coming out, I will help him find other materials. In fact, I haven't helped him find materials. I'm sorry. When he comes out, I can directly Give it to him."

"What else is there?"

"Ancient God's blood, and what milk is there?"

Chapter 85 The Buffet for the Angel Girl

If you want to ask Fenmu to evaluate his own experience of this new coffin work, Fenmu probably won't give a high score.

Personal experience is not very good, the board is a bit hard, and the sacred breath rippling from time to time can be heard in the ear, and the deceased may jump up after being purified twice, and ask the family members to help change the coffin before dying.

Fenmu still doesn't know what's going on outside, and he doesn't dare to lift the lid to go out to see it. If the outside wind gets in, it will really be a disaster.

He has nowhere to hide in this coffin, and it's barely acceptable for him to make a mistake in his hands and feet. If Niu Niu suffers, it's really bad.

He hadn't spent enough time. As the number one relational accountant in the kingdom of God, he still wanted to take a good walk through Anastha's back door, go in through the goose intestine path, and visit his own master.

Fenmu is almost in this state now, he is about to wake up, and he doesn't know how long he has slept. He only knows that he is waiting for the ark of the covenant to hit something and stop. That is his chance to go out. .

It's just that the demigod's body no longer needs sleep, and falling asleep is also a difficult thing. Fenmu can only rely on his photographic memory to recall the plump and moist, extremely narrow, and compact flesh. peaches.


This kind of wild thinking quickly caused Master Anna's brain to collapse. This time, he knocked quite hard, and Fen Mu hit the wall of the Ark of the Covenant.

The Ark of the Covenant was shaken and shaken by the collision, Fen Mu hurriedly stretched out his hand to stabilize the door of the Ark of the Covenant, otherwise something would happen if the lid was gone.

"Master Anna, take it easy." Fen Mu had prepared in advance that he would be beaten, but he didn't expect it to be so severe, "I'm so bored now, it's my own mind, it has nothing to do with Fen and others. "

But after being beaten on the head, Fenmu felt a little relieved, at least he was not alone, when he was traveling alone, no one beat him.

No, no, when he was sleeping in a coffin before, he could still hug a corpse sister who was peerless, sexy and beautiful, with unparalleled buttocks, but now he can only rely on his head to think, it seems to be better than before.

"Let's have another corpse. It doesn't matter if it's human or not, as long as the butt looks good... Hey, if this continues, I can only say sorry to Xiao Podao. I may have to lose some weight first."

Just when Fen Mu was so mad that he started talking nonsense, the Ark of the Covenant was knocked from outside.

The sound of "咚咚咚" is extremely clear, and just the sound of knocking can penetrate the absolute Ark of the Covenant, which is not ordinary.

What the hell is this? Who would knock on Lao Tzu's coffin in a place like this?

Dragon Priestess?Or something else from the First Age?

"Sisters, there is no one here, you go knock on another coffin!" Fen Mu tried to stabilize the opponent, and at the same time took out a knife, ready to catch the opponent by surprise, and jumped out with a knife.

However, when the dark inside of the Ark suddenly lit up, someone opened the coffin first. Before Fen Mu could react, he was picked up by one hand and thrown out of the coffin.

"How long are you planning to stay inside?" Anasta said angrily.

When Fenmu was just thrown out, his movements were quite fast. In such a situation, he could hug the coffin board and block himself in front of him. Anasta felt that the kid's adaptability was much faster.

It's just a little timid and lacking in brains.

Fen Mu found that it was Master Anna's voice, opened his eyes and looked around, but was not affected by the breath here!

But this is definitely not the credit of the Ark of the Covenant. The two angel statues on the lid have become much smaller, which means that the power of the Ark of the Covenant has been reduced a lot, and there must be no spare power to spread a protective film for him.

This can only be Master Anna's masterpiece.

"Scared me to death, Master Anna, why did you run out?" As soon as he finished asking, Fen Mu wanted to slap himself dirty. Hide back in my dream, at least someone to chat with."

Anasta did not reprimand him for this weakness of being afraid of being alone.

This is quite normal. In the past, there were many gods, but one day they suddenly discovered that even the eternal sleep could not resist the onslaught of loneliness, and chose to end their own divine souls.

However, she didn't bluntly confess the idea of ​​"I am Anasta", and continued to pretend to be her clone with her real body.

"It depends on the situation. For example, you have to understand your predicament, and then quickly solve it. This enchantment that resists the breath is still quite exhausting. I may not be able to maintain it. The power of the avatar is limited. "

Fenmu didn't doubt what the purple-haired woman in front of him said, and he didn't think that it might be a kind of pressure from Master Anna to force him out of the barrier, just like Annasta did in the same way when he was in the small wooden house on the border. Put pressure on him and let him go out alone.

"This breath of the first era, how should I block it?"

"Can't you stop it?" Anasta pointed at Finmu's corroded hand, "If it's not fatal, it won't affect it. When the physical body reaches the god level, this effect will naturally disappear."

Fenmu gritted his teeth and decided to go all out. He didn't want Master Anna to maintain the barrier to protect him, and finally lost the strength to show up.

But it's about the rest of Niu Niu's life, he wants to struggle a bit, otherwise who knows when he will become a god.

He secretly communicated with the soul of the ark, that the superstitious things are not dead things, they all have souls, and even have soul life, which is just a stage of becoming a superstitious thing.

[Come out of the coffin, cover it for my little brother, understand? 】

Fen Mu pointed down, and stared at the Ark of the Covenant threateningly with bully eyes: If you don't protect it properly, you also go and stay in Eden Dairy for me!

The ark trembled, and a white phantom floated out. It was a graceful angelic woman. The phantom soon became invisible and floated in front of Fenmu.

The spirit of the Ark of the Covenant was slightly hesitant and embarrassed, and gestured with his slender hands.

This, this can't be protected by hands!

The Spirit of the Ark of the Covenant had no choice but to protect him with his mouth?

Anastas really had a headache watching it, this little bastard is too much trouble, the rebirth of the Ark of the Covenant may be a kind of tribulation for the Ark itself.

She put away the purple enchantment, and Fenmu reacted immediately, with the heavy wind of time coming from all directions, washing Fenmu's body.

His hair turned gray in an instant, different from the noble silver white of the succubus maid. His hair was dry and pale, and the muscles on his body shrank and aged, but they were randomly restored by the body's own vitality.

This painful baptism quickly stabilized, and the purple-black curse lines spread all over his body, helping him maintain a relatively stable state, but some strange twitching of muscles and skin could still be seen.

If you want to say who is the strongest, it may be the brave one who is not afraid of difficulties.

There was no one in front of Fenmu, but he could feel the presence of the Angel of the Ark.

He reached out and touched the coffin girl's head, with a bit of shame that only a man could understand:

"Sorry, it was really an accident. Just now, my muscles all over my body twitched violently, and I couldn't hold it back for a while... Just pretend, drink some magic tonic syrup, and treat it as a buffet to restore your strength."

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