"Why is the buttocks of this dragon corpse dead? Isn't it because there are two pieces of meat hidden in the two buttocks?"

"I didn't see it clearly at first, but now I understand it. This Dragon Priestess has a triangular hip, which may be due to the different muscle composition of the race. Her side hip is a bit sunken, and there are dragon scales on it. In today's words To describe it, it is very skinny."

Oh, it means that it is not moist enough.

Anastasia did not continue to talk to him about this wonderful question, but stood quietly watching his performance.

Fen Mu had searched the body surface of the dragon corpse, but he didn't dare to look at it, so he decided to start working according to the pace.

There must be nothing bad on this dragon's body, even if a strand of hair is cut off, it will be stronger than the legendary leather whip of the upper class.

He first fell in love with the dragon scale mask, took out his invincible little broken knife to pry the dragon scales, and actually buckled them off one by one, breathed out as if he had found a treasure, polished it on his clothes and put it in his trouser pocket.

This world is different from the outside world, even from Fenmu's own private dreams. He dare not communicate with his private dreams at will, let alone throw the things here, if it affects the treasure inside, it will be over.

"I don't know if there is a chance for this dragon scale to be ground into powder. Depending on the situation, it should be put into the molten mine in the future. It should have a miraculous effect."

After taking the dragon scales, Fen Mu saw the true face of the Dragon Maiden, her face was rather majestic, her appearance was pretty good, so-so--this evaluation is a bit flat, but it is absolutely objective, and has nothing to do with the bad-looking butt.

"The paws holding grandma's clothes are quite imaginative. Take them back and wear them for Hekaty. She has worn tentacles before. This ancient dragon's claw bra is just a new exercise."

"The steel boots are not bad either. I can't identify what kind of steel it is made of. Anyway, you won't need it anymore. Let me study it."

"I think it's necessary to look up the aesthetics of the first era. It's too weird. Why are they thong panties? Take them away."

Anastasia quietly watched Femmer search, because his physical body was affected by the first era, he would grin his teeth in pain when he moved too much, but he continued to search after the pain passed.

If it wasn't that he didn't dare to use a knife anymore, Anasta estimated that Fenmu had already bald all the silver threads of the dragon corpse, but even if he dared, the dragon corpse is indestructible, even if the ultimate weapon is fully refined , it is difficult to easily use a knife on the dragon corpse.

"Master Anna, is there a gentle way to dig out the dragon's teeth? I don't dare."

"What cannot be dug out is part of the dragon's body, and the dragon is eternal."

Fen Mu was not reconciled, and muttered:

"Then didn't the flowers grow to her eyes? And until now, I have seen this female dragon corpse, which may not be eternal."

Anastasia did not reprimand Ferm for his arrogance, but instead heaved a long sigh and expressed complex emotions:

"Yeah, there is no real eternity. These ancient dragons are the most perfect creatures I have ever seen until now, but they were still defeated by these flowers that don't know how to appear. The corpses are sitting here, and in the end they were killed by you little The bandits were thoroughly robbed."

Fen Mu couldn't answer the words, couldn't respond to Master Anna's exclamation, so he could only continue to toss the dragon corpse.

He called out to the angel of the ark, the one that protected him with his mouth, and said, "Hey, show yourself, light up the angel ring on your head, and give me a light."

The angel of the ark dared not be angry, let alone speak, and acted honestly according to his instructions.

It's too much to protect him, but now you want to use her as a light? !

Fenmu held the angel's halo in one hand, pinched open the small mouth of the dragon corpse with the other hand, and checked her oral health by the light.

"This mouth is quite pink and clean, but the tongue looks a bit rough, and it might be a bit harsh when rubbed against it. The teeth are very white. These four teeth are a bit sharp, and they hurt you. It's alright, you can close the Ark of the Covenant. The lights are on."

Fen Mu put the ring back, and told the angel of the ark not to let go, but the sharp-eyed Fen Mu suddenly noticed something strange.

He lifted the chin of the Dragon Priestess slightly, and keenly noticed that her throat was not empty, and there must be something stuck at the joint from the neck to the chin!

The reason why he was so sure was the details he noticed when he orally discussed the several hundred million business deal with the Queen of the Light Elf.

At that time, the juicy young light elf woman was lying flat on the bed, and Fen Mu, standing in front of her mouth, could just see the change of her neck being stuck by food.

The position of the throat was stiffly propped up, as if it was swollen.

Fen Mu touched the throat of the dragon corpse, it was surprisingly cold there, even frostbitten his fingers after touching it for a long time.

"Could it be that this swallowed my Wuhan ice crystal! But why is the esophagus so stiff that it can't be pushed?"

Fenmu couldn't understand, the skin was soft and full of elasticity, how could the esophagus be so hard, the foreign body in her throat was like a step embedded there.

Anastasia laughed: "It seems that the throat of the dragon corpse needs to be unblocked. Aren't you good at unblocking Taivia and Xia Yina before?"

Chapter 89 I have acted in my whole life, except for being weird or weird

Fenmu would definitely not do this kind of thing.

Leaving aside the bottom line of being a person and doing things, let's talk about the danger first.

My Niu Niu is still letting the spirit of the ark of the covenant help keep it warm. The angel of the ark of the covenant does not dare to loosen its mouth, and has been blocking the erosion of this place's breath.

If Fen Mu is tempted on the edge of danger, and pretends to be a bear and leopard to try Wen, this strong and healthy cow will fall into the cycle of aging and recovery.

"Master Anna, don't make trouble. Even if I am not afraid of danger, my bottom line will not allow me to do such a thing."

Anasta would not believe his nonsense, she stood silently aside, quietly watching his whimsy, to see if he could find a way to remove the Wuhan ice crystal deep in her throat.

His guess was right, the body of the Dragon Priestess didn't even rot and become stiff on the outside, and it was even harder to travel in the body. Besides, if it was going to rot, it would have rotted long ago, so there would be no stiffness.

The fundamental reason lies in the Wuhan ice crystal. When the owner of the corpse is conscious, he can control the physical body to suppress the Wuhan ice crystal, but now that he has lost the suppression, the ice crystal freezes the throat and esophagus stiff.

It is unrealistic to pull it out by brute force.

At this moment, Fenmu has started to build a pair of tweezers, ready to help the dragon corpse "take fishbone".

But he used the ore he collected in the "future" for forging, which didn't work at all, and the ore immediately decayed as soon as it was taken out.

Moreover, the form of decay is rather special. Branches grow out of nowhere on the ore, which "melts" into thick fog, and finally assimilates into a basic part of this space.

"Could it be that I need to get a superb pair of tweezers?" Fen Mu cursed in his heart.

This extreme level is really not Chinese cabbage, let alone having children, it is not something that can be achieved through hard work. The hard work between humans and beasts can break through reproductive isolation and give birth to some strange hybrids, but there is no way to forge up.

"It doesn't work, this can't be done, and it can't be done. There are only a few materials, and we have to use them in the future."

Fenmu changed his mind, and tried to use his golden finger, Kato...Fenmu's finger, which had subdued the Queen of the Dark Elf, to snap out the Wu Han ice crystal.

It's a pity that this attempt failed, the fingers were not long enough, let alone buckled, they couldn't even touch them, instead the middle finger was frostbitten.

"It's over, it's over, there's no way to do it." Fen Mu fell into a situation where there was nothing he could do.

This was really the first time he encountered such a situation. The material he had been looking for for so long was clearly in front of him, but he couldn't get it.

However, this dragon corpse can't be cut open with a small broken knife, otherwise Fen Mu would have slit her throat to get it on the spot.

"Master Anna, why does this dragon have a pearl in its mouth?" Fen Mu's brows could not be stretched, and the frown has not been loosened until now.

"I don't know, but according to my guess, it may be for fun, or it may be to transform the flames, turning my chaotic flames into Wuhan flames. Have you figured out how to solve it?"

"No, can you give me a solution?" Fen Muchao brazenly hugged the plump thigh of the purple-haired woman, tears of hope shone in her pitiful eyes.

It was a young man's desire to survive to preserve Niu Niu's happiness.

Anastha reached out to touch his dog's head, and shook his head to resign him:

"All desires, all emotions, will have a day of boredom. You don't need to be afraid of this, that is what you have to experience. You have gradually adapted to this place now, relying on the body temperature of the demigod-level pure-blooded human race and freshly baked The bodily fluids can completely melt away the frost accumulated in the Wuhan ice crystals."

Fen Mu is still hesitating. He undoubtedly respects and admires Master Anna, but he disagrees with her words.

Can the things that need to be experienced in the future be advanced in advance?

People are mortal, so is it possible to send a baby in swaddling clothes to the grave?

He Fen and someone haven't had enough, a literary master named Ji〇Lin left a warning in his diary - I have no other pursuit in this life, I just hope to have a few more women .

What a shocking sentence this is, expressing the simple pursuit of a person with a very high level of thought.

Niu Niu, you must keep it, and not be polluted by the filthy wind of the first era!

"As long as the frost debris accumulated by the Wuhan ice crystal is melted, it should be able to be taken out. If it can warm and soften her esophagus, it will be even more perfect."

But ordinary flames can't exist in this space, burning with flames...it doesn't seem to work.

Fenmu remembers that there is fire in Eden, right?Back then, the archangel who was guarding the door was still holding a flaming great sword, trying to judge him.

"Ark of the Covenant, feel my thoughts, try to use your power to form a fire-attribute container, made of rubber."

Now the Angel of the Ark is in contact with him at a negative distance, and it is very easy to feel his thoughts.

Fenmu recalled in his mind the contraceptive device that had never appeared in this world, which was malleable and could hold things.

At any rate, it is an extremely high-level weapon spirit. Although I have never seen it before, there is no problem in creating it with my own strength when I clearly understand the concept of that simple small object.

"It's better for this plastic bag to last for a while before disappearing automatically, okay?" Fen Mu asked looking down at the angel of the Ark of the Covenant.

The angelic woman nodded, not daring to disobey someone who was comparable to a demon king.

"You materialize that little bag into your mouth and put it on for me."

Anasta couldn't figure out how to evaluate it. She understood what this brat was thinking. Why did this guy have so many strange ideas?

Not long after, the Angel of the Ark of the Covenant used his strength to move the mysterious pouch in his mouth to his hand.

The small bag exuding the aura of the Holy Flame of Eden was stretched very large, the translucency was pale gold with a little bit of holy flame, and the small bag was filled with heavy divinity. These were originally a buffet for the Ark of the Covenant to replenish and repair itself.

This small bag leaves the shelter of the power of the ark, and will soon be eroded by this space.

Fenmu counted the time when it disappeared, and threw it into the mouth of the Dragon Witch. The power of the Ark just disappeared in her mouth, and the rich divinity born from the pure-blooded human race poured on the Wuhan ice crystal.

"Fortunately, the flame didn't touch the Wuhan ice crystal, otherwise the extreme power might affect the purity of the material." Fen Mu breathed a sigh of relief, and he stroked the neck of the Dragon Witch.

The place that was exuding the chill became warm and cool, and the stiffness gradually disappeared. Fen Mu seized the time, moved up, and then stretched out his hand to hook her mouth, taking out the Wu Han ice crystal that had been stuck there for a long time out.

This icy blue crystal is in the shape of an oval, which looks very nice, but the coldness is truly terrifying. Fenmu's body, which has been baptized by the Styx River, almost freezes to the touch for a while.

But compared to a little bit of frostbite on his hands, Fen Mu's heart is more ecstatic.

"Good guy, you have to ask me to soak you in a milk bath before you come out. You can finally refine the next stage!"

Chapter 90 Master Anna (Married Wife Limited Edition)

The process of collecting materials for the small broken knife to refine is extremely difficult, but the process of refining is easy and simple, almost automatically starting to refine after putting them together.

During this process, the blacksmith only needs to devote a little energy to maintain the speed during the refining process. It can be said that a warlock will do.

This is quite ironic, such an important stage of refining does not really require the craftsman's own level.

At this moment, the cold air emanating from the Wuhan ice crystals condensed frost fragments on the blade of Finmu, and the falling frost flowers fell on the invisible blade, making the blade tangible instead, but it looked like an ice skate .

Fen Mu controlled the "fire" for a while, and then went back to the corpse of the Dragon Priestess and wandered around a few times to see if there were any treasures that he hadn't found.

But this is already the third time he has searched after getting the Wuhan Ice Crystal, and he almost shaved off the hair of the Dragon Witch and kept it as a needle and thread.

Taking advantage of this time, Femmu began to think about other forging techniques, such as creating some forgings belonging to the first era.

Otherwise, he would not be able to take out the ordinary materials for processing, and only the top-level weapon refining materials could not be affected by this.

If you can't find a way to keep your materials from being corroded, you can only use the basic composition of the first era for forging.

Dragon Priestess originally had armor on her body, which means that although thick fog and ancient trees are basic components, they should be able to be transformed into other things.

This process took a lot of energy from Fenmu, but fortunately it did not become an unsolvable problem.

I don't know how long it has passed, Fenmu used the thick fog of the first era to pinch a hairpin, with a purple body, and at the end of the hairpin there is a magic-reformed Stranger's crest, inlaid with a pure Divinity gem.

Fen Mu touched Master Anna and sat down, ready to flirt with Master Anna for a while.At first, they were about one meter away, but when they found that the woman closed her eyes and rested her mind, and didn't stop talking, Fen Mu quietly moved closer, and finally moved, and sat down next to Master Anna.

"Sit farther away." The woman said suddenly, without joy or anger, without opening her eyes.

"Don't be so indifferent, I haven't chatted for a while, so just sit for a while."

Fenmu knew that he couldn't make a decision for Master Anna, and fooling around is the kingly way. Didn't the ancestors sum up the most reasonable sayings - I just go in and don't go in; I just go in and don't move; I just move and don't move. Inside... ahem!

"Master Anna, I studied it for a while and used the thick fog here to pinch a hairpin. This forging method is similar to the advanced forging method behind my forging knowledge."

This high-level forging method sounds mysterious, but it is actually the lazy dog ​​forging method. When encountering those forging jobs that are not difficult, you can directly rub them out with your hands without using a hammer. Now you are helping the lord and senior sister to forge the pile of weapons. This method is used.

Anastha didn't want to pay attention to him at first, and let him prepare to hit the god rank with peace of mind. The refinement of martial arts to the end was also a great feedback to him.

This is really a blink of an eye. Back then, when this little guy was still dragging the coffin around to scare people, knocking on the door to grab food, he would put his precious knife embryo on her chest every night when he went to sleep, and then hugged her. Sleeping with her "corpse".

Unknowingly, that little kid back then was already preparing to hit the god level, and his understanding of the world was messy, but it became deeper and deeper, and the blade, which was just a knife embryo, was now gradually sublimating towards the final stage.

Focusing back to the present, Fenmu's new ability to rub hairpins with one hand surprised Anasta after a long time. It was not because she was surprised by Fenmu's outrageous things, but was genuinely surprised.

"At your stage, it's not forging anymore. The simplest things here are actually the source of all things in the back. It's not so much that you forged the hairpin, it's better to say that you created the hairpin. This is Genesis era!"

The beautiful woman's expression didn't change much, but from that seriousness, Fen Mu could hear the praise for him!

Since Master Anna is in such a good mood, it shouldn't be a problem for her to step on my feet and sit on me with her flawless peach buttocks, right?

In the end, Fen Mu still didn't have the guts to speak, he just covered his head and let out an "Ouch", for fear that the woman wouldn't hear it, he shouted in a full-bodied voice, "I've worked too hard on my research, my brain is numb, I want to Dizzy!", then embraced Master Anna's sexy waist, and rested his head on her thigh.

Anastas knew his tricks, but thinking that she hadn't chatted with him like this for a long time, she just got used to him for the time being.

She stroked Fenmu's hair and said softly, "Actually, your forging technique should be classified as 'creation'."

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