Hecate has been squatting here for more than a year, and the long period of calm made her wonder whether the seminary had given up.

However, those ugly faces that yearned for power made Hecate remember their true colors clearly. Sure enough, these "dragon-formed" guys finally couldn't bear their temper, gathered all their strength here, and prepared to break through the barrier and make a "pilgrimage" .

And the result is obvious, Hecate feels more and more powerful than he imagined, after uniting the garrison left by the Beastmaster Territory and the Ice Emperor Realm, and a certain crazy nun who has been guarding nearby, the story of the seminary begins here. It ended in a rain of blood.

"You guys can really bear it. I'm ready to give up staying behind and leave here first. You just came here. What do you think is a coincidence?" Hecate looked at the survivors beside the dragon corpse pile.

Hecate didn't know the real name of this person, but she remembered that this guy's code name was "Flayer", and it was this guy who took away a bunch of children with the potential to return to their ancestors with dragon blood back then.

Back then, He still looked like a human being, but now he is just a degraded "dragon" - a cunning but stupid snake.

Yes, the "dragonization" of these guys was unsuccessful, and they turned into ugly snake people. The skin of their bodies was like a rough and weathered rock layer, with unevenness and potholes, and their necks became longer than their bodies.

Hecate had never seen a real dragon, so she didn't know what the dragons in the ancient era really looked like, but the dragon's blood could tell her that these "dragon people" were just inferior creatures.

Just like the alienated believers gathered in heretical cults, most of them are trying to get close to the power they seek, but they lack that aptitude and are forcibly distorted into this ugly appearance by uncontrollable power.

"Pfft!" The skinner spat out a mouthful of blood, and said angrily, "It seems that our luck is indeed not very good. We missed the power of the ancient dragon, and the final struggle also failed. It's just a little bad luck?"

"You attribute this to fate?"

The witch condensed the ancient dragon flame, and the heat of the flame instantly evaporated the blood of these losers until there was no color left, as if the blood flowing into a river just now was just an illusion.

Hecate sneered mockingly, and said:

"It's a pity that the Goddess of Fate took Casharia and the others back first, otherwise I would have asked her to tell you what fate is. Your failure is only because of weakness, there is no other reason."

The Skinner was obviously a complete loser. A group of people couldn't even inflict any injuries on Hecatedin, but his tone contained the arrogance and disdain of someone who had glimpsed the truth. Perhaps it was a flashback. He, who was on the verge of death, spoke with strength. .

"Oh, do you really think so? There can only be one ancient dragon in this world. The elder was just one step away from transforming into an ancient dragon, but he couldn't succeed for a long time, and finally withered."

Hearing this, Hecate understood the reason for their sudden "visit". The Supreme Elder of the monastery was gone, so he had to come here to seek the legacy of the first era.

As a result, the main combat power was lost, and the monastery was directly wiped out by the regiment.


Hecate continued to taunt ruthlessly, knowing that her childhood enemy was completely defeated, she didn't feel happy and happy, she just felt bored.

She suddenly felt that the convent was a bunch of idiots, and defeating idiots would not give any sense of accomplishment.

"It is inevitable for an elder to transform into an ancient dragon. No one in this world can stop him. I believe that he has completely transformed into an ancient dragon. He is just lurking somewhere. I can already hear his voice now. !"

After a burst of sharp laughter, Hecate threw a fireball to kill him, using the flames to completely burn the "garbage" and "stinky water" here.

After staying for a while, the two lords, Hetheren and Edsaran, rushed over.Tavia was also late, her nun's robes were stained with blood, and blood was still dripping between her plain white fingers.

"It seems that Taivia not only slashed wildly with an ax, but also tore a lot of dragon people with her hands." Hecate spoke to her, and by the way, she used flames to help her purify the blood on her body.

But of course, Taivia didn't talk to her, and everyone was used to it.

Last year, after Femme went into the mine to find Wu Han Bingjing, Ed Shalan returned to Amber City to release Taivia and others from the Kingdom of God.

Without Fenmu, the person who could stabilize her, Taivia went crazy and slashed and bumped everywhere. It was difficult for Edsaran to shoot her, but he didn't lock her up either.

After a group of people made unremitting efforts and persuaded them almost day and night, Taivia still didn't listen to them, thinking about rushing into the seal to find Fenmu every day.

It can be said that at that time last year, it was not the seminary that brought the greatest pressure to the garrison here, but Taivia, who would beat a large number of garrisons to the ground every time.

In the end, Hecate and others had to stop her.

Then one day, I don't know if Taivia wanted to get away or what, she stopped making noise, but she didn't talk anymore, she just kept waiting outside the seal, like a dog that was forgotten by the owner outside the house.

Now that the minor troubles brought by the monastery are over, Taivia chased and killed the fleeing disciples of the monastery, just glanced at Hekati and the others, then walked to the seal and sat down without paying attention. The focal length's eyes were very dim, staring at the seal motionlessly.

Hecate looked helplessly at Taivia, and finally just sighed:

"After Fen Mu left, I felt that everyone was separated at once."

Edsaran says:

"There's no way around this. Even if Fenmu didn't enter the seal, I'm afraid he won't stay in the Northern Territory for too long. It's useless for Melxi and Casalia to stay here, and they will leave sooner or later. Yes, they just go back to Granville to deal with their own affairs, and wait for Fenmu at the same time, it's all the same."

When Heselon came, she just cleaned up the mess of the seminary. She knew that the threat from the seminary was gone, and Hecate probably should leave:

"Are you ready to leave here too?"

"Yes, there is no movement in the seal. It may be that Fenmu has not come out so soon. I will help him find the rest of the material during this time. I heard that the god who does not know where to recover has built an oracle Temple, I'm going to ask for information. But I'm really worried about Taivia's situation."

Ed Shalan didn't want to interfere with Hekaty's decision, nodded and said: "Taivia's side, I will come and see from time to time. How long will Fenmu stay in there? If he can't find it, he should have come out a long time ago Bar?"

Hekati's expression was not optimistic, she shook her head and whispered: "I don't know, but if we find it, it shouldn't take long to refine it. I heard Casalia said about the refinement of Finmu, which is obviously very fast. ..."

Chapter 94 Let Me Hear Your Voice Again

"Why is it really gone? The body of such a big witch suddenly disappeared?"

Fenmu didn't feel much creepy when encountering suspected fraudulent corpses, probably because he was used to it.But the idea of ​​imminent disaster does exist.

This is really a very sad thing. It is not terrible to cheat the corpse, but the terrible thing is that he did some ulterior things before the corpse came back to life.

Treating the Dragon Priestess to a bag of milk shouldn't be too bad, right?

He tried to release his perception to find the whereabouts of the corpse, but there was no clue, and his mental power was completely suppressed here.

"Aren't you going to seek revenge on me?"

After a short period of confusion, Fen Mu realized that it was time to go down and hug her thigh immediately.

He stepped on the ark of the covenant and flew towards the purple-haired woman on the ground. The ark was still some distance away from the ground, and Fen Mu had already jumped down. Regardless of the pain in his body, he knelt down and shoveled to her side.

"Master Anna, something has happened, the body of the Dragon Witch is gone."


Anastasia will not be affected by this space, but she can't do as she pleases outside. She can't perceive the whereabouts of the Dragon Priestess' body.

Because the corpse is integrated with this space, unless the naked eyes stare at it, the senses extended by the spirit alone cannot capture the changes in the "heart" above.

Her figure disappeared in place, and then appeared in the cage woven by the ancient tree above.

"Sure enough, it's gone, and there are no traces of dragging around. It wasn't taken away by an ancient tree, and the dense fog is impossible. Did the corpse go away by itself?"

Fenmu flew up again with the huge coffin in his arms. He looked at the woman, with a guilty conscience of having done something immoral in his tone:

"Any clues?"

"No." Anasta shook her head, "Could it be that this thing really came back to life? But it shouldn't. After it came back to life, it didn't have any friction with us at all. With the temperament of a dragon and the power of a witch, this There's no way a dead body could be sneaking away from us like that."

Ignorance often leads to foolish arrogance, but based on power, that's called arrogance.

Gu Long is a typical representative of this creature, and they are indeed worthy of this arrogance.

After waking up, sneaking away is not the style of the strong in the ancient era. Even the little dragon man transformed after the ancient dragon is a very proud creature.

Even if you meet the same clansmen who come to spray when you have diarrhea, you are so arrogant that you have to stand taller than others before spraying, it is best to stand on top of other people's heads.

"That means, something secretly touched the body of the Dragon Priestess?"

"Maybe, but don't worry about it. The most threatening people are never those enemies who hide and have no confidence in their own strength."

After all, the woman returned to the original place and sat in meditation.

In Fenmu's mind, the most threatening enemies are mostly those enemies who stab in the back.However, Master Anna stood at different heights, so I can understand the original intention of her words. After all, at a certain stage, they basically stabbed each other purely by standing up.

He couldn't quite understand Master Anna's calmness, but his thighs were so calm, why was he worried?

It's a pity that the body of Long Ji, who is full of treasures, is gone.

He returned to the ground, picked up the small broken knife and sat next to the woman, the refining of the knife was about to end.

"Master Anna, can I go out now, I... am worried about them, especially that idiot Taivia."

"Can you go out, don't you already know?" Anasta asked back, she knew that Fen Mu had left a little chance.

Fenmu was silent.

Before he found out that the Dragon Witch was missing, he had already looked out from the entrance. The more he left the space of the first era, the faster his body collapsed.

Before entering here, although his arm also encountered the wind blowing inside, it did not affect his activities outside at all, and he could even run back to get a coffin.

Master Anna said that as long as he was promoted to the god rank, he would be able to leave here, but now the little broken sword has been refined on the Wuhan ice crystal to the end, and the strength that can be fed back to him is not enough to break through to the god rank.

Does he really have to stay here until the sea dries up and rocks turn to dust?

"Then is there any way to get my spirit out of here for a while and wander around outside. I want to see if Taivia is waiting foolishly outside. At least I have to tell her to go back to the parish to recuperate first."

Anasta thought for a while and said: "This is fine, but you can only spread your own spirit further, and you can't let the avatar act on your behalf like 'me', and there are very few things that can be interfered with by the spirit and body. It's not that I intend to restrict you, but your soul strength can only do so."

Fen Mu understood what she meant, probably only as an unperceivable and incorporeal ghost.

Even this is enough, Fenmu feels relieved to see them again, just confirm their comfort.

"it is good."

"But if you want to learn this, you almost have to start [searching for yourself]."

Without too much explanation, Anasta took out a dark purple knowledge light cluster, which contained a more detailed understanding, which was more efficient than wasting words.

Fen Mu took over the light group of knowledge, even though he still didn't know what the so-called "searching for the self" was, but he felt that it was related to breaking through the god level.

He crushed the ball of light, and the scattered light mist turned into thousands of strands, which merged into his spirit.

Fenmu hurriedly displayed the soul-body skill in it, and strangely turned his spirit into a clone, separating from the main body.

The main body's eyes became dull and lifeless, and could not even reflect his spiritual body, but Master Anna's eyes could reflect his figure.

"Hurry up, your time is running out."


In Fenmu's current state, his self-feeling is similar to that of releasing perception, but the difference is that spiritual perception cannot be released in this space at all, and releasing perception will not make his body become an empty shell and stay in place.

In this special state, the world of the first era became more and more sinister, and every root of an ancient tree had a strange allure that could decompose his soul.

Like tentacles that confuse the spirit and degenerate.

He avoided the tree roots, rushed to the exit as fast as he could, and hesitated for a moment before the seal.

"Sure enough, my spirit seems to be imprinted with the imprint of the first era, and I can feel the pain after I come out."

Fenmu gritted his teeth and rushed out of the seal. The long-awaited outside sunlight made his soul and body ache, so Fenmu had to hide under the shade of a tree to avoid the dazzling light.

When the spiritual body gradually adapted to the long-lost outside world, Fenmu looked around and found Taivia sitting opposite the seal barrier, staring at the seal without blinking.

Hair that was originally smooth may look frizzy if it hasn't been taken care of for a long time.

"Taviya!" Fenmu called out from under the shade beside her.

But the nun couldn't hear it at all, and continued to stare at the barrier seal like a statue, forgetting about time and waiting.

Chapter 95

"Taivia, it's time to go, I don't feel comfortable sleeping here, why don't you go back and rest?" Fen Mu said to her.

But Taivia didn't respond, this was the first time she ignored her calling, but Fenmu knew it was his problem.

Originally, I just wanted to come out and take a look around to see if there would be anyone around who was stupid enough to squat here, but I saw Taivia as soon as I came out, which was really expected.

It was originally planned to go out after refining the weapon, but now he feels that he is a radiation pit with a very different style of painting, and going out rashly is harmful.

I have to temporarily add the Breakthrough God Rank to the plan, if possible, really let Taivia not wait.

Fenmu began to try various methods, such as shaking trees and throwing stones. He has tried all kinds of methods. In his current state, he really can't cause any interference and influence on the outside world.

The sun was scorching hot, and there was no way to leave the shade of the trees, otherwise, before he went to visit the girls in the Ice Emperor, his mental body would have been exhausted, and he would have been sent back to the space of the first era.

But in the current situation, seeing people is more worrying than not seeing them, so I have to find a way to get Taivia to leave here.

The weather is beautiful, maybe the sky is about to torrential rain, a dark cloud quietly covers the sky, and the original sunny sky will soon become cloudy.

There are still guards stationed nearby, lest people without eyes come over and break the seal in a daze.

Fen Mu heard chatter coming from over there.

"What's going on this day, this is the first time I've seen such a cloudy day? Could it be raining?"

"Aren't you awake? Don't think that if you have been to Granville before and seen rain, you can show off your knowledge. This is the Territory of the North! Let it rain with a hammer."

"Just kidding, but it's really the first time I've seen such a sky in the Beastmaster's Territory. I don't know how long it will take to change shifts. I've been staying here for several years."

"Yes, but it's also quiet here. A few years ago, that smuggler called the monastery ran over and tried to break through the seal. In the end, that gray-haired sorceress burned it all by himself. It was too violent."

This should be Hecate, right?

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