Chapter 86 Do I want to attack the corpse?

Fenmu thought about it carefully, and they were both born in Eden, so those holy angels can only be responsible for the production now, and the spirit of the ark of the covenant still has to be taken in.

He felt a little kind of himself.

As a buffet provider, Fenmu tried to move his body a little bit. The abnormal state of his muscles made it a little painful to stretch, just like a few subtle muscle cramps when booing.

After adapting with difficulty, Fenmu has the mental leeway to confirm the surrounding environment.

The world inside the light curtain is larger than imagined, but not as vicious and strange as imagined.

There are very few elements that make up this underground world, dense fog, giant trees, and flames.The turbid yellow thick fog floated around, a bit like the feeling when you first entered the Kingdom of God.However, the wanton proliferating tree roots are everywhere, and these tentacle-like roots are like vigorous and powerful muscles.

The white flames burned the roots of the tree to ashes, and the roots continued to grow.

"It's very similar to my current situation. The strength here can't make me die of old age, but I can't completely eradicate the abnormal state that affects my physical body." Fenmu sighed, took out the small broken knife as a crutch to assist himself in walking, and One hand dragged the coffin along.

In fact, Fenmu really wants the Ark to go away by itself. With such a big coffin, you are not required to dig a hole for burial yourself, but you should be able to go along with it yourself, right?

But the soul of the cabinet is helping him to take care of Niu Niu's life and comfort him, so Fen Mu generously accommodates her.

"You will get used to the atmosphere here soon, but the premise is that you have to go a little further up the godly steps." Anasta led him forward, at a very slow pace.

The heels of the slender high-heeled boots stepped on the intricate tree roots, which made people worry whether they would be knocked down, but if you look closely, you can find that her heels did not touch the ground at all, and her steps When she landed, a delicate but too small magic circle would unfold on the soles of her feet, firmly carrying her weight.

Fen Mu didn't want her to wait for his steps, so the hand holding the handle of the knife swung faster:

"What do you mean, doesn't it mean that even the gods can't resist the power of this ancient era? It's okay if I don't become a god?"

"Different situations have different analysis. Didn't you say that when you selected the material to hammer the coffin before? The changes in your body are due to encountering things that should not be touched. This underground world is not a purely 'alienated' world. This can be said A portion withheld from the First Age."

"A part of it has been cut out from the long river of history? Is it really a time of the past?"

"Yes. That's why the world outside the mine rejects this place very much. If you advance to the rank of god outside, then you belong to the god of the future. The rules of the world that carry you exclude you. If you can't destroy you, you will be kicked out of this world."

Fenmu followed the woman's buttocks, watching her walking pace, and seemed to see Ansta's calm and steady pace in the past, with a kingly courage that was difficult to be influenced by foreign objects in her steps, but she was just an ordinary woman when she got along with her. Tong's big sister with a nice ass.

No, the big sister looks tender... the young aunt is almost there.

After walking for a while, Fenmu did feel that the discomfort on his body was relieved, but the abnormality imposed on the physical body did not disappear:

"Then what Master Anna means is that if I step into the god rank here, I will belong to the god of the past, and then my body can return to normal here?"

"It's quick to understand."

Fen Mu scratched his head, feeling wrong: "I belong to the past, so what should I do after I go out?"

Anastasia paused, then turned around suddenly, not only raised her charming purple hair, but also the two plump peaks under the tight-fitting priestess robe, towering proudly and trembling.

"You are already a demigod, half of which belongs to the future, and how good it is for the remaining half to finish it here... This is the first time I have seen this world become so chaotic. It’s fine if you come back, even the world of the first era can survive until now.”

Fenmu vaguely felt that Master Anna wanted him to quickly advance to the god rank, but he couldn't explain it clearly.

It is very rare to be promoted to the god rank.

The normal way of cultivation is "looting", taking away the "spirits" of other existences through killing, and the more intuitive point is to upgrade experience points.

Fenmu has always been merciful to others, and he rarely does anything to fight and kill. At most, he occasionally encounters some goddesses, ancient gods and evil gods who dare to show their buttocks, and he will give them a little shock and education.

But in terms of this experience value alone, it will definitely not lose to those who fight and kill all day long, and the result is also very clear, the gods have beaten so much, but the demigod realm has not moved.

If you want to complete the remaining half of your cultivation progress here, you may have to find another way to forge all the things that can be used here.

Use 'past materials' to forge and become a 'past god-rank forge craftsman'.

He tentatively said, "I don't have any prey to hunt here, what should I do?"

"Are you worried about this? The thick fog of the first era later turned into mountains, rivers, rivers and seas, and there can be an endless stream of ancient giant beasts here at any time. Do you want to practice your hands?"

Anastasia threw out a ball of soul light, the quality of this ball of soul was dazzling and heavy, it belonged to the god who was slaughtered by her!

After the ball of light was thrown out, the dense fog began to condense, manifesting the shape of a ferocious beast.

Fen Mu hurriedly called a stop and surrendered ahead of time. Rather than pointlessly proving his fighting power, Fen Mu hoped to take a break now. The physical body was already the biggest obstacle to his soul.

The extremely aging muscles regularly fell into place, causing him to stop breathing for a while, which was quite uncomfortable.

"What about dragons? If there are no dragons here, how can it be considered the first era." Fen Mu cut the topic and was about to find Wu Han Bingjing.

If he can find that material, then he can complete the follow-up refinement here. If he is lucky, he may directly become a blacksmith.

"If you speak the words of a dragon, isn't it right above your head?"

Hearing Master Anna's words, Fenmu raised his head, and the dense fog that had been attracted by the soul light group just now dispersed, revealing what was originally hidden in it.

The ancient tree was twisted into a ball there, and the dim embers of the flames were looming on the roots of the trees, burning until the roots turned black and carbonized, but miraculously they did not shatter into ashes.

It seems that it is the heart of this underground world. If Master Anna didn't intentionally lure away the dense fog, I'm afraid Fenmu would never be able to find such a thing hidden inside.

"It's inside..." Fen Mu narrowed his eyes, focused on the "heart", and sighed, "Is it a human corpse? Such a slender Jier."

Anastasia's veins were agitated by his thoughtless speech, she thought that Fenmu would feel the mighty power of Longji's corpse, and then she would lament the power.

It turned out that this guy was thinking about something.

"Idiot, that's not the Jier you said, it's the dragon's tail!"

Fenmu was embarrassed, mainly because there were a lot of topics about asexual angels lately, so he subconsciously misunderstood, "Master Anna means that this is my material?"

Anastasia showed an intriguing smile:

"The dragon is eternal, but its current state is a bit subtle. It is just an arbitrary statement to say that it is a corpse. If you combine this thing, it is equivalent to a great tonic, which can speed up your ascension speed."

Ok? ? ?

"I didn't hear clearly, can Master Anna say it again?"

"Didn't you pick up a female corpse before? What you wanted to do to the female corpse when you were young, you can do to Long Ji's corpse now."

Chapter 87 Where can this corpse hide things?

On this issue, Fenmu felt that he could first declare that he did not do anything outrageous to Anasta's "corpse" back then.

At most, when I helped her wash her body, I took a few glances, and then touched it irresistibly, and occasionally when I was sleeping with that fragrant corpse, I had some adolescent dream and rubbed it uncontrollably.

But he didn't do any further things, even he would look at the master's beautiful and tender buttocks to meditate from time to time to show his respect.

It can be seen that the bottom line is something that Fenmu can handle quite well in the awake state, but there may be a little movement when he is drowsy.

"I can't do anything to a corpse, and I don't even know what the corpse of this ancient dragon girl looks like!" Fen Mu was dignified, exuding the brilliance of noble sentiments all over his body.

How could Anastasia take his self-defense seriously? After years of secret observation, Fenmu really made friends by looking at his buttocks.

Looking at the little girl in Sheba, Fenmu didn't think about her at all. Anasta guessed that even if the little girl stood naked in front of Fenmu, he wouldn't even raise his head.

"Then you have to figure out your own way." Anasta didn't force it, and wanted to see what tricks he could pull off.

Fen Mu intends to go up to see the reality first, if the buttocks are really good, he can lower his bottom line, after all, a beautiful buttock is the bottom line.

Just get things done and bring the bottom line back.

He sits on the small broken knife, suspended in the air, but because the blade is invisible, it looks like Fenmu is floating out of thin air.

Floating a few steps towards the lump of "heart" in mid-air, he saw that Master Anna didn't keep up, so he quickly jumped off the knife, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

"Master Anna, you can go up with me."

Why is this still like a child, afraid that the parents will disappear when they turn around?

Anastasia shook her head, but it was not rejection, but helplessness:

"You just went up to take a look, and you want me to follow?"

"Aren't I afraid of the old corpse up there, and it suddenly frightens me...Besides, looking at the above, dragons probably existed unusually in the first era, Master Anna. By the side, I have someone to take care of me."

As he spoke, Fen Mu patted himself on the forehead, pulled the Ark over, lifted the lid, and warmly invited:

"Master Anna, if you are worried about the extra energy that the air walk will consume, go inside and rest first, one of the private seats."

"I'll just follow you, don't be so nervous."

Fenmu laughed stupidly, sat on the little broken knife, flew with the knife, and came to the front of the "heart" in a blink of an eye.

Anasta's figure disappeared below, and the remnants of the phantom had not completely disappeared, and she reappeared on the branch next to her, her shoes stepped on the thin branch, supporting the weight of her whole body.

Fen Mu looked at the cage-like branches, unable to do anything for a while, and complained:

"When I was down here, I felt that the branches here were very similar to blood vessels, and they were still dark red. They looked like flesh and blood. When I looked closely, I found that it was true. This old tree is disgusting."

Anastasia said next to her:

"This is the rudiment of life in the future. When the creatures in the previous epochs encountered some erosion and were forced to return to their ancestors, the muscles on their bodies would slowly turn into tree roots. Unfortunately, it is probably difficult to see now."

Fen Mu raised his eyebrows, which means that after a life reshuffle, even the foundation has been completely changed?

He wasn't very interested, so he didn't ask any further questions. After being mentally prepared to cheat the corpse, he took out the roots on the surface of the "heart" and destroyed them. juice, and smelled of rust.

The sap poured down like a blood burst.

"It's too much like a bleeding heart. How did this First Era follow someone else's body? Master Anna, there are a few small white flowers growing in it. What does this belong to in the First Era?"

Anastha's tone became serious, without any thought of joking, and warned: "Don't touch that flower, it should be the catastrophe that ended the first half of the first era."

Long Ji's body was also covered by tree roots, but they didn't strangle it, as if some invisible thing blocked the roots from touching her body.

Fenmu scratched her head in frustration, when she was just below, she could vaguely see her buttocks, why did she step on it and find that it was so entangled.

There was no other way, Fen Mu had no choice but to clean up the branches and roots, and after a lot of effort, he was finally able to see the real face of this ancient dragon.

Her long, dull hair was pale silver. Although Fenmu had never seen a dragon scale, she subconsciously thought "her hair is the color of a dragon scale".The delicate face must be extremely beautiful, but the part below the bridge of the nose is covered by a dragon scale mask.The clothes on his body are revealing, the upper body is only supported by a pair of black dragon claws, which looks a bit strangling.

And her posture was sitting, with one hand resting on her forehead, as if she was just taking a nap, but a red flower growing from her right eye silently proclaimed her long farewell.

"It doesn't look very tall, it's probably less than 1.6 meters. Gu Long's figure is a bit petite." Fen Mu didn't dare to turn this corpse over, otherwise he would like to see how her buttocks look now, so as to confirm her How was his character before his death?

Anasta's voice sounded beside Fenmu, and she came to the "heart" without anyone noticing:

"In the ancient era, body shape is often linked to body shape. The larger the body size, the stronger the power. Even in human form, the body is huge. A normal body like yours, in the past, was called a dwarf. .”

In this way, isn't the beautiful buttocks of the First Era particularly huge?In contrast, I am not a toothpick...

Fen Mu was slightly injured: "Then is this dragon particularly weak?"

"No, there are very few ancient dragons and there are no weak ones, even though she may be a hybrid of a dragon and a witch. Her power was exhausted by the Calamity Flower, so she ended up like this in the end."


Fen Mu didn't care so much, he decided to lick the corpse and search for Wu Han Bingjing, which was his only pursuit here.

Not long after, he touched the corpse of the Dragon Priestess. The corpse was smooth and moist, completely different from the horror of the corpse, and it felt good.

It's a pity that I didn't find a place where I could hide things, but I thought about it. Even now, practitioners can stuff things into their private dreams. Gulong Miko is still worried that there is no place to hide?

"Could it be possible to check her ditches as well? Shouldn't she cheat halfway through?"

Under the cowardice, Fen Mu felt that he needed to use some simple methods to strengthen his courage. He stared at the face of the Dragon Witch, raised his hand and slapped her across the face.

Anastasia: ? ? ?

Chapter 88 How does this clear the esophagus?

This slap was unusually loud, but it was a dull sound, because the dragon maiden had a half-face dragon scale mask on her face, so she couldn't slap the crisp and skin-friendly sound at all.

"Why did you hit her?" Anasta couldn't understand the apprentice's abrupt move.

The first half of the first era was a relatively peaceful era, not as tragic and chaotic as the gods' melee in the second half, but it included the evolution of life and continents, and it was a stage of genesis, which existed in these major eras of the first era. The basic composition naturally has the characteristics of being worshiped by future generations.

Those who can become gods will not be inferior, but even those church goddesses, seeing a complete dragon corpse in their demigods, will more or less have thoughts of admiration and worship, even if this kind of thoughts Without any foundation, without the bewitching and preaching of others, it is very abrupt to generate reverence.

Those things in the monastery try to pretend to be dragons, and they have some residual dragon blood power, but when they really come here and see this dragon corpse, the dragon blood will directly bite back and turn them into inferior fanatics.

"Aren't I afraid that she will suddenly cheat the corpse? I'm going to search for the baby later. I just wanted to slap it lightly, but I got nervous and the slap made my hands hurt."

Fenmu felt guilty, but he didn't have any thoughts of admiration or worship.

"You looked at her, didn't you have any other thoughts?" Anasta observed his expression carefully, and she didn't see any changes except that she was jealous. In a sense, it was very powerful.

Fen Mu misunderstood what Master Anna meant, and he emphasized:

"Master Anna, I'm really a principled person, what can I think when I look at this corpse, and I can see the buttocks clearly, it's not good, I really can't go out, I just make do with it , it’s cheaper than the Dragon Priestess.”

Co-authored to face one of the basic components of the first era, you guy is still looking at your ass...

Anastas really doesn't understand the aesthetic difference between the buttocks. She is a person who is proficient in combat. Regarding the body evolved from life, she can use her eyes and intuition to analyze the combat weaknesses brought about by bones and muscles. , but when she looks at her buttocks, she looks like everyone else.

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